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A member registered May 11, 2023 · View creator page →

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Extremely hard on PC, birds come in way too fast. Works much better on android with thumbs at the ready, Nice Gib effects

Bang! lmao I love it

Nice! I like the game, although I hate the chili peppers, and the visual filter is awesome! Good Game

Nice puzzles, had me stuck on a few for a little bit.  Fun game just needs some sound

This was really nice, the only thing missing is some background music. Good Game

It wasn't a specific card with him either, just kind of randomly after playing a card the game would crash. I'll keep trying to look for what's causing this, thanks.

Cool idea, would love to see this expanded upon in the future

Sorry to hear, do you remember what happened leading up to the crash? I had a friend playtesting for me before the jam ended and he had the same bug two games in a row, right after he plays a card the game crashes, that I haven't been able to replicate in over a dozen games. I know there's a bug there but I can't find where, if you have any extra info it would be appreciated.

I love the style, reminds me of the old Ultima games. Keep at it!

I could have it highlight the affected cards and confirm the use of the card, that should make it more clear. Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad my game exceeded your expectations, love to hear that!

Nice game, I liked the farming livestock idea and the breeding stats mechanic was cool.

Nice game, I liked the farming livestock idea and the breeding stats mechanic was cool.

Cool idea and a really fun game!

Fun game, I liked it a lot. Loved the cool hat, but by the time I got it I had no time for farming as there were constant wolves. I'm gonna try again and pick up the hat quickly this time.

I tried to make sure I got all the classics in there too; Monster Reborn, Pot of Greed, Rageki && Dark Hole. I'm glad you liked it

thanks, I was actually playing through stairway to the destined duel when the jam started so there's a lot of that in there lol

I did the pop-up text and had it last 2 seconds long before I put the text on the sidebar that tells what to do at each step so yeah, I could go back and shorten the pop-up text to be only 1 second long. Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it,

Cool game, I liked how you made the length of the game dependent on how well you can work the field. I also made a card game so I just had to try yours, nice job.

This was a fun one, really nice job.

Fun little arcade game, the different enemy types are cool. Kinda wish the shotgun had more spread but other than that it was nice

thank you

Really cool idea, I haven't played a text adventure in ages. I enjoyed it a lot, the turrets were  cool and I haven't beaten the boss yet but will try again. My favourite parts so far were 'I beg your pardon?' and 'the use of "UNDO" is forbidden in this story'

Really nice game, I like seeing other GameMakers. The one-bit art style worked well. I also liked how you rediscover the map on respawn so it's like a big memory game where you have to learn the dungeon. The first thing I did was test out what the controls were: I jumped twice, threw all my rocks, and started violently shaking. I wondered what that was until I came across a sign telling me it was used for getting stuck in walls, then another sign about a forgetful dev not implementing functionality of ladders or doors. Great humour and cool concept, Nice job!

Love the giant chainsaw sword!!! The drill elevators too, and the lampposts. The art design in this game is fantastic, everything looked great and the music/sounds were good too.  Gameplay was also good, nothing remarkable but as they say, no news is good news.  I really liked what you did here, great job!

Hey great game! I felt immersed in the alien world, sounds and art were awesome. I got stuck fighting the boss but I had fun on my way there and will keep trying. For gameplay I would add respawning at full health (or some way to restore health because I couldn't find any) and the ability to shoot in an upper diagonal. I notice when you press down in the air you shoot diagonally down, and pressing up is just straight up. Upper diagonal  aiming would make the various floating enemies much easier to handle. Got a lot of potential and I would love to see the game completed.

Cool game, the art and music was great. Combat felt good too, slow enough to have weight but fast paced enough to be hectic. The story was nice too, bigger than I expected and voice actors too! Really nice job

Awesome game! I loved the art style, the buff mushroom and guys smoking by the wall the most. Played really well, the player enemies and weapons were great. Nice job I had a lot of fun with it!

Fun game. Abilities were cool, I became a rat! I also liked abusing getting hit by enemies/bullets to get really high. The world layout was also cool with all the hidden passages and the wraparounds. Nice Job!

No, I don't think I saw the side quest. I'll play again and look for it. as for the controller, it prompted me to hold L(I think I was doing  L2) not R1 so that's probably it. I'll try that again too.

Loved the humour in the game. The characters and dialogue were my favourite part, next to turning into an egg. I found a few bugs; there's an area leading to the scarecrow with invisible collision, and as someone else said going downstairs from the starting area leads to empty space where I went off screen and couldn't come back. This lead me to restarting from the last checkpoint which put me in conversation for giving the Mole  his glasses, only text boxes no art, and that was it. I then had to restart the game which reset my sock and egg progress but didn't reset the dialogues.

Overall some minor bugs but I enjoyed playing

Nice work! I really liked the time switching, especially when having to switch mid air during platforming. It can be tricky setting it up but feels great pulling it off. Also I'm a sucker for a good pirate theme

Hey that was pretty cool. I couldn't get the controller input to work for dropping through platforms so I had to switch to keyboard and that worked smoothly. I liked the reuse of space, areas that I go through in the beginning then return to with more abilities felt good. I always like seeing fellow GameMakers, Nice job!

Thanks I'm glad you liked it. Carrying momentum after grappling is a good idea, I'll be sure to implement that

yeah I should've made that more clear, start on controller or enter on keyboard will pause the game and display the controls.

Cool, idea for a game. It would be even cooler if I could infect a soldier after sneaking up on them, but with only 3 days you had to decide where to spend your time. I enjoyed playing

Awesome game! The sound and art was great and the gameplay was smooth. I liked running around as a raccoon wizard collecting honey(?) It was a fun time

Yeah I turned the slider all the way up and I wish it would go a little more, that and gamepad support! I should have looked at the controls before I reset my progress, maybe I would have tried pressing E lol.

I'm always up for some zombie shooting. Game played okay, a little janky and I got stuck in the pit on the spaceship. It was a decent game though, keep at it!