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A member registered Jul 04, 2017 · View creator page →

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I hate to be that guy, but are we ok with AI-generated voices? Maybe I'm just salty because I think using stuff like Copilot should have been allowed, but it seems likely that this voice was trained on actual samples from MGS.

Aside from that, this is really well made all around. I agree that indicating which camera is selected would help, but wouldn't go so far as showing the player location on the map as part of the fun for me was figuring out what I was even looking at.

That certainly is an ambitious idea to program for a game jam, and you even pulled it off, well done!

It's cool that all the problems you face are a direct result of your own actions, as well as seeing the patterns that emerge over time due to the slight asymmetry in the two sides. By the time I quit pretty much every surface was covered in heroes holding their swords in the air to counter my jumping bosses.

The idea of being completely at the mercy of an AI commander hoping it makes good building decisions is quite amusing to me. It just kept making more machine guns that I can't use lol.

Anyway, I think this idea has potential, but it needs a little something more to engage the player as a lot of the time you're looking in one direction holding down fire. There also isn't really much counter-play to simultaneous streams of enemies. Perhaps those both could be solved by just making the enemies way weaker and more spread out. Alternatively, maybe after exiting a gun it could continue to fire for some amount of time in the direction you were last aiming at so you could actually take advantage of the 20 machine guns your AI commander builds...

Overall though, a great looking and feeling game, good job!

At first I thought it was just a shmup but mirrored, but there's actually pretty interesting strategy by playing around the positioning of the powerups and trying to manipulate the enemy's movement into your shots. Maybe it could lean into that angle more by giving you denser bullet arrangements in the available firing patterns so they're more effective as zoning tools. Also, it's definitely unfair that the enemy player can hide off the screen and wrap to the other side.

Great music and visuals too!

I liked the theme and the presentation. As others said, it took a little while to figure out what was going on. While a tutorial would help, I think the bigger thing would be providing more feedback on the click-able elements, and making it more clear when/why something isn't doable.

In terms of the gameplay loop, the concept of having to remember and find the base ingredients required for someone's order could work towards something interesting. However as things are, wood was such a bottleneck for me that it mostly didn't matter what I harvested.

Cute and clever game; I had a good time. Its adherence to the jam theme is a little tenuous though. The roles of the elements are unusual and unexpected, but not really 'reversed'. That said, this jam's rating system doesn't reference following the theme anyway, so oh well.

Super slick, good job! The balance is a little wonky; I spent a good deal of time spawn camping the survivors until they eventually became invincible. I also kind of wish there were more interesting upgrades other than the standard damage/health/speed, but there's already so much here for a 2 day game that it's hard to complain.

Solid presentation and pretty polished. I'm not sure if I figured out the intended gameplay loop, though. It seems like I just had to walk from light to light picking up green things until panic was at ~30%, then run into the operator room. I feel like there should be some limitations or more specific strategies to increase panic. Perhaps being able to cause diversions to manipulate what camera the operator is using, and not allowing movement when they're looking at you. I never played the source material so maybe I'm missing something.

Also not sure how I feel about using existing IP in a game jam. I feel like you should have at least made it an off-brand knockoff.

Great job on the presentation. The concept of syncing level-ups and bundling upgrades for yourself and the enemy together is quite interesting and leads to some unique decisions. I didn't find much strategy in the main gameplay loop other than spamming units, but I kept winning before I could unlock the later units so maybe something could emerge given some balancing.

Aside from the main mechanic, which was interesting, I also thought it was neat how you could influence your deck building by choosing enemies that might have the cards you want. I ended up making a build that stalls with 3 defense cards into a body slam last hit, but was disappointed to find my defense caps at 9, hah.

I'm curious if you have ideas about what sort of mechanics a theoretical full version of this game would have. It seems to me that overcoming the pretty obvious dominant strategy would be difficult.

I really enjoyed this, though, good job!

Excellent work! Pretty simple gameplay, but effective, and it was especially cool that changing colours also changed the song. There were a more than a few runs that immediately ended due to seemingly bad rng, but that's not a big deal in a jam setting.

I did consider that, but ultimately wanted to see the consequences of keeping that limitation in place. I didn't get to fully explore that, but maybe I'll come back to it.

Thank you for the feedback!

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!

Neat idea, and great presentation. I'll admit I'm not a fan of tower defense, but I liked the puzzle spin you put on it. Tower movement feels a bit too slow to me, especially once you start asking me to dodge bullets. I'm not sure about having to join to all towers at once. It seems like it would limit level design possibilities a fair bit, but it's also interesting having to fully commit to your positioning.

Nice work!

Thank you! Sorry about the performance issues, I was coding this extremely recklessly.

There's definitely further interesting stuff I could do with the level design. I was a bit worried that the puzzles could quickly get extremely difficult for a jam game if I wasn't careful, especially with a lack of an undo button and the shoddy framerate.

One of these days I'll make a game with sound :)

I like this interpretation of the theme, where it's less about taking a core something away from the player and more about how the game feels. It was very funny how messy things get. I was having an issue where picking things up wouldn't work a lot of the time, which was a little frustrating.

Pretty neat. I liked the frantic nature of it, and how your play space becomes limited as time progresses. I didn't really parse the tutorial very well so it took me a little bit to figure out what was going on, but that might be because my brain is fried after programming all weekend...

This is really good! I like how you encourage interaction by having the platforms heal, but discourage spamming by making them breakable. My only issue is that avoiding damage is sometimes pretty much impossible. While it's mitigated by healing, it still feels kinda bad. Also, the intro is pretty cute.

Oh shoot, that isn't good. The only thing I can do at this point is update the description. Would what I wrote have helped?

Thanks for your feedback!

The presentation of this is really creative. I especially liked the effects that happen when you take damage.

A pretty simple concept but with some interesting takes. I like how the two distinct loss conditions give you ways to prioritize concerns, such as getting the cops stuck behind the speaker to deal with the party-goers. The cable getting tangled is a funny way to keep you from juking the cops endlessly.

The juxtaposition of troll mechanics with the typical emotional indie platformer presentation is amusing. Fortunately, I didn't read the description before playing so the joke fully landed. The controls and pacing make it slip from the good type of frustrating to the bad type of frustrating sometimes.

It's interesting being forced to constantly plan ahead. However, sometimes you don't have enough information to make correct decisions because you can't see where you'll be when you lose control.

The first shot took me by surprise, but it was a satisfying moment when I hit a ship with his own bullet the next time. The amount of options that emerge from being able to move anything is very interesting, and I could see that scaling very well with more content. The presentation was excellent.

Also, wow, 23 seconds before the deadline...

Thanks for your feedback! If you like, could you elaborate a bit on what you consider 'doing nothing'? I know the game is quite basic, but the intent is for levels after the first few to require constant and carefully aimed spells to survive. Is the pace not quick enough, or are the spells not as impactful as I think, given my obvious bias?

I didn't personally have any trouble hitting the loan targets, but they were enough of a perceived threat early on that I didn't feel comfortable fully expanding right away. 

I think you need some sort of ongoing goal to work towards to maintain at least a semblance of strategy, and the loan payments were perfectly adequate for that in a game jam scope. I was mostly surprised it wasn't already endless with an ever-increasing loan target.

Aha, sorry, I should have been more clear. I quite enjoyed the game and felt the mechanics I mentioned benefited it in the same way having to stand still to aim improves Resident Evil. Interesting situations can arise from forcing the player to make do with imperfect tools.

I think that scent mechanic has loads of potential. One whiff of it and I immediately started thinking of ways to design around it. You should definitely explore this more. Being on the receiving end of a fox hunt for example could be a really tense setting.

I do like me some juice.

I was a little concerned reading the description that it would just be a twin stick superhot which, while likely fun and faithful to the theme, seems completely uninspired to me. Thankfully the slowmotion is used almost entirely for aesthetics and game feel. 

Instead we have the most useless dash attack ever conceived. Its two functions are just so at odds with each other and how the rest of the game works, it made me wince every time I used it. The controls are also terribly inadequate for the job. You would expect this sort of game to use the mouse for quick and precise aim, but no, you get tank controls. 

These decisions make what would otherwise be a nice-looking, but basic, top down shooter into something that feels extremely tense and interesting. Its very well polished too, great job!

This one grew on me. First impressions weren't great, mostly due to the menu annoying me a bit (requiring me to select with the keyboard, yet confirm with the mouse?) and how quick and unfair the first death was, since the first enemy gave me no time to react to the fact that it needed two hits.

However, I tried a few more times and warmed up to it. The game feel is quite nice, with punchy sound effects, particles, and a satisfying screen shake. The visuals are basic, yet effective, and although the concept of using health as ammo isn't exactly mind-blowing, the balancing act the healing aura requires is interesting enough to keep things from getting stale. 

I do however think it's completely unnecessary for enemies to take two hits. If there were other enemy types with different health values or multiple weapons it could add some extra decision making or variation to the game, but as is it just means you have to click twice as many times (after the initial realisation anyway). 

I did have fun, though, and that's what matters.

This is a pretty complete little package here, well done! That seems pretty hard in a jam, especially when making your own engine. I too made my own engine and this was the aspect I personally had the most trouble with, so I was impressed.

I think the central mechanic of throwing enemies at other enemies as the only means of attack  is a pretty unique and interesting concept, and I thought the presentation was fairly well done. Starting a chain reaction of enemy kills was quite satisfying, although the sound effect when doing so was pretty painful.

One thing to improve would be game feel.  Things like making movement have a bit of acceleration, using easing functions instead of linear motion, emphasising impacts, and adding screen effects. It's tricky to do in a jam setting, and easy to go overboard, but injecting just a little bit of juice can go a long way in making a game fun.

I'm also not sure it conveys the theme particularly well. Sure, the enemies technically serve two purposes, but the way its implemented doesn't really create any unique scenarios or decision-making opportunities, which I feel is an important part of what makes dual purpose design interesting. As I said before, I do think it's a good mechanic conceptually, it just wasn't utilised as effectively as it could have been.

That said, congrats on the solid showing!

I certainly wasn't expecting that from a farming game! I'm happy with what I got, though, as I have a short attention span. I found it amusing how the music quickly begins to sound completely out of place as the action heats up. It would be interesting if it dynamically changed to keep pace with the gameplay, although obviously that isn't something easily achievable in a jam setting.

I wanted to experiment with keeping every plant's growth synced for more efficient harvests, and had just cleared out my whole field in preparation when the game abruptly declared that I had won. Slightly disappointing...

I wasn't really feeling it at first to be honest. The mechanics as they are seem to encourage a gameplay loop of standing still for long periods of time until something relevant happens, then passing a basic but frustrating timing/reaction check.  I think the main problem is that a bash requires too much investment. Not just the charge, but also the execution time. Since the jumping part grants neither speed nor iframes, the delay between when you release your charge and when something useful happens is usually longer than it takes a freshly launched tile to reach you. This combined with the attack's brief hurtbox means you have a very small launch window just before the tile starts moving, which is very difficult to hit since its telegraph is so vague (when it doesn't just launch from off-screen). It also doesn't help that there isn't a clear indicator that a full bash is ready, especially since a non-charged one is pretty much useless.

However, I then found out I can charge my next bash while dashing and much more interesting strategies became possible.  For example, using an initial bash to clear an opening in a large group of tiles, then kiting the others with a roll while charging another attack. This discovery didn't alleviate the above problems for me, but when new strategies emerge with player experience, that's a sign of a good core design, which in my opinion is the most valuable trait in a game jam, not mechanical issues that would probably be solved with more time.

There's a bug when you restart the game where enemies don't always completely go away and become spooky ghosts, so you may want to refresh the page when you die instead.