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A member registered Jan 11, 2022 · View creator page →

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Interesting game, I enjoyed the transition from the main menu through to the level, and the visuals look really nice. Some of the rotating puzzles were not easy to understand where the outer rings were segmented to a point where they didn't match up with the rest at all. With the light redirecting game, the F key did not allow me to rotate, this was fine as I just continued using the R key and was able to complete them anyway. Finally, upon completing the games I was met with a "you failed" screen, I'm not sure if this was because I got a puzzle wrong or just what had been implemented at the time. Overall, the polish seems nice and the games are ok, I think with a little more work tying the games together with a purpose and it will be a nice game to play.

The game feels really smooth to play, the screams and rats were a nice addition, but unfortunately the screams just kind of felt a bit awkward, I'm not sure if spreading them out and having other affects would have a better impact, like dripping noises etc, get the player feeling like their alone and somewhere abandoned. The words kept repeating themselves too much also, it might be worth adding in a check to see what the last word was to ensure its not picked again immediately. There also didn't feel like any real impact to getting the answer wrong or correct, the fingers just seemed to disappear if the clock ended.  All things considered feels like it's nearly there with some minor polish work i think it will be a great game.

Surprisingly fun for such a simple idea, the only real thing missing now is the sound, otherwise I thoroughly enjoyed it. The only problem I had was being able to start the round too early and because the orbs were all still flashing I couldn't tell which one I was supposed to start from. There was also a play button on the instructions page which covered up some of the text. Otherwise I think this looks amazing, well done!

The game seems to be coming along nicely, and looks really good, I like how the zombies move quite fast which meant I felt quite panicked when all of a sudden one was on my tale. I was unable to filling the generator up, I'm unsure if there is a specific space to stand, but some indicator would help with this, it was similar with the walls, I managed to repair them occasionally but I had to stand in a very specific spot that I had to try and figure out. One last thing was the volume adjust reset when the game loaded, I would also recommend setting the default value at half(but that's a personal thing).

To begin with, I have to say the addition of the main menu and pause menu was beautiful, I enjoyed roaming around the game and if I got stuck it was nice to be able to reset myself and try again. That being said there were quite a few places to get stuck, to list the ones I found; counter top past the cooker, the wall on the far left side before the counters begin, and the ceiling, I hope this helps. Also I can't say I like the camera control as it feels somewhat disorientating whilst playing, especially when trying to look up as it glitches through the walls/floor etc, the health bar was a nice addition and it was nice being able to see how that worked too. I look forward to seeing the rest of the game.

hello T

so the letters would sometimes drop into the slot in line with where I was selecting the letter before I could even place or move it, and sometimes it was close to the slot but would also ping back to its original position 

Interesting game, I can see proof of concept but there isn't any reason to do anything, it might be worth adding a hint of what to do, but I was able to grasp the game very easily. I was a little disappointed there was only one level as this could have been a continuous never ending loop that i would have happily played if I didn't have to circumnavigate the menu system to restart the game.

Looks a lot better than the first playable and also plays better, some sound might make the game a bit better as the game feels a bit boring without something to go along. I couldn't get the fuel/canisters to work, not sure if this was an issue or the bar was just reducing too fast, so some player feedback here would help. Also the enemies AI is poor as they do not try and path to the player so its very easy to bug them out and survive in a safe corner for the entire game. looking forward to seeing the next step in this game.

Interesting game, a few notes towards the game itself, I would probably turn censorship off as a default rather than having crude words available from the get go as this is less likely to offend people and cause controversy. With the game itself, there were a few problems with the dropping of letters and sometimes the word repeated itself very frequently, there wasn't much of a player feedback with the results, I didn't get any fear or feeling of dread as my fingers were getting chopped off, I barely even noticed it till I was dead. The volume was a bit obnoxious, but overall was a nice start to a game.

Upon loading the game, the camera becomes very disorientating, seemingly controlled by the mouse and does not seem to work properly, there were some collectables that didn't seem to do anything and I could not get the grips of the rest of the game. I'm unsure of what to do or what the keys to play the game or what the purpose of the game is. It seems like there is a lot of work still needed to make this playable.

I like the world design for this game, some nice assets used.

It would have been nice to include the controls even as a temporary addition for the first playable.

I was unable to do the harp(?) puzzle as nothing happened when selecting it. Also when completing the spinning puzzle the final piece would shift after completing, I'm assuming this was due to holding down the key while turning the last piece, also the other puzzles then had one piece constantly rotating whilst not interacting with them, interacting with them or any other puzzle stopped this. 

Looking forward to seeing where the development goes for this game.

Interesting first playable, feels a bit more polished visually than mechanically, the main menu and settings option is a nice addition at this point.

I was unable to place barricades/refuel etc and two zombies spawned every few seconds, so felt boring, but expected for a first playable. 

Looking forward to seeing where the game is taken from here.

Nice look, a few things of note which I'm sure you will be aware off, I'm not sure what I can do, I can see I am a spider but all I can do is jump around the first room.

A few bugs of note, I can jump into cupboards and when I'm against the wall I can clip my camera through the wall to the second room. The jump feels a bit jittery and is a little irritating.

A text box on screen would have been nice for the first playable to as a temporary to inform me what to do, otherwise I just ran around the room trying to glitch through walls for 5 minutes. 

Looking forward to seeing how the game continues through development

I like the additions added to the game, still cannot work out how to complete the game, or where to go after hitting the button on the balcony, would have been nice to change up the game a bit more rather than just polish it, could have added a creature to intensify the thriller part of the game or turned it into a murder mystery.

It is an interesting game, I really enjoyed the extra detail o the sound when colliding with the boxes, the only thing missing at this point is a victory screen to give the player some feedback on how they did and maybe some challenge to go alongside, I wasn't sure if there was any reason to hit one box over the other or hit all the boxes in the fewest moves, etc.

i like the music, but it felt like dance dance revolution and failing to hit the keys correctly didnt have any negative, in the end i could just spam all 4 keys and get a high score, the song also felt like it ended prematurely.

interesting game, it was a nice idea, however the game pace felt rather slow, which ultimately made it a bit boring to play, could of been good to add in some visuals to help compliment the gameplay.

interesting game, the scary/fear vibe definitely worked, but kind of distracted me from reading/listening to the voice lines and i had no clue where to go or what to do, after 5 mins i gave up without finding anything other than what could have been the third floor, i think.

really fun game, had a lot of laughs hearing the weird stories that the group came up with, very creative.

interesting game, i couldnt get the character to move with the mouse, so im not entirely sure how that worked, it could be worth giving more information on the input, the rest of the input seemed very generic but was still nice to play, alot of effort when into this and thats clear to see. good job.

really fun game, the input buttons felt slightly off from the centered keyboard, but i got the idea that the whole keyboard was your joystick, some extra controls could have made the game more interesting as well as adding in some obstructions like enemies to avoid etc. really fun and enjoyable puzzle game.

interesting concept, i feel like the controls could have been laid out a bit closer, also you could rotate your ship by crashing into the side wall, which i assume was unintentional. otherwise really interesting game, enjoyed the input style.

it was a very confusing and interesting game, i enjoyed and got stressed out trying to play this, definitely a weird input, good fun.

enjoyable game, some issues with collisions and the final level plant pots do not work, the graphics were really well done, there seemed to be some missing information that would of helped the playthrough run a bit more smoother.

really nice idea with the game, i liked the theme, the screen seems to make the game very disorientating and maybe the game would have been better as a first person game(a bit like mirrors edge) also when the moveable block comes into play, it is not clear that it is interactable. finally, a way to identify roughly where the platforms were on the other timeline would have been helpful

interesting fun game, some issues with getting stuck so a reset button would be a nice addition, and the difficulty could of been upped sooner, I felt once I got use to the controls I was finding each level easier and easier which made the game less fun over time.

Interesting game, the screen shake through me off, and felt a bit harsh, but was enjoyable, i was unable to get past the first few corners so i gave up in the end.

Really fun interesting game, I just wanted the balls to fall back down the screen, so they could continue to bounce, also a longer timer level could also be fun, I was just enjoying launching balls and watching them fly all over the screen, the only reason I stopped playing was the timer

its very easy to kill the goblin, just hit space bar 3 times xD, the concept sounds really interesting and with the goblin potentially ruining the rituals as you try to follow instructions could have made a really fun game, unfortunately i just killed the goblin instantly, which ruined the fun.

interesting and unique concept, i feel like there could have been more to each scene, maybe have more puzzles per scene giving the player more information on the character making the player more invested. could even add in some deeper emotional connections to the story have some sense of loss and empathy for the character.

interesting game, the only thing missing would be a drive to gamble and sleep, i felt like i could get an auto clicker key'd into space bar and always win the slots machine game, as the money just kept going up, it may have been worth working on the code a little more to make the game always feel like you can lose at any point like with gambling its more about the big pay out than the small wins, people tend to play more for that big jackpot prize and convincing themselves they have a chance to win it. the rest of the game felt overshadowed by the slots and i never felt the need to sleep as i kept winning xD, but all in all a fun game.

really fun start to a game, the concept of sling shooting the ball around the screen, with a goal in place and some way to score this could be a really fun game.

this game definitely did what it said on the tin, was quite enjoyable, just felt a bit small, seems like a good potential to make the player keep up a routine, would have been good to make more levels and change the environment but keep the routine going. overall quite pleasant to play once you get passed the anxiety overload 

Fun game, really nice and enjoyable when you know what to do. some instructions and some pzazz to make it more fun and interactive.  a visible timer would also up the fun factor feeling the pressure of making the food as quick as possible and speeding up the game play. finally the comments at the end of the game do not match the rank, this could be a chance to make some quirky notes for entertainment value.

Interesting learning game about the planets, some sound affects or additional information about the planets could have been a fun addition. an exit button or main menu would also be a nice addition.

Fun, interesting game, some work to be done to make it great, finally managed to find the rat, very well hidden.

interesting theme, more visuals to help identify when a seal is killing or more animations to show variation between the seals moving around would have made it more enjoyable, fun short game, very comic able 

great voice over's, having a subtitle option to read alongside the voice lines would of been useful, also stopping the voice lines from overlapping or changing how the interact works with objects while voices over are playing would help. really fun and easy to play.

interesting game, a way to end the game without losing lives would be good, also the starting platform was a bit cheaty, as i could stand there all game whilst collecting points. was a nice idea and with a bit more work could have been a fun game.