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A member registered May 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Haha thats how I came up with the idea! I asked myself what is something every game should have? Fishing. Always fishing.

Really liked the game! It was hard to remember what color I picked when I got the right shape since it turned the color brown. Maybe a different way to show the right shape while letting you remember what color you picked. Also the "Oom pa pa" in the music was fun!

Fantastic! Just as addicting as Vampire Survivors!

I really liked the art style! Talk about a "roll" reverse game😉

Love the tempo bar in the options. I definitely appreciate the unnecessary things you find yourself working on in the middle of the jam! Also team yellow all the way.

Love the tempo bar in the options. I definitely appreciate the unnecessary things you find yourself working on in the middle of the jam! Also team yellow all the way.

Love the game! Extremely polished and well thought out level design. I'm still trying to figure out how you got the page's background to line up so well with the game...

Simple yet genius take on the theme! Very well executed and polished!

Fun game! I'm always excited to see a kraken!

Fun game! I'm always excited to see a kraken!

Very Unique Game! Seemed a little simple at first, but then you added lasers. Sold.

Awesome Game! I could easily see myself losing hours playing this! On the endless mode I did notice a level that had no way of getting to the other side of the board, but for a 48 hour game jam AMAZING JOB!!!

Really professional looking game with great polish! I'm not quite sure if rerolling between abilities felt like the most unique mechanic, but overall fantastic job!

Thanks! I was hoping the puzzles would lead to those kind of moments. The wall collider physics was a headache that we never could get quite right.

Very cool game! Very good level design in a very atmospheric setting! Well Done!

Very cool concept! The sound effects really added to the game, the puzzle on level 4 seemed like it could've introduced jumping off slimes in a better way, but overall a fun game!

Very cute game! The different swords were very cool. Some sound effects would've definitely added a lot to the game, other than that a fun short experience.

Awesome concept! I love Fourier analysis and this definitely helps visualize it! Can definitely be quite difficult, but then again so can Fourier series haha

Yeah we couldn't quite figure out how to fix that one in the 48 hours. Our temporary solution was to put in an instant reset button haha. I'm glad you enjoyed the rest of the game!

Oh I'm glad you like the music! I wasn't too happy with it, but that's probably because I've had to listen to it on repeat for countless hours haha

Wow! You really set the atmosphere and delivered fun gameplay! The controls feel chaotic but in a good way lol.

Very cute game! Short and sweet, with lots of personality!

Super fun! Love the idea and it was executed very well!

WOAH! Very well made game! No complaints from me :)

Great minds think alike! The game I submitted is very similar. I like your take on the sync and desync. Definitely provides room for some cool level design!

WOW! One of the best puzzle games I've played in a while. Forgot it was a game jam game while playing! Well done!

Very well polished game! Definitely has the feel and aesthetic of a game boy Zelda game!

Very fun game! Good job for your first game jam!

Very fun and engaging game! Sometimes I was confused whether the squares where connected or not, so an on screen indication of that would've been helpful. Other than that, a very fun game!

Very well polished game! The portals were well implemented and added a nice layer of difficulty to the game!

This art style is amazing! Reminds me of something Annapurna would publish.

Very fun puzzler! Definitely something I could see myself playing on the couch and losing track of time!

I loved the idea of joining the two sides of your brain! Very cool implementation of the theme.

Very cute and well done! Definitely created an immersive atmosphere with the controls being displayed as pool rules!

Such a fun and silly concept! I let out a chuckle as soon as the turtles joined. 

Very charming game. I love the attention to detail where the rain turns to meteorites the further up you get! Sadly I didn't make it to the moon though.

Very cool game! I found I was able to beat most of the levels by just sliding along the wall, but if I challenged myself and tried to dodge the obstacles it was a very fun time!

Very fun idea! Got to the Finale, but it displayed a defeat screen even though I was still controlling a snake dude. Other than that a very fun well implemented game!

Fun Game! Could use a little tweaking to better understand where hitboxes are for the stars and balls, but other than that a super fun well implemented concept!

Really cute game! I love the characters moving with the same controls but in different ways.