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A member registered Apr 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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Cute game. It would've been helpful if the item dollar amounts could be seen without needing to hover the mouse over them.

Clever idea!

Commenting cuz I thought this game could use some more attention.

Love the idea! The fact that the plates were one-time use provided an interesting challenge.

Cute game! I like all the art, but I was surprised that the spikes don't actually hurt you.

Nice idea.

The tradeoff between size and speed is an interesting idea. I found the hardest part of the game being hitting the initial serve. After that is was pretty easy to predict where the ball was going.

The first time I played I encountered a bug where if if expanded the paddle such that it overlaps the ball, the ball starts moving perfectly vertically and the game goes on forever.

I like the art style. The game was very slow at the beginning and I couldn't tell if my cards were doing anything or if the location I placed them mattered.

I love the intro sequence! You rarely see cutscenes in jam games, so it was a welcome surprise.

I played this game with my laptop trackpad, so I had some difficulties scaling the player size. Often times what I do when I'm making a game that requires a mouse wheel, I also include dedicated keyboard keys that do the same thing. Also some text hints in game that say the controls would be nice. I didn't realize I was supposed to use the scroll wheel until I exited fullscreen and read the description.

Nice idea for a puzzle game.

Cute game!

Cute game! I'm not very good at platforming so I got stuck on the second level.

Cute game.

I really like the idea, but a bit too difficult. It'd be nice if enemies didn't even start spawning until after you've picked up your first upgrade. I also couldn't tell if the gun was shooting.

Interesting idea, but I agree with Aldenwar I would've liked to just make a bunch of burgers in a row. Also I think it'd be nice if the game started off a bit easier. I did the first level 3 times and only ever got a score 101, so I never got to see the other levels.

Interesting take on the concept. I would've liked if there had been more of those gates in the level to serve as checkpoints. I didn't really know where to go.

Really fun game! I was surprised how captivated I got. I think I lost too a bug where the stones wouldn't stabilize and the game thought the stone was under the line. Also sometimes I couldn't place the planks even if I was overlapping existing ones.

Love the art style!  The performance wasn't too great, probably a browser issue. I've had issues like this before with my games so I usually upload a backup Windows build for players that encounter issues.

Love the art and music.  Does the game have a win state?  I think I killed all the rats, but nothing happened.

Fun game!  Played the first three levels.

Incredible visuals.

I think there is an interesting idea here. It would work much better on mobile than playing it with my laptop trackpad like I did. I think it'd be nice if the hearts were more prominent on screen and there was an animation or sound to clearly indicate that you've lost a heart. It wasn't clear to me that the tree splitting caused me to lose a heart until I read your description on this page, so while I was playing whether I won or lost just seemed random.

Love the music and player design. The initial difficulty is too high I would say. The darkness moves very fast. I could get past the first darkness sequence but not the second. Nice work overall though!

Cute idea. Pressing A and D tends to throw the camera out of the game world, but exiting full screen fixes it?

Love the aesthetic but wasn't sure how to progress in the game.  The only exit to the starting room was the path going south and when I walked that way my player was offscreen for a while until I somehow appeared in an Inn,

Nice idea, I would've liked it if the game was more responsive.  Having some kind of notification banner with positive and negative sound effects would go a long way in communicating to me if my choices were good or bad.

Fun game.  I thought I was supposed to press the TNTs at first but once I realized I was supposed to click the blocks I had a lot of fun.

The game had nice aesthetics, but it wasn't very responsive.  Clicking on the doors and paintings usually did nothing but sometimes did something.  The "Restart" button on the death screen also didn't do anything.

Nice rush of dopamine.  Loved the particle effects.  I found it to be a bit too easy, I spammed the space bar and got to a score of 1340 before I just gave up.  It could be interesting if instead of killing the birds, you had to line up the pipes with bird to make it fit through.  Nice work!

MIT license for the code.  Creative Commons Zero for the other assets.  More information in the GitHub link.  In general, do whatever you want with this kit.  I'd be hyped to hear what you have done with the kit, but that's not required.

Fun game!  I know its a good game when I feel the need to play a couple rounds.

Loved the vibes and approach to theme but wasn't quite sure how to deal with the monster.  I stood next to the fire and the monster still killed me :(

Loved the game!  Great art and use of both themes.

Loved the art and the effects.  I liked how you could vacuum up the alien's ranged attacks, but it would be nice if the garbage respawned or something as well because the combat slows down a lot later into the game.

Nice vibes and good puzzle game idea.

I couldn't seem to move the character around anymore after leaving the first room :(

Loved the art though

Love the art and audio!

I couldnt figure out how to get out of the first room :(  Liked the art and music though

The collaboration with AI is kinda weak, but I liked the graphics and the gameplay was very intuitive.