Thanks for playing! I had tried making the small ship quick to control with weak attacks that froze enemies to encourage swapping over to another ship. Feedback on the attacks, or a tutorial, is something that I could have improved.
Tom Arnold
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Thanks for the kind words! And just to check about the harpoon speed - were you playing the newer version with the fuel gauge at the bottom? I had tried to incorporate the truck speed with the harpoon in that version whereas previously it definitely was an issue. I'll look into a quicker truck rotation too - originally I had slowed it down to encourage using the harpoon to grapple around corners, but that's not in the game presently.
Well polished and beautiful art. When I first clicked a pathway off near a tree and watched it wither away, it surprised me and I thought, "Oh no, what have I done?!"
Admittedly, the casual level was still tough. Have you considered even easier levels with fewer trees for newcomers to the game? Or a hint option?
Whoa, like a harder version of moon lander, nice! For me just starting out in the game, I felt that the gravitational pull and overall speed from short mouse click bursts could have been lower, giving me more time to adapt. Also, a low-fuel warning would be appreciated - wouldn't notice until it was too late. Regardless, good luck on Android!
The memories from my Colecovision came flooding back to me, and that devil is a good way. Bomb blasting enemies was tricky, but it's just a timing thing to get used to.
Any chance you could extend the range where the player can leave a ladder to step onto the platform by a pixel or two?
Well polished and well done!
Shooting + screenshake reminded me of a Vlambeer game (which is good in my books). Excellent setup for mood.
In survival mode, my stats were cut off slightly on the left after I died. Thought there could have been more of a pause, or a confirmation button, to go into a level as it loaded before I could read the blurb about it.
Great idea that didn't take long to wrap my head around - excellent level design at the start to teach the game mechanics without the use of tutorials as well.
At first I thought, "Shouldn't the snake be getting longer?" but as the levels grew more challenging, and some with longer snakes too, it was tough enough already without that ;) Considerate to leave the undo button in there.
Great controls and fun idea - reminded me of one of my all time favourites, Winter Bells.
Only wished it became more difficult quicker or there was a bit more going on at the start to make me notice the spikes at the top earlier. Loved how the parrot starts spinning and how dropping coins pop other bubbles.
Great drifting idea, music and overall polish!
Coincidentally, I had a similar grappling hook idea in my game as well but for towing. Did you use Box2D physics for the grapple or program it in? I found with Box2D that the rope stretches.
I've found with a few games now that when I go check them through the game jam that I miss out on explanations from the game page such as "Controllers are necessary to play effectively." Tried the keyboard controls first before using a controller (way better).
Also, I'll admit that at first I thought there was only one level: Rockfall Canyon!