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A member registered Nov 30, 2023 · View creator page →

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Amazing art, I could not attack tho, maybe I missed something.

Great stuff!

Good first Godot game, lovely art. Some sound would help a lot!

Keep it up!

Really cool idea, loved the art and music. Great job guys!!

Fun game, great SFX and art, had fun!

Nice art, I loved the ice cream making part!!

Keep it up!

Beautiful game, never heard of this game engine.

The animations are stunning, and I liked the story as well. Good, good stuff!

Omg the throwing mechanic :))). Great first Godot game, hope you enjoyed trying the engine, it may seem a little overwhelming at first, but it will be a lot better.

Cool stuff!

Fun little game, great start!

Cute short game, I would have loved some feedback to fishing. Otherwise, loved the ending!

Love the art, feels like Octopath :D.

Everytime a danger comes, it feels like my PC is gonna explode :))).

Nice little game, although a little simple.

Amazing art!! Wooow! Gripping story and lovely atmosphere. The game is just slightly buggy, but the experience make up for everything.

Amazing stuff guys!!!

The art looks great, really nice idea, a little far from the theme I expected.

I would have loved if the bugs rotated while flying, it broke the immersion, but the assets and world building is great.

Keep it up!

Cool vibes! Felt the chills :).

I don't usually play horror games, but I had fun. Got soft locked at the end of the second day, when I needed to turn on the lights. I enjoyed it nonetheless!!

Thanks for playing (meditating with us :D).

Thanks for the feedback!!

We've noticed that it really depends on how people use the scroll wheel, if they use the index finger for scrolling than it's comfortable, if not than they prefer left click for grabbing :D.

We should have added a configuration option for that, also great idea about the notification noise, you can get lost in placing.

Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for playing and the feedback!

Wish we'd have more time for balancing :D. In retrospective, the difficulty options should have been placed there, we just didn't have time to make it pretty :(.

Glad you enjoyed it, we had a lot of fun too!!

Thanks for playing and the feedback :)

Thanks for the kind words ❤️!! We're glad you had fun!

Also, nice profile picture :)

Wish I'd taken a screenshot :(.

But I will try to reproduce it, and hopefully I can show you the exact spot.

Glad you had fun! The bigger the score, the crazier the tree :D

Thanks for playing, glad you had fun!!

Really nice looking game, the gameplay needs polishing.

Also the game is not really related to the theme from what I could tell.

Anyways, good job guys, I loved the intro cutscene!

Thanks for playing it, we're glad you had fun!!

We've also noticed that if you try hard on scores you get the ugliest trees :))

Thanks for taking a look! I'm sorry we could not provide some rebinding options.

Also you're game is absolutely amazing!!

Wow, this is actually amazing, the story, the visuals, sounds and gameplay, wonderfully crafted.

It looks like a kid's book, I would give it to them to play it, so much imagination.

Amazing work guys!!

P.S: I could not go on the green island, the game crashed, I'm attaching a screenshot.

Really cool idea and awesome art, but I feel like the storm just makes the game less fun, it should help the gameplay.

This is just an opinion. Great stuff otherwise!!

Nice touch!! I just missed it

Good start, keep it up!

Great short story, visual storytelling is excellent and also really funny!! Everything a game jam jammed game should ever be.

Amazing work, keep it up!

Looks great, plays great!

The storm element does not have enough influence on the gameplay in my opinion, but the I really liked playing with it. Great job guys!

Hell yeah, lovely vibes and very polished game.

It's extremely fun, and the graphics, UI, animations and especially the music go really well together.

Beautiful art style, very cozy and fun.

The storm section could include some other challenges not only getting to the port,  at least that's what I did, I always went at 1 PM to the port and started the next day.

Keep it up!

Great UI, animations and really fun gameplay!!

It's really polished, and the Minecraft villager hit sound is a perfect choice. I just think it does not fit the theme quite well, but great fun. Keep it up!

Thanks a lot, glad you enjoyed it!! (also mouse goes brrrrr)

Thanks for the feedback!

From the random sample of testing we did with friends 1/4 said the same thing, we wanted to add an option to switch the branch pickup key, but ran out of time :D. It seems some people find this combo uncomfortable.

Thanks for the kind words.

The reoccurring wizard sprite!! (We used it as well lol)

The background image is glitched, but the game is fun.

Had fun!

Wow what an atmosphere, amazingly fun and good to look at!!

No intro, no start menu, just straight into action. The art looks great, great shader effects and the music could not be even more perfect.

I didn't find much content, but very unique and fun experience. Would love to see this explored further!!

Great stuff!

Wow, thanks a lot!!! ❤️

Hope you had fun!

Thanks for playing and feedback!!

Amazing art style and animations, absolutely polished stuff, it really fits!

The gameplay is a little weird, not knowing how much hp the enemies have, or having any feedback hitting them feels off, background music is missing.

Great stuff guys, keep it up!