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Rolling for RoyaltyView game page

A Minimalistic Dice Engine Building Game
Submitted by Bas_Hoogeboom — 1 hour, 23 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Top Marks#1n/an/a

Ranked from 30 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
The game has Dice as the major theme throughout. The player rolls dice, enhances their dice, and battles enemies who also roll dice to decide what they do. The game leaves a lot of the "Roll of the Dice" in the hands of the player. Different builds exits, allowing players to either take risks, or play it safe, depending on their own preferences.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We used pre-existing art

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We used pre-existing audio

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Really enjoyed the game! I encountered a bug with the multipliers. Stacking two x4 on a 2 Gem dice gave me not 32 (2x4x4) but like 500 gems. Felt like cheating


Hi Peter, thank you very much for playing! I can see why you think it's a bug, and truth be told, I really tried to implement it so a x4 twice would be a x16 multiplier, but I goofed and made it work more like this: the first x4  works properly and makes the next die played 4 times. Then the second x4 gets played (4 times), so it becomes a 4x4x4x4 multiplier, which is indeed a 'bit' overtuned. I've now fixed this so it becomes a x16.


Loved this one, wish you could roll the dice manually instead of it just getting thrown in the table

only complain is that the pacing is rather slow, especially since when you lose you go alll the way back to the start, which makes me want to stop playing after a few tries

overall a solid game and a complete experience, 4/5


Thank you very much for playing! What do you mean exactly by rolling the dice manually? As in, you swipe them into the playing field? Or that you have to click on them to throw them individually?

I see why you think the pacing is rather slow. I'm thinking of implementing the option to skip some of the animations, and adding a simple save system so you don't have to start from the beginning if you don't wanna do the entire thing in one sitting. As for the getting thrown all the way back to the start part, I definitely understand why that can be a bit frustrating. This is kind of how roguelikes/lites tend to work, but perhaps I can give the player one or a few retries for a battle so if they get absolutely dunked on by RNG, they'd be able to replay the battle for a better outcome.

Thank you so much for your feedback! It is greatly appreciated.


I meant spinning the dice by clicking followed by moving the mouse around and then throwing it when its released yeah

Also, maybe add an option to choose between gems or health after every battle so it isnt as harsh


Even though this game wears its inspirations on its sleeve (Slay the Spire, Inscryption), it manages to become its own thing!
I absolutely adore this game, and wouldn't mind having it available on my cellphone when I'm waiting for the bus!

Huge congratulations on finishing the jam and creating something this good!


Thank you so much for playing and for your kind words!

Yes, I was definitely inspired by both of those games for this one. They're both great games in their own right, and I was hoping this would be  different enough for people to enjoy it after playing those two, so I'm definitely happy to hear you liked it!

You should actually able to play it on your cellphone right now, apart from right clicking in the shop to find out what the different faces do. It's just a browser game, so you can tap the screen instead of clicking! :)


Amazing game. Liked the concept. Please check out my game.


Thank you! Sure thing, I'll check it out :)


Really fun and well polished game! The general UI and narrator kind of reminds me of inscryption. The overall game loop is also simple and fun. One small feature I think would be nice QOL is a potential back button after selecting a shop item (as it might be an accident) or having a confirm button after selecting a dice face to replace.


Thank you very much for playing! I appreciate the thoughts and feedback. Definitely agreed, if I do continue on this, QOL like back buttons will get in there! :)


Loved the dice customization and the general pace/difficulty of the game! I think introducing more dice effects as you progress would be a good thing to include if you want to expand the project.


Thank you Joey! I agree, if this were fleshed out more, there would need to be some progression in effects as players continue playing, rather than having everything unlocked from the get go, and introduce even more effects!


Me when two good dice are rolled: =)

Me when I remember they were the enemies' rolls: =(

This is insanely polished with enough content that I struggle to believe you did this solo in 48 hours, did you sleep at all? :D


Thank you so much! Very kind words. :)

Haha, I definitely slept the first night! The second one, accidentally not. I really tried to sleep but I had too many ToDo's on my mind for the next day, so... oopsie.


Really completed and clear game play, and really fun; but there is a little problem; sometimes the dice will be stucked by another dice :p.

Beat the game with 18/20 :D

Guide for player who want to beat this game:

  • Don't upgrade items that aren't with maximum damage (for example dangers with less than 3 dmg.)
  • At early stage upgrade AOE upgrade (dangers with 3 dmg, because most early stage enemies are deers, low health and you have priority to attack);
  • Then start to save gems for "4x" upgrade. Keep one dice which has most faces with this upgrade.
  • Attack upgrade > Defend upgrade > Heal upgrade (because you have attack priority, attack is best way to defend).

Ooh it's an actual game guide! Very nice! :D

Thanks so much for playing and  great job on beating the game! Yup, the dice do tend to stack a little sometimes, I'll definitely take a shot at fixing that after the jam!


Really fun to play. Cool art and cool chill music. Nice job on balance!
Minor issues:
* Please, please make animations skippable
* Shop close button seems out-of-style


Completed on the first try, though I had a moment where I had 1hp and dice landed just perfectly to survive :D


Yay, congrats on winning! Yeah, feedback is duly noted, and I definitely understand what you mean! Thank you, I appreciate it! :)


Very cool play on things. Understanding things was good and simple while giving a lot of chance for depth. Loved this.


Thank you very much! Glad to hear that! :)


That was a lot of fun! and soooo much content. I love that all the enemy are deer XD Great work!


Thank you so much! Oh, I did put other enemies in there as well though! There's deer of course, but also boars, lions, some sort of pig monster thingy and a troll. :) The deer and boars look very similar, though, so I really don't blame you for missing that :P


I played till the first boss so perhaps I just didn’t see ‘‘em all. Great job on enemy variety regardless!


Love the art, the adventure with dice enhancing was fun! The feral deers are surely dangerous :)


You gotta see 'em in the wild, man, they will RUIN your day!

Thanks for the kind words! Glad you enjoyed it!


This game was really fun. I love the concept and the execution, and I would love to see how this could be built out even further in the future.


Thank you! That's really nice of you to say! :)

Who knows about further development! I do think it'd be nice to at least add some stuff in I wasn't able to during the jam due to time constraints, and change some things based on feedback from the lovely people here! :)

Submitted (1 edit) (+3)

Super impressive that you managed to put out a game this fleshed out in 48 hours. It was actually very enjoyable.

The tutorial is a bit too long and I was going to complain that it was too easy but then I got my ass kicked by the boss.

Ah and I would have preferred that you'd click on the dices to re-roll rather than to lock them but you get used to it. It's a small nitpick.

Also you can't convince me that the boss' dice isn't rigged. You just can't. Because I'm a good person I gave you a great rating despite of that.

I might actually play this again, the music is quite relaxing.

Edit: I played it again, oneshot the final boss. damn that felt good.

Congrats buddy!! Great game. 

Btw your aestethic and dialogue really reminded me of Overcooked.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much Ricardo! I appreciate your feedback. Yeah, the tutorial is a bit too long indeed. I should cut some of it. Or spread it out a bit more, perhaps? Maybe introduce some mechanics a little later rather than all at once.

Yes, the boss finds out who you are, and if it sees your name is Ricardo M, it will rig its die to make your life a  living hell. I'm very sorry, but I can't seem to teach it that you don't deserve this kind of treatment...

Glad you decided to finish the game and thank you so much for your kind words! :)


Congrats on making it to the video!!! I knew you had a great game here :D

If you do continue this, sign me up for testing :P


This was really really fun! honestly I had a great time playing this! The only thing I would suggest and its the only thing I swear. Would be that instead of clicking on an arrow to re-roll. I could pick up the dice and throw it around to re-roll. That effect would make this game perfect! nice work


Haha you can have more suggestions if you'd like! Thanks though, I appreciate it! :)


There is a lot here. The game looks good. The sounds are great. The music is fine.

You start with A LOT of tutorial. You can gut almost all of it. The dice face swapping mechanic is fairly easy to understand. 

You don't need to introduce us by bringing us into the game with some weird backstory. Just plop us down and explain what to click.

The location/map thing is not necessary. Just go from enemy, to shop, to enemy. 

This game is fun. It uses the theme well and I found myself playing for much longer than the other game jams. If you trim the fat you would have a real gem here. 


Thank you very much! I appreciate the honest feedback.

I agree that the tutorial is a bit on the long side. I overexplain things a bit. This stems mostly from my experience that people can just drop a game in 2 minutes if they don't understand it immediately, and I want to avoid that, but it's probably a little too much here.

The backstory is an unfortunate one. In its current state, yeah, it feels a little weird. I really wanted to create more story bits in there, making a more of a DnD-ish experience. I unfortunately ran into some time issues at the end, and had to cut that part.

I also wanted a bit more out of the map, and right now, I definitely agree that it doesn't add very much at all. I probably should have just done the battle-shop-battle-shop thing like you mentioned, and spent the time on the narrative instead. Perhaps I'll have time to work out these things later, after the jam.

Once again, thank you for your honest feedback, and for playing the game! I appreciate it a lot! :)


The presentation here in just 48 hours is great.

Some notes:

- Getting to the first boss without there right build can lead to an incredibly long (20+ minutes) fight where you the boss heals up everything you can dish out while you're both building armor to block each others attacks. The cycle only ends when the boss starts getting bad RNG and heals themselves while their HP is full giving you time to whittle away their shields. Overall it's a pretty frustrating fight if you go in without the 'remove all armor' die face.

- There needs to be a way to view your current die loadout while at the shop before making a purchase.

- The dialogue about the dice getting thrown at you was pretty funny

- It almost felt like there wasn't a point to the map system without any branching paths. My idea is to make the shop a marker on the map instead of after every battle, without the options to fight or find a shop depending on the route you take (so pretty much Slay the Spire).

I hope my notes don't seem too negative because I enjoyed my time with the game and it so far has been my favorite of the ones I've rated. Good job!


Thank you very much! Please, don't feel like giving feedback is bad or negative, I really appreciate any input, and your feedback is really constructive and helpful!

I fully agree with most of your points. I feel a lot of it is missing due to the time constraints, but that first boss taking so long I definitely should've been able to fix, sorry for that inconvenience! 

I really wanted to do more with the dialogue. So I appreciate you saying you liked the non-tutorial line I did end up putting in there. Definitely wanted it to be more of a DnD-ish experience with some witty comments about the current state of your quest. Perhaps I'll add those in later, and work on a more "complete" gamejam prototype!

The branching paths is a difficult one. Though I agree that in the current state it doesn't add very much at all, and something more Slay the Spire-y would be great, I do think it's important to have the shop there after every fight, since there are no other ways to adjust your deck dice currently. Perhaps adding a die face reward after every fight too? Could be interesting maybe. :)

Once again, thanks for your feedback and thank you for playing! 


Wow! It's amazing. It's very fun, I love the graphic style and the gameplay is very good! 10/10. Very good work!


Thank you so much! Really kind of you! :)


Amazing game! So well put together and a lot of fun


Thanks so much! Glad to hear you're enjoying it!


Putting this together solo is extremely impressive.


Oh wow, that's really nice of you to say. :)

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