amazing that you noticed the love put into the intro, thanks a lot!
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Very very nice gameplay, coming from StarCraft2 i felt home, trading workers for military felt really awesome (and horrifying) and the game made me focus when i realized power requires constant fire supply. Arts are incredible, ending is cinema. Would love to see a post-jam version with keybind shortcuts and speed settings (like in sc2). Also procedural map generation was always so incredible to me, crazy you made it work so well in 10 days!
i tried hard but im just not patient enough to beat this game, wish i had more than 1 mistake allowed (that being 1 hit only). Solid gameplay, wish it wasnt so spacy and slow (im ultrakill pilled), go easier with the psx shader next time, at least with the texture warp, definitely the worst part of that shader and it HAS to go from psx lovers (im one). Could probably make more use out of the wall run mechanic, it felt pretty fun! Overall solid, some fine tuning is needed though. Good luck!
wow this was an amazing experience! Definitely a fan of the weird aesthetic. Kind of reminded me of "nobody lives under the lighthouse" for the vibes. I remember finding the weird (dev?) room before you uploaded the final build, a dark room with a valve and a big white circle on the ceiling that followed me. Now it makes much more sense, lol! Great game, white pixelated guy is my favorite horror protagonist of the jam!
mind blowing story, just wow. I love the text typing animation, not even sure how long that took. Gameplay was satisfying, not too long to get boring, not too short to desire much more. The chase at the end was pretty fun. One little thing is the red enemy bots kinda weirded me out with how they sound, trigger some random phobia of mine for sure. Amazing experience.
i tried my best to beat the second boss, tried different upgrades, even 200 power/s builds, i just cant. Very stressful gameplay! Hopping from my mouse to keyboard then back to mouse felt really fun! This is friday night funkin' for office workers. I love the art style and the music fits great. 200 power consumption / 10
I actually fired samuel before the "big moment", crazy how immoral i am. Very VERY great game, kinda crazy its made withing 10 days, just wow. Insane plot development, i love every character, i love the style, i love the story, i love the mechanics, i love carl OMG this is the best game i've tried.
P.S. his son is named funny
I really wanted to see what happens at the wave 30, but i just can't handle the amount of enemies and their health at waves 10+. Still pretty sure i have the highest wave reached here, hehe. I really dig the pixel art, RISK/reward felt great, although theres much more risk than reward. Our games are very similar, you are right! It's like a ROR1 to ROR2 relationship, lol. Great game!
awesome game, very cool mechanics, felt like robot palpatine. I speedran story mode for fun. (frame rate drops at points but that doesnt stop my absolute skill).
Very nice shader, i used similar (or the same one) in my game! I love the explosion vfx, i think we watched the same tutorial ;) I'm a sucker for stylized graphics and simple models: and you got both! (the similarites between our games are insane)