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A member registered Oct 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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Pretty fun! It's a game, there wasn't a whole lot unique about it, but i enjoyed the story and cutscenes, the art was fine, i think the ground being a flat pink could've been improved, and the music could've been better, but otherwise, I still enjoyed playing through it. Good game!

Oh. my. gosh. This is my new favorite game of the jam. When the theme was revealed, I had thought about learning from your mistakes, and this game takes that idea, and does it FREAKING GREAT! I love the art, it's foreign, but not in a way that makes me feel uncomfortable. The entire feel of this game is alien, there are things that you understand, but having no idea what the ingredients are, it's all so great. The gameplay is great, there's moments of "OH That's what that ingredient is." and "Oh hecc what's the name of this one" and it all feels so amazing. I can't quite put into words what makes it so great, what makes it so interesting to learn everything and to actually play the game, but it does, it feels amazing. The music and sound effects are also amazing, they just add to the absolute atmosphere of the game that gives it such a unique feeling! 

The few things I'd recommend is that the opening sequence was a little clearer, but i understood it after a moment, so it's basically a microscopic problem. The other thing is just something that would make it better, would be a hard mode, where the dude doesn't show up as often and the names are never revealed.

Overall, this is probably my favorite game. It drives the nail of the theme and it's own atmosphere in one blow, it's gameplay is unique and manages to hit the flow between stressful and calm, the art feels alien, the music adds so much to the atmosphere, and just amazing all around. Freakin' Amazing Game!!!

The art and music are amazing, but i wish the gameplay would've been handled better. The clone AI is annoying to deal with, and the fact that you restart to the first room every time gets frustrating. A pass command system might've been cool, where you choose which clone you'd control and then you could sacrifice them and not just be reset, and just generally expanding on the idea. I still played through the whole thing, and I did still enjoy it. Good game.

The art and music are amazing, but i wish the gameplay would've been handled better. The clone AI is annoying to deal with, and the fact that you restart to the first room every time gets frustrating. A pass command system might've been cool, where you choose which clone you'd control and then you could sacrifice them and not just be reset, and just generally expanding on the idea. I still played through the whole thing, and I did still enjoy it. Good game.

It was an interesting game, but overall felt a little stiff, there was a bit of comedy, but there wasn't any interesting gameplay hooks, any unique sounds/music, and the art animations could've been better. Overall it wasn't a bad experience, pretty dark even, but It needed something to hold it together.

cool game

(2 edits)

Tower brick is one of my favorite gameplay-wise, but that's probably because i love ultimate chicken horse

And if i could give a recommendation

The failed player is short but smooth

This was a pretty fun game! The art direction i felt could've gone a little better, and the SFX wasn't the best, but the gameplay was really cool. The addition of the combo meter is awesome, it provides a new level of strategy and a risk-reward decision. Great game! 

Really nice game! The music was fantastic, probably one of my favorite parts. The idea for the game where die = platform is one of the most commonly used in this jam, and no one could've forseen that it would've been, but some extra unique gimmick would've been a great addition, also, left click to throw is a really weird keybind, why not just have it be E again? The art was fine, the holding sprite looked weird, but it didn't hurt my experience. Overall, I still enjoyed it and played all the way through, but some interesting gameplay hook and some more polished sprites would've greatly benefited the game. It's a Good Game.

The art is great, the premise is great, the music is great, but the game is just so slow and boring. The amount of health the enemies have is pretty intense regarding how little the heroes attack, and even when i did know about how I would defeat the final boss, it still took around 10 minutes just because the magic regenerated so slowly and the heroes did little to nothing. I would've really liked to see this concept be expanded on, but in it's current form, the only bad thing about the game is the gameplay itself. A few ways to fix this would be to decrease defense values and increase attack values while also making the heroes more likely to attack, and/or, make the action sequences play out a little faster, make the little animations go quicker and the text advance faster. Otherwise, the final boss did make me laugh, but it just wasn't that fun. Good game.

Really sorry about that. All the panning is done super manually through the code and it's fairly buggy, especially on the last level. Thanks for the feedback, especially with the music, it's one of the first tracks I'm actually happy with. Thanks for playing! :D

Yeah, it totally wasn't annoying just for you, the most requested piece of feedback... But thank you for playing! :D

Woah, a robosapien is a real thing? I didn't know that! Also, just a little heads up for the future, if you leave good feedback on someone's rating page, itch will automatically show your game beneath the comment, so if you leave good feedback, people will be more inclined to try your game, rather than linking it in your own comment, I'll still check it out. Thanks for playing! :D

Yeah, really sorry about that, the last level is kinda buggy if you die in the upper area, but either way, thanks for playing! :D

I'm really sorry for the bugs, there's a lot that was left unpolished. Thanks for playing! ':D

Whoever built this house should be fired, that or, billy's just really messy. This game is a fairly fun platformer, it's short and sweet, and pretty charming. The art and music could be a little bit better, but I had no problems with the gameplay. Good game!

It's really nice, but it really feels like it was just getting started when it ended. The visuals were handled well, but still just kinda squares with bloom. The music and sfx are nice, but the theme implementation could've been a little bit stronger, you could just replace the black square with a color changer, and it would be nearly the exact same. Even though there's all this criticism, that's not to say it was bad, and i enjoyed the few levels that there are. Great Game!

It's really nice, but it really feels like it was just getting started when it ended. The visuals were handled well, but still just kinda squares with bloom. The music and sfx are nice, but the theme implementation could've been a little bit stronger, you could just replace the black square with a color changer, and it would be nearly the exact same. Even though there's all this criticism, that's not to say it was bad, and i enjoyed the few levels that there are. Great Game!

It was a really really good game! My only real complaint was that player felt a little stiff, adding in some left/right animations, and a little bit faster and slightly floatier movement would've made the character feel great. If this gets continued, it'd be really cool if the games difficulty was purposely jacked so that you'd get overwhelmed and have to use your mega blast to clear off the screen. The music was also really good, and the game certainly didn't outstay it's welcome. Amazing game!

The game has a unique concept, nice music and art, but the gameplay didn't really click for me. The game didn't really ramp up in difficulty so I'd never get hit unless i wanted to become stronger. Either way, it's a good game!

Honestly, I generally give detailed feedback, but, this doesn't really feel like anything needs to change beyond more content! It was a really fun little sandbox game, and I enjoyed it thoroughly with my only complaint being that it didn't run all that well on my sorta low-end laptop. Amazing Game!

I really like the idea of these kind of "Elevator" Games, where failing sends you down, and winning sends you up, i just wish it was explored more in here, and i think the VCR effect was kinda unneeded if the game is already taking place on a notebook. Good game!

Well, it has great potential, I really like how the story upholds the gameplay and the them fit of the game, but the gameplay felt difficult, the car was crazy fast, but the land was absolutely riddled with those darn barrels, so some tweaking to the gameplay and the music, and you'd have a pretty fun game. But for now, it's still a good game

It's a really interesting concept, and i loved the character designs and animations, but it all felt really bogged down because of the controls, it felt awful to move the hay around, especially sideways. Either way, the art and concept are really good. Good game

It's a really interesting concept, and i loved the character designs and animations, but it all felt really bogged down because of the controls, it felt awful to move the hay around, especially sideways. Either way, the art and concept are really good. Good game

I'd love to share some tips with you! Thanks for playing! :D

This game is stupid and i love it. The art has that dumb face on everything, Daisy's walk animation was stupid, and everything about this game was reeking with goof and charm. This is probably one of my favorite games in general throughout the entire jam, and while the idea corpse = platform is very popular, the addition of it blocking shots and the potion saved it a bit. But the music, art, humor, and charm carry this game hard, I was laughing so hard when the first dude was crushed by a rock and then the windows theme played as the hat slowly appeared, only for me to go and stomp on the cake (And i restarted the game just to see if I could avoid it) And that's just the tip of the humor iceberg. The artstyle greatly contributes to the overall charm of the game, and the music, characters, and sound effects all were outstanding as well. Absolutely Amazing Game! (P.S. The stupid rant at the start was me just saying how hilarious and goofy the game was, not a form of insulting of any kind)

This, is very unique. The first playthrough, I had no idea what i was doing and just kind of donked around. On the second, i started to read the things, and it's a super interesting experience. Whilst I wouldn't entirely call it a true "Game" It's still really really cool. I want to know a bit more about the world and the lore of the game, the writing really intrigued me, the music was nice, and it all amassed into something that was really cool. The only things I'd recommend, the game currently feels a little slow, but that might just be me, and a bit more atmospheric effects, like smoother lighting some particle effects and whatnot, but otherwise, Great Game!

Honestly, the game you have going doesn't feel like it needs to be hard, either a few more or a bit longer levels would fit a lot better than harder levels. Still, a pretty great game

Yeah, I had to do a ton of "Salvaging" about half way through development because the game really wasn't sizing up to my expectations, so the last level was missing some very needed playtesting and the entire game's curve really needed polishing. Thanks for playing :D

It was short, and humorous, it never got frustrating, it never got incredibly fun either, it was all around just good. Good game.

It's interesting. The puzzles felt a little lack luster, they weren't too hard and without the addition of a proper reset button, they could get a little tedious. But, the art was fantastic, and the music/sfx were great. There's not a whole lot more to say, it's an interesting concept but the sort of meh puzzle design brought it down a bit. Good game.

It's interesting. The puzzles felt a little lack luster, they weren't too hard and without the addition of a proper reset button, they could get a little tedious. But, the art was fantastic, and the music/sfx were great. There's not a whole lot more to say, it's an interesting concept but the sort of meh puzzle design brought it down a bit. Good game.

Alright, calling it right now, you're a robot. There is no physical way, a human, can make such a MASSIVE game in 72 hours. It was fun, but really long.

Wow, this defied my expectations! I didn't expect it to be bad or anything, but i did expect it to be boring with the super over-saturated mechanic of die=platform, but, you managed to introduce new mechanics surrounding the main one, and a smooth death count that still makes failure failure, and it was all around pretty fun. The game felt a little big, but the slew of new mechanics throughout the playthrough helped. The difficulty is iffy, the game can feel really hard or tedious at times, and there was one level in chapter 0 that I'm pretty sure is impossible, it was the first lava one. The art was fine, it didn't look awful, but it wasn't that great either. The music, surprisingly for such a short loop, didn't get annoying, it was pretty good for a while, but the main theme was pretty short so it looped a lot which took away from it's quality, but very incrementally. Overall, it was a surprisingly fun game with my only complaints being some reduce tediousness and difficulty in levels, and some more polished art and character movement. Amazing game! 

hmmm, I don't know, that response didn't sound robotic enough...

Thanks! I really wish I had made the tutorial shorter, definitely. Thanks for playing! :D

Hah, this was really fun! The entire idea is very unique, and implemented pretty well, sort of like an anti-tower-defense. The models were really good and their little bouncy animations were cute. The Sfx were nice. There were some overlapping issues with the background which caused it to flash a bit, and some of the torches went wild. The difficulty spike was intense for sure, and there were a few bugs in the last level which were really annoying, but i still beat it, and the boss level was pretty great, and just the humor overall was pretty great. Amazing game!