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A member registered Feb 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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I liked it very much. Thank you for this great idea. The art and texts especially on those cards kept me going and playing through the end. <3

i wasn’t aware about those being your old games, nice idea, i like this :)

Your game is crazy. :-) In an intriguing way. I am very bad as a knife-wielding butterfly though. :)

Okay. Thanks for clarifying. I tried it again and I see it now.

I see. Yes, i imagine i would have liked this. And with this virtual currency i would be able to buy stuff online? Like online in your game? Exclusive Wallpapers? Cool tunes? New games, especially such that are not corrupted whenever i download them? ;)

I am thinking about While True: Learn(). Do you know this game? There you could buy decorative things with your money for your virtual workplace. I guess i would have liked that a lot. Thanks for telling!

Thanks very much, Marc. :-)

haha, good to know that it’s worth a lot to invest some time into a good campfire. I appreciate what you wrote :)

Thanks! Sadly we didn’t had the time to implement more story tokens (that’s how we call them). I imagine for this kind of game some kind of achievement/completion percentage regarding all possible outcomes or better all possible text snippets would have been great.

Oh this is a very nice idea. It’s really cool to just explore your game as an “open world” and see how “life-like” it is. It’s just for that alone a cool thing you made there. Very well done. And for the game-part: Cool idea implementing “quests” in such a way. I didn’t like the network settings quest, though, as typing the stuff in wasn’t any fun for me. I always skipped this quest by waiting. What i really missed in general was a sense of reward or achievement. I noticed the green lamp, but with this alone i didn’t feel appreciated enough. :) Still: Well done and i love the pixel art! <3

wow, this is so cool. I love the color palette and the graphics! <3 I haven’t figured out how the speed works. Can i control the speed of the lion? Or does it get faster the more time has passed? Sometimes i think i get faster when running diagonal, but i am still not sure about that.

I second that! <3

Wow! This is great. I like how you take part in generating the ambient sounds by connecting the dots. I like this much! Very well done! <3

I like your idea. It’s so fitting for the theme! :)

Oh this is cute and fun! I like the instant action and the speed of running. Great how the vampires change. <3

very cute! I like this. Not to easy, i still needed many many tries, but not to hard either, so i was motivated to keep playing and finding a way to the top! Great! I like the balance for this game, at least it’s balanced for my jumping skills. :)

The point generating sound was very satisfying, especially when it goes on for what it seems ages, meaning its a wonderful combo-chain :-) I really like how you implemented the time limit not by a timer/clock running out, but using the sun for visualizing passing time. Now that i’ve seen your work, I actually think about how we could have implemented such a feature for our own game. Anyway, back to yours: very well done, Marc! :-)

Great game! I second the idea of making it into a bigger(longer) game without any time limit. I like the atmosphere and the graphics much. The hardest part for me was to figure out when i go left or right. I needed many tries to actually see the difference of the footprints regarding that. Still: Very well done!

I didn’t get what impact the dogs actually had. Still, I like the peculiar idea of the animals being in this kind of falling down thing (don’t know the name for it) heading for their respective pen. This is cute. <3

I like this much! I like the way you fit your world into the 20 second limit by using secret mechanics, which you unravel step by step. I thought about Minit, too, while coming up for our own game, but only in passing, since Minit actually does change the world in some ways from one playthrough to the next. Your take on the other hand works with reseting the world completely. At least so far I can judge, since i wasn’t able to finish it. Nonetheless: Very well done! <3

7580 :-)

Like juzek said. Not much strategy than optimizing your swinging, but FUN nonetheless. :-) I like much that you have to actually “swing” with your hand/mouse.

Very cool! It has a very nice “let’s try it again” vibe, since I always have the feeling that i could get better or optimize or just finally figure out the right amount of force i need to throw stuff. :)

oh thank you :)

Timer are your thing, aren't they? Since you start timers also, when writing posts? ;-) I'm kidding. :)

I appreciate you much for the amount of words of your reply, Ran. I haven't thought at all about your ideas about the timer's attack mode or any kinds of implementation for that. These are very interesting things to consider in a game. Cool. Thank you for bringing this ideas up.

Very well done! How do i start? I gave you a fairly high rating in most of the categories, since i think your game is really well done. It seems quite polished, has nice pixel graphics (which i like most!) and the coin collecting sound is soooo satisfying. And this is good, since i like to have a good feeling when i play. This is where i think most that a game is worth to play. When i resonate with a good feel.
I want to emphasize the sprites of the protagonist and the coins. There very detailed and i judge this to very well chosen, since both are the main sprites for the game; while it's perfectly functional, that the background and ground is quite simple in comparison.

Off to your core idea: I like your concept regarding the theme a lot. Fake coins are quite innovative i think, in a game, where you are supposed to collect everything shiny ... and fast! :)

But, and here comes my personal criticism: Your great idea kills the gamefeel and fun for me. There is a timer and i should be fast, there is this nice and simple level, where i can imagine how i am going to fly through and have fun jumping and reacting. And then: I go a bit, then stop, then look hard: left spin? right spin? err ... get ....next....stop, look, think....avoid! ..jump ... then stop again...and look. This feels tensed. Playing it "right" is no fun at all. It's literally a platform crawl ...

So the next time i just ignored your fake coin idea. I rushed through, collected everything, had a nice mixture of good and bad coin collecting sounds, jumped like crazy, moved fast, back and forth and when i got ALL the coins, i smiled and felt well: THIS was so much fun. And i appreciate you for the same end screen with "next time avoid the fake coins", which i can easily disregard and add to myself: "yeah. or i don't and just have fun with your game". :-)

So what i want to say: Your game IS well made AND fun. Your fake coin idea is still promising and a very good one, i judge. I just ask myself, how could you implement it, without necessarily slowing the game down so much. I see, that you could memorize the fake coins and then make a speed run through your level. But then it would be a memory plattformer, not a "distinguish between fake and real" one. 

I have one suggestion, a kind of compromise: Maybe DO make the fake coins easily recognizable. But only for a short time. Like every coin is the same, but the fake ones have a glitching animation for some seconds. So if you get near one and the coin glitches, you don't have to look hard, but you instantly know this one is fake and you can frantically try to avoid it. Maybe this would help to still be fast in playing and being in a fun flow, without stopping everytime. You could even stand still for some seconds in the beginning and trying to memorize the glitching ones. This would be easier, but since the glitching occurs from time to time and for some seconds a fake coin looks like a real one there would still be some kind of difficulty involved, challenging your memory: "Wait. this one was real, wasn't it? oh, glitch! (frantically hitting JUMP)" Maybe this idea doesn't really address the platform crawl problem in the end, but maybe it can be another impulse of making the game fun AND staying true to your concept.

This said, i want to be honest, and state, that i don't play speed running platformer games at all and i see, that speed running such games is often very much about memorizing, so ... well. :)

wonderful art! and beautiful and intricate lore. This was nice to play, as it was so interesting so read and especially see about the species and their culture :-) Very well done! <3

the graphics, the lighting, the effects are so awesome. This was so much fun, as were the puzzles. :-) Did i see and solve everything after receiving the final letter, which appeared on the map? I wonder what the dagger and the compass were for. Did they had any use? Or the map itself?

How cute and beautiful. I like the imaginary world so much, with all those fantasy-like assets. :-)

I love how i could just generate a new track when i had the feeling of "oh it's too difficult". Well done!

thank you! :)

hey thanks! I appreciate you for your suggestion with starting with a lower speed. We haven't had this idea so far. We are definitely going to look into that when trying to balance things out more.

(1 edit)

Ours is not really horror in the way that you can be scared. But horror in the way, that it can be very challenging :) and most importantly, it is based on the Cthulhu mythos, so you'll find themes and monsters from the Lovecraftian horror stories in there. If this sounds interesting to you, then i'd be interested in your opinion about our game :-)


two things i like about the game the most: the art, especially the details in the rooms, and the fastpaced gameplay. It's really nice for such an adventure game to quickly go whereever you want and even the curtain is very fast and nice to look at, so it doesn't get boring. Well designed on this part! :)

what clever ideas! wonderful! i liked that much! :-) :-) and i like the pixel art :)

Cool graphics. I like them. And an interesting, yet strange (in a good way), idea :-)

Awesome graphics and atmosphere. I didn't find the places in the screenshots, though. But what i saw was very nice. :)

wow! just wow! a brilliant idea, very well implemented, perfectly fitting and a very clever story and so much fun to play it through. And i love the art! <3

WOW! This is the best game i played in this jam! congrats! Very well done! this is so much fun, i like the neigh of the horses. I like the pixel art much! and i just outright LOVE the variety of horses and creatures you made. And your gameplay idea is so extremely simple, but fitting to the theme and so much fun. :-) <3

i like this and i love the pixel art, even if you havent done everything yourself, you sure put all things together very nicely. So cute and beautiful! <3 And i adore the story and gameplay! :)

This is a great game, but very hard. Is it intentional that you can bump into shadows when you haven't seen them? The thing is: you have to see them, to know where to avoid. But seeing them means stress and them following you, and not seeing them means bumping into them and stress also. So it seems to me, that you only can loose, because with every strategy you are doomed to be stressed.

Still, i love the concept and the art and i LOVE the weeping angels! :D

oh this was very nice and quite polished, i think. Very(!) well done! Just one wish i would have: It was not much fun to look the jewels up. I would rather like a system where you gradually learn about the jewels, so you can memorize them while you play and adcance. Only having all the information about the jewels on the help page had the feeling of first having to memorize a textbook before being able to play properly. Other than this it was VERY satisfying to dig through the level and find gems! :)