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A jam submission

Roll of the Dice's CottontailView game page

Puzzling fun with at least 7 degrees of freedom!
Submitted by LukasWho — 1 hour, 27 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 39 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
A Rubik's Cube is kind of a die (at least in German it's the same word). Also, there's a species of cottontail rabbits called Dice's cottontail.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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Really enjoyed solving these puzzles as their solutions are open ended. The rabbit is cute and I like the feedback when running into a wall. Well done :)


Wow, I like how you need to think in 3D to solve the levels. Love when a game makes me use my brain.

The music is also quite good, I felt really at peace 🙏 Congratulations!


When I press "Level selection", all I get is an empty sky without any buttons. In general, the picture is somehow shifted upwards.


Hey, that's a bug we know about and is browser-specific. I guess you're using Firefox? You can either change the css in the browser console as described a few comments below, or if you have another browser available, that would be the easiest way to play the game as intended.


I have not learned the tricks to solving rubiks cubes so my strategy involved a lot of flipping and hoping things worked out. So, some puzzles were easy and others were very hard (and I made it around half way through).

Art style is simple but effective. I personally had no problems with the controls, I'm just not great with these types of puzzles :)


Very cute :D Although deceptively difficult :D


Very cute, and an original take on the theme (using the cube aspect of dice)!  I haven't attempted a Rubik's cube in a long time, but I was able to figure it out anyways (with some difficulty).  The music is good but it gets a bit repetitive after awhile (although I understand making it longer might have taken more time than you had).  Also the dragging to rotate the cube felt a bit off, and pressing space scrolls down the itch.io page on my browser (if you're using plain JavaScript, I think preventDefault is what you'd need to fix this iirc).  But overall a good game.

(By the way, if you want to play on Firefox, right click the game, inspect element, find the "body" tag inside the iframe, and uncheck "display: flex")


Oh yeah, I totally forgot about spacebar scrolling; actually a little surprised it never came up when I tested the game. preventDefault will definitely be implemented in the post-jam version, but I sort of messed up archiving my code (i.e. I didn't do it at all, really need to init a git repo for this project), so it will probably not make it into this version of the game.

Also, good catch changing the css using the console!


Not sure how it fits the theme but its a really interesting puzzle game with really cute art. I struggled on the 3rd(?) puzzle and didn't finish it but it's still really cool.


Really good puzzle game! Even if it doesn't fit the theme perfectly it's still really fun!


Cool game with an interesting concept!

At first the graphics didn't really strike me as appealing, but the adorable rabbit and charming audio are super cute

The whole cube rotation was unfortunately a bit hard to use, I don't think it should rotate on the axis facing you, as the gravity doesn't change depending on your view either

Also I'm not sure if its because im a cuber, but the levels felt a bit easy?


Hey, thanks for the feedback! Yeah, we were actually shooting for a slightly lower difficulty this time around as I have a tendency to make puzzles a bit too hard. But probably it also has to do with the fact you're a cuber, as other people apparently did struggle a bit more with the levels 😅 I guess puzzle games are really hard to balance in a way that pleases everyone.

I agree that the rotation controls are a bit hard to use at the moment. Rotating on the axis facing you could be avoided if we're changing to Orbit Controls, but I'm a bit hesitant about that, as it would break the symmetry of the cube. We got some good feedback about lerping the cube to the closest side, though, which I quite like and will try to implement in the future.


Making puzzle levels is definitely very challenging, but I think for the jam and non cubers this should definitely do the trick!

For the rotation I don't think lerping to the closest side would work for me personally, since I usually want to see 2 or 3 sides at once...
I suggest having a look at other cube simulations, for example this one feels very nice as it always stays alligned... but I guess its personal preference in the end


Oh yeah, thanks for the link! That's pretty much what I mean with orbit controls; I'm not sure that's the technical term for it, but it's what THREE.js calls it, so I'm gonna stick with it. It definitely has some advantages, but as it breaks the perfect cube symmetry, I'll have to figure out how to best handle things like if the bunny changes its orientation (which I guess might be to reassign "top" and "bottom" every time rotation mode is entered). I think in the end probably the best thing might be to implement a few different possibilities and then let the player choose their favourite in the options screen.


Great game


Wow, this game is really fun. Cool art too. Awesome work for a game made in 2 days.


Lovely game and very cute artwork. Game mechanics work perfect. A good gameplay mechanics combine with pretty cute art made this game a perfect jam game. I love it nice work ^^


Fun concept and overall game!


Awesome! I like the 'idle' animation of the rabbit that gives it that hand drawn animation feel. 


The bunny do be hopping.


Very creative and cute game! Though it's more of a rubix cube than a dice but whateves lol, i had fun playing it. Good job <3


Awesome game, great concept especially. Would definitely play a fully worked out version of this!
Here's a couple of things I experienced to maybe keep in mind.

Firstly, the cube was a bit unwieldy, I lost track of where I was all the time.

Secondly, not all puzzles felt as deliberate. I feel like I 'cheated' most of the puzzles by "cubing the egg". This was also because the possibility space was so huge, right from the start. It might be hard to force an interesting solution if you don't limit the player in some way (especially at the beginning). It feels a bit cheap if the solution was only one or two moves that you just hadn't seen.

The second to last puzzles was a great example of forcing the player to stay in the middle lane, which made for some nice a-ha moments.

Lastly, and really nitpicky, it also feels kinda weird that the egg doesn't respect gravity.

Sorry to sound so negative, I'm actually really positive about it and I'm glad I played this!


Thank you so much for your feedback! And don't worry about sounding to negative, I'm a big fan of constructive criticism. And I agree to pretty much all of your points. The good news is, we're still pretty hyped about working on the game, so there's a very good chance there will be a post-jam version of this game that will adress some of the issues.

For point 2 and 3, the lazy excuse is time limitations. The original design was to make the egg fall and break when there was no floor directly beneath it, but we didn't find time to implement it. Currently, we actually do like the egg staying in mid-air for gameplay reasons, as it's one less thing to worry about, but we want to give it some cute little wings to better indicate that and change it so the bunny can only collect the egg while they're actually on the ground.

We're also already working on adding some relatively simple but tight introductory levels to help the player build up an arsenal of solving techniques. But yeah, as it turns out, having a huge possibility space by default does tend to lead to pretty lenient level design. Definitely a challenge that will remain for some time.

The first point is probably the most tricky one. We do plan to add an option screen where you can change mouse sensitivity (and the backbone for that is already written), but I'm not sure it's enough to fix the underlying issue. A few other ideas would be changing the camera to orbit controls, which I'm a bit hesitant about because it would break the cube's symmetry, and/or adding further control elements to rotate the front face clockwise or counterclockwise, which would probably help a little bit but would also add additional screen clutter. If you have any more ideas, feel free to let us know :)

Anyways, sorry for rambling on for so long. I'm glad you enjoyed the game overall and who knows, maybe we'll play each other's games as full versions one day!


I think the most important thing is that it should lerp the closest side towards the camera, and it should do so with respect to the bunny's 'up'. I uploaded a quick demonstration of what I mean, check my profile.

Secondly, I think you should always know where the bunny is. Some ways would be showing the bunny to the side of the cube, either with an emitted light ray or an image with a pointing arrow or something, or showing the bunny transparently through the cube. Maybe a sound effect in left/right ear helps as well


Oh, wow, thanks so much for taking the time to do that! Right, we even considered something like that during development, but didn't implement due to time and then I just sort of completely forgot about it. I'll definitely add something like that!


Best game I've seen on the jam so far. pleaseeeee make this into a mobile game!!! such an adorable little puzzle i love ittttttt


Haha, thank you! Yeah, I guess this might be pretty fun on mobile. Maybe some day in the future, and I'll be sure to let you know!


This game is way too cute! The sound effects was on point as well. The game design is also fun and unique, good job!

Would love if you can check out my game too. Thanks!


This is a fun little game!

I love the art of the rabbit and the levels are challenging and engaging!

Great Job!

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