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Melon Fresh Games

A member registered Mar 07, 2024 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I love the robot dude and the evil fish, really cool animations for them. A nice little game and keep going!!! Edit: I played through some more and just discovered I can move up and down! Cool!

The robots go kind of crazy when they are on a platform directly above you, but working on it. Thanks for the comment!

Fun game! A great example of how a smaller level size can make a game more difficult without going over the top with unstoppable enemies. Well done!

Thanks for the comment, I spent more time than planned on the controls because I wanted them to feel right. However that didn't leave much time for polish and bug fixes! 

Thanks for the screenshot. I forgot to fix the no damage when standing on top of the robots issue! Definitely need to put a spawn limit in there to avoid crashes.

Really loved the sound effects on this one. Great to hear the animal before it appears so you can prepare for the attack. Good fun!

Sometimes its' fun to just be overpowered. A nice break from games that over-scale and you don't feel like you are any better than you were at the start! Great job!

Just really cool and a lot of fun for such a "simple" mechanic. Really well done and a special congratulations to Louis!!

Yeah, I didn't think to put a limit in the spawn for the enemies because the original plan was for the cogs to get you to the next level. But I should add something like that just to be safe in the future. Or a time limit. Thanks for the feedback

Great tower defense shooter. Really good shooting and upgrades. Good fun!

Very cool game with awesome matching soundtrack. Works really well with an awesome level-up sound. Congrats!

The cogs were going to take you to the next level, unfortunately I did something at the last minute and that part doesn't work! Thanks for the input about getting up high, maybe a couple more platforms so the player can't hide.

I heard that scream way too many times!

Really cute character and a nice little adventure. Very replayable

Really funky movement, he looks hilarious as he moves. Bit hard but it made me laugh and that's great!

Really liked the sound effects. A proper squish is very satisfying. Maybe give Edrick a little more health as it was very easy to be squished myself very early on! 

Really amazing mechanics in this one! Very difficult but super satisfying when you make it across. Well done!

The animation for the music stand is amazing! Congratulations on that, a really interesting way to move around. A really great looking game that feels like a new take on point-and-click adventures.

Love the detail of the ending. Very true of cats. Great jumping and animations. Well done!

Hey, I learned a new shortcut! Web games may have some extra things that I need to think of. Thanks for the feedback!

My little kiddo has a one-eyed bear and would be just as happy if someone gave it back to her! Haha. A nice little moment of fun and happiness!

Really enjoyed this one! The menu system is very tight and nice that when you click it's immediate. Would be really cool if you could add something like a preferential targeting system so my bots attack the strongest, or weakest first, just to add even more complexity to the system. I love it!

Thanks! I'm happy you enjoyed it.

I'm just happy it was still playable. I still haven't worked out how I broke it so may have to rebuild!

Thanks! I think I lost a bit too much time on that. I would have love to get a few more enemies in there in time

I kind of like the invincible mode. Makes it weird but satisfying to obliterate robots!

Thanks! I still need to work on the loop a bit more but I didn't realise how short 10 days was

Glad you liked it!

Thanks a lot!

I was hoping for that too but time got the best of me. Version 2...

Love that you managed to get an upgrade system in and working! A lot of fun, I loved the challenge of the early hoard personally

Really cool, excellent mechanics. It really plays well. Gets tough very fast but love the upgrades system and all the little extras. Great!

Really loved the Game Boy feel to this one. Definitely take it and expand, there's so much you can do with this idea. Well done!

Congrats on the awesome burger design, really good pixel art there! Would definitely zoom out a little so I can see more: the first time through I didn't see the moving buzzsaws! 

A fun little game to play! Looking forward to future updates. Love the cute style. Well done!

Took me a while to work out where everything was but I think that works for this kind of game. A lot of fun in a small space!

here's mine:

I'll def play yours when I get back home!

I'm really bad at this game. But I keep trying! Nice to see something new

Amazing intro! Actually made me laugh, well done!

Fun little game. Was surprised to find out I wasn't the guy in the middle!