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Bunny Bunker Test - I will test your game, if you test mine.

A topic by Polyspice Games created Nov 09, 2024 Views: 793 Replies: 35
Viewing posts 1 to 10
(5 edits)


Like last time, I will test your game, if you will test mine.  

I will be testing your game using the following guidelines: How to give feedback to indie games.

You can find my game here

Any feedback is appresiated, but I am mainly looking for information about "Pacing" 

Is there any parts of the game that feels to slow or fast. Is there situations where you find outself just sitting doing nothing. (and if so, is this a problem?)

Edits - Links to people that tested, and you should test their games as well:

Open Hatch -

Epsilon Indie -

Thry the webs -

Emily - Demo -

Move Go -


I tested your game and here’s my feedback:

What I appreciated:

  • Lovely visuals! The bunnies and the world are cute, and the music fits nicely.
  • There is a lot of effort in the game atmosphere/design. 

What could be improved :

  • After the carrot farming step, I wasn’t sure what to do next, which led me to stop playing. I found myself clicking around without clear direction.
  • I felt some frustration during the fight at the end of Day 1 since it was only an animation, and I was just waiting.
  • I didn’t notice the "Bunnies Rescued" section on the left side; it wasn’t very visible and seemed like part of the background at first glance.
  • Since I have an AZERTY keyboard (I’m in France), the controls for moving the background didn’t work for me, and I couldn’t reset the background to its original view. Using arrow keys might be more user-friendly here. I also found it a bit difficult to remember the other commands.
  • It would be helpful to indicate which menu section we’re in when navigating the Options menu.

Thanks for reaching !

Thank you so much!! This is really helpful. I have been thinking about how to make the "ease" in on the mechanic making it easier to understand what to do, we will be working on this in the next release!

The nighttime is a big pain, and at some point we considered ripping it out completely :) 

I have added a "Breadcrumbs" issue to fix the menu navigation.

The AZERTY Keyboard thing is just a stupid mistake from out side, that will be part of the next update. 

With all that said, I have a few questions if you have time: 

  • If you could change one thing about the night time, what would that be?
  • If you could add one thing to the game what would that be?
  • If you could remove one thing from the game, what would that be?

Again, THANK you so much! This means the world to us!



i played the first 5 levels of your game. This is what I found:

  • I had a bug in the tutorial where the next step was not triggered at some point. When it continued are had already built almost everything. But it was not really a problem as I found the controls intuitive, I had no problem to figure everything out even without explanations.
  • Regarding the "pacing": I never had any downtime at all. I always went for a very economic build: get a lot of carrots & workers first. Then build defenses as late as possible. That worked out well without any downtime.
  • Difficulty: I found it too easy. I mostly managed to launch the rocket on day 2. So I had only to defend 1 night. And those fights were never even close. I never built any walls, never upgraded the fire. I just built 3 sniper towers and upgrade them. That was more than enough.
  • UX/Controls: Very good, everything is intuitiv and easy to understand
  • What you could improve: allow to adjust the difficulty, maybe a global setting to hard/very hard mode: more enemies, more waves, more versatile enemies that need different treatment (like swarms of small enemies that need splash towers).
  • Graphics: I like it, bunnies are cute :)

I hope that helps a bit.

Thank you, what an amazing feedback :) 

First, do you have a game that you would like me to test and give you feedback on? Please share a link ;)


Do you remeber where this tutorial problem is located? Ive been looking through them, and thought I had most of the problems fixed :)

Nice that you found the pacing good, I have tried really hard. 

I will work more on a more balanced difficulty curve in the next major version of the game. 

About the global difficulty setting, this is a good idea, and I will put it in the backlog.. thank you!! 

This helped a lot! My deepest gratitude !


I restarted the tutorial a few times, but I was not able to reproduce the problem. Seems not to be a serious issue.

Another thing is: I do not really understand why I need a fire? The tutorial tells it helps to see enemies, but the night is not very dark. My impression was, that defenses also work without fires. Maybe make the night darker? Make it more "spooky" when there are no fires?

If you have time you could take a look at it is a feedback trade extension for It was probably a dumb idea by me, but would be nice if you could take a look, maybe import one of your projects, an give your opinion.

If that is not your cup of tea: The game I am currently working on is . I had no feedback since the last update ... so feedback would be useful as well.

I will get back to you on playtesting your game. I am out traveling on business right now, but will be back on wednesday, where I will give your game and the feedback trade extension a look :) Sorry for not saying that in the first reply.

Sorry for the slow reply, I had to much work, and it took me a while to get to testing. 

However, here is my playtest of your game :) 

What I liked: 

  • The tech tree, and that there was different types of resources. At first the constant sending of unit immediately was a bit confusing.. but in the end, I liked it. It was simply a new concept I had to get used to. 
  • The idea that I have to optimize my resource intake and make a perfect balance was really fun. 

What I would improve/change 

  • The uncapped resource deposits, that I could just spam as many harvesters as I wanted, makes no sense, and that there is an unlimited amount of resources, also made no sense, this means that I never need to exapand my colony. 

  • I would create a better and more controlled progression in the game itself, so that a tutorial was not needed.

  • The tutorial was insanely slow, and that I had to wait for the voiceover to finish was just not a good experience. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Many thanks, great feedback!

I will work on the improvements you suggested for the next update.

Regarding the resource cap: Actually there is a "soft"-cap. When you have more harvesters gathering at the same place the efficiency drops. When you closely look at the stats at the end of your game you can see, that at 11 minutes you have only half of the harvesters of the AI but 90% of the income. What you did was much more efficient than what the AI did. The resources are also limited, it is just not visible in the game. I have to improve that.

Awesome, that is a nice idea. If you made that visible in the UI this would be magnifient! The more I think about it, the more I like that idea. If you manage to vizualize this in the interface, let me know, and I will test and comment again if you would like?

Also, I set up Crits, I think its a fun concept, and I am looking forward to seeing what I can amount to. 

One thing I was thinking, was that instead of me having to insert a whole new description, why not simply import the one from the itch page?

I would also like if it was possible to ask questions instead of just doing a poll :) 

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, I find this to be a lovely game!

I love the visuals and the music.

I also enjoyed the illustration art.

The pacing seems fine to me. The comfortable pacing seems to fit the game.

I also like seeing so many trees!

I did find the camera system a bit janky when zooming out/in. It was like as you zoomed in or out, my screen had the appearance as if it was going from 1 fps, to 30 fps, to 2 fps, etc, but only for a few seconds. (This is just how I'd describe it - it might not be a case of FPS change at all.)

Outside of when zooming out/in, performance was great! You did a good job optimizing the game with there being so many trees, etc.

Thank you so much for playtesting the game :D That makes me happy, and proud :) 

The zoom thing, seems to be a performance thing.. I have seen others having this problem, and lowering the setting /diable some will make this dissapear in most cases.  And maybe we should disable this by default?

Thank you again for the feedback. Please direct me to your game, and I will test it for you :) 


This is my game:

It's in alpha stage and still has an issue or two with the controls, and the demo ends abruptly after zone 3 without a "Demo end" screen. But the game's in active development, and I would still appreciate feedback on the page or game. I'm especially looking for feedback on the art style.


Hi, I tested your game. 

I hope this is useful. 

Thank you yet again for testing my game :) 


I appreciate your reasoned approach and the feedback.



No problem :) 

I hope you dont think it was to harsh - my goal was to help you see things from a different perspective. 

At least I find myself caught in a corner often where I cannot see how to proceed, then when someone gives me a new perspecitve, I know what to do. 


Too harsh? Nope.

In my case, I had a unique struggle. My game is a bit short. So I felt that to make a demo, without giving the whole game away... I had to use the tutorial zones as the demo.

And I wanted to keep the tutorial a bit "silly", because a lot of game tutorials, I just don't find fun.

But hearing your perspective was great, too. As I said on my page... your video made my day. One particular piece of feedback also helped me to clear up where to go with a particular detail when it comes to the demo (your feedback on zone 3). I ended up deciding that zone 3 really didn't make much sense in the context of the demo, so I decided to save that part for the full game

As for the monster which turns into a box... I'm still thinking about that. I think it'd work a little better if I can at least try to fix it where the player can't see through the box. But I'll see about it. The box reminds me of a small and vicious canine - lol. :)


Yea, tutorials are the worst : ) to a large extend, I believe that games should not have one (and my plan is to remove the one in Bunny Bunker) as they typically are just annoying, and its lazy to do as a designer. 

I would not be to afraid of giving to much away ;) I would approach it differently.. how much is needed for you to collect the right amount of data to improve the entire game. As soon as you have it done, you can change and charge money for it. Get data to improve game for higher profit is my logic. Better game = more revenue. 

The monster was a bit confusing.. but I think mostly it was because I was unable to kill it.. and it did not kill me.. so I ended is some sort of limbo state. That to me was the biggest problem. 


I revisited this and now played all available levels. Here some additional findings:

What I like

  • The graphics style
  • The user interface is intuitive and easy to learn
  • Game pacing is well done, I play all the time as 1x and it is flowing well

Things that could be improved

  • Add more variation to the levels:
    • There is no much difference if you have to send 4 or 10 bunnies to space
    • The rocket is rather cheap, I was able to build and launch it always on the 2nd day
    • Maybe add upgrades to the rocket: Level 1 has only 4 seats, upgrade for additional seats
  • I had no need for the different tower types, maybe add more versatile enemies that require certain towers to counter

Issues I encountered

  • Once I was stuck in the night, speed was at 4x and nothing happened. I had to leave and load again to make it continue
  • When choosing the tower type it is not checked that there is enough wood, I got negative wood once
  • Upgrades sometimes seem to be stuck, then suddenly they have very fast progression

Thank you so much :) And I am super happy that you enjoyed the experience. 

We have been talking about making different types of spaceships, and you telling us have pushed us more in that direction. Also the price and getting to build the rocket is something that I will spend some time balancing in the next release, I believe we will add some more upgrades needed etc. so the direct price will be the same, but the journey there will be a bit more expensive, so thank you for letting us know. 

I will definately look into the tower thing.. which tower did you use?

the night thing is a bug, and we will get it fixed. 

the negative wood have been identified as a bug, and we will fix it :) 

There is something wrong with the upgrading slider.. and the design of the whole thing, we are going to revisit this.. thank you so much 

This feedback just made my evening!! 


Hi, I've tried the game and I really enjoyed it!

the characters are cute, the music is adorable and dosen't bother you and the gameplay is good, also iI think the pacing was fine

there are a couple issues/ things that could be improved but overall th egame is fine

  • the turrets do not make any sound which is a bit wierd when other things do
  • as pointed out by someone else the rocket is really easy to make, it only take 2 days at most
  • when you finish a night the screen that comes up seems a bit lower quality than the rest of the HUD
  • I would add some some of progress bar on top of resources (maybe it could be disabled through options if you like a cleaner screen)
  • somehow I managed to get into negative resources and I don't think it was intentional

aside from these I think the game just needs some polish and some more variety in the levels but I really enjoyed it


Thank you so much for testing our game.. do you have a game that I can test in return?

Great feedback, and nice that you mention that the music is not annoying after a while. We have been struggeling a bit with that.. volume and of the different activities and such.. and we will keep adjusting this. And great to hear that the Pacing was fine. 

  • The sound of the towers - your finding have been noted, and we will fix that bug.
  • We will work on making it harder to build the rocket, we would like it to be send of at day 5 or something like that. 
  • Nice catch about the low quality UI - we will definately fix that
  • I am not sure what you mean with "progress bars" on the resources? Do you need some indicator of how fast the resources are collected?
  • The negative resources is a bug from upgrading the towers :) It will be fixed

Thank you - the variation in the levels - do you mean visual variation or more gameplay variation?

Thank again for your feedback - this was super :) 

I would love to test your game :)

(1 edit)

Hi, if you want I'd love some feedback on our demo, it's pretty short:

About the variations:

  • A Simple color swap (maybe the different season) would go a long way to make certain levels feel different 
  • Maybe some levels could have rivers or ponds to make it more difficult to build there, maybe a hill that does the same thing, then you could add ladders or bridges to work around them
  • Some levels in which certain builds are not available (maybe a levels where you can't use bonfires)

Also about the progress bar I meant the stats of the resources or production rate of the farm that you see when you click on them, maybe have a small Life bar over the resources already used and a meter over farms

Maybe It clutters too much the view and isn't good, if It isn't to much effort I'd try (you have a similar system of lifebars so I don't think it should be that hard)

Thank you for wanting try the game and great work!


Awesome, thank you.

Ahh, I know what you mean now with the "progress bar". Instead of the arrow up or down, a bar that will show how much in negative or positive you are while harvesting carrots or resources - I like the idea, its good. 

The color swap and new tile types were planned from the beginning, but we cut it to make the first few levels ready for playtesting. We will definately add new types of tiles and as you say, water and hills and other different types. It will require a bit more work before we go there. 

The idea of making restrictions are nice. I think it would be more effective once we add more types of buildings :) 

I tested your game :) That was super interesting to see, and it really got me going and thinking :) Thank you so much for sharing that game with me. 


Hi, game was enjoyable!

I had no any pacing issue, but easy difficult allow me to finish levels without fight and I missed the introduction of new enemies.

Visual is cute and i wanted hearing some cute noises from bunnies too. Or maybe this is the point and they are cold-blooded silent snake killers? :)

Also will be great some landscape variation as said above my post.

Bugs I found:

  • When you are save & quit level at night time and then continue it reduces the number of enemies. For example at level 6 it goes from 10 to 3.
  • If you pick a tower with bunny and right click on empty tower it teleported bunny to new one, but previous stay occupied and fully functional. Same but without teleportation if you are pick free bunny and right-click empty towers. So "one bunny to rule them all".

This is my first game:

Will be grateful for feedback!

Sorry that it took so long - been having to much work to do the past week. 

I recorded myself playing your game, I hope this is useful.

Thank you so much for your feedback :)

(2 edits) (+1)

Thank you very much for your feedback! It is really helpful to see the others playing your game. Sorry what can`t do the same for you.

I made UI without text to try reach the player only by visual and actions, so I failed :D

Well, I would not say that you failed :) 

However, doing iconography is REALLY HARD.. as in EXTREMELY hard. When doing UI, the general rule is that you should never just have an icon without a lable, and if you choose to have an icon without a label you have to lean heavily on conventions within the genere you are dealing with, or spend a lot of time on really understanding and getting under the skin of your user. 

NNGroup have a really nice article and a short video on this, which I would recommend.

So, you had an idea of a clean interface without having to think about text and translations etc. 

You suceeded, because I figured it out in the end.. but I had to fail a few times, and you would like to avoid that.. so failing a bit without consequences first could be the solution to the problem here :) 

Also, if you want to record yourself playing games, both Mac and Windows have this natively - and as you noticed, seing me playing is a high value... if you are shy, or dont have a microphone that is usually not a problem :) 

I am planning on making this video one more time a bit simpler and shorter :) 


I tested your game and first of all the visual fits really well to the gameplay and the aesthetic

A few things i noticed were:

-I don't know if it's a bug, but the fields don't turn green or red, when they are placeable

-One other thing was, when placing the walls the game didn't show, that i need a free worker bunny, so that cut me out of the loop a bit

-I like the idea of the night, but i fellt the controlls were taken a bit out of the players hand

-The last small thing was the Text "Build a warrior bunny", my first thought was opening the building menu, and not checking the bunker so maybe a different wording would be better

Overall i really liked the game so these points are mostly small nitpicks

Amazing, thank you for the feedback!!

  1. You are not the first to be confused about where and where you cannot place buildings, we have an issue, and will get this fixed. 
  2. That is an interesting and clever observation - we have been thinking about making a specific "Builder Bunny" to make this clear. So that there is a clear differentiation between Worker, Builder and Warriror bunnies. 
  3. This is one is a big problem child our ours, at some point we almost cut the night completely due to the troubles fixing it.. we thought we had it.. but if you still are feeling that its out of your control. Can you explain why you feel like this? What would make you feel like you were in control? 
  4. Thank you for this one - I will make sure to redo the text, and make it say "Breed a Bunny" :D That will be more fitting for the game. 

Thank you soo very much. I disagree, these are not nitpick, these are great points, some of them fundamental observations. 

Do you have a game I can test in return?

(3 edits) (+1)

Hi, yeah i would really appreciate if you would test out my game: Selection

Gameplay wise the game is still missing dungeons and different areas to explore and its main crafting system is not finished, but combat and a main boss and the goblin camp (outside of a mini boss) is mostly done, so if you could test out these areas i would really like it (and performance) (some debug features are still enabled like line traces)

For the night i have two overhauls i think would give more control to the player:

-One would be completly eliminating the warrior bunnys and focus on a tower defense system

-The Second would be adding more type of warrior bunnys, maybe a new building, where they can specialise in a class, and at night you would be able to place them in a radius from your buildings

Hope i could be of some help

Hi NotASecretDev

I am so sorry it took so long to give the video back. I tested your game and it looks super nice, it is clear that you put a lot of effort into it. 

Here is my playthrough and feedback to your game 

Things that I liked about about the game 

The artstyle was great and beautiful, and it was clear that a lot of effort have been put into creating the world. 

Things that I would improve about the game 

The UI and the gameplay was not apprent, and I dont think I ever figured out what I was supposed to do. So, the thing that I would improve would be that the game started a bit more gradually with a clear goal, so that the tutorial was not nessecary.

I hope that the video will help you improve the game. 
(1 edit) (+1)


Thank you for testing my game and giving really usefull feedback

-the idea of a crosshair, didnt even notice how usefull it could be for aligment and, yeah after watching the video the game does a poor job of explaning objectives and how each item could be used (pl: axe and machete for trees), i should give more feedback, wenn the wrong tool is used

-the thirst meter really ticks a bit fast, should slow it down more, and maybe give icons next to the bars for easier UI managment

-the items at the start are only for testing purpose, it's my fault for forgeting to removed them, but in the finished game the player start with nothing


Awesome, glad that it was of use. And again, sorry for taking so long to return the favour.. work just got a bit "wild" 

And yes, I would definately create a new build without all of the things in the beginning, that was more confusing than it was helpful. I was was you, I would create a "dev mode" .. We usually do that, so that we can add all of the things needed to test things fast. However, sometimes I find it that testing in devmode makes you blind to actually adjusting the game and having a grasp of how the game shuold be played :)