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A member registered Aug 18, 2021 · View creator page →

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you got this!

Thank you! And thanks for the feedback. Yeah that quick reset button would be a good addition. And yeah the object collisions definitely need some fixing. 

As for the prices, hearing the feedback from you and others, I’m thinking you’re right about the prices. My thought going into it was that having the prices visible would make it too easy. I think I’ll try changing that after the jam review period is over

It's missing a file, so I can't run it

Pretty simple, but good looking game. I think it would have been more interesting and engaging if the card wasn't a one time power up, but instead maybe you can use the card in mid air to get a double jump. Or something like that

That was pretty fun! Took me a minute to figure out the cards, and it got pretty challenging at the end having to balance fighting all of the elements. Nice job!

oof that’s rough


Thanks for playing, and for the feedback! Yeah I ended up making it a “guesstimating” game since if I put the prices on there it would have been too trivial, but if I put nothing then it would be just a trial & error memory game. The best I could come up with in the time frame was using the dollar signs to give an estimate of how much each item cost

I loved the part where it was someone's birthday, and I sniped with a birthday card from across the room! XD Very fun little game

Swiping a card has never more difficult or stressful! Very fun and creative!

I really appreciate the feedback! I always want to keep learning what works and what doesn't in terms of conveying the rules of the game while respecting the intelligence of the player.

Very fun! I started getting pretty good at controlling the character bouncing around avoiding stuff. I can see that getting pretty addictive. Maybe would've liked a larger screen size cuz those obstacles really come out of nowhere sometimes.

You can't make me pay my bills!!! lol

Thank you! For the sake of feedback, when you say "puzzling" do you mean the puzzles were challenging or that you didn't understand what you were supposed to do?

Good simple gameplay, but it was also pretty trivial. Especially since when fighting the worm you can just float above it and throw cards down on its head.

Pretty exciting game! It get pretty dicey real fast, but I get a little rush when a card drops that helps clear out some bots. Great job!

It's like a clicker hero/survivor/bullet hell. Pretty simple short fun. My only issue with the gameplay was that the cards would appear under my mouse as I'm clicking and I would end up selecting something random. Didn't really matter all too much though since from what I could tell most of what changed was the look of the spells. But well done overall!

Aww dang, sorry you didn't make it. Could you tell me what you were going for here? Just looking at it I imagine a kind of turn/precision based card dueling game?

(1 edit)

Wow I'm impressed! Great job! I couldn't figure out why all of the chests were empty though

edit: I just read your earlier comments. Understandable lol

Turn one: Pawn takes King. We’re gaming now boys

I don’t understand

This game really makes you FEEL like a shark


I’ve been making games on Godot since about three weeks ago

A tale as old as time. Exporting issues


Simple and silly fun

I liked the part where I drew a picture for da homies

Truly inspired XD

Was it the vertical segment?

Just started learning Godot, so decided to give it a shot for this jam!

Thanks! I completely forgot that I never published this game, so it's been there on private this whole tim

haha YES speedrun! That’s a pretty impressive time

This is great! Love the look, the controls feel good (I'm especially happy that you have the option for controller), the audio is great, and it's just a nice fun simple concept. It's gotta be played on hard mode though. On easy mode I just didn't feel any rush, like I could just take my sweet time collecting everything. Very well done!

I love the art, animations, overall vibe, and the game mechanics are pretty interesting. It definitely created that sense of urgency with the weird wall chasing you, having to always be aware of where your mouse is, and having to type the letters as they come up, all while navigating through some pretty challenging platforming. I like what you're going for here, and man oh man was it HARD.

That being said, there were some things that I feel did a disservice to an otherwise great idea. Some levels had some really cheap traps, the kind that you would never have a clue were traps until you run into it. That sort of thing is never fun, it just invokes a response of like, "seriously?" and this happened quite a few times. The ropes were also a bit finicky, and with how you have to use your mouse to use the ropes and with how fast they throw you, it's really easy to get thrown past your mouse and now you're looking backwards. Also I'm not sure if the sticking to walls was intentional or not, but it was more often frustrating than useful.

All in all, good game! 

This was honestly frustrating. Every time I cleared a level it felt more like I got lucky that the stars/clouds just happened to be there. I like the concept, but just the randomness of the stars appearing and disappearing was not very fun.

I don't know why but I just can't get the game to load

Great game! The interaction with grabbing the little guys and putting them on the rope was a little finicky, but also added to the panic. Really creative and charming

I love this! Reminds me of those old games like centipede or barrack. Not really sure where the "Decay" part comes in unless you're meaning for the health bar to meet that.