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A member registered May 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

What a game. The art looks great, sound effects are good and wow there is a lot of content for a game jam game! The weakest part I feel is matching the theme 'roll the dice'. The randomness that the levels do have kind of hurts it, as if I see I start with a certain floor, its easier to just reset right away for a better start.

Anyways, solid game. Played through almost all of it in one go but must sleep, will finish it in the morning~

Edit: finished it. one of my favorite games this event, though RNG was annoying sometimes.

Enjoyed playing this game. Never felt the need to buy anything other than attack die and remove green moves, and it was pretty easy to turtle through. Perhaps if there was a par time to try and get through quickly, and also let you pick the value of die you were buying.

But for the time limit, very good work.

Great entry.

I've seen some other people comment on short coming so I'll say some ideas I had:

1- deck starts out too defensive, I think you want 4 attack markers to start and customize it from there.

2- Buff is *really* bad. Perhaps if it also buffed your heals/block, but it runs out too quickly (expiring before you can do anything if you roll a 1)

3- perhaps roll two dice on movement and let the player pick one so they can get to a shop

3.5- If I finally get to a shop, let me buy more than one item. I had a ton of gold and wasn't able to use much of it.

4- I'm not sure how you set up dice, but there is an exploit where you can jump after you've done your first roll, as the dice are moving over to do the second roll. This lets you reroll your number, though you'll have to jump again to roll action even though it also changes.

I really enjoyed this game though.

Unfortunately the 'how to play' button didn't work. The controls are easy enough to get but I wasn't exactly sure what I was doing. Some trees got cut down, some trees turned into gold???

Art looks good and didn't encounter any bugs besides that.

(1 edit)

I like the idea, but playing feels a bit off to me. Hitbox for the player is off so I feel I'm getting hit(killed)  when I should be safe, perhaps bigger than I feel it should be. There doesn't seem to be any invulnerability protection so they'll can kill you near instantly especially melee. 

Early game really sucks because there's a huge amount of RNG on the enemy spawn. The starting pistol is pretty worthless, the knife gets you killed easily, and its RNG if the enemy will even drop a weapon for you. Because of autotargeting, you can't focus on the most dangerous targets either (which is most important early game). 

If you can break out of the early game filter, its pretty fun but I dont enjoy the opening struggle. 


Visuals look good, game play mechanics are solid. This was really fun to play though.

I have not learned the tricks to solving rubiks cubes so my strategy involved a lot of flipping and hoping things worked out. So, some puzzles were easy and others were very hard (and I made it around half way through).

Art style is simple but effective. I personally had no problems with the controls, I'm just not great with these types of puzzles :)

Game is cute and looks good. The mechanics are solid and fit the game jam's theme very well


1- minor: moving your party forward was a bit tedious, getting them all moving together

2- Major: I found clicking and changing characters very finicky. Several times, I'd mouse over the enemy to see what their stats were, then go to click on a different character to swap, and instead the previous character would charge into a battle they were going to lose. Happened more than once that it put me too far behind to recover and lost and didn't really feel like repeating everything I did. It wouldn't be so bad if there was a retreat button maybe.

3- Nitpicky: If there was an option to speed up or skip certain battles, as based on stats the outcome is predetermined.

Second killed my enjoyment as I watched my dudes die in a fight I never wanted.

While this review is focused on the negative, I do want to restate that this is a solid game jam game.

Mechanics are pretty good. I liked buying more dice to increase my income. Art is rough but for the most part that's fine. Problems mainly come from certain things being hard to see/read and lack of information. I just assume that the last weapon in the line is the best, and the enemies dice roll was cut off for me. 

I'd also add a counter to show how many enemies the player defeated when they inevitably lose. 

Cute game. Game design works well and the last parts were challenging enough. Please get them to clean their carpet.

I've played a few dice rolling games similar to this, that have come out of this game jam. This one was a little different in that you aren't matching a number but trying to be equal to or higher to just kill it. 

I personally didn't enjoy the controls. The left tilt felt really weird to me. I dont know if having it tilted right would make it any better though, perhaps I'd need a controller stick.

Very unfortunate that it seems to be broken... 

I tried replaying the first level a few times with different weapons but really a replacement for going through the game.

The idea of jumping changing equipment is interesting, but ultimately I felt it just annoying jumping in place waiting to get the one tool you need. I ran into a bug with getting stuck on walls and it softlocked the game once, making me restart as I couldn't fall and couldn't jump.

Art looks good and menu design is good.

Okay, this game is pretty rough. 

There seem to be some advanced mechanics going on but I have no idea what any of them mean. How does hacking work? Why use it instead of just shooting? It changed some number on them but I'm not sure what it means.

The game doesn't even start until... I'm not sure what. Theres a target in front of you that you can't hurt, and I'm not sure if I shot it enough to finally start the game or if it was time based (but it took a very long time to start). Then I killed three enemies that spawned and... nothing else happened until the timer ran out.

So in all, I think this could have potential, but there's a great lack of explanation on how the game works holding it back.

My only regret was not being able to find more orphans to sacrifice...

The weapons, and having random variables rolled for them was solid. The art looks good and sfx fit.

But why do you got these GIANT BORDERS taking up so much screen space? Game really needs to be zoomed out. Horizontally is.. okay but I wish I could see further, and vertically its terrible. You have barely any perception and so you can't tell where the things shooting at you are or where you are suppose to be shooting. 

I think if you improved the camera, it'd significantly improve the experience.

The idea is there. The main character looks good. The problem is the gameplay and interaction with the dice. Firing my die doesn't shoot it out of my arrow, but launches it from where it is, making it hard to aim. Worse yet, the dice launched often ran into a different returning dice so they'd both fly off again and completely miss the target. Even jumping (especially in the last part) the dice seemed to hit me a lot and I'd fall to my death because they were above me when I tried to jump. 

Unfortunate that the yellows were immortal for some reason. I can see good ideas here if you had maybe a few more hours to polish it up, but running out of time is the nature of gamejams~

Idea behind this rather different. And not too easy either. I Killed my economy the first run not knowing what I was doing, and I'm still not sure what is the ideal strategy (how important is the waifu count anyways?)

Really enjoyed my time playing this game. Took a few tries then won when I just played it safe. I guess if anything, I wish it had a map so I didn't get lost in backtracking while in the low levels.

Appreciated that the damage counter just gives up at a certain point.

Oh wow. The art in this game is something else. Creepy but well done creepy. 

Early game is pretty chaotic in trying to find out what does what and hopefully perm'ing stuff that's good, and then in the late game I was instead avoiding cans to keep my majesty luxurious. Wasn't difficult, but perhaps I stumbled upon a good build on my first playthrough. 

Good Game~

I appreciate the character art and intro.

I like to give feed back so I'd like to point out the lack of consistency in controls. On the start menu the arrow made me think to click, but it wanted a button press. I played through all the levels with WASD, but that doesn't work on the level select for some reason, instead its arrow keys. 

Something easily fixable if you had a bit of time, but thought I'd point it out. Cheers~

Graphics are clean and audio fit. The powers or debuffs being assigned randomly is both cool and a curse. I was able to get to wave 10 before losing as my max health kept getting lowered was ending up getting killed in one hit.

The idea of bouncing around a dungeon and running into things was pretty fun. Hit detection is rather janky which wasn't a problem until I got to the boss and was forced to kill dudes. I found that when I started the game the sound was turned off somehow? Not sure if that's a bug on a mistake on my part. 

And thank you for including a reset button. An Orc killed me the same time I killed him and that locked the level, and I got knocked outside the arena more than once, but was able to reset, and eventually finish the game.

I just wish this was longer, with more different toys to play with in the sandbox. Had fun a bit of fun with what was there though.

(1 edit)

I enjoyed the little gun twirls and liked the idea of rolling through bullets to get some of your own. 

I do wish that there was more control over the player character during the roll though. The roll is quite long and you are very locked into it.

The enemy designs sure were something. Cocktails were a pain to deal with. 

I liked that a few of the weapons required the use of the 'alterative fire'. Shotgun needing pumped and firing for pistols. I would have liked if all the weapons had an alt fire but gamejam deadlines so it is fine :)

Interesting concept, seeing how far you can get on your limited dice and luck of the deck. I was able to defeat 10 enemies before losing. 

My main feed back was that it always felt like I was in a tutorial with the text repeating.

Interesting game. Took a while to get a hang of how much power I was putting into the little dice, and longer to use slowmo correctly. The board flipping around is smart for a game jam, though I would have liked to try jumping around a bigger arena. 

I wonder, your title picture/cover art has three dice. Was the idea of different 'characters' a thing?

Cool game.

Interesting little platformer. Giving them different powers was interesting, though scared dice seems left out in powers.

(2 edits)

Interesting combat system. If it has a flaw, I think its that it strongly favors the player as they go first. Being able to go all in on attack, knowing you'll strike first and don't need to worry about getting hit back as they'll die first. It seems optimal to just be on the attack, unless you roll really bad.

If that's fine with you then that's fine :) I dont know if you'd want to add an initiative 'action' that you could invest dice into as well.

I do appreciate how range effects your ability to hit, especially how being up right next to each other is a -2 penalty. 

Yeah. While all the damages dealt are dice rolls, we really should have prioritized a visualization of that but ran out of time.

Thanks for playing~

Good game. Was able to beat it on the first try but it did feel like I could have lost at time, so not *too* easy. 

Graphics were good and it was fun.

If I had to feedback, it'd be that the hitbox on the player isn't as precise and I like it (seems a little big or doesn't move with the animation) and sometimes the upgrade options would be the same. But these are relatively minor problems and I enjoyed playing your game!

Ah okay then! I did find the 'diplomatic' routes but I also tried seeing if I could beat them all. If dialogue doesn't effect rolls, my luck was just terrible lol. 

I'm also impressed you got two different gorillas to design this. You got to tell me how you got them to collab sometime. 

Very cute game.

Interesting mechanic of how the dice effect the territory you can color in. And that you roll dice and get to choose one is nice so RNG can't hit you too hard. 

AI is kind of dumb but that's whatever for a game jam. I wish I had some friends over locally so I could play it with them.

Good Job~

The movement and camera controls are smooth, and the power ups being related to the die you roll is good. 

However, it felt like I spent all my time waiting for the reload, and the enemies I could circle strafe forever so I was never in danger.

Got to lvl5 and 106k+ points before I killed myself to stop.

Gameplay was somewhat limited. The dialogue seems to effect outcomes to a degree but can't tell how much is my choice and how much is RNG (though the raven cheating and getting  21 all the time is something).

That aside, I enjoyed the art and it was a cute little story.

Not a bad game. Some guns felt a lot worse than others but that's just the roll of the dice. Got to 238points.

Having to move, and moving changing weapons is nice. Didn't realize it forced you to move after 10 seconds at first few games.

Rather enjoyed this game. I only wish it was another fight longer so I had to start making decisions on what went on the dice, other than fit whatever I can afford. But graphics and sounds were good, and I thought making your own dice was neat.