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A member registered Dec 18, 2023 · View creator page →

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One of my favorites from this jam for sure. Good job making clicking on enemies actually difficult but fair. Boss was pretty hard, but if you get the pattern down, not bad. I would definitely add a sensitivity slider, and sometimes parry timing is janky. Continue this game please!

Survived 8:30. Difficulty ramp-up is pretty fair. Funny concept, funny music. Very good. I feel like the ricochet mechanic is not very clear, as in it  is hard to tell when the bullet is going to ricochet. The game could use a bit more "flashiness" (exploding enemies, bullet trail, shadows maybe, etc.) It would also add to replayability if the upgrades were different as you moved along in levels. High score board is a must I think. Anyways, keep on refining this game, it is very enjoyable.

At last, flames are restored, yes! Wow the transitions into the minds were smooth, maybe exiting the mind can be worked on a little. This reminds me of custom parkour maps in various games, and is executed very well. I think the game introduces mechanics at a good rate. Would definitely replay if you add more content.

Very interesting concept. All the art is very clean. Music is cool. The scoring system is nice, although maybe you should be allowed to collect a cherry on the last person per round (but maybe the timer is halved?). Got through it on normal difficulty. Well done.

Very interesting concept. All the art is very clean. Music is cool. The scoring system is nice, although maybe you should be allowed to collect a cherry on the last person per round (but maybe the timer is halved?). Got through it on normal difficulty. Well done.

Got to level 3. Funny game. I noticed your "hanging bush." e_e also the jumps should reset if you land on a red orb. The death orbs also look like the red orbs... why?

Beat it, got the "well done" screen. the AOE tentacles and lifesteal is really the way to go in the beginning. If you put a lot of points in them, it's really tough to die. It was fun though. around 5 minutes or so, it seems like no new enemies spawn in. You should add more enemies to fill out the 10minute grind. Anyways good job

Survived 7 days. It is a pretty unique puzzle game for sure! I didn't really understand how some of the things worked but still made it 7 days. Not sure if that's good or bad. Graphics are perfect and great, music fits and is also good. Well done.

Fun little game, very emotive character, sprites are great. "No my cabbages!" On my first play it felt like I failed but I didn't, then I realized I had to collect more stuff.  Got over 18,000 score

I had a lot of fun with this. there were several levels I couldn't beat but I beat 5 and it felt like an accomplishment so here you go.

The first level definitely needs to be easier but I did beat it after some attempts.

Art style is cool, but the screen effect made it hard to see. Maybe up the gamma? I didn't know what to do in the beginning until I found the button, and then I felt like a walking weapon for sure, but I'm weak to watermelons lol. I died during the mining process and was feeling a bit motion sick so I couldn't continue. It was fun though.

Nice fun little game, could not beat 9,11, or 12. I probably could with more attempts, but it's kind of a ragey game so. lol. Add some music! Sprites are pretty simple and work. I think if you continue the game, and add level restrictions, you should make a level skip or something. 

I feel like this will be great when it's done, because I love mech and kaiju battles, and if you get the dodging and strafing and general game-feel down, it would be so fun to battle giant monsters and mechs. Right now I'm not sure that N or M does anything, but for dodging please make it other buttons, because it's really weird to switch my hand between A and D and N and M.  I think also  the way the punching locks your movement is pretty clunky, also I couldn't really tell what the 2nd boss was supposed to be. I made it to level 4 though and felt like I saw it all, keep going!

Not bad. Was pretty hard. I'm not sure if there is an ending or anything, but I finger gunned like 20 or so guys before dying on my final attempt. It seems like the hit registering is a bit off or something... there's no feedback really if you hit them until they die, and then they just disappear. Also they have autoaim on you, and there's no sneaking or anything they just know where you are at all times. Maybe add a way to get back health unless it's supposed to be a quick standoff 

Great, and pretty polished. I got to the end of level 3 then died. I actually died quite a bit. I think the right click attack is too high risk, low reward. It does the same damage as the left click attack, and it leaves you open for a long time. I think also the gameplay gets a little bit repetitive.  The gameplay mechanics themselves are great though, keep working on it!

The longest I could hold out was 1:46. Is there a way you could add a mouse control option? Fun little experience, reminds me of old flash games

That was great, I felt like the weapon. I feel like the hits could use a bit more punchiness to them, more feedback. The upgrade system is satisfying. If you get too many cars though, the camera does not like it. The extra track paths is a great idea, although it seems to lengthen the time it takes to get to the station? Maybe it should unlock something if you travel through an alternate path. Keep on working on it!

I played for about an hour, and killed the earth hammer guy several times. I like all the unique sword abilities, and I find it interesting how there is no actual death mechanic, but as a negative side to that, you can just sit in one place and afk until you level up. I wonder if a lose condition could be a timer

Alright, I got to the end of the demo. The different upgrade paths is cool, I wanted to see more but there were only two levels. I think maybe you should get general arrows to tell you where the end level toaster thing is. Definitely make harder enemies, as the slimes are pretty dumb and don't pose much of a threat. I also did not know that the pits were not instadeath so I was avoiding them.

Great job. Pixel art is clean and consistent. Music fits. The gameplay loop is balanced (The right amount of enemy spawns and power ups) Great arcade feel

I had to check the tutorial a couple times before I understood what was going on, then I managed to  destroy like 7 or so targets. While attempting to click on the red X to back out of a screen, I accidentally pressed the rate button and I am now here. I then went back and let the game play out just to see what the death screen looks like and saw the all your base reference, which is a plus.  Ok so, I still don't know why you would want to move your guys around but it's cool you can do that I guess. The game was starting to get pretty hard, they were closing in on me pretty fast.  I feel like this game would be suited for coolmathgames or something. Do you remember coolmathgames?

I love me some tower defense. The interactivity during the waves is a good mechanic, I think it starts off with enemies that have a bit too much HP. And also I was slightly confused that you had to drag the tower from the bar over. Nice work

Loved it, here's my crappy time

Cool concept. Starts pretty difficult, not sure what the avg playtime is meant to be, but it is kind of hard to start off. I think there should be some sort of display to show you when your pickup ability is ready. Good job

96.62 all stars. Definitely a unique mechanic. Idk how you managed to pull off 74.47 lol. Anyway good job

Got stuck in a wall, 10/10

Beat it. The art style is really good. Some typos here and there, like "beated." I feel like level 1 should have come later since it has 2 tight timings you have to pull off in a row. The BGM was too repetitive and sounded offkey. I like the premise of the mechanic, good theme interpretation. Could use more levels.

How did you softlock yourself in level 11, other than being stuck on the bottom left quadrant as shadow? (in which you can fall to reset or press backspace, which is not a softlock)

Only used a few spells, I think you should design levels to incorporate them earlier, and have the tutorial be pretty much just one stage. The movement was pretty fluid. I wish there were less used buttons, try combining the buttons to do multiple things, and also I dislike when I have to switch from mouse menuing to keyboard menuing. I liked the game though, the bossfight was a nice surprise. I ganked him with meteor pretty easily though.

I wanted to like it, but it's too grindy. The cell batteries having the same sprite as the other type confused me, because I wasn't aware the inventory button was a button ( I thought it was labelling the bottom bar as inventory. ) I also was not aware you could melee enemies until much later. I'll try it again when you finish it.

The UI was a bit confusing at first (Don't see the point of the bottom right thing other than to undo? it wasn't clear that it was an undo button essentially. And then I wasn't sure at first that the numbers to the right of the enemy were its preemptive move) But other than that, pretty solid. It is kind of basic and doesn't add too many new things other than the ingredients that give different stats. Decently fun, I beat it even though it crashed after the ghost, and I had to work back to that point lol. Well I hope you can do more with this, maybe add something else between the fights?

I had fun with it, probably more than it's worth, not sure if that's a good or bad thing haha. I think simple janky games are funny. I liked finding the secret and all of the messages. Ending was great. Good job.


Enjoyed the story, the battling I mashed through and did not need to dodge anything. The dark room puzzle is not quite right lol. I think Z is a weird interact key. I think at least there should be a button above your head when you can interact with something. The battle backgrounds were trippy and cool. Some of the sprites felt rushed... hmm Good job overall but a lot of work to do!

Bahaha. Awesome

Great job on the visuals and the theme. The only thing is I'm not sure how you can expand it, but it's good how it is I suppose.

I had a lot of fun playing it and hacking it. It would be cool if you had a list of passive upgrades somewhere, and it showed you all the potions you collected at the end. If there was some way to get more of the ingredients you want I think it would be balanced better and less RNG dependent. Micromanaging light levels was good. The sweeping blast offset bugged me lol. Anyways, good work!

I had fun upgrading into oblivion. Movement is really weird with the facing direction. I think I would make a double-tap run where you can't shoot during running instead. I also found if you go far enough stuff stops spawning. I wish there were some bosses or something to break the flow.

Thanks for playing, I watched the stream and saw you get frustrated, haha. I will definitely make some tweaks to a few things. I'm glad you liked it.

Pretty fun, liked the intro sequence. Upgrading felt good, demo seemed a bit short. The area felt a bit barren when the crystals are the only thing to mine. Keep it up.