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A jam submission

As you WishView game page

The result of my solo attempt at the Brackeys 2024.1 game jam. The theme was "What's behind the Door?"
Submitted by Pigeon — 3 hours, 28 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#1523.4173.417

Ranked from 24 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
You play a knight guarding a door. Everyone wants to get in to find out "What's behind the Door?" and you have to keep them away for 7 days.

Did you write all the code and made all the assets from scratch?
With the exception of the font everything else was made from scratch by myself, the font was a free font from

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Really cool game, i like the fighting mechanic

I'd like, if you'd also rate my game :)))


Nice game, impressive game design!


This game is really good.but I think you should improve the graphic can make a better experience.Overall the idea is great,keep working :D
if you have time,come and play my game,this is really good game ;)


I'm a huge fan of using primitive shapes here for all the characters. There's a certain charm to it, but perhaps that's the programmer in me talking.

Also, impressive work adding several mini-games towards the overall experience of telling a story. Much respect to you!


I loved the mechanics. Some really fun ideas in there. I think with some polish this could be a really fun game.

I think spending some time on the graphics and visuals, and build in a few "learning levels" or a tutorial, instead of big blocks of text explaining how it works.  It was a little dense at times.

Great work though. I look forward to seeing a more polished version one day.



this game rocks, i love all the different aspects to it!

I like how many characters there are and the dialogue for them.

the debate system is really cool and interesting idea, there's so much you can do with it !

the UI and assets seem a little underdeveloped, compared to how intricate the mechanics are, it would be cool to see where this project goes if you're planning on continuing it :)


The dueling game with cards for specific body parts is a really good concept! And I was intrigued by the debate mechanic too. Those are a solid foundation to create a much more in-depth game. To boot, building in multiple minigames for a jam is really impressive. Great work!


Very good innovation. Unique art style, cool gameplay, I like it.


Really appreciate you giving it a go, thanks!


Really impressed by the number of systems in this one!


Thanks, past me definitely was cursing myself for the number of systems I decided to put in ;)


The programming behind this one is impressive. The amount of different minigames. Well done on that. The audio and visuals were more on the minimalist side, but I do respect the effort. Great job!


Thank you for giving it a go! Yeah I definitely would have liked to have spiced up the visuals and audio is definitely my weakest aspect but the programming ended up taking up most of my time so I am glad it can at least talk for itself somewhat ;)


i like how he says as you wish to anything .10/10


As you wish ;)


The game itself for a 7 day jam is surprising. Simple art and music besides much to play, make it really cool. Goodjob!


Thanks so much for playing and the kind words! Makes the late night worth it ;)


As you wish.

I love that there is different minigames with a pretty nice story!


Thank you for playing, glad you enjoyed the simple little story!


Wow. The  amount of  systems you made is  incredible! The debate game alone is so incredibly deep but you put a card game on  top AND an upgrade system AND you have a story??? Im speechless. If you generated the visuals of the debates game's cards i would really love to hear about how you made it! Never seen something like it before.


Thanks, definitely feel like I was a bit too ambitious with this one so glad they *mostly* worked. The debate game cards are game objects which then generate their visuals from code, I used unity's animation curves to set the graph for each card, then read the curve at certain points to plot it onto a line renderer, then put in a sprite under the line which the code then changed the colours of depending on where it laid between the line and the zeroline. Which sounds way more complex than it is, but I learnt a bunch from making this so I might put it all in a video which will probably be easier to explain it ;)


Reall enjoyed playing! This game was fun👍


Thanks for playing!


Interesting take on the theme. The debate mini-game was pretty unique (maybe a little too easy, but very unique). I feel like the whole game could be based on it. The music could be a little longer, maybe with some dramatic pauses when characters talk. There were lots of mechanics going on, which was nice in a way, but on the other hand maybe focusing on one and polishing the heck out of it would be best. One nice touch were the letters, I had fun reading those in between days.

Nonetheless, pretty cool experience, and lots of stuff done for going solo! Good job!


Appreciate the feedback, and agree on all points. I made to debate min-game on day 3 and if I was to do the jam again would definitely just make that my focus, something to explore further at the very least!

Thanks for giving it a go!


Overall a decent experience. The concept behind the game has a ton of potential! Obviously more polish would go a long way.

Also anytime I used the 2nd or 3rd card in battle the game would soft-lock


Thank you for playing! Ended up bug fixing till the deadline so not surprised to see I missed a soft lock. Glad the concept got across despite that though! :)


Very experimental, I love it;Was a bit hard to " understand" as said, improved graphics and UI could help to understand better what's going on and how to player better, but very cool experimentation ^^.


Thank you so much for giving it a go! Appreciate the feedback and yeah definitely could have done with more user friendly features! :)


I think focusing on the ui and graphics would have made the experience better. Otherwise I think that the combat was good, but the amount of text could have been  cut .


Thanks for playing! Definitely agree, in future jams I am going to have to make sure I give enough time to replace placeholder pieces! ;)