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A member registered Oct 31, 2018 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

This is my favourite entry so far. Trying to optimise for speed was so entertaining in a way I can't accurately described. Trying to jump frame-perfect to reduce friction, then going translucent when you pick up enough snowballs lets you go mach 5 by jumping. think I hit the 2km mark in about 2 minutes, I wish there were an inbuilt timer. 

Damn this is straightup steam tier, can't wait to see you in the video

This is such an easy game to get sucked into it, but man does it raise some questions about my ability to put the square shape in the square hole. Nice work!

(1 edit)

this really puts a creative spin on the theme, and quite a literal representation of a jam.

This game has some fantastic art and music

Man this takes me back to newgrounds in the best way possible, I love this game!

I can't quite get the timing for clearing the first pink heads without hitting the roof and resetting my head, any tips? Other than that the game seems really polished

You've nailed the basics, loved the art, and the game had plenty of juice

Yeah in retrospect I could have made the rotated furnace more prominent in level 3, was hoping that the rotate hint in the bottom left would cover it. Thanks for the kind words!

Not much to say, good concept good execution, well done.

Massive baba is you vibes from the visuals and gameplay, and I mean that in the best possible way. This entry is amazing.

Im not able to place wires unless they exactly line up, am I missing something? its making it rather hard to build anything that functions.

Also not sure that I understand level 5. I beat it, but why does the first block need to be 2 wide instead of full width?

Maybe i'm just a little slow but I think an indication around which elements can be interacted with would aid a lot in teaching the players the mechanics. Also having it start automatically forces the player to find the answer much faster, almost turning it into an action game of sorts. Maybe having it be continuous, and success being triggered when multiple enter in a row? Like, three in a row = win, so the ones that are dying can let you experiment without having to reset and waiting for them all to travel again.

I love the themeing of having the scaling blocks be terminals

I'd not heard of Nova Lands, I'll have to check that out. I appreciate the kind words!

This is the cutest thumbnail I've ever seen. Having the land be destructible is a mechanic I'm shocked I've not seen before because it fits the genre so perfectly.

Fun little mechanic is that you can reverse directions if you're small enough by pressing a key to change direction to another axis, then press the key for the opposite direction of where you were going originally.

Man It's actually impressive to get online working in such a time frame. Well done!

The juice is really bringing this game alive

Wasn't expecting a visual novel but I really appreciate turning the theme into a way to spread awareness about math and science

It always feels flashy when a game has cutscenes in it. Especially love the way the main menu transitions into the game. And I really did not like the movement at the beginning until I appreciated having normal legs at the end haha

Wasn't expecting the music to go so hard, love it

I dont usually give too much criticism but I feel like you'd benefit from a couple of suggestions going forward:

  • A tiled background in a similar colour/style to the main blocks would do a lot to make it look more polished
  • Be more generous with the space that the player has to make jumps, especially considering obstacles over their head or the leeway when they need to clear a certain height. It should be obvious if you can make a jump or not
  • The aiming system doesn't seem to contribute much, I'd consider letting the player lock on to an object so that they don't miss, and have the mirrors always launch a valid shot in the same direction so that it can't miss on the third bounce (this is actually a similar problem to what Mark went through with his magnet game at the beginning, needing to decide between action and puzzle)

I really like this entry, just wanted to give some pointers, and I hope that you don't take this as a negative, as there were a lot of good elements / decisions in the design.

I was going to say that I was loving the power fantasy of nuking an entire screen at once, but then the end cinematic happened and I was not expecting that. Loved it!

Really well polished mechanic, I was expecting it to break in a few situations but was outsmarted. One of the more fun entries I've played yet.

For such a short period of time and only a handful of levels there's a lot of depth to this mechanic. The only thing that I'd want, and I'm aware that it probably makes the game too easy and/or too hard to implement in the 4 days, would be a way to see the strength of the planets or the path of the rocket. Really, really fun entry though.

Music is awesome, concept is awesome, gameplay is awesome, but man do I suck.

Man something about the aesthetic, low resolution with low poly models, just speaks to me. I absolutely love how this one looks. Jumped off the tower to see it grow and I appreciate the effort that went into making sure it looked cool from the bottom!

Growing mid air to squash an enemy is such a good feeling, well done.

Fun little run around, the abilities were a nice touch. Im glad the important aspects of the art were given a lot of attention.

The Art and Music are fantastic. Any negatives I could raise are already covered so wanted to put more highlights on the parts that are excellent

The freeze makes it hard to experiment with, and I think I was dying to lasers the second they appeared (before they'd visually appeared). The concept is really cool, and you could squeeze a lot of depth out of the simple mechanics. Cool entry!

I loved this, having to re-use the same strokes is such a fun puzzle aspect for minigolf. I felt like a god when i beat the first 5 levels only using 2 strokes.

Yeah that bug went unnoticed until about a minute after deadline

Really addictive gameplay loop. Only issue was boxes getting stuck and making a lot of noise, but besides that no real bugs. good fun!

Is it intended for you to be able to launch yourself mid-air? Otherwise an interesting take on the theme. Love the aesthetic too!

Visually stunning game. Only issues were the speech bubbles getting in the way, and I wasnt quite sure how the caught mechanic worked. Does it mention needing to pop your tower in the instructions?

Man the sudden battle music had me laughing. Short title but I absolutely love it

Super polished for a game made in 48 hours. I love the central mechanic of the game!

Cute game. I sorta agree with Spirit Stone Studio, getting out of the beginning of the game can feel a bit RNG. Maybe starting with more jumps would let you stabilise more and survive some rough RNG. I got 1269m. Fun game!