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A member registered Jul 12, 2024 · View creator page →

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Nice wee game! The boss was simple yet interesting to fight as the player has to decide between dealing as much damage as possibly to the boss and potentially risking taking damage, or to send the boss back to the blue window room but deal less damage in the process. The controls are very simple and intuitive as there's only 2 buttons and the mouse pointer to use, making the controls very easy to adapt to.

The visuals are simple yet pleasant to look at as it mostly uses colour and basic shapes to show what objects are what, making it easy to understand the objects from a gameplay perspective. The music complements the gameplay well and the sound effects give the player's actions more impact. However, I do wish the game made more use of the theme.

Overall, I enjoyed this game and it was very satisfying to win at the end!

The controls are simple and easy to grasp due to the small amount of inputs there are, which makes the gameplay more streamlined. Each music track fits their respective boss very well, and the sound effects are very satisfying and add impact to the gameplay. The visuals look very nice and have a low poly art style with the characters being made from simple shapes such as cuboids and cylinders, which makes the game stand out and have its own charm. Each boss has their own unique attacks such as the lasers with the robot or the spider summon with the spider, which gives each boss its own identity and helps to keep the gameplay fresh. The theme was used quite well with the player's weapon being a flail that spins around and the bosses having spinning themed attacks.

Overall, I had a lot of fun playing this game! This is a very solid game!


Trackpad user's worst nightmare... (Only made to the second boss)

Jokes aside, from what I've seen, the visuals are well made and perfectly encapsulate the 80's using a low poly style. This is complemented very well with a music selection that sounds like the 80's as well as sound effects giving feedback for certain event occurring. Also, the intro cutscene is the stuff of gold.

The theme is basically baked into the game's design as the game revolves around exercise bikes and having the bosses defeated by spinning the scroll wheel while avoiding projectiles within a rotating bounding area. The controls are fairly intuitive and are easy to get a grasp on (If you have a proper mouse that is)

Overall, despite the curse of the trackpad, I enjoyed this game quite a bit! This is a solid game!

Having the player on the spinning vinyl record is a great way of having the game relate to the theme! The controls were easy to get used to and the cooldowns in the bottom left helped to indicate what actions are available. The visuals are decent, but some areas like the options UI could definitely use some refinement. The music for the menu is very relaxing and the music for the first boss fits the western style of the character, however after the first boss, the music cuts off, which results in dead silence as there's no sound effects in the game, making the atmosphere of the game unintentionally eerie.

However, I still had some fun playing the game and what's present is pretty solid! Keep working on this if you can!

Once you get used to the controls, damn this game is fun! The bosses are challenging yet fair and they're all distinct with unique attacks and second phases, though the first boss can be quite demanding for new players. The music slaps and the sound effects complement the action well. The visuals are well made and manage to have a lot detail for pixel art. I really appreciate that blue coloured attacks can be deflected, which makes them easy to see. Though I wish certain attacks like the laser cannons in the second phase of the second boss where easier to see. I also wish the theme was more involved than just having a spin attack for the player.

Overall, this is a very solid game!

I really enjoyed playing this game! Despite there only being 3 attack types, each boss manages to feel a bit unique as some bosses might take longer to do a specific attack or a certain move exposes the boss for a critical hit (as indicated by the !?). It's nice to be able to tell when the boss is about to attack through the exclamation icon (the !). These factors made fighting the bosses fun and challenging while not being unfair. A good example is the final boss, where sometimes the boss will do a double attack, other times it will do a long wait before an attack. Because of the icons, with enough practice, I was able to beat the final boss.

The controls are very simple, consisting of only 4 buttons, which makes it very easy to grasp how to play the game. Either WASD or the arrow keys can be used, which is very nice as it provides more options. The sound effects that are present help to give the attacks and dodges more weight, however I wish there was more sound effects as well as music to make the game even more immersive and epic. The visuals are nicely drawn and clearly communicate what actions the player should take, but the sprites look fuzzy for some reason. Also RIP theme.

Overall, this is a solid game!

Although the melee attack is practically useless and the bosses can feel dragged out due to their high health and the player's low damage output, the game is still quite fun as the bosses are unique from each other and have interesting attacks. The controls are easy to grasp and suit the gameplay very well. The visuals and audio fit the intense jungle atmosphere of the game very well. There could be more ways of having the game tie in with the theme, but the current elements (spinning bananas and tornados) are nice additions that fit the theme.

Cool gorilla game!

The mechanic of the player manually spinning the level is a great way of tying the game into the theme as well as giving the game a unique identity. The bosses are fun to fight while also being distinct from each other. The controls are easy to grasp and responsive. The music is fun to listen to. The sound effects add depth to actions. The visuals are well made and are greatly complemented with the smooth lighting, which adds onto the games atmosphere.

I wish that the camera was zoomed out more to easily see if the boss is approaching the player.

Overall, this is a very solid game!

The controls were intuitive and made use of the theme well by tying the shooting direction to a constantly spinning direction. Speaking of the theme, I was not expecting to play as a washing machine fighting off a turd, that's pretty imaginative. "What the Skibidiiiii" indeed. The visuals are a blend of MS Paint and pixel art, creating a unique art style. The pixel art looks pretty good for the most part. However, I wish there was more audio and that the turd boss had more attacks other than moving around shooting dirty pants.

Still though, this game was funny and I enjoyed it. Decent game!


This game at least had intuitive controls and it was fun to use an auto clicker to see the shenanigans that would happen from all the bullets on screen.

Other than that, this game should get more development time in the future as there's actually a pretty fun concept here despite the game's current state.

I had so much fun with this game that I genuinely forgot it was made for a jam! It's that captivating and well made! The controls are explained through a quick interactive tutorial and are easy to get used to. Don't like the buttons you have to press? Don't worry, you can easily remap your controls! The music fits with the pixel art and is calming to listen to. The sound effects either give actions additional weight (eg the attack sounds) or create a really atmospheric ambience (eg the cave noises). The visuals have well made pixel art with smooth lighting that further improves the games atmosphere.

The only issues I have with the game are that I don't really see how the game fits with the theme, and apart from dealing a high amount of damage, the final major boss is underwhelming, with it only having one attack.

Still though, the fact that this was made using a basic C++ framework with a few libraries is nuts considering how polished the game is! This game rocks!

The bouncy, animated pixel art is straight up eye candy! The music is also very nice to listen to and fits the café setting very well along with the sound effect selection. The spinning tables fit the theme while also adding pressure for player as the ingredients will end up showing up on the other side, which alongside the bullets creates interesting and unique gameplay. However, the controls were a bit awkward, especially if you use the WASD keys to move, and trying to add ingredients was occasionally frustrating as the ingredient would drop instead of being added to a station or coffee.

Despite that, this is a solid game!

I enjoyed your game! Hope you enjoy mine!

Had a lot of fun with this game! The bosses each had unique mechanics and attacks which made them very distinct from each other while being fun to fight. It also helps that the bosses are fair and balanced while still being challenging. The spinning wheel for the ammo type and chance for revival is a great way of tying the game into the theme while providing a very unique and intense gameplay experience as the wheel is timing based rather than luck based. The controls are intuitive and easy to grasp. Finally, the music is a bop, with it being unique for each boss.

Overall, very solid game!!

Have fun!

Despite the high difficulty, this game is very fun to play as the different playable characters each provide playstyles that are similar yet unique enough to give a different gameplay experience.  In addition, each one of the the bosses have unique attacks and movement to help the bosses be more distinct from each other. The variety of characters and bosses allow for fun gameplay that feels fresh. Though I wish the characters would move a bit faster to compensate for the fast projectiles and attacks of the bosses.

The controls are intuitive and are explained in the tutorial very well,  the audio is pleasant to listen to and each boss gets their own music track, which makes each boss fight even more unique. The visuals have a charming art style and can clearly indicate game elements such as boss projectiles.

Overall, this is a very solid game!

Enjoyed your game.

Have fun with mine!

What a goofy game.

The audio is absolutely spectacular, sounds like it comes from a YTP or an abridged series. The visuals definitely help to further sell the game's goofiness while being decently made assets by themselves. However, the frame rate isn't very consistent and often dips. (I played the game on Windows 10)

Despite that, this was still hella fun to play 👍

Just rated your team's game! Hope you enjoy!

Now that's a unique theme interpretation! Having the playable character and the boss be animated using spinning wheels not only fits the theme well but also gives the game a unique art style I haven't really seen. Though I wish more of the UI and main menu got this art style as well.

The attacks of the boss where simple but fun to avoid while trying to charge up attacks to fight back. The music really helped to make the atmosphere of the boss fight more intense. However, I did notice that the hitboxes aren't the most accurate as you could get damaged seemingly out of nowhere. Also, some of the attacks could deal 2 damage instead of 1 but I don't know if that's intentional or not.

Still though, this is a solid game 👍

It's very fun playing as the liquid transformation as it controls sensibly and you get you launch yourself around the stage while dealing a decent amount of damage. However, the humanoid transformation has some janky controls in terms of trying to shooting, which can be detrimental in certain parts of the boss fights but it was still fun trying to move around the stage in that form.

The rotating stage is a fun and unique take on the theme, the bosses themselves are fine, the audio sounds nice and fits the action, and the visuals are nice to look at and have detail to them. Solid game 👍

Those Earthbound looking backgrounds behind the main game frame look dope! Those really add onto the already good looking and expressive visuals and catchy soundtrack. The gameplay is also balanced with the bosses and the random upgrades, which makes the game feel fair yet intense. Overall, I had a lot of fun with this game.

Well done! :)

Didn't think spinning different types of balls would be so fun yet so intense! It's very fun to watch the ball bouncing all over the screen while trying to desperately get it back onto the finger and dodging thunder, umbrellas and bullets. The art style is very charming and the music dynamically fading in and out really emphasises the chaotic nature of the game.

Very funny and solid game 👍 Would balance again

Not bad for only 6 hours of development. The controls, while odd, make great use of the theme. The visuals and sounds also mix together well and add onto the game's feel.

Solid game 👍

This game has well made visuals, smooth animation, a jamming music selection with impactful sound effects, intuitive controls and gameplay that's very fun while being mostly fair.

In other words, this game goes hard 👍

The mechanic of having to spin a wheel to get your next weapon is a cool take on the theme. I wish there was some indicator that your current weapon is about to break. The bosses have good ideas but could be executed better as the mummy boss is very easy to defeat while the green scorpion is absolutely brutal to fight.

The controls feel natural and the sound selection (including the music) fits the action and sound nice. Overall, I enjoyed this game.

Loved how it went from a scary exploration game to a humorous reminder to not scratch other peoples cars!

Solid game 👍

Scary! The 2D art and 3D models are well done and have a consistent style to them. The audio is nice on the ears while also providing the game a scary atmosphere.

Solid game 👍

Cute platformer with some spooky elements and a creepy underlying story. Both the visuals and audio compliment the game's tone and atmosphere quite well. 

Solid game 👍

The gameplay starts off simple but gets more intense and spooky the further you play, which creates a fun experience. The visuals are detailed while sticking to the Gameboy aesthetic and colour palette, which is nice. The audio is good to listen to and fits into the game's atmosphere very well. 

Overall, solid game 👍

The gameplay is simple yet fun and feels like something you would actually play on a Game boy. It also gets very chaotic quite quickly, which makes it even more fun. 

The visuals are also simple yet nice. The audio is just as good. The spooky theme is well used.

Solid game 👍

The gameplay is simple yet fun with a good amount of challenge. The visuals are very cute and fit the spooky atmosphere of the game while sticking to a solid colour palette. Likewise, the audio sounds nice and further strengthens the spooky atmosphere. Also really liked the animation that plays when you lose, it startled me at first! XD

Overall, very solid game 👍👍

What a fun puzzle game! Enjoyed having to manage the character's respective resources and then having to switch between. It's a very cool mechanic! The visuals are well done and the colour palette even switches slightly to match the current character. The audio also sounds nice and fits in with the game.

Solid game 👍

Very cute visuals with a nice colour palette. The audio design really fits the spooky theme well. The gameplay is simple but helps to capture the story and spooky atmosphere very well. 

Solid game 👍

Very well made visuals that keep to the colour palette and Gameboy style. The audio is also well done and fits into the game nicely. I liked that the 'people' in the world past the bridge aren't really people, which fits the spooky theme well.

Solid game 👍

The gameplay is fun with good controls, cool central mechanic and smooth movement but the glide can definitely make the controls feel janky. The visuals are well done and look like they were ripped straight from the Gameboy. This can also be said about the audio (sound effects and music). The game has a spooky atmosphere as it's mostly dark pixels on screen along with the low toned music, which is great!

Very solid game 👍👍

The gameplay is fun with tight controls and smooth movement.

The visuals look great and do take advantage of the colour palette extremely well by using the same techniques present in commercially released Gameboy games such as the checkboard like transparency.

The sound effects sound good and give certain actions more impact while sounding like it came from a Gameboy. The music is also well done and fits the overall tone of the game.

Very solid game 👍👍

Very cool shooter! Having a range of weapons and enemies makes the gameplay feel fresh. The visuals are well done, make good use of the colour palette and fit the spooky theme. The sound effects sound nice and give additional impact to the overall game. The music is appropriately unsettling, which ties into the spooky theme very well.

Very solid game 👍👍

Simple but cool beat-em-up game with guns and aliens!

The music, while it may not sound like it came from a Gameboy, makes up for it by being an absolute banger! The sound effects are very satisfying to hear and fits into the action. The visuals are stunning and makes good use of the colour palette.

The fact that you become a pile of bones upon losing in addition to having to fight off scary aliens helps the game to tie into the spooky theme quite well.

Very solid game 👍👍