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A member registered Sep 13, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback!

Totally agree with adding more multi measure rests, both makes it far easier to record and would give some more relaxing vibe to the composition. Some part of my brain is just like "I gotta write notes everywhere and make it busy" so it is something I am working on.

Thanks for listening!

Hear you man, I'm definitely not a big fan of the midi sound font haha. Next time next time.

Thanks for listening!

I love seeing the sheets! The silence in the middle definitely could use a decrescendo instead of pure silence. But yeah as others say musescore instruments aren't nearly as nice as other VSTs. It is really good for hearing how something sounds and then executing on it with some other VST or whatever, maybe hit me up on discord for a future jam and I can record some cello parts lol.

This sounds super chill, definitely could be paired with more of a theme song or something to flesh it out more!

This is awesome man! The bass sound effects are VST? That's fascinating, I totally thought you recorded that. I would so love to play a game with this song as the intro or something lol.

(2 edits)

I love all of these tracks a lot! Can't say much more than that!! On The Clock Strikes Twelve the bass a piano or double bass VST? Also are you using a piano VST? 

Just so I do have feedback here, I don't love love sound design part of the bass sound on The Clock Strikes Twelve, I actually kinda wanna try playing that and recording it lol.

Oh and also I think the credits song typically in games is room for something more exciting, think the firewatch ost.

This is super cool like others say, but I will put my comments on some tracks so I don't just drop a "nice" and move on.

Crystal Zone, I feel like it needs more syncopation. Specifically the section 0:50 to around 1:30 feels like it wants to be this breakcore drum thing but its seems to hit the fill on the and of 4 every time, which makes it feel really predictable when the song kinda gives a vibe of not the 4/4 yeah? I think it would sound interesting going the e and of 2, then and uh of 3, etc.

Lava Center Zone, I think the instrument used at 2:20 and other parts of the song could be a little brighter? It sounds choked to me, especially since it takes a lead in multiple parts. Maybe the high end eq is too aggressive for my taste?

Time Bomb Zone, that sweeping drill noise doesn't lead to a whole lot of replayability, it might get tiring quickly ingame. Maybe some other sound design choices on it would the mitigate the "problem" for me, not sure thought. It is definitely used a lot in that song!

Great work man, mad respect for 18 minutes of music.

Not much to say other than I really like this track!! The early lead string melody sitting on top of the bass bowing stacatto, so good. The part starting around 2:06 where I'll just assume the two violin sections are playing off beat and maybe off key to each other is dope. Church bells are pretty inspired too, especially how it fades out.

Preface: I didn't give myself enough time before the deadline to properly look at your submission other than listening twice.

I didn't read your submission first and then I realized what I was like "wait is this for an anime..??" so that was funny!

Have you studied dungeon meshi and kaijyuu number 8 OSTs? 

Love the vibe with Knight of Death at the Convenience Store just like Kale said.

I like Tracked Down and Whisper Of E the most.

I guess my main impressions from this is that some of the songs feel a little busy, and I think either adding some tracks that have less total instruments would be cool, for when you need the slower moments in a story. I'm very biased in this opinion but maybe some bowed double bass would be cool? Especially with the "Deathknight" theme and orchestral composition.

Love this one! I don't know anything about the device you made this, but I have the following comment:

How much music theory and harmony stuff do you know? I had the feeling that "A peaceful farming village" and "Deaths theme" could sound a lot more interesting with a more intentional chord progression and some sort of other harmonic movement than either always staying on the 1 chord or the chromatic descending thing going on in peaceful farming village. 

I'm not that well versed and I don't have the best ear yet so I might be completely misinterpreting it, just my initial thoughts on listening.

Some of these songs could be a little longer too I think.

Credits is my favorite!

I really like the first minute 50 seconds ish, but the synth strings are much too quiet in my opinion. The crunchy drums sound awesome. I like that short bit at the end a lot too! It just should maybe go in another track? I think these ideas would work better if you made 3 songs instead of only one.

Thanks for listening! I appreciate the feedback and I will definitely play with this idea.

Thanks for listening!

Thanks for listening!

Thanks for listening! I think my recent study of steely dan helped with the bassline lol.

I 100% agree I gotta put some hours in with some reverb plugins to figure out how they work.

(1 edit)

Coffee <3

I agree with the French thing but I don't listen to any of that kind of music so I have no idea why it sounds like that haha.

Thanks for listening!!

Such an interesting soundscape. Very each to listen to and fits the theme well.

These sounds are all really cool but I think for a game track the listening experience could be improved if you reduce some of the friction present. 1:33 how it builds and gets cut to build again for example, instead of a hard cut maybe play with some fader effect? Pitch bend, reverb it, eq, something along those lines. Maybe more variation in samples played could be nice too. Arranging these to hit on nicer downbeats or softening the attack on some parts could make it more relaxing to listen to but still give that same sort of chaotic vibe.

(1 edit)

Very chill song, totally fits the theme great and ambiance in general.

The chord at 2:17 is awesome. The minute long intro is dope too. I like the section after 3:30 slightly less, I wonder how that would sound if the piano was arpeggiating in a similar way to the guitar?

(2 edits)

Vocals are super cool! Love the driving string rhythm at around 1:10, comes in at a great time in the composition. The plucked instrument sounds very nice in the mix too.

I think the talharpa could be a little louder in general. 

This is more on arrangement but ~1:37 it is the first time in the track that we hear the talharpa take on 100% of attention, and it just gives the impression that something more could be done with that space created. How it continues playing the same way it was during the crescendo makes me feel that if a down beat was established and everything except for the beat was faded out, the talharpa could come in on a nice upbeat with some cool line and it would have a stronger effect.

I also wonder what it would sound like with more variation on drums, since it seems to always have a very long reverb, when it might sound nice a little tighter in some places. The ending might irritate me ingame lol.

Track 1

Love the piano on this one, and the tremolo strings comes in like wind breezes. Super cool! The fade out is super tasteful also.

Track 2

This sounds like a lot of the songs in the Rainworld OST, which I happen to love, so I love this track :). Those little popping sounds remind me of rain drops.

Track 3

If I heard these footsteps in game I would probably freak out. The bird noises sound super realistic, but the density is maybe a bit higher than real life. I've heard the exact same thing at some zoo or aviary I've been to before, which is a cool effect.

Oh man that ending is uneasy! Love the energy, wish it were longer. Would totally add it to my playlist if I saw it in an OST :)

Thanks for the comment! Totally agree with what you said.

Thanks for the comment! Totally agree with all of what you said and they are all points I want to improve on for next time :)

Thanks for the comment! You have a really good point about the stereo mix, that is something I need to play with more. Definitely not going to have 6 voices under middle C next time haha.

Appreciate the comment. Plucked bass is a good idea, and just generally playing some of the harmony higher up is for sure what I want to try next time.

Appreciate the comment. Something I'll work on next time for sure!

Super cool how you did live reactions for everyone! Next time I totally plan to put wayy less notes under middle C haha. 

Thanks! It does feel like an introduction huh? I should write a B section to pair with it :)