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The visuals are absolutely stunning with nice colours, shading and effects. Gameplay consists of collecting coins while trying to avoid ghosts, which creates a fun and intense challenge. There's also optional tasks to do for specific endings, which is great as it gives the player more choice through their playthrough. The audio is decent with fitting sound effects and music. Wish there was more music variety and that the gameplay was faster paced.

Still, solid game 👍

Very nice and simple gameplay that could be even better with additional mechanics. The simplistic visuals get the job done. Despite no audio, cool game 👍

The audio selection was atmospheric and fit the game and story very well. The visuals are well done. The gameplay loop of scaling up platforms, collecting upgrades, then having to shoot up the boss is very fun. Overall, solid game 👍

Gameplay is challenging but very fun, the controls are solid, the audio is decent, the visuals are ok but try to avoid having stretched out images. The speedrun timer is a nice addition and promotes replay value.

Solid game 👍

Very unique take on the theme. Visuals are solid, the audio is solid and the gameplay is tense but fun!

Solid game 👍

Visuals are decent, the sound effects are good, the gameplay is fun and the mechanics are done well.

Solid game 👍

I love cute sheep on balloons! Controls are nice, gameplay is fun, the audio is good and the visuals are adorable! The game window is pretty small though with seemingly no option to make it larger.

Either way, this is a solid game 👍

(2 edits)

Visuals are solid, audio is very atmospheric and gameplay is solid. Solid game 👍

(Edits were for fixing some grammar)

The level generation can result in repetitive gameplay, but the movement is very fluid, the audio is nicely implemented and the visuals go for a cool retro look.

Solid game 👍

Solid game 👍

The music slaps, the sound effects fit in, the visuals are nice and the mechanics of shooting, upgrading, eating and enemy spawning are well implemented, though the enemies could spawn further away from you and the bacteria upgrade can definitely be nerfed, they pretty carry you for the rest of the run as soon as you get 2 or more. Still very fun regardless.

The visuals are some of the best I have seen on this jam, they're extremely great. The audio is very well done, it even speeds up the music (which absolutely kicks) when someone is about to lose, adding intensity. The mechanics and gameplay of dropping gemstones and combining them to make bigger gemstones while avoiding running out of space. And you can play with an AI or another local player?!

Masterpiece game ⭐

solid game 👍

golden egg golf could use less waiting time and more polish but it's a solid attempt

chicken's very fluffy and cute :), though it becomes a dino nugget on death, sad :( (but funny XD)

solid game 👍

Very unique take on the theme as well as a unique health and ammo system. The introduction sequence is nicely made. The mechanics are well implemented, the gameplay's solid, the audio is good and fits the game and the visuals are also good.

Game performance can be improved to prevent low FPS. Despite that, great game 👍

The plant character is adorable :)

Solid sound effects, calming music, decent graphics and progressively fun and challenging gameplay. The fonts are a bit of a mish mash but they're perfectly functional. Overall, cool game 👍

Snappy audio, fun and challenging gameplay and solid visuals

Only 4 levels but very well made in only 48 hours 👍

It's a me, Morioh!

Mama mia this is a wonderful game! 👍

Got a score of 11200. The visuals are very nicely done, with the buttons in the menus even looking like piano segments. The audio is just as nicely done, with the title theme being an absolute bop and the piano progressing up keys as you attack is such a cool detail. The gameplay's solid as well, with unlocking more powerful key progressions as you survived more. The enemies could use some variety to spice up gameplay and a max enemy cap to prevent loads of enemies grouping up tightly and to save on performance, but in their current state they do bring a very fun element of chaos.

In short, the game's very well done 👍

A pretty cool take on the theme (You control the sizes of platforms). Gameplay and mechanics are good. The visuals can definitely be improved but they're ok as is. If possible, consider adding audio to make the game feel even more fun to play. Despite that, this is a solid game 👍

Gameplay's not my thing but the visuals and audio are solid. The upgrade minigames are pretty cool as well

Ratatouille with guns: The video game. Simply phenomenal. The physics and controls are good, the rat scaling seems to be pretty smooth and well implemented into the level design, the chef hunting you down is wacky (in a good way) and provides challenge. The only issue is that clicking 'Hard Mode' on the menu screen crashes the game lol

Audio selection is good, the visuals are nice and shooting enemies is very fun. The movement controls could be improved, for example the A and D keys move you left or right instead of turning left or right, but they work well in their current state.

Nice take on the theme, it's quite unique. Gameplay's great with solid controls and the mechanic of placing blocks. The visuals and audio remind me of old flash games, which is very nice. (Trying to get 3 stars is absolutely brutal though)

Graphics that are basically visual candy with decent RTS gameplay and splendid sound selection. In other words, the game's great and is indeed cheesy

what's here is very nice (the sprites, the aliens coming after planets, the core planet changing each playthrough) 👍

adorable game with a simple premise, topped with a literal scale 👍

a simple yet fun space shooter game. solid 👍 (the 'IRS' XD)

yay! Science

solid concept, very easy and fun to speedrun

solid game 👍