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A member registered Apr 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the kind words! It's definitely one of my better jam entries.

Thank you so much for checking it out!

Love the graphics and the inclusion of a leaderboard. Would love to hear about how you got a leaderboard working in Godot. I played the game on a trackpad, so I wasn't able to press the drift button while pressing the drive button, but I was still able to play the game regardless. Nice work!

Wasn't sure how to play the game. I kept losing all my movement and being unable to recover. Love the vibe of the art and music tho!

Cute intro! A widdle too difficult. The jump pads are too small and it's weird how if I switch lanes a widdle too late, I just get caught on the obstacle and have to wait a bit before I die.

Awesome idea! A bit too difficult for me though to play.

Cool game! I was excited to see a time loop game in this jam.

Zoomies! Loved the idea and the cute story.

Nice idea, difficult to play in practice. Also, how do I get from each level to the next? After I beat the level, it just gives me a high score and I have to restart the game to be able to pick a new level.

Such a vibe.

Love the art style.

Dying after one hit is very punishing, especially because I have to constantly flip the mouse back and forth from pointing towards the enemies to shoot and pointing to the side to dodge.

Interesting idea but difficult to play. I don't see why I have to wait so long to do my turn after the enemies move.

Love the style! Really difficult to play with mouse.

Simple but addicting!

Love the atmosphere! Such great art, sound, and effects.

Absolutely love the art style and the cut scenes at the beginning! I found to be a little touch to play with my trackpad and I didn't realize until a few obstacles in that the dog could still get closer to me while I was at the controls screen before each mini game.

Cool game!

Nice idea and well polished game!

Awesome game feel. Wasn't quite sure on where I was trying to get to with the boat or how I got to the "Thanks for playing" screen. This game is similar to what my team tried to make except in 3d.

I wandered around the first room and then got sent to a large cube room full of particles. What am I supposed to do after that? The art style is intriguing, just not sure what to do.

Cute game. It would've been helpful if the item dollar amounts could be seen without needing to hover the mouse over them.

Clever idea!

Commenting cuz I thought this game could use some more attention.

Love the idea! The fact that the plates were one-time use provided an interesting challenge.

Cute game! I like all the art, but I was surprised that the spikes don't actually hurt you.

Nice idea.

The tradeoff between size and speed is an interesting idea. I found the hardest part of the game being hitting the initial serve. After that is was pretty easy to predict where the ball was going.

The first time I played I encountered a bug where if if expanded the paddle such that it overlaps the ball, the ball starts moving perfectly vertically and the game goes on forever.

I like the art style. The game was very slow at the beginning and I couldn't tell if my cards were doing anything or if the location I placed them mattered.

I love the intro sequence! You rarely see cutscenes in jam games, so it was a welcome surprise.

I played this game with my laptop trackpad, so I had some difficulties scaling the player size. Often times what I do when I'm making a game that requires a mouse wheel, I also include dedicated keyboard keys that do the same thing. Also some text hints in game that say the controls would be nice. I didn't realize I was supposed to use the scroll wheel until I exited fullscreen and read the description.

Nice idea for a puzzle game.

Cute game!

Cute game! I'm not very good at platforming so I got stuck on the second level.

Cute game.

I really like the idea, but a bit too difficult. It'd be nice if enemies didn't even start spawning until after you've picked up your first upgrade. I also couldn't tell if the gun was shooting.

Interesting idea, but I agree with Aldenwar I would've liked to just make a bunch of burgers in a row. Also I think it'd be nice if the game started off a bit easier. I did the first level 3 times and only ever got a score 101, so I never got to see the other levels.

Interesting take on the concept. I would've liked if there had been more of those gates in the level to serve as checkpoints. I didn't really know where to go.

Really fun game! I was surprised how captivated I got. I think I lost too a bug where the stones wouldn't stabilize and the game thought the stone was under the line. Also sometimes I couldn't place the planks even if I was overlapping existing ones.

Love the art style!  The performance wasn't too great, probably a browser issue. I've had issues like this before with my games so I usually upload a backup Windows build for players that encounter issues.

Love the art and music.  Does the game have a win state?  I think I killed all the rats, but nothing happened.

Fun game!  Played the first three levels.