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A member registered Aug 28, 2016 · View creator page →

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I can't imagine the development process you had to do to make this possible, even in its current state! 

I think it'll be cool to also show the coordinate system as well "a1, b2, c3, etc". would be hilarious to see a "z26".

Great job on the submission! Congrats!

Fun game! The art is amazing and the gameplay is great!

With a bit more polish, the game could be a hit!

I would recommend splitting the levels and slowly introducing mechanics and puzzles to the player. I don't know of any other game that introduces a boss in level 1 ahah.  It felt quite brutal to make my way to the boss, and as I was trying to learn the attacks, I died and had to start from the beginning.

Otherwise, I adore this game! Congrats and good luck!

Congrats on submitting an entry! I know it wasn't easy to do! 

It's a bit unfortunate that the window player for the game is the wrong resolution, so it made it quite hard to see things. Otherwise, I would recommend giving the player "tighter" controls, or at least a sense of it! It can get a bit frustrating for people if they constantly fight themselves to even feel like they are controlling the player. 

I think if these things were touched up on, this game could be a hit! Congrats and good luck!

Gameplay flawless! Animations seamless! Puzzles genius!

This was such a lovely experience <3 I wished there were more levels to keep my brain turning.

Congrats on the entry! Good luck!

Awesome entry! You guys did amazing! I believe this concept has huge potential and can work really really well. I just think there needs to be a little more "seamless guidance" for the player. i.e. Teach/guide the player without having to go to a separate rules/how to play tab. I didn't realise I could move the items until room 4. I thought I was pressing "Enter" just to read and understand what each item does. 

All in all, I would love to see this game worked on in the future! Congrats and good luck!

I love what you guys were able to complete for the jam! It's a fantastic game! There is so much puzzle potential in this game <3 Congrats and good luck!

Really cool game! I could totally see this as an addicting mobile casual game! I also found it quite tricky after the first 2 iterations. Maybe another feature could be to guess the scale going down as well. Lots of potential! Congrats and good luck!

Clean and well made! Congrats! It definitely got my brain turning :P

I adore this game! I've always loved games like A Little to the Left and Unpacking. And this game is no exception :) Awesome work! Congrats and good luck!

The style is amazing! It felt a bit quick tho, once I got a couple of black holes and nebulas, it was just an "ok, let's watch the show". Not that I'm complaining, but I wish there was a little more content to idle my way through.

All in all, it is an awesome submission! Good luck!

Cool game! Once I got a better idea of the game, I instantly tried to min/max the game aha.

I also experienced the same thing that other people have where it feels like the planet is being damaged from something that is off-screen :( There was also another issue where I managed to pile up so much material in a particular section to the point where I couldn't jump in that spot anymore. Maybe make it so that you can jump from materials as well? 

All in all, a great submission! Good Luck!

Love the concept! It was excellently executed as well! I have never been amazing at bullet hell games, but that never stopped me from trying and trying :) Awesome entry, thanks for the fun!

Congrats on your entry! I was a little confused at the beginning, I actually had to die a couple times to figure out how to play. But once I understood it, It actually became enjoyable. Moving with the drums was fun as well! Wish there was more polish and sounds but otherwise a wonderful entry :)

Thank you so much for playing!! I'm thrilled you tried to find multiple paths, another fun part of the game! Perhaps I might make the skill requirements a little more forgiving if I work on this game in the future then :) Thanks for giving it your best!

Thank you so much for playing! I definitely tried to ease the level progression to not make it too hard. Though I am glad that you were able to challenge yourself. A challenge is always fun :)

Thank you for playing! Oh no! I hope, your keyboard didn't detract your experience from the game. I set the Arrow keys to work as well, maybe that will work better for you.

Thank you so much! The minimalist style is definitely hiding and protecting my lack of artistic skills ahah

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you were able to get the hang of it! I appreciate the feedback. I will need to figure out a better and more appealing way to display the blocks and their borders. They can definitely be improved on!

Thank you for playing! Simple and fun was the goal! I lost count of how many times I died trying to make that last level ahah

Thank you so much! I am glad you liked it :)

Thanks for playing! I appreciate the feedback. I honestly left that "feature" in because it made the game too hard ahah, even for me. I'll keep this in mind if I ever continue working on the game :)

Thanks Zaxtor for making a video about our game. It’s amazing to see people adore the things we make, especially enough to make a video about it and we’re glad you enjoyed it. Have a good one!

Thank you for the notice, the game should be up now

Greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Yea, maybe a bit of a better tutorial to get the idea across, didn't have time though :P. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Should be working now!

(1 edit)

It is 100% possible for you to have the source code, i have just added a link back to the Ludum Dare website in the description, you should find it next to the bold text "Source Code". The source code should be the whole unity project, so it is as simple as unzipping it and opening it up in unity.

(2 edits)

Link to page!

A game that shrinks you into the position of a pity soldier figurine. But alas, the enemies are still epic and powerful and it is your duty to defeat them. Only one thing, just remember that this is happening on a coffee table...

This is a game where it places you on a coffee table to fight other enemies. Here's a challenge, learn the mechanics of the game and try to beat it. If you do, take a screenshot of the victory scene, comment it on the page and tell me how it went. I would love to see some people complete the game.

This game was made in 72 hours for the Ludum dare 38 challenge with the theme of "A Small World". My team and I sure did bust a lot of time and effort in making this game. It still needs a whole tone of polish, but everything is needed to call it what it is, "a game". Well, I sure do hope that you will check out the game and give it some feedback, would love to see your opinion on it. Anyway, I'll stop ranting, good luck to you and have a nice day.