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A member registered May 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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Good to know. I'll do that next time. Thank you. And thanks for playing!

Also had the same problem with crashing. Wish I could have played! I shall abstain from rating.

Honestly, 5 stars across the board. I would totally buy that if it were a full game. The potion were spaced juuust right so the balance of the game was perfect. Almost like a casual dark souls or something. The only thing I think it was missing was a minimap that showed you places that you had already been to. I am super bad with directions and got a little lost in the snow. But, all in all. SO good. 

And yes, the music and sfx was MEGA quiet. Haha, it needs to be maybe triple the loudness. I'd love to see this developed into a bigger project. Once I had beaten it, I just wanted more!

Agreed. Very fun. Great level design. And I really like how you slowly introduce mechanics. Ripe for a story like Master Blaster or something.

Can I ask you...how did you get everything exported to the correct resolution using Unity? Do you have any resources or a tutorial you like about that? I searched, but had trouble figuring out low resolution stuff.

Idea for a prequal...Cucumber Boy's Quest!

Nice job on this! Keep on doing your thing!

For anyone else scared to play because there aren't any screenshots. I can confirm... this is not a virus. Just a normal ol' game.

Can confirm. Also grimaced at the fingernail! Nice ambience on this one! Not only is it 64 x 64 pixels...it's inside a 6x6 cell as well. Meta-Tiny O.O

Really enjoyed playing this game! Made it to the end and fixed gravity. That last room was a tough one! But not so tough that I got frustrated. Good Job!

(Oh, thought I should mention that I found a bug at the end screen where it says "You fixed gravity!" If you're on that screen and you press the arrow keys, the game throws an error and asks to abort.)

Nice! The music really gets me going, matches vibe very well. My PC kept asking me if I was trying to enable Sticky Keys because I was repeatedly pushing shift. Not sure how to solve that besides making 'shoot' a different button. Fun bullet hell! Thanks for posting.

Wow, you are committed good sir!

So good! I like how it follows the rules of volleyball with the same person not being able to hit it twice. But also...this taught me that I am no good at volleyball. Thanks for crushing my Olympic dreams! *runs away crying*.

I'll echo what ahintoflime said! All of it.

Still a dope game! :)

Ah! Sorry to hear it crashed! I wish I knew how to fix things like that. Thanks for playing!

(2 edits)

Great controls, great tutorial environment, I loved the theme of being a (possibly evil?) robot. I knew what I was supposed to do the whole time. I actively had fun playing this game. Even little details like the robot changing to black and white when you were in the vent. I really can't say enough good things about this game. Would play more.
I think a 5 second cut scene showing you planting a bomb at the top of the house would have made what was happening more clear. Maybe there was one but I accidentally skipped it? 
If you ever made more levels, I can totally see introducing new types of enemies and new robot abilities each new house your blow up.

I don't know, I just really liked this game. Nice job!

I also had fun playing this game! I think the pacing of the game is stellar. The rooms are the right size, a good clip of enemies. Your sword also rotates smoothly (instead of chunking around like a true 64x64 resolution would) so it seems whatever resolution it was rendering to was higher than 64x64. But...the art was all made in the spirit of the Jam, even if a few elements don't technically fit the requirements. Great game! Easy to burn some time on.

Hey! I played your game. I loved having a knife chase the pea. I chuckled at that.

A wise person once told me: "Don't say anything to yourself that you wouldn't say to your friend." Just because you have a lot to learn, doesn't make you 'an idiot'. Don't forget, right now you're mastering the basics. You made a game, found out how to save it as an .exe, and submitted something. That's a great start!  : )

Solid game, nice fast tutorial. Man, I should start putting tutorials like that in my games instead of just writing the controls on the itch.io page. Definitely unforgiving. Nice!

Nice work! A simple concept, executed well. Man, I feel like I am learning so much seeing everyone else's games.

Killer music, inventive game mechanic that I personally haven't seen before. Wish that the scale was a bit larger. Like, that my character was 4x4 and the camera moved with me. But alas, only so much can be done in one game jam session. I think you should keep developing this idea. Really really fertile ground, in my opinion.

Just add "GET TO THE TOP" to this page.
Dang this game is a super cool concept. It's ripe for making a higher resolution endless runner type version.

Gameplay mechanic was very interesting, made me feel really powerful. Maybe too powerful. If I could walk around, and the teleport ability had a longer cool down, and the enemies walked around a little bit too, it might be more challenging. All in all, a really cool game jam game. Nice job!

Ghost mode as teleport = awesome. ghost mode leaving your body behind, making you vulnerable = awesome. I agree with other comment that I wish the pace was a bit quicker. Perhaps if your ninja was fast, but your ghost was slow? Or if there was a time limit on ghost mode instead of a distance limit?

I do think this mechanic could be turned into a full game, given more time. Nice work!

So, the concept of this game seemed like I would really enjoy it, and I still think it has potential. 

I did have a bit of a frustrating time with bumping into the grass. I wish that the game let you mess up more. For example, you could let me drive on the grass, but make it cost money for every second you weren't on the road. Maybe you had to pay repair fines at the end of your ride. 

I think if the controls were a bit more forgiving this would have been a really fun experience.

So, story and overall atmosphere were very good in my opinion, I do think that because of the number of controls you have, button prompts at least at the beginning would help me know what to do faster.

I came. I stacked. I conquered.

Wasn't sure what the goal of the game was, but I did find it very satisfying to spam boxes everywhere and watch them tumble around.

Very smooth controls. I love how the bullets are also light sources. Would love to see once it's finished!

More please! 

(1 edit)

I'll echo others. Awesome concept. Love you you slowly introduce concepts. 
I do wish the tools had a better indicator of which parts were the dangerous bits. 

Really cool concept! Had fun playing :)

(1 edit)

Simple, clean, pleasing to look at. Dang! Nice job! I wish there was some way to save yourself last minute when you realize you messed up. I think that would make it feel a little more forgiving when you're 50% of the way through jumping over a double helping of cop.

I also like how when the cops catch you, you die. Yikes!  Awesome job. Really solid play experience.

What are the controls for this game?

Nice! Keep on making games!

(1 edit)

The bone throwing mechanic made this game for me. I love the "save your dog" theme too.

A super fun concept. Worth expanding on, I think. The art work of the pest being only 3 pixels big really let my imagination run wild. Love it.

Edit: I actually went back and played it again. Very fun. I think there's an issue with your text being inside the game window, though. And not sure if it's technically 64x64 since it's not a square aspect ratio? But a fun mechanic for sure!

Wow. Much impressed.

Really cool dimension changing mechanic. Love the idea of things being safer when you're microscopic

While there is no standard executable in this game's download file, I was able to run the .py file with python 3.9 (latest) and pygame 2.0 (latest version) installed on my machine.

A fun 2 player fighting game, for sure. Plus, mad respect for anyone programming from scratch in Python! Next time, I would recommend using PyInstaller to create an EXE. It might help more people play your game. 

Hi there! It looks like you have charged money for your game. All well and good, but I think you're going to have a tough time getting people to rate it on the Jam. Might consider making it free, at least for the Jam period.