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Orphic Dreaming

A member registered Jun 21, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much :)

Nice creative use of the theme.
The only thing you might want to change is how the eraser skips when you move the mouse fast (I'm guessing it draws once per frame)

But over all nice job with this game! 😊

Hey man, nice job with this game :)
I think the main character (eraser) looked really good, did you draw him yourself?

The controls were not at all intuitive to me until I realised that you are supposed to play with 2 hands on the keyboard 😜 but once I figured that out the jumping and dashing feel really good.

The only problem was I couldn't actually figure out how to damage the bosses, I kept trying to dash into them but it didn't seem to do anything, so maybe add a visual or sound indicator when they take damage so its more obvious.

Overall I liked the game, well done 😊

Hey man, nice work making this game, did you make the music yourself?

Like some of the other comments have said, I think for this type of game you have to really lean into something happening on the beats of the music (either when they spawn or when you have to erase them) to make it feel satisfying.

Overall I think it is a nice concept, well done 😊

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Nice work with this game.
I like the feeling that the moving and aiming have.

One thing that would have made it a bit juicer would be an indicator that you hit a virus (maybe a little particle effect) and maybe destroy the bullet when it hits a virus.

I liked the game though, good job! :)

Hey, nice job with this game.
I like the model of the weapon, has a nice low poly look :)
I like the movement of the character, the jump feels good and I like how the field of view changes when you run, it makes it feel really nice.

Some things you should add in my opinion if you develop this further in the future:
-A visual cue that your beam is hitting the enemy (a simple particle effect would do it)
-Maybe a health bar or something for the enemies
-It might be just a browser thing, but the mouse isn't being locked to the screen so it eventually runs off the screen and you lose control.

Overall I think you did a good job though, well done :)

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This is actually really cool, the beginning of the game with the corrupted save file got me and was well done :P

I like the mechanic of changing how the world is by clicking buttons in popups, it would be cool to see how you could take this idea further in the future :)

Oh and btw it would be nice if you could add the Fullscreen button in the itch settings, or make the game window size bigger, it was a bit small to easily see in the browser :)

Nice work!

I think you are right, if I develop the game further I am going to swap out the memes for more normal custom characters.
I used them because they were funny and a bit eye catching for a game jam, but for a non-gamejam game I don't think they would work very well :P
Thanks for the feedback! :)

Thank you :) 
Good job making it that far, I tend to make my games a bit too hard on the first pass :P

For anybody interested in how I did the sketch effect, I have made a sample repo so you can try it out

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

The drawing/erasing effect is just layers of sprites drawn with a gradient brush in GIMP (so it goes from light to dark) and then a shader that checks if the value for that pixel is less than X, and then a script that tweens X from 0 to 1. 

I wish I had put more time into explaining how the game worked with in game hints, but I ran out of time at the end unfortunately :P

You are right, I was planning to have an event or a menu or something where you could destroy items, or a way to discard them from your hand without playing them so you can draw more. 
Moving items was actually a design problem that I couldn't think of an elegant solution to, but I might actually use your idea of moving at the cost of stamina.

I really appreciate you taking the time and giving me really helpful feedback. Thank you :)

Thank you :D

Thank you so much! :)

Yeh I cant believe I didn't make a hint or a tooltip or something to make it more obvious you can rotate in retrospect, ill have to keep it in mind for future games :)
There are a couple healing items, but they are probably too rare and weak. But if I keep working on it after this jam is done I will definitely take your advice and add a couple more in :P

Thank you :)
For the drawing/erasing effect it is just layers of sprites drawn with a gradient brush (so it goes from light to dark) and then a shader that checks if the value for that pixel is less than X, and then a script that tweens X from 0 to 1. 

Yeh I know what you mean with the not being able to move items, it was a design decision I made early that I had to stick to 😜
If I had more time I might have made it so you could use your items turn to move instead of attacking, but I'm not sure if it would make the game better or worse, because then reaction items would be less useful if you could just move things out of the way whenever it gets played.  If you have any ideas on good ways to include item movement I would love to hear them 😊

You drag the items that drop out of the backpack onto a slot on the grid, then when you end your turn the item will do its thing. The bag will only empty up to 3 items into your hand.

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Thank you 😊 I'm glad you enjoyed it

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Nice job, I liked that you had to focus on using both the mouse and the character. Good use of the theme as well 😊

Very wacky game and funny game, would have been funny to be in the meeting where you came up with this idea 😜

As others have said, its a bit laggy in the browser, but it wasn't too bad for me.

Nice job 😊

Ah ok that makes sense.
Shows what I get for skipping through dialog for every game I play 😂
 I'll have to play it again to try out the boss fight 😊

Took me a while to figure out that i only had to clear the roads, not the entire map, I was like wtf how long do these levels take.
I would make it so you can find out if you have cleared enough of the level to finish it without ending the level and restarting (maybe like a little ui) as I did that a couple times and its annoying to have to start over.

I like the effect when you hit a tree and how you can double mow and fk up peoples lawns.

I'm still not sure why I shouldn't just be spamming the slowest ability for each character, I'm thinking it might push their character less far back in the turn order, which is pretty cool but I'm not totally sure if this is what is happening.
I played through the game until the chronomancer and it was pretty fun, was there a boss fight? I feel like the game just restarted (I don't read a lot of dialog so that might have helped :P)

I wasn't a huge fan of the visuals at first but the gameplay definitely makes up for it, one of the few game jam games I actually enjoyed playing ;)

It does seem that I should have made it more obvious with a popup or something that you could rotate items, I think next game jam I do I will have to focus more on making it more obvious how to play ^.^
Thanks for the feedback :)

You are right, I was planning on making a tutorial and more levels and making it so they cant have two in a row but I was doing this one solo and just ran out of time haha.
Thanks for the feedback though, I really appreciate it :)

Thank you so much! :)

Jesus Christ, this is fantastic. Funny af concept and the art style is so clean.
Fun to play, I just hope my actions don't result in more babies not being vaccinated.

Definitely fits the theme, and I liked how many different pieces of artwork there was :)
I also like how you linked the tutorial for the erasing effect, should be helpful to me in the future :P

Well done :)

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Thank you :)

It's just a text to speech generator, you can try it here:

Thank you so much, I think you are probably right about the amount of mental investment our game required to get going (and that the hints probably should have been enabled by default, or easier to find).
For future game jams I am definitely going to put more thought into how to make things more intuitive and require less mental load to play. 

Congrats on your game though, it rated super well (and deserved to be), are you guys going to develop it further or just move onto the next game jam? :P

This game looks fantastic, it has a really unique art style that I don't think I have seen before. I love the breathing and trippy moving walls. Definitely my favourite looking game I have played so far this jam.
I ran around for quite a while without figuring out what to do after I got the sword, but the movement felt nice too so I didn't mind :)

Extremely nice work

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The game looks really good, and I like the look of the characters.
I cant figure out if I am supposed to figure out the path by trial and error or if I am blind and I am missing something.

Nice work either way though :)

Edit: I just figured it out, the dots in the dark are the cost in lives of the duders that follow you

Very nice looking game, I liked the attacking system where you can either get a sure hit or try your luck at getting a perfect hit.
Felt like a really tough game if you cant consistently land perfect hits :P

Nice job :)

I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
The book definitely should have been one of the key items, my bad on that one :P


The key items are:

-The Doll
-The knife used for the chalice
-The Mirror
-A Human Fat Candle

If you have too much trouble with the puzzles, there are hints available in the accessibility section of the pause menu :)

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The tagline made me click

It was a slow burn to get started, but it ended with some real freaky shit going on. Well done 

This was actually a really cool and well made game.
Having the time pressure from the guy chasing you made it into more a test of muscle memory from your previous deaths as you have to play the levels almost perfectly to get through them.
The later levels are very difficult but they are all beatable with a bit of practice(and a lot of deaths)
I quite liked the art style too, Well done on this game!

(On level 3 there is a glitch where if you die the game locks up and you have to restart the page)

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I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to cook the hotdog and get it to the customer :P

I liked the intro movie, but it should probably be skippable so you can just play the game the second time 

Nice work :)

Edit: I figure out the hotdog's, you gotta put a bun and a hotdog on the hotplate together and it will spawn a couple assembled hotdogs on the hotplate (they are just a little hard to grab sometimes threw me off the first time)

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I like the aesthetics of the game and how it sounded :) 
How do I get to the exclamation mark in the kitchen? I found all of the other ones but I couldn't figure out what to do with the one in the kitchen.

To those about to play:
I accidently closed the game a couple of times trying to pause, so be careful of pushing escape :P.
Also make sure you look at the itch page, you will need the controls on there to progress

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Thank you ^.^