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A member registered Jun 04, 2024 · View creator page →

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Haha glad you had fun with it! That is the main goal of my game :)

Appreciate you putting in time to play my game :) Noted - thank you for the advice!

Thanks for taking the time to review my game Alfheimer :)

Thanks for taking the time to play my game maddy!

I interpreted the theme a bit differently here by having a power scale. Unfortunately, you cannot see this in all its strength as I did not have enough time to create more abilities!

It's what makes good games great in my opinion, the little things add up to the entire experience and can make a game so much more enjoyable! Awesome stuff from you both :)

The sounds are really amazing and the theme is interpreted really well.

Awesome stuff!

Thanks for the feedback Rocket! A common issue is the limited abilities so I will definitely work on speeding up my workflow in the next jam.

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Thanks dan :) Credit to the talented artist nessie who created these

That's a great idea actually, incorporating a level system to the abilities instead of unique ones every time... Thanks for the idea!

Thanks for checking out my game Neutrino - glad you noticed it as the style is supposed to feel and look like the early PlayStation games

Gutted I couldn't make more abilities :( Glad you enjoyed it hahha, if I come back to the game I will create a spinning attack for your new strategy

Chess 2! I really love the art style in this game! Very well made and I'm surprised with the amount of detail with such a limited time. Super satisfying sounds as well... you have nailed sound design and that means so much for games. Great job! This is one of the top games I have played

Thanks, the models are awesome! It was supposed to be a power scale but I struggled at adding more abilities due to time constraints as it was only me developing :)

Thanks for the feedback Fluffow :) Interesting to hear, will definetely make it more clear when you are frozen from now on

Sorry this did not work in Firefox for you! All my testing was done in Chrome - I am glad it was working in the standalone version!

Yes, the last part is a bug thank you making me aware of this!

The art style is great and seeing him inflate is funny. I wish I could have seen the recipes on the first stage because I kept making the giant potion but I have no idea how lol

I did not expect a gun lol. Very creative twist on the theme! I love how they are all to scale. Awesome stuff

Fit the theme really well, was a fun cute platformer - puzzle game

Very chaotic and fun haha, especially with the physics. Awesome stuff :)

The detail on the levels are really well made. Surprised at this considering the timeframe!

The dragon is majestic af, I love it. The music is super soothing and fits the game really well. I wish I could see my cursor but managed just fine without it. I enjoyed this!

Super surprised at how much detail is in this game considering the timeframe! Very good worldbuilding

I had a lot of fun playing this! It's a really good entry and I love some of the silly drawings for the characters haha

The gameplay is really satisfying, I would love to see some abilities the more you upgrade!

Haha some different skins would be cool - I agree that multiplayer would be fun on this as well

I like the look of this a lot :) Would be very suitable for mobile imo and could definately be a good app game

(1 edit)

This art style is incredible and the gameplay is really addictive. Well done to the team who made this! Clearly you all work well as this game is amazing! 5 stars

This is really creative and innovative I think you did really well on that! I haven't seen a deck builder like this before and it fits the theme really well!

thanks tim appreciate the feedback! I agree that the theme of scale could have been leaned into more, I tried scaling with power but didnt have much time for more abilities unfortunately

I love the characters too haha :) thanks for taking the time to review my game it means a lot

Creativity is so good on the theme here! I had a lot of fun playing this :)

This is a really beautiful game, and I like the idea of the game!

music is amazing - i like the physics, i could not win it was very challenging haha

Very addictive, I think progressive levels where it increases in difficulty would have been very fun. I love these sort of games

I reached the end even though I suck at physics games xd I enjoyed but I wished I was a little faster

I reached the space part, was trying to see if there was another stage but maybe not - I enjoyed it :)

This is really well made, feels like a game that can actually become a full release - I would be surprised if this does not make the winners list!

I failed when I got Toni lol - i enjoy micro management games and this was definetely that, good job I enjoyed it and it has great potential :)

There is great potential for this game, great start - love the art style too it's very unique

Unique idea, took some time to get used to and was fun - really appreciate the tutorial as well as not many games included this. Great job :)