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A member registered Oct 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for giving it a shot :)

I was super intrigued by this, and it's challenging. I'm curious what the Star Fox version of this game looked like. No amount of shrimp could save my fish where I was going. 

This was pretty impressive (it has a little bit of Katamari DNA in my opinion). I bet it was fun coming up with all the things to suck up. Congrats on finishing your first game jam! This was mine, as well. 

That death animation is priceless. I would maybe recommend adding some extra effects to the ball in the golf game just so there's less waiting around wondering where it went between shots. Congrats on your first jam! This was also my first. 

I had a great time and the music was meditative. I got really stuck lol. 

Such a simple concept but it works really. I appreciate the chill soundtrack, too. 

I have ascended, I am now a KING CRABBO. I loved the sprites on that little guy. You could build this out into a full on stealth game if you wanted. 

Dr Dre????? Is that you????? Glad you liked it :)

A tower of sushi seems like a dream. I really enjoyed the style of this. 

This was so cute. I'm glad the cat knew not to pick up the electrical boxes because I would have barreled towards them. We need a cat loaf animation. 

I feel less human lol

I love the little capybara. Unfortunately, I'm very bad and he got capy-buried beneath the tetrominos. 

Nothing I love more than riding my hoverboard and shoveling shrimp in my mouth

This is a cool little game. I would definitely check it out again if you continue to build it out. I need to make the biggest, ugliest raft lol. 

I love Minit! Thanks for playing :)

This is really good but haaaaaard. The cutscene was cool. My only suggestion would be to maybe make the blood cells stand out a little more against the background. 

Built to Scale Limbo,

Snow crunching beneath my feet,

Pagodas await. 

I like almost everything about this (especially the voice acting). It accurately depicts the stress of building a ship in a bottle). I started to learn Godot this year and was really impressed with what you were able to do. 

While I wouldn't say I was good at this, I was able to make a little raft lol. (Next goal is to make the Viking ship :D)

This is really impressive. It reminds me of old school Populous. 

I made it all the way to the end! I like your little wizard guy. If you're going to continue to build on this, I'd recommend a pull mechanic to help get the boxes out of corners. 

I like the simplified graphics you chose

Thanks for checking it out, I will definitely be adding "press z" to the description lol

Thank you!

The first spider jump scared me lol

Gorgeous pixel art. I'm usually not that into trick taking games but I liked it here. 

Purrrrrfect score. I appreciate the quick restart button. 

The music makes me want to shoot for the stars! (Also you handled the scaling mechanic really smoothly).

Thanks! You made my morning :)

Thanks for checking it out! Hoping it's not my last game jam lol

I had fun. Though I wish it had (fish) tank controls. 

This game is off the hook. Good colors and good tunes.

I loved this from beginning to end. My little sister came in while I was playing and she's now also a super fan of your little frog. 

This is one of my favorites so far. The presentation is spectacular. My only suggestion would be to make the planks that divide the levels a little bolder. 

I'm a big fan of this. The dopamine of getting shots off on the core after only removing a couple pieces really hits. 

Apparently descaling is dangerous work. I could see becoming addicted to this lol. 

I loved the music (and I forgot all about Ren'Py being an option to build things). 

Heck yeah, pun crew ;)

The concept and art in this are really cute! (and I always love a good pun)

Thanks for checking it out! Yeah, thematically I liked the idea of him being able to leave whenever he wanted (and that people could check out all the levels even if they got stuck).