Very nice artwork! I tried the fixed version and I think there was a problem with the ghosts. I dodged the first one but in the rightmost room I noticed that I could simply walk past them and nothing happened.
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Very cool mechanic, maybe I would have liked it more on a puzzle game, here with the enemies that attack you it becomes more skill based, but at the same time it feels a little bit slow/clunky. The art style is really nice, I would just suggest a couple more inbetween frames for the animations, and maybe with just a smoother player animation, the feeling when controlling the player character could also seem a lot smoother.
Very polished and well done, it would work great on mobile. The theme is not that strong here, as apparently the size of the character does not influence the gameplay much, so it becomes more of a way to present the hp/energy/stamina. It is a great way to show that, as it's definitley more organinc than the usual bar, but I would have liked one mechanic to exploit that more. Great job nonetheless!
Our plan was to balance it so that you pretty much were forced to shrink to avoid damage but in the final rush we had little time to playtest so the balance is probably a bit off. One idea we had was to make some enemy projectiles so small that they were too hard to see when the player was big, but it might become a bit frustrating. Although that's not another mechanic, but it could have been an additional reason to change size
This is the best I've seen so far. Really clever concept with brilliant puzzle design. I surrendered at the second bonus level (after bruteforcing my way into the first one, I imagine there was another way to solve it rather than mashing my mouse) but it really got me hooked. With the amount of polish I can easily see this as a full game with a few more levels. The only minor thing that could use some improvement is when the scale is squashed and it glitches a bit. Very well done!
This is really well polished, the only issue I found is when the big mouse intersects the platforms above him. The art style is done really well and the blend between 2d and 3d works great here. I just wish there was some new mechanic, like moving obstacles or something like that to spice things up a bit.
Very original idea! The controls are a bit buggy however, it looks like if you press a button for too long it's not registered as input. Also I found quite time consuming having to retract everything just to create the same mirrored shape. I think making the ruler flip with the character would speed up things quite a bit and make everything flow better.
I'm not sure how the scale fits into this. Is it because the shadows are bigger when the boject is closer to the light source? If thats the case I think the message would have been more direct with harder shadows (also on the web version there are no shadows at all). If that was the idea I think it's quite cool but I would have liked to see it more exploited, for example with levels with big objects that were too far away from the source and small objects that could cast a bigger shadow because of their positions.
The idea is really cool, there are just a little bit of issues with the physics, for example I had the crate clip outside the level a couple of times, or if you stand on an object you're controlling and than raise your mouse you get lifted with the object but then it becomes unstable and starts rotating at crazy speed.
For example, in the level with the crate and the barrel that need to be sqeezed into tiny apertures, I passed both objects without shrinking them, just by wiggling the mouse in the direction of the holes in the wall/platform.
Other than these physics issue it's a cool game
The idea is really cool, there are just a little bit of issues with the physics, for example I had the crate clip outside the level a couple of times, or if you stand on an object you're controlling and than raise your mouse you get lifted with the object but then it becomes unstable and starts rotating at crazy speed.
For example, in the level with the crate and the barrel that need to be sqeezed into tiny apertures, I passed both objects without shrinking them, just by wiggling the mouse in the direction of the holes in the wall/platform.
Other than these physics issue it's a cool game
Oh man, tonight I wanted to try a bunch of games but this was the first I tried today and now I'm afraid I'll be disappointed in everything else I'll try xD I'm amazed you managed to create so many levels, all interesting and make this new mechanic work so well. It's so polished it doesn't feel like a jam game, it's definitely the best game I tried so far in this jam. Thank you for creating this!
Side note so that this comment can perhaps be useful other than the praise: There was one frustrating thing. In what I think was the second to last level there's a part where the body bounces on a platform while the spirit should pass through a gate on the top right. There every time the spirit would pass through it would immediately get snatched back by the falling body and the window was so narrow that I had to do try that like 20 times (also it's a bit weird that the fall speed during that bounce is regular while usually in spirit mode the fall is slowed down).
Thank you so much! We wanted to create more levels but ran out of time, in the end we had to go straight from basic tutorial to a quite hard level. The original idea for the symbols was to have each symbol of the main character match one of the souls they needed to gather but it was more of a conceptual connection rather than a suggestion on how to connect. In the end however we did neither because we ran out of time xD
Thank you so much! We were inspired by that kind of games and we thought that the vertical movement and the possibility to create your own shape to move around would be interesting additions to that type of gameplay. It probably makes the level design a bit harder though because we would also have to consider the different shapes a player could make (assuming we don't want to completely enforce them, which would be easier but definitely less interesting)
Very nice concept, and good execution. Really cool music and presentation. One minor grip is that the spawn point of the projectiles is not always on the tip of the gun and when for example you shoot to the left they start from below the player feet, which means that if it has a wall below they instantly collide.
Also may I ask you how created the shadows effect on the labyrinth walls?