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A member registered Apr 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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Very interesting style. It would be great if it were possible to increase speed of the text, directly cut to the end of the line.

(2 edits)

Thank you for the explanation. Turns out, I did it with the library in reverse order, scaling the wall after climbing the scaffolding. That's why I couldn't understand why the key on top is located on a protruding ramp.

It's really cool there is more than one way to enter the library. Especially impressive for a gamejam project.

UPD: in latest build (1.0.4) jumping is indeed much more pleasant, and fall damage feels consistent now. However, it's really hard to hit anything by throwing, so much, that I still resorted to abuse to get the white key. I jumped on a shelf near it, and just picked up the books from below the key one by one, until it fell to the floor. And if I didn't know where keys are, it would by nigh impossible to notice them with these graphics.

Thank you very much! Glad you liked it!

Thank you!

And this is even the first UE project for our coder, Flaming Man!

Final jump scare is indeed a bit atonal thematically, we'll make the ending more fitting the setting after the rating ends.

Thank you for playing.

Yes, the ending is indeed a bit cheap for the game. Glad you liked the puzzle design!

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!

Huh, so it's a bug after all. Then how are you supposed to get inside the library and onto its second floor? 

Nice short game, curious eccentric environment. I'd say the font and VFX are slightly overdone.

Thanks for making it. Now I'll definitely stay home and play Victoria instead of repairing suspicious radio equipment.

A great entry, my favorite here.

Still, there were some issues with it. The game is hard to play, and not in a good way. 

  • the jumping/scaling mechanic seems very odd, it was quite difficult for me to realize it's the way the game is supposed to be played (or did I miss something and it's not xd?). Especially seems strange with the absence of fall damage
  • uncomfortable interaction with all these items, had to spend some time getting used to it. The inventory gets boggled up very quickly, I had to throw away the keys right after using them
  • and regarding keys, if you have a lot of them in the inventory, it's really hard to tell apart their color

But the atmosphere is superb. Limitations skillfully used to your advantage, every single thing drips with style. I also liked the dialogue, very extensive for a gamejam. Each elder speaks with his own, slightly different pitch, great detail! And circle composition, super cool!

Thanks for making it. Looking forward to your new projects.

Really liked how sound and visuals work together here. Well done.

Great game, had fun with it! Mashed Space button during final scene!


Agreed, the green cubes really could use some fine-tuning at least.

And yes, we've paid attention to the performance. Glad that it's appreciated.

(2 edits)

Thanks for the feedback, and really glad you liked it! Aniki-ta did the environment while inspired by Villeneuve's movies.

Indeed, there are some issues with the perspective scaling mechanic, it proved to be harder to implement than we anticipated.

Thanks! Glad you liked it!

Indeed a respawn and a couple other quality of life features would be nice, but 2 of the 3 devs are completely new to UE, so we did what we could with the time :)

Thank you for the feedback!

Yes, the AI will definitely be more advanced in the full game. In fact, we cut out some of its functionality for the gamejam - we decided to go with "better too easy, than too hard" route.

Thanks for the video, glad you had some fun with the game! Yes, we are definitely going to add lore when the game is extended.

By the way, it's teletraanx, sound designer, who came up with the title!

Liked the game. Was curious to see how it will end, and though finale is minimalistic, it didn't disappoint.

Puzzle is a bit too hard for my taste in the year 4180, everything just changes too fast.

Liked the atmosphere very much here. Was surprised by more than one ending, and absolutely enjoyed intro with its 2d art!

On the downside, navigating the logs was very bothersome.

Indeed, I'd expect a good performance with your hardware, thanks!

Liked the game very much, experience of crossing the bridge to the cube was great, thanks to both visual design and music. And drone's screech really threw me to the edge of my seat the first time!

However, after some time music track on repeat was a bit tedious. Also the puzzle could use some easier introduction. I wouldn't guess what I need to do, if I didn't know about Constellation Puzzle challenge.

Thank you for the feedback!
On all the machines I've tried this build, performance was satisfactory, but we definitely should have a go with a profiler. If you've had performance issues, can you tell what's your hardware spec?

Thanks! Full version will definitely have controls and sensitivity settings. However, flashlight works as intended.

(1 edit)

Glad you liked it. Thanks for the response, I'll take a look at what can cause such performance.


I am Unreal Engine developer, together with  sound designer we are looking for a 3d artist for themed horror gamejam

Recently we did a short space horror style entry for another gamejam:   

Planning on doing something in the same vein on Unreal Engine for this one. Please, message me on Discord if you are interested: 


Thanks for the feedback! You describing the environment as "grmdark" is especially important, means I hit what I was aiming for. PS1-like shader not just makes game look "retro", but with this lighting makes the atmosphere rather dark. The assets on their own are pretty sleek.

Fixed the movement, it was earlier tied to CPU/Graphics Card speed and could be sluggish even if the whole performance was fine.

I've thought about this, but overall the game tone is just very light, so small tiles do not cause claustrophobia. Probably closest feeling to it is "can I really fit here in that suit?"

No need to excuse for humor, that's just very subjective. In fact, I liked headbanging zombie the most!

Really like the atmosphere and looks here. Great ending.

Indeed, even simple animations would improve this a lot. Visually distinguishing openable doors a bit more would be also great.

It has a great idea, and I liked visuals and music.

But sadly, the UI is too buggy to properly use the map, and it's quite easy to glitch out of the grid - even together with blob.

Great game! I was quite curious to try another submission on Unreal Engine. Very fluid movement, and a great find with RPG-token enemies. Very simple gameplay, maybe a bit too simple, but it works.

Liked your sense of humor. From the very beginning dialogues reminded me of "The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress"

It has kind of RPG mechanic inside, so the targeting indeed shouldn't be any harder than declaring a target. I'll speed the game up with the patch after the ratings. 

Thanks for playing!

Very fun and laconic game. When I saw chaos warrior, I knew this is gonna be tough.

Running in console and with such satisfactory results is indeed great! Though four-way intersection looks absolutely identical wherever you look, had to abuse save-load sometimes.

Death sound is a bit more like a winning sound. Perhaps it's a win for the other team, hehe

Very nice looking game. Graphics are good, though some assets look a bit out of place.

Liked very much the code-searching element, and the in-world map is also very good. Makes good use of the ability to look around. Reminded me of Doom 3 in a good way.

Overall good gameplay, but very small grid tiles make movement and navigation look a bit strange. The humor here is not my cup of tea, but it's a very subjective thing anyways.

Great typing mechanics, overall liked the game very much! Despite art being from asset store, everything looks very consistent throughout the game. 

A bit buggy though: my first run was ended when I mistakenly adjusted camera angle and was unable to see the word to type. But that's to be expected, general quality for the gamejam game is very good.

Nice graphics and very pleasant monster pop ups, but unfortunately very buggy game. Couldn't understand how soulbinding mechanic works other than it made me go through the walls and sometimes even beyond the level boundaries - that's how every attempt ended.

The minimap is indeed a nice touch.

Loved visual style and music. Story slides (and the very fact of the story itself) were great!

But it took too much farming. I don't know how many times I've genocided all the tofus to be able to even cheese the sniper at the waterfall intersection, then it took numerous attempts to kill everyone there to level up to finally be able and kill some of the purple knife-bearing monsters, at least by abusing their pathfinding near the ledge... and then I had no ammo left, again.

It looks like the game has some kind of turn-based movement, but it is not really obvious. It works especially strange with projectiles: enemies HP is depleted using hit trace at the very moment you shoot, even though your projectile takes time to reach them, and may even visually miss, because they've already completed their next turn. Very counterintuitive.

Simple, but working gameplay, made it to the end. Props for verticality.

I liked "fighting" the obstacles very much! Would be great to see them be actually defeated - meaning, gates open.

It was fun to try and I like the theme very much. 

Basic monsters sometimes look too basic, though they are great further in the darkness, looks like it was the intended effect. Liked screen post-processing effect and the ASCII map.

However, random levels are too random. On my first attempt there was a huge number of inaccessible drawers, it confused me whether I was doing something wrong or not. Also the map seems to be mirrored.

Will do! Thanks for trying it!