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Lost Relic Games

A member registered Mar 14, 2015 · View creator page →

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Hey thanks so much!

Hey guys, fantastic game. I'd love to let you choose a prize for making the Lost Relic Selection!
How can I get in touch? 

If you are either a Category Winner, or a primary feature in the Judges Selection, the Jam Mods will be in touch. Please keep an eye out for those contact attempts. If we can't get in contact within 3 days, or should you decline, prizes will be passed on to the prize pool below. 

As soon as the above primary winners have been awarded their prizes,  we will start notifying winners of the random prize pool. A random selection algorithm will be used to determine winners. 

Congratulations to all jammers!

Prize Pool:
Discord Invite

- Lost Relic Jam Team

For your viewing pleasure:

(2 edits)

Public Voting Results are now enabled and viewable.  A spread of high quality games! But take your rank with a grain of salt in these public vote situations. Some great games ranked not great. It's a vote algorithm problem (that I'm told itch is in the process of improving).

join #game-jam-general chat room on our discord for discussions.
Discord invite:

In a few hours I will be releasing a video, showcasing the top picks of the judging team.

(2 edits)

Please watch the following video for an important update regarding the Jam.

I'm working with the team to resolve this situation, I'll keep you guys updated. In the end I'm confident the right games will get the exposure they deserve.
Edit: We are cleaning up the BS votes, and working on an algorithm to better normalize the broken ranking order. Making progress.

Outrageous!! Love it


Fantastic art direction, great little puzzler.

Beebadabadabo. Nice little game, props for the hand drawn art.

Hey well done on this, really chill experience. The world map gives me classic Zelda vibes.  Nice work

A very relaxing evening indeed! Well done

Fun game, great mechanics and pacing. Well done!

(2 edits)

A fun little mechanic! I had a good play. As a design idea: you could colour the line to match the colour squares it needs to catch. Well done

A wholesome little game! It was fun and challenging to platform with a large group of joined friends.
Well done!

Such a unique and original spin on the theme, really well done, some great story telling here.

(1 edit)

The art direction is fantastic. With some post-jam polish and further development, this could be a marketable steam game. Nicely done.

My daughter loved this, we spent quite some time playing it and yelling at one another to "move over a bit". Really well done. Premium art direction.
From time to time we got stick on the walls a bit. but likely an easy post-jam fix. Well done!

A classic mechanic executed well. Fantastic art, and a smooth escalating difficulty curve. Well done on this

You described this as a 2 player game, but it was very playable solo! This linked mechanic used for combat is very interesting. Well done!

Great god-view feel. I was not clear on some of the game rules, but i was captivated no less. I can see this leading to something interesting!

Nice to see such a rich story based game in the Jam, impressive art direction and good writing.

Nice little puzzler, clever levels

Really fun mechanic! a clever and original interpretation of the jam theme

Fun mechanic and tidy original art. Well done

(7 edits)

Hi guys, here's what will happen after the voting phase ends, in the following order:

1) After voting finishes, the mods and I will go through the votes and check that no Jam rules have been broken, and everything is in order.

2) I will assemble footage of all the winning games and announced them on the Lost Relic Games Youtube Channel (approx Friday 1st of July). There I will give the winners max exposure and  winning glory. The on this page and other places.

Note: The Lost Relic Selection category winners (Judges favorites)  will likely be announced in a separate follow-up video, as there will be several mentions. We also need to finish playing more games so that everyone gets a fair chance.

3 ) Jam winners will be contacted via itch or email for prize redemption (winners have first pick of prizes).

4 ) The random Prize Pool Giveaway will take place ( you can still join, but be quick ).
Prize redemption emails will be sent out to all winners. If no response is received within a week, a new winner will be drawn and contacted. 

5 )  I will create various compilation videos to showcase both winners AND non-winners to my 56k subscribers on Youtube.  

We have several Jam-specific discussion rooms setup on the Lost Relic Discord server ( including voice rooms). It will be an exciting place to be when the winners are announced. Here's an invite link.

Thank you everyone! Well done to all who have taken part, and all those who took the time to play, vote and comment on other games. 
 This has truly been an amazing Jam. 

Relevant links:
Lost Relic YT Channel:
Lost Relic Discord :
Prize Pool link:

A great spin on the matching mechanic. I played so many times, and nearly had a full grid of castles! Really nice work. 

Outstanding work! My topology was pure chaos! Love it

Lovely little rogue-like, you, had me playing for more than an an hour! Well done. 

Great fun! Intuitive and satisfying. If you take this further, consider ramping up the difficulty curve. Well done! (that ending lol, boom!)

HAHA! Thanks for the message at the end! Great mechanic and art direction. Well done!

Nice puzzler. Great art direction and design. Intuitive and mentally stimulating. Well done!

(2 edits)

This is one of the few game that had me playing for an extended time. The mechanic was hyper addictive. It felt so satisfying to round up a whole room of batteries and try to zap them in one. 

I may suggest the levels should have auto ended after the goal was reached, to prevent the player from needing to kill themselves. 

This has been a very impressive, well balanced contribution to the jam. Thank you and well done.

Oh boy did I enjoy this! The tension as i was fighting to keep my food stores up!!  The mechanic and balancing turned our really nice. Well done!

Fantastic little puzzler,  I got stuck on the last level! Really love the little world you have created here.

The concept is really cool! I really enjoyed sacrificing precious seconds to mow people down with my trolley. I got stuck in the maze several times. I think this game could have a commercial future, so let me share some design thoughts (which may have been mentioned in other comments). 

-time starts ticking during the most important instruction explanation, which happens to be the longest.  Work to integrate the instructions into the game, and not as a wordy text panel (took 2 plays to understand what to do).

-After  a loss, perhaps allow the player to start in their last section via a checkpoint system. e.g losing in the maze, could start me back in the maze section. 

But for a jam submission under time constraints, you guys did well. I can see this being a fun commercial game if you guys stick with it! Well  done.