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A member registered Feb 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Thanks for playing the game!

The grind should be pretty fast, since the top row of upgrades provides a bunch of multipliers to the Prestige gain. You will probably need one more prestige, maybe two, to get to 512.

It is true there are not that many Prestige unlocks, and the base stuff can already go pretty crazy. I will think about what I can do here.

No, because that is the gimmick of oil here: new technologies are more complicated to use, but potentially offer greater returns.

(1 edit)

You need to put workers at both simultaneously (one filling the Oil Derrick, the other manning the other building) in order to produce anything. If you did things correctly, there will be an income shown on the building card.

I'm thinking about that, but no promises because I don't really have ideas how to expand from here, as it was supposed to be pretty self-contained. I will probably start making updates next week with various fixes (like adding villager names) and think on how to deepen the gameplay.

Overall a fresh and interesting game!

Would really like if the movement was keyboard-based (though it might make the game too easy). 

Also would be very good to add an option to sell/remove upgrades - could be painful if you upgrade the enemy too much and cannot maintain your dodge streak anymore. Also could potentially add a Pause button that stops everything on game screen - some upgrades like Money Multiplier have a low cost scaling, and it is really not great to lose the dodge streak and the multiplier that comes with it because you were busy upgrading the multiplier.

Like that you added an option to produce money passively down the line.

Just a couple of minor display bugs: 

- Bullet Turret Count upgrade says that it will add 0.25 turrets on upgrade - of course, it actually adds one. 

- Beam Turret upgrade strength displays the Deflector upgrade strength instead.

- Nudge Delay upgrade says it will add 0.1 to the delay, of course it actually reduces it.

Not an incremental. I can kinda get where the theme comes from?

For some reason, first five levels are all unlocked at the start.

The game does not display anywhere whether you already completed the given level.

Also seemingly got a big update during the rating period, given that you changed the name of the game from Lost Treasure II to Lost Treasure III - this is against the rules of the jam.

Really really needs an English translation, the tutorial explains everything via text.

Does not look to be an incremental, and does not really follow the theme very much - you are not really evading those customers, you actually need to serve them food by getting up close!

Did not get what the second game mode was about, but it seems that you have less time to spare, but you can construct something for 450 points. Did not play to see what that thing is.

It is pretty simplistic and a bit confusing to start - maybe add some text that you need to click on the money image to get money, that then disappears after first few clicks?

I would really recommend to round upgrade costs - currently they become non-integers after a first upgrade, so having the exact cash on hand is often not enough to buy it, which is confusing for the player.

If you lose, you restart with all upgrades you already acquired (this also includes earning money per second for the time you idled in the main menu, and keeping the already acquired score) - I assume it is a bug and the player was intended to start back with the clean slate.

When the tax is due, it removes all your money, not the tax amount - this feels a little bit weird. It also does not interact with the "Taxes Evaded" number, which is also weird.

The text buttons have a weird collision box, I needed to try clicking several times to activate them.

(3 edits)

The game is looking cool! Making the bird fly all by itself is an interesting design choice.

It seems like the main danger is not other birds, it is time - since the HP decrease with time seems to scale up pretty quickly. Health upgrades do not really help with that.

The ending was pretty random and came out of nowhere. What are the requirements?

(1 edit)

Thanks for your review!

Yeah, the pacing is not great, others said as well that spamming short runs is better than doing deep ones - probably should have increased the exponent in the Prestige gain formula or added a term based on years survived.

Note that there is a Prestige upgrade that reduces the chance of negative events, and it does work on the year 101 one.

I'm softcapped now, please send help--

Great game! Seeing ludicrously bug numbers is always fun. Not really following the theme, though.

Yeah, I knew immediately when I came up with that concept that I would need some sort of a help/tutorial. Should have set it as a default tab, true!

(2 edits)

I actually finished the game as a priest during testing! It is a cool challenge.

You can get hammers through socialism, and energy with plastic through autocracy. The latter is kinda slow, so you would want to downsize your population to get it faster.

I would expect most people to put the cog onto the Specialist instead through autocracy, which is way faster.

(6 edits)

The red exclamation mark is reapplied to Upgrades every time you buy a Resistance thing for which you did not buy the latest upgrade, even if nothing new appeared.

Ultimate Ninja upgrade has a slightly wrong description: it also boosts click gain.

Upgrades stop appearing too early for that 1 billion cost to be approachable.

Nice work on the graphics! Though, as others said, the mechanics and game numbers are not exactly new.

(4 edits)

The game looks really great! 

The Energize tutorial should probably only show when the Energize button becomes available, got confused for a little while here. But that's just a very minor point.

UPD: Fusion interface is a bit confusing too. Especially the "Upgrade to Level X will cost 0" - this gives basically no information. The Upgrade itself seems like it should not really be a thing, just level it up automatically based on the invested currency.

The Fusion tab UI could definitely use some love: at least would be good to have an Auto-Split toggle and a button to invest all resources into a selected nucleus.

(1 edit)

A cute little game. I like that you can put it on pause by pressing Info.

It does feel a little bit shallow right now (early generators are outclassed quickly because multis are additive, not multiplicative which is usual for the games of this type), but the concept is interesting!

(2 edits)

You forgot to change a name of your project - it still says "Restaurant Rage" on the bottom of the screen.

UPD: got stuck after dashing into crystals from below on the second map :(

(2 edits)

It feels really weird that you made a game that looks like it was designed for mobile devices, but shows in a landscape orientation on mobile phones by default (so, 3/4 of the screen is just black) and has no mobile controls (only keyboard).

The hitboxes for the falling stuff should be circles and not squares. Also, a lot of falling stuff does not look like it would actually end your run, like that green cup with the plus symbol - it is reasonable to think that this is actually a powerup. The objects are pretty random too - automobile tires in space, seriously?

The upgrade costs are sometimes bugged out and change if you buy a different upgrade. Had a change from 40K to 13.6K, for instance; after the next run, it became 134K and then dropped down to 43.5K and again to 13.6K when I bought another upgrade. Though maybe it is not a bug and the Rocket 4 upgrades actually cost a fraction of your current money?

I like the amount of unfolding content that your game has! Though I don't like the fact that it does not have saving :(

Seems like one click registers as several too, it is not limited to taps only. Though one can (and probably should) use keyboard inputs instead if playing on computer.

Can confirm, have the same problem on Chromium on Windows.

(1 edit)

A very cool game! I loved it. You won't win with a starting deck, so it is pretty incremental.

Some things to note, though:

- really needs a way to undo moves

- you don't seem to shuffle cards inside a match, they always come in the same order

- the participation trophy strength seemingly does not depend on the progress achieved in a run (and is generally all over the place, from things doing nothing to "all your cards of a certain type are upgraded now")

- if you have a trophy that upgrades some cards, the new cards of that type can still be un-upgraded, which is a little bit weird

- Block upgrades might be too strong - don't see how one can go around the block spam strategy, since they eventually become guaranteed

I like that you can get special enemy coach cards in rewards after defeating them.

(1 edit)

Actually, from a pure math standpoint, *2 increase to total evasion is equivalent to /2 evasion loss and both win you extra 30 seconds. Though I do agree with the points overall, especially on the softcap, because I became painfully aware of it on my first run and it did not seem to affect me much afterwards (the 5k softcap is much more brutal).

Not really. It's like the first time ever I saw base Windows react to something - I don't have an antivirus installed. So it seems like a pretty big deal.

(1 edit)

I think it would be better, gameplay-wise, to make returning to dock as one click that then starts a timer.

Several clicks would be okay if you were still getting XP for them, otherwise it is just clicking for the purpose of clicking.

Same problem here, the basic Windows Defender marks it as a virus.

(1 edit)

As you said, this does look like a prototype, but it is actually pretty functional.

It would be really good if you put upgrade costs under/on the buttons and not in tooltips, so it is possible to see the costs without hovering over each upgrade separately. More description text in general would be good, especially for the combat part of the display: would be good to label your attack charge bar, enemy attack charge bar, and enemy HP; also add the monster descriptions to the area where you choose in which area to fight (something like "Mushroom, 3 HP, reward: 5 food, progress: 0/6").

AttackSpeed says in the tooltip that it needs Gold, but it actually requires Stone.

The boss minigame was nice. Hope to see more progress done on this game in the future!

(2 edits)

The game is a bit confusing and also click-heavy. No clue why returning to dock requires several clicks too. Oh, and it is also really short.

Though I guess you learned how to use a new game engine during this jam, this is a massive success!

(5 edits)

Okay, I played for a bit, and there seems to be quite a lot of problems with this submission.

- you can only play in fullscreen, the default windowed mode cuts off all buttons and the resource stocks.

- one click produces one wood or stone. Collecting 10 of each allows you to build a house, which houses 2 villagers, which produce 10 resources per second each. The gap is so big it is insane.

- village jobs are split into two different screens which require two clicks each to reach; one of those screens does not display the correct count of unemployed villagers, and both of them do not display total population (they both literally say 0). Also for some reason you assign villagers in pairs.

- buildings other than Hut seemingly do nothing, and the Hut for some reason adds 2 unemployed villagers per its level per level (so, a level 2 hut adds a total of 6 villagers: 2 from lv. 1 and 4 from lv. 2). One of the buildings is completely free anyway.

- the game is pretty short in general. Once you get your first Hut, you already did everything you can in the game (since other buildings do not work, and you don't really need more Huts - though you can afford them easily). Detection is really not a problem at any point in the game - you get like 0.02 per village worker assignment (it does become bigger if you have more villagers on the same job, though), the limit is 100, and there is a 20s cooldown button in the city that removes 5 points of it (Spread Rumors).

- the game does not save the progress (though given the previous point, it is not really a big problem).

- for some reason, the Intelligence resource is set equal to the number of unassigned villagers whenever you assign or unassign someone.

Just for fun, I tried to get to 100 detection to see what it does. Nothing.

You do have a decent technical base - you have purchases, the purchases actually work (you cannot build stuff if you don't have the resources for it, and building stuff deducts resources), you have different screens, buttons with cooldowns, job assignments - but there is no meat on them bones.

(4 edits)

Scan stopped working after the first upgrade :(

UPD: oh, you need to scan from nodes other than Home.

About controls: weird that mouse wheel can zoom in but not out.

Overall an interesting game, but probably needs more things to do with the nodes (maybe you can install different programs onto the nodes that do some additional things?) and a reason to expand further out (since income per second is limited by the throughput of whatever is directly neighboring the Home node).

(9 edits)

Really needs an explanation somewhere of what the stats do and how the dungeons work.

Casino is too overpowered compared to dungeon income. Would you like to wait 10 seconds for 1-2 gold or gain 3 gold every second for the cost of 5 gold? It scales pretty well too.

Would be good to have +5/+10 buttons for dungeon stat assignment.

Clearing a dungeon takes at least 20 minutes of idling even with the maxed out buildings, and the game does not progress when tabbed out, so you are forced to keep the tab open and in focus for a third of an hour before you can reset for Favour. Consider making early dungeons shorter than 100 floors?

Looking at the code, the stored Favour actually makes the dungeon clearing speed slower, not faster (the effect is pretty minor, though, just (favor+1)^0.1). Consider vastly increasing it and making it actually decrease the dungeon waiting time? The first few Favour upgrades are pretty much useless and you only gain a few Favour per reset (because the gain formula is money to the power of 0.05, and early dungeons only give 1 Favour gain on completion - this is also not displayed in the Favour gain text); would be good if they at least cut the time between resets in half.

Oh, and the Favour reset does not even work because you wrote dungeonPower instead of getDungeonPower().

UPD: the game was updated, and some of those points are resolved now.

(3 edits)

An interesting and unique game, but becomes too clicky and repetitive in the middle. You need to grind resets for a while before you can unlock automation.

Yes, Socialism and Totalitarianism are definitely strong, but I tried to make the alternatives to them viable as well.

Capitalism is a more idle and relaxed version of Socialist growth - if you get a money symbol on all sides, you can stop worrying about having hammers. Feudalism also does not require you to recycle population constantly, but it does require to keep it employed in Farms. I guess those alternatives are worse because they are only linear, though.

While Totalitarianism is great at reducing the influence gain, once you achieve that, you can explore other options. Democracy provides the only way to get the government symbol on a die, while Autocracy lets you get symbols into strange places and opens up options in there.

Social systems are indeed not really important. Caste System is great but hurts you at one specific point in the game, and Egalitarianism can be situationally useful, but they are not as strong as the other categories.

I did try to write some basic tutorial in the Help section. Do you have any ideas on how to improve it?

I think I explained somewhere. Basically, all web games on Itch are actually hosted on the same site from user perspective (this is a bit of a security vulnerability and might change in the future, mind you). So, if a game stores its save state in LocalStorage, you can just take that save state from there, then parse it and do whatever you want to do.

No, it is not an error. That version has all conditions needed to inflate.

Sorry, loading does not work inside iFrame. Try right-clicking to open it in a separate window, and importing it there. After that, you should be able to return to the game page.

Yes, that Sudoku is frustrating to play - but in return, the puzzle themselves was made to be rather easy.

Generation from all stars is actually consistent - you need to click in the dead center for best results. Since it is not trivial for smaller stars, further upgrades require more precision. You can ignore them, however.

Use Energy Grid Kits.

Seems like the 50 energy Extraction is bugged and might start even if the worker does not have 50 energy, which can turn it negative after the extraction.