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A member registered Jan 12, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you I'm glad you liked it! :)

This is a great game with a lot of room to expand on if you worked on it after the jam. Ended with 2340 points on the infinite wave. Awesome work!

Amazing game! You could easily put this on steam and charge a few bucks for this, especially with a few more worlds. I loved the way the game developed and it was a charming art style.  Great work.

Congrats on making it into the video! I had to try this one out since I feel like we had similar ideas, I liked the way you executed it with how you only control the top character and you have to use that carefully to affect the other. Great work!

I like the visual style, I think the second jump is way too tight for being so early! But with difficulty tweaking I think that the concept has potential.

Loved the humor! The pathfinding of the npcs behind you isn't precise so sometimes I felt like I died in an unfair way. I liked the art and style though a lot, it reminded me of  earthbound with the wacky dialogue.

Haha, I had considered that but I ended up just going with arrows and mouse. I'll think about doing that next time though!

Really polished and fun game! I was kind of unclear on how to score but it was just fun trying out all the powerups. I feel this game was really in the spirit of the jam and just well executed overall. Great job!

Cool idea! I loved the artstyle and music. I like the idea of having upgrades and sometimes being forced to choose between negative ones, I think the gameplay just needed a bit more variety with enemy types or weapons. For the time you had though I think it was a well developed system!

Really cool idea! My brain is too small for these puzzles but it was a really unique idea that was executed well.

Wow thanks, that's very kind of you!

Cool game! It felt satisfying swinging the mace around and building momentum. I think that it could use some more enemy types to mix it up but understandable for not having time during the jam period. Great work!

This was a really polished looking game! I agree that with more levels there could be a lot of potential for this project.  It's impressive you managed to create all these assets in the time, great work.

The controls felt a little strange at first, I kept forgetting which character I was in control of. But once I got the hang of it, it felt satisfying to slingshot the slimes over obstacles! The physics of it seemed really cool. Good job!

Cute game! I agree with others that I would have liked some more variety, but it was an interesting set of  puzzles with some great visuals. Good job!

Solid idea, I think it's impressive that you managed to make the art, music and gameplay all yourself in the timeframe. The platforming was pretty difficult but overall good for the time you had!

Cool idea! I liked the visual style and the dialogue quips were funny.  I wasn't finding any grenades on the ground though so I got stuck when I ran out of them. I think with the bugs fixed you have a solid game though!

I can't believe you used the rat movie song for this, fitting though xD

The game is really good! I love the concept of detaching your cannon to take out enemies while you avoid attacks from a distance. Taking out the shield enemies was interesting too since it forced you to make use of the cannon detachment, and it was satisfying to take out a group with an explosion.

I ran into some performance issues when a lot of enemies were on screen but that was my only issue. The art was really cute also. Great job!

I loved the art! I think the game would benefit from some deeper mechanics in addition to the wall cling, like a grapple of some kind.

Really unique idea that was executed well! It felt satisfying to launch and then arc the ball around to get a bunch at once. I feel  some of the hitboxes on enemies were deceptively small and were hard to hit sometimes. Really great overall though!

I see some potential in the idea. I think it would help to have some more feedback when the turret shoots. In the first part you can softlock also if you miss the button when you try to throw the turret across the gap. Needs some polish but like the idea!

Super unique idea that was executed well with great polish too! The movement felt satisfying.  I'm not sure if there was a way to cancel a launch but I found sometimes I shot the ball, and that put myself into a position where i had no choice but to pull myself into a spike. Amazing job overall though!

Cool unique idea, once I figured out you can pop  balloons on one side to sort of push the box in the other direction it became pretty intuitive. I think the game has some potential for iteration, like a mode where you try to get the crate as high as possible with limited balloons. Good job!

Thank you for playing! I'm glad you feel you could figure out the game's mechanics by playing, that was definitely my goal to not have to over-explain everything and instead let the player figure it out for themselves.

Yes, limiting the scope is the big challenge of jams and honestly game development in general! Good luck on your future projects!

Thank you! I'll have to consider further development after the jam period is over.

I thought it was a really cool idea to combine a simple matching game with top down action! My only issue was I kept running out of cards and I wasn't sure how to get more of them. Maybe it could be good to have like a basic attack that you can always use even if  you don't have any cards. Great idea overall!

I was having a little trouble understanding the controls intuitively, but it started to make sense after some time. I liked the idea that the players only have control of certain directions at a time, I think that a slower ramp up of the mechanics, like in a smaller maze at first potentially, would help. Neat concept overall!

I liked the idea even if you couldn't finish, cute art! The mechanics might need a slight rework though if you developed it more since not everyone has another controller and a friend around! From what I could test though I thought the movement and attacking felt nice.

Thank you I'm glad you liked it! The bonus mode was a stretch goal but it ended up being easier to implement than I expected due to how I set up the levels in chunks, so it was pretty straightforward to just stitch random chunks together.

Haha, yeah I actually found your game through twitter. I appreciate you tried mine out!

Wow I'm glad you liked it enough to play for so long! Thank you!

Love the cute dinosaurs! I like that you have to balance saving the triceratops and also eating them to stay alive, it was a neat balancing act. Pretty simple game but I think it worked well!

Cool unique idea that fits the theme! The colors were a bit hard on my eyes so I appreciate you included a no color mode. I found that you can right click to spawn dots as well, I'm not sure if that was a leftover debug feature or intended! Great job overall though.

Really creative boss fight! It was cool that you could use the bots as a shield and also as ammo, so you have to be sure not too greedy and waste all of them. Loved the visuals and sound too, just altogether a really polished experience. I'd love to see it expanded into a full game.

I was worried I made the last level a bit too hard but I figured it's there for the crazy people xD Thanks for playing!

I definitely took some inspiration from the Impossible Game (Which I think inspired Geometry dash xD). Glad you liked it!

Cute and fun! I loved the pixel art and  it was a great interpretation of the theme. I thought it was interesting that you had to go to previous screens to solve puzzles sometimes. Great work!

Cool idea, love the pixel art and I like that you randomized the level! I think you could up the speed + gravity a bit and it would feel a bit more fluid.
