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A member registered Jun 28, 2019 · View creator page →

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the gameboy style is awesome. I’ve always wanted to get into gbstudio, excellent work you truly know your GB stuff

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thank you for the reply! This is probably something we wanna adjust if we update :) so all details are helpful 

Love the graphics :) gameplay is super fun and addicting I played this a bunch of times. I appreciate the inclusion of two additional modes to the mystery mode. 

Loved this and the graphics were nice. I agree with a commenter about some lack of direction. I mixed a bunch of combinations of things but didn't really get rewarded for my efforts in experimenting.  Really very impressive for a two week game jam and I LOVE day/night cycles in games. 

Love the character animation before the title screen. what a beautiful illustration. The title screen itself is exceptionally done.  It sets up the player to expect great graphics from the rest of the game. Loved that you included a text speed option, I would have liked the option that I have currently selected to be highlighted somehow to see what one the game is currently set to. Player input :) nice

This pixel art is awesome. So cozy and cute. Doesn't need a lot of detail to get the message across. It's simple and pleasant on the eyes. A very simple touch at the very beginning of showing the player would have a button prompt appear with the walk buttons, a small thing but I think would be nice. I thought it was a little strange that Lynette (I think that was her name) disappears after talking to her in the house. I like the falling leaves affect :) Character animations are great too, it moves very fluidly.

I love a game with good humorous writing. It’s hard to pull off but this one had me laughing out loud. I had some similar gripes about the ingredients being a bit hard to read as one commenter said. The timer is a bit stressful for a cozy coffee shop theme as for some players that can be a bar to playing. Character designs are great and unique! 

ah a typing game! I love typing games bc I’m a fast typer. This was fun :) good job on this, congrats

nice work on a cute lil metroidvania. Got stuck tho :(

cute game! Nice art, I was feeling lost like some other commenters said and placement of dialogue box is obstructive. The art style is more rough around the edges but it’s intentional and it looks great! 

I adore the pixel art on this, characters are cute and designed well given the resolution. I’ve always found chunky pixels to be charming. I also locked myself out of the game by examining the gate before having the key or at least that’s what I assume was the same bug. The camera needs some work, it made me a little sick

Regardless great little game. Awesome job

(2 edits)

nice game.  Not sure how much of this was made with the theme and everything in mind. Congrats on completing a game though! Good work

Edit: found “Hobbs Home” which matches your html file in steam back from 2021?

great game! I love the art and the way you used the theme with the small cast of characters. The writing and narrative were lovely :) awesome work 

Art is great, especially love the hand written notes. The poofing animation is quite nice and the sequence to finding the numbers was nice. Good work on this, you can see that a tremendous amount of effort was put into this.

Music would have made this game even better. Models and animations are lovely, congrats on a great entry for the jam and I like your take on the detective mystery

This game is awesome. Like someone else, this remind me of Don't Starve. Art is beautiful, music is haunting and I felt super proud when I figured out the mystery. A nice cozy interpretation of the theme. Took some time to figure out everything. Awesome job,  congrats

Title screen is a little messy, picture of the fox cover words so you can't read them. I also find it strange to have description text like this in the title menu of the game. Some spelling and grammatical errors as well but those are minor. There are some issues with bounds and camera positioning. The area feels empty in some places. Nice job

I like the idea and the combination of 2d and 3d art, I think that they didn't mesh 100% but I like the effort of having it be two different types of art which is impressive! Nice concept of being a farmer and selling to monsters :) The music is cozy

Cute little game, I was confused on what to do at the beginning and the "total" started counting up when there was nothing on the screen. I'm not sure if it was my PC but the leaves fell really slowly that made it a little hard to get into. The math feels cozy. I like the diegetic pause menu

Lovely graphics, the writing is charming and funny. I felt perfectly cozy while I was playing. I am blown away at the quality of this entry and would love to see this ever get expanded. Some minor spelling errors. I like the visual novel gameplay Would be nice to have an option to adjust the volume. Having a short introduction showing controls and how to play would help in making this even more polished. When I first introduced myself to someone I could have lied about who I was which I'm not sure the intention or reason why I would want to lie to this person. But then the decision is a false one, which is fine. It introduces future dialogue choice mechanics without having any consequences for your actions during these beginning moments.

This game is awesome. I love the concept, the dialogue and the graphics. As with most people here, had a lot of trouble with the dancing. There is very little margin for error. I love rhythm games!

Art style and graphics are exceptionally cozy!! I love the style you chose for this! There are as lot of things you could add to this game to make it even better maybe different types of trees, leaf shapes though like another commentor said, there may have been a few too many leaves to collect. The character design is lovely as well. There is some polish to be needed but thats to be expected! Great job on this.

It took me some time to get used to the controls. Some animations look a bit janky especially the twist of the cat arm but that’s all stuff that’s to be expected anyway. I love the concept and the other patrons of the cafe made me laugh. great job! 

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I love this game! There’s tons of stuff you could do the improve this after the jam to make it feel more complete but it’s really great as is! I agree with another about varying quests but we only had so much time to make the game and the art is especially great.

Amazing jam game and criminally underrated

Nice little game for sure! Great job. Though, I'm not sure how this pertains to the cozy autumn there are some arguments to be made that there are some hints of orange and I guess it could be set in autumn.

Love the art on this. I just recently played Turnip boy commits tax evasion and I know that is pixel art but this reminds me of that in character design, concept and control. It's so cute, i love leafy :) . 

Maybe the camera would benefit from being zoomed out a bit more to see more of the screen, I feel like while exploring big portions of the screen are just all green with grass but no discernable shapes, NPCS. There are some odd collision moments with the UI(to do list and right UI squares) overlapping some parts of the environment and vice versa. There was a section around the mailbox that seemed to make leafy disappear and the bottom inventory box but I could still control him, just a minor visual bug but also might just be my computer. I think it also would be nice to have some prompts appear on screen when you pick up the items like the letter, maybe have a similarly designed window appear that says "I found invitations! I should find a mailbox." 

Overall, really cozy and I love it, great job

I love the artstyle, I'm a sucker for low poly 3D and the use of the palette in a 3D game was so pleasant to see. The character design is cute and the animations are cartoony but fluid, it gives a very polished feel! Amazing game, I would love to see this expanded on!! Congrats on this

can’t wait to try it once you can reupload! Love the look of this and love rpg maker 

the thumbnail is striking haha! I will agree with another commenter that I’m not sure it fits with the cozy autumn theme as its focus was more on the detective mystery mechanic Which you already know. Great nonetheless! Well done, procedural generation is just a treat. The art style is bold but nice, reminds me of some adult cartoon styles or Adult Swim.

an amazing feat, you should feel proud! A demo insinuates a full release? (Fingers crossed) def will be in TOP this jam. Excellent work

such an awesome little game! Impressive in so many ways. Can’t wait to see what you do next

nice little game about comforting lil pengy. He was lookin cozy by the time I was done with him! A cute concept and one that I originally wouldn’t have thought of a penguin to fit. Great :) 

loved the art, incredible. So impressive for a 2 week jam! This is a world like that of Night in the Woods with interaction w/characters and gameplay. Love it 

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Hi, thanks for your feedback. If you want you could try keyboard and see if that is better. Bummer this doesn’t work for you for some reason, so sorry!! 

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This is a great game! Like all the other comments I agree that it's polished, this feels very professional! Great job! The characters, art style, story were great! Definitely one of the top submissions in this jam and personal favorites. The text at the top of the screen might benefit from an indicator saying that the player should be advancing dialogue.

Excellent job there isn't much more I can say

Incredibly charming. One of my favorite games in this jam! I hope you continue to add more to this, it seems awesome and perfect in time for the spooky season!! One minor gripe is maybe the font in the to do list should've matched with the dialogue text. The hand drawn pencil style of the art is very well done, reminds me of Paper Mario. I thoroughly enjoyed the dialogue and characters. I found each of them adorable and interesting. A little thing is that if you return to the coffee ghost without completing the task he comments that the carrier isn't empty and then the sprite still doesn't change after you deliver them all.  Some footsteps for the player would be another nice touch. Would be nice if the night time dialogue prompt would be lit up in some way or appear brighter but that's minor. Pumpkin carving was the best minigame glad I saved it for last! I found the leaf count for the leaf blowing task to be a bit much as I couldn't do other tasks while doing so.

All in all, a fantastic entry to the jam and you should be proud!

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Adorable little game! Some polish is to be expected. Yes sorry to say that my screen also turned black at some point after beating the boss but I'm glad you posted the ending! 

The music is great, the art is lovely and the mechanic of defeating the ant(s) with jumping into (onto) it is clever and fun. Think there should be an option to turn down volume. Some jump sfx for the player would be nice as there are sfx for other things like text, smashing, doors opening, and squashing.

Great game! I loved the art and map and mini games. There might not have been time for the amount of polish that you would have liked as most of us probably feel but this is still something that's most impressive. Great work on this, can definitely see how some more polish could take this to feeling like a more complete release

It doesn't really pertain to theme of cozy, I like fun little games which this is for the most part. I think the hitbox for the ants should be a bit bigger than just a square, like a bigger square or an asset like a flyswatter, with the amount of time you had left that might have been accomplishable. I like the look of the pie and ants. 

The sound design is not great. The music is far too intense for the subject matter and each click to the ants sound like a I'm shooting them with missiles rather than swashing ants

no wayyyyyyy thank you so much

This is by far my favorite game in this jam. I hope we see more of this in the future. Just amazing work. The art is lovely, the animations are cartoony and adorable and the controls are very nice. I loved the sfx as well.