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Conor Wilson

A member registered Apr 11, 2024 · View creator page →

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A fantastic and beautifully serene entry. Sorry that I didn't get to playing it during the jam but I expect this one will do very well even without my rating ;)

A warm hug of a puzzle game. Great job dev, a very impressive display of skill doing the programming, art AND music all solo :)

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Hahaha yep he's definitely a buggy little guy (for the time being until I fix him) and great news, now you've got two of him ;)

Thanks for playing, hope you had a bit of fun! 

Cool game concept implemented really well. You've got the mechanics down to a point where they're genuinely very fun and chill. Great job! 

This game is so sick. The world is engaging, the combat is unique and the artstyle is awesome. Weirdly I think this is the only 3rd person shooter that I've played during the jam. It's also 100% the best application of the 4-colour wildcard that I've seen. I could 100% think you should keep developing this idea after the jam. 

Great job team!

Great entry with a lot of personality! 

I'm surprised how few christmas-themed games there were in this jam given the time of year, but this one is all christmas all the time which is great :) I love the animatics when the mage is telling their story, and the whole yeti backstory was very intriguing to me. The environments are very charming as well. 

I think my main bit of constructive feedback would be that it would be great if the player moved faster! It takes a while to get across the screen a lot of the time which can be a bit tedious sometimes. 

Great job guys, I can see from what you've said in other comments and the game's description that you're looking to expand this one farther which I really encourage you to do as I'd love to see it expanded. Well done! 

Thanks so much, I'm glad you enjoyed! 

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah I'm definitely planning on fixing the recycling bin (and I honestly might just remove the search icon cuz idk how I'd even make that work) for the post-jam version that I'm currently working on in my spare time. Glad you enjoyed HammerMan's animation too. I had a rule that I was only allowed to use 2 frames for each of his animation cycles since I wanted him to be a goofy little fella. 

I'm at work at the moment (I live in Australia) but I'll make sure to play your game and give you a review this evening before the jam ends! 

What an awesomely chilling game. I really want to applaud the sound design, top notch atmosphere. Obviously the visuals are fantastic too. 

This game genuinely made me sweat like I was doing a real job interview. I managed to win on my first try, but JUST barely, which added to my own real-life stress level. Great job team and sorry you all got fired! 

Glad you enjoyed! 

The trackpad thing is more of an observational thing when I saw people playing it in person. People seemed to have a better experience with the panning mechanic with a mouse rather than trackpad. It still works with both though so I'm glad it didn't damage the experience for you! 

Really appreciate you still giving a review even without getting to the end! If you do ever feel compelled to come back and give it another go, there's hints to all the puzzles in the game's description in case you didn't see them :) 

Your game was great too, thanks for playing! 

Thanks for playing, glad you thought it was neat :)

I'm currently working on fixing up hammerman including making the actual HammerMan.exe segment a bit easier/fairer. I appreciate you giving it a go and getting to the end! 

(1 edit)

Fun shmup, love the weapon-upgrade mechanic, love the mobile support, and I love hearing about the challenge you and your friend made for eachother :)

Thanks for the very kind words and I'm so glad that you had a good time! 

Thanks also for sticking with it and especially for coming back to finish your review, I think it's pretty clear that the password puzzle is far too tough for it being the first real puzzle that the player comes across. I'll be making it easier in the post-jam version. I seriously appreciate the feedback :) 

Great game, glad I got to play this one :) 

Don't worry about the bugs, it's a gamejam game so its bound to be rough around the edges. What is here already is super fun and engaging, and I look forward to playing a post-jam version as well if you ever decide to! 

Thou hast done a good job! 

Great little story that was surprisingly wholesome. This game reminds me a little bit of the movie The Father, wonder if the devs have seen it? :) 

Genuinely really great concept and executed very well. This was fun. The first time that the moving platforms were introduced really elevated this from a good game to a great game, as you have to learn to juggle two different inputs at the same time. I would really encourage the dev to develop this farther after the jam as it's genuinely super. Great job. 

As the previous commenter mentioned, the sideways attack aspect of this is quite a cool idea for a platformer :) Nice job

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This is a cool game with a unique concept that I haven't really seen before. 

To be honest, even though a lot of people in comments below seem to have had some trouble with the waypoint system, I thought it was pretty self explanatory and intuitive. I will say that this game is pretty darn hard (at least for my monkey brain) and I did have trouble beating the blue team in the second level, but it does feel like the sort of thing where I could find different strategies the more I played with it. That being said, I thought it was very fun. Switching between command mode and ship mode was really exciting even when I was losing. 

Great job dev, this has the bones of something that could be massive after the jam :)

Such a cool entry. With the title, I really had no idea what this would be, but I was not dissappointed. A genuinely eery experience that made me deeply ponder what it must be like for people of colonised cultures to go through museums in our modern day...

Really cool game, I genuinely learned a lot about ciphers while playing this. Before this game I only really understood how Caesar Ciphers work :) 

Reading the comments below, I see you guys did this in half a month rather than a whole month. That is super impressive as this game is pretty well fleshed out! As mentioned before, the only real major thing that I would add is some automation after you figure out the code of the ciphers, as it can get a little repetitive after a couple of decoding sessions. 

All in all, great entry team!!

(1 edit)

Awesome game.

The spider animations are absolutely phenominal. Great fun sneaking around the house too, and I felt genuinely scared by those scary-ass humans. Atmosphere is great too with the music (although I think I prefered the diagetic music of the TV ad in the background. It would be cool if there was more of that from random things in the house from a radio or something). The intro was super fresh and clean too and I loved that you could walk over the title text in the vent at the beginning. 

 What a unique entry. Great job dev! 

(3 edits)

I kept being so shocked by how much content there was in this game. It's HUGE! Had a great time with this one as it's fun to keep exploring around the place. Fixing the bike was very satisfying.

I will say that I used the speed-up cheat, and I found that at that speed, the game was actually a lot more fun as I was able to zip around the place from mine to mine collecting my goods. It might be fun as well to add a minigame of some kind when you're exploring mines, just so the player isn't awkwardly waiting for a loading bar as part of the gameplay.

Super impressive entry, great job and well done! 

Cool game with some great art, and very fleshed out - it's unbelievable that this was built by one person in one month! The animations are smooth, the card mechanics are well thought-out and it's just generally a fun time. 

Huge respect for posting a non-english-language game here, and still scoring really well on the popularity charts. It shows how much the game speaks for itself. I was able to get the basic mechanics down thanks to the intuitive art guiding the player as to what each card does, and I was able to get pretty far into the game. Unfortunately I'm not a Portuguese speaker so I do feel like I missed out on the story here, but the atmosphere and gameplay stands alone without it even still. 

Great job and great game. Bom trabalho! 

Thanks so much for playing and reviewing! 

Good shout with the item instructions. I'll make sure to improve them and make them more clear in the post-jam version. I also reckon I'm going to make the first couple of puzzles a little easier in that version since they're probably a little too tricky, but for now I'm glad to hear that the hints on the game page are good enough to help people out if they're stuck :) 

Glad you enjoyed!

(1 edit)

A great entry that is dripping with charm. It's fun, short and sweet, and it packs in a lot of humorous moments that genuinely had me laughing (loved the chef). 

Really glad I stumbled into this one as it's right up my ally. Additionally, there's genuinely scope here for a full-blown complete videogame with loads of different missions. I would encourage the dev to keep going with this one after the jam is done. 

If I had one bit of constructive feedback, it would be that I feel like the guards should reset their walk cycle when you get caught, as being caught by one of them causes that guard to become out-of-sync with the rest of them, which can make the challenge of getting past them feel a bit unreasonably difficult without deliberately re-synchronising them. However, the quick respawn time made that a very minor issue as I could quickly try again and again until they were back in sync. 

Great job dev!! :)

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Very cool entry, and a lot of fun. At first I thought I could get away with just scanning every single ship that came during my shift but I quickly learned that in order to make enough money, you really do have to play detective and make the judgement call to only scan suspicious looking vessels. 

I thought this was a very well executed game and honestly a pretty complete package. There's not a whole lot that I would change here other than maybe starting the player off in the tutorial by default, but that's a very minor suggestion. 

Great game guys, well done! 

EDIT: Also, congrats on using every single one of the wild-cards!!

What a great entry, I can see why this one is getting so much attention :)

I managed to get all bar two of the secrets for this one so I'll definitely be coming back later to figure out the last couple of images. This game had a really great "Aha!" moment very akin to The Witness. What's also great about this one is that it has prompted people to theorise and help eachother out to figure out all the secrets, as you can see in the comments of the game page. The devs should be super proud of that.

All told, an extremely polished and well made game that I'm 100% sure is going to do very well when the results of the jam come in ;) 

Very cool entry. Genuinely made me feel like I was decyphering computer logic.

I was able to understand the cypher puzzle pretty quickly, but the puzzle of figuring out the mechanics took me a bit more time to decypher (although the hints helped greatly). Once I had figured out what was going on, it was very satisfying to apply my theories and see them work in action. 

Great game, and definitely the most challenging one I've played during the jam. Great job! 

Wow what a triumph of an entry! You can feel the love that went into this game coming straight out of the screen. The art is fantastic, the multiple paths to victory are well thought-out, and the music is very atmospheric. 

My only real bit of constructive feedback is that the camera controls need a little bit of tuning up, but I did get used to them relatively quickly so it's only a minor thing really. 

All told this is a fantastic entry that is well-deserved of a high rating. Super impressive job guys the team should be super proud! 

Great entry! You get a surprizing amount of mileage out of a pretty easy to understand gameplay mechanic. My favourite competitor was of course The Goat ;) 

Congratulations on your first ever game!! That's a huge achievement and I hope you stick with it. Can't wait to see what you do next! 

(2 edits)

Glad I finally got the time to play this one because it's a fantastic entry! 

Gameplay is engaging. The 3D visuals are very impressive - probably the most polished and best looking 3D game in the jam. It's humorous, fun, and I liked it :)

I am also super impressed with the multiplayer aspect of this game. Really unique in this game jam (or pretty much any game jam for that matter) to have a fully fleshed-out multiplayer system in your game :O

Great job team! 

Yours is super clever, loved it. Everyone here should check this one out! 

This game was a delight. Very charming visuals and audio (especially the voice acting). Great macabre sense of humour. 100% the sort of thing that I'll be coming back to later to try and get all the endings.


The moment that the rampage started at the end was one of my favourite moments from the jam. Such an awesome surprise to get to rip and tear through the town that I was already familiar with. I did the whole thing with a huge smile on my face. 

All in all, a super impressive entry that clearly has a lot of love poored into it. Great job devs! 

Really cool game and a very clever application of the Speed Run wildcard. Visuals are obviously fantastic and well deserved of all the praise they are getting. 

Not much I can specifically point to in way of recommendations for improvements that haven't already been mentioned, so well done for the inovative game guys! 

Great job with this one guys! This one was actually on my to-play list for a while so I was more than happy to give it a go once I came home from travelling :) 

Great work with this one. Super atmospheric with a cheerful vibe. The art is great and the world feels suitably mysterious with the labyrinth-like level design. 

My main critique would be the jumping controls. I messed around with it for a bit and I think the reason why it doesn't feel quite right is that the player loses its horizontal controls while jumping. Seems like horizontal velocity is only applied when the jump button is pressed (either on the ground or mid-air in a double jump). I think fixing this one thing to allow the player to control the direction of the character mid-air at all times would do wonders for making the game feel more responsive. 

Otherwise though this is a superb entry, and well deserving of a great rating. Well done team :)

Glad that you had fun and that you liked the puzzles!!! I played your game too and throught it was great :) 

Thanks so much for playing and thanks for leaving a review! 

Thank you so much, glad you had some fun :) 

Also, thanks for the feedback, you did indeed encounter a bug (or I guess in this case, an exploit) with HammerMan. The intended solution for getting him out of the desktop is to have him break out of his window, onto the desktop, and then jump on top of the various desktop windows to get him up to the top left corner of the desktop screen, where there's a group of breakable blocks through which he can escape into the main menu. HammerMan is a glitchy little fella in his current state but I'll be fixing him up in the post-jam version.

Thanks so much for the review, I really liked your entry as well so I'm sure it'll go far in the jam! 

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Added Screenshots

Added a few screenshots of the game give people a preview of what to expect in the spooky world of the haunted mansion before they play. 

Unfortunately there seems to be a visual glitch going on with the screenshots and you can't see the mansion very well... not sure what's going on there, maybe some other devs might be able to tell me what's happening??

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Hey hey here's my game, give it a go if you're up for a puzzle-adventure with a twist ;)

Thank you so much that's very high praise! 

I'm particularly pleased that you found the puzzles engaging. It was pretty tricky to know if I had made things too hard or too easy. I was able to test-run things a few times with friends playtesting but since it's a puzzle game, you only really get one test-run per person which is challenging 😅

Your game looks super cool, I can't wait to play it!