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A member registered Dec 11, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks, I've had a few reports of this. Will take a closer look.

Is there no sound or is it just not working for me?

Hey, the problem should be fixed now!

(3 edits)

Thanks for the reply. The error is

"Access to fetch at 'https://realmcraft-400614.nw.r.appspot.com/' from origin 'https://html-classic.itch.zone' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled."

Bit weird because thats in the allow list...

EDIT: Turns out the problem was actually that billing had failed for all my cloud services, and this was showing up as a CORS issue. So it wasn't a CORS problem after all! 🫠 Thanks anyway 🫶

(1 edit)

Hi, I am once again facing CORS errors for my game RealmCraft.

A few months ago I was facing errors and updated the allowed URLs to

origin: [

Have the URLs changed again? I'm not that good with this type of thing.

Thanks, Louise

Thanks for letting me know, I'll investigate it tonight. I'm getting the same error.

Hi, did you download the file rather than trying to play it on itch.io? I don't think it will run locally because it communicates with a server to fetch the GPT results.

I updated it a while ago to use a lower cost GPT, so feel free to use it as much as you want! I should remove that line about the cost from the description.

Thanks for playing! The game is designed to be like watering a real plant, so if you water it too much it will die. In normal mode, you should try to keep the marker in the blue zone.

Loved this game, very unique and cute. Also reminded me why having housemates sucks.

I don't think I can get past the tutorial because I don't have MMB (I use a trackpad or an apple magic mouse)

Amazing work for 3 days! Great visuals and vibe. However I couldn't figure out how to make the drinks right. I could have done with some labels on the ingredients because I couldn't really see what they were.

Glad you enjoyed it! More than one plant could be interesting 🤔

Good job getting to day 20! Yeah nothing happens after you get the flower. The water button actually dispenses more water depending on how long you hold the button down for, but this isn't that clear. Its supposed to add an element of skill.

Thanks for the kind comments. I agree about the music, maybe once the jam is over I'll try pitching the music up a bit.

Thanks! Yeah I was inspired to make this game due to not being great with plants lmao

Thanks so much!

This is super cute and I loved the crochet graphics, especially that you made them irl!

Nice game and well written. The first ending I got surprised me in a good way due to having to make a choice immediately.

Hi, sorry if this is blasphemous, but the jam name is extremely long and kinda gets in the way of the play area. Is there any way to make it appear shorter?

I've just entered a jam and the "Submission to..." label appears on my game page: https://lmclennan.itch.io/realmcraft

The jam name is so long that it impedes gameplay by getting in the way. Could the jam names be truncated when they appear in the labels? I.e. "Submission to GAME-A-WEEK...".

It would make the area look more organised and still let people know about the jam. Let me know if this is already possible!

Pretty fun, but I found it a bit frustrating because I kept getting close to the green water and dying. IMO the hit area for the green water should be further back so you can get really close to it.

Two standouts for me are Appollo: The AstroDiver and Treasure Deep!

Very cool and fun. I admit I didn't understand or realise there was an overheating mechanic until I died, so improving the communication of this is my only suggestion for improvement.

Please check out my game! Thank you 💛 https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-10/rate/2233052

Please check out my game, thank you! https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-10/rate/2233052

Really good game. I especially liked the audio, it helped me to learn by doing.

Like the others I struggled to figure out what to do, but the art has a great vibe.

Cute little puzzle game, but I have a few suggestions.

The way the levels were set out encouraged me to find easier ways solve it by going to the edge of the grid rather than going through the middle and dealing with the obstacles, which make the solve less satisfying.

I also found it a bit tedious to have to click and drag the ship around, this could be helped by adding more visual feedback when you tap the ship -  or maybe let the player tap the ship, then show all the squares the ship can move to, and they can tap again to choose the move location.

In terms of progression, I think it could be a lot more granular, eg adding one shell and getting the player to deal with it.

Nice job, I love puzzle games and would like to see more of them!

This is kinda fun but its very hard to see where your character is in relation to the plaforms so I kept crashing into them. could do with seeing the shadow of the player character on the platforms. I also didn't understand what the rings are for.

I think this has potential but the game design didnt' gel for me. I didn't really understand why I was sending the sub into the water, and I was able to click the "look for investors" button loads of times with no penalty. I liked the 2 stage approach where you prepare the sub before going down, but the choices didnt' seem meaningful.

Too soon? This game didn't make much sense and really needs more polish to be playable. It definitely fits with the theme though!

This was pretty fun but a few changes could really improve it. The enemies looking the same as the player is confusing, and I didn't realise they were enemies until I died. Its also difficult to know what will cause you to die, seemingly touching the bottom of the screen means you die but this isn't obvious at all. Aside from this, the movement is good and its a pretty fun game.

Pretty difficult and I didn't understand the timer. The camera also didn't seem to follow my fish down all the time. You could try making the first sections easier so people can give your game the best chance.

The very short view distance makes it really brutal, but the controls felt good, and I enjoyed controlling a shoal of fish.

Really needs more audio!

I couldn't figure out how to upgrade the shield and use it despite collecting a lot of debris.

This is a really fun game and the graphics were so cute, and the music is super funky! My feedback would be that its very hard to keep track of the character's HP in the space view, it would have been nice to get a read out of the characters status at all times. It also wasn't clear what the different things you can craft do - for example I never figured out whether or not you need to build more rockets, or if you were building a power up. Anyway I gave you a follow for this great game!!!

Its quite frustrating that when you get hit you freeze for ages, doesn't feel good. Nice job on making the level and the characters are fun.

This is a good looking game, but I found the gameplay a bit lacking. It takes too long for anything to happen, so you start getting bored. The spooky noises aren't really enough to make it scary. But this seems like a base to make a cool game, if more things happened and it was easier to understand what to do.