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Suggestion Box Sticky

A topic by Dasius created Jan 19, 2017 Views: 82,191 Replies: 1,108
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mybe upgrade for stuff like faster smelter, more room, more boxes because i like using them for storge and stuff like that


It'd be cool to have a sandbox mode where you can just tinker with weapons. Put a greatsword blade on a spear shaft without worrying about customers :P

More hilt types would be awesome. I could see a hilt with two slots for weapons, so players can build sword-catchers or mancatchers (if put on a long shaft).

You could just close the shop and mess around but money would still be a problem :P

i usally make a bit of money order a bunch of items and spend a whole day making stuff then open the store and hand out all the weapons i made previously


Before reading through, I tried to put a gap between each type of suggestion to help organize it. Hope these help!


Instead of whacking an ingot until it turns into the right weapon head, I suggest some sort of "wheel" to choose which head to use or change to if the head is already crafted, would be more organized. You could still have an x number of whacks, but it should be next to the wheel when choosing what to change it into.

Normally you would have a newly crafted head being too hot to immediately place on a weapon shaft and would instead have to cool it down in the water (which you already have conveniently). If the head is the wrong head and you need to change it. Back to the smelter! (Which should then turn it back into ingots)

Gems: I made a weapon for a rich guy, maybe he wants to look like a rich guy in battle. Adding a gem would lead to higher prices.

Mixed ingots make stronger weapons. Implementing particular recipes would lead to higher prices and better returns.

Shaft station, there's wood in the back, why not make my own shaft? Buy wood, create shafts, seems simple enough. (I'm not saying to get rid of ordering shafts, but rather being able to make more of a profit if you order wood and then craft it.


Armor? I mean... I'm a blacksmith, not only a weapon smith. Same idea as everything else, just with armor.

Tools? Perhaps they need a pickax or for that matter horse shoes

Shields? Also fits into armor, but worth mentioning


Stock: It would be nice to have a stock of some sense, like a place I could put say 30 ingots. I think it would be cool to implement carrying them as crates when taken out of "storage" like the delivery box.

Inventory: Say I have a little extra cash and I make a few weapons. (I already reported a bug that if I make weapon and sleep, I can no longer sell it or take it apart, just in case you don't see it) If that item is in stock, customers should be able to go over and buy it right off the self. Of course the customer would take the best first and work downward in quality of ore.

Bigger Map: Since a "storage system" hasn't been implemented, I have found that stacking crates with orders with one kind of item helps me be organized. (Also note to that would be a labeled delivery) I keep running out of room due boxes taking up a lot of room... oh... just remembered there is an upstairs... Well either way, bigger map leads to more fun.

Upgrades to house size, furnace size, (stock size ^^), delivery size (no size limit implemented yet), upgraded hammer ^ as mentioned above in tools.


Orders: There should be someone that on occasion walks in and orders x amount of x weapons within x amount of days. (Perhaps for the army or something). To send the order, there should be some sort of delivery crate in the back or something.

Picky Customers: I want this kind of weapon on this kind of shaft made out of this material. Closer you are to matching it exactly leads to a higher profit.

Time changes price: Giving the weapon promptly greatly increases both the likelihood of that customer returning and the price they pay you for it via a tip.

Returning Customers: I'm happy with what I was given and would like to return for more of it and am willing to pay more for it, ect.

Rejecting a Customer: It may not make them happy, but I have two ingots left and all I can make is a one handed hammer, but they want a great sword. Until they leave, I can't sell it and since I only get one customer at a time it's a pain waiting for them to leave.


(Extras including bugs, controls, and other):

Easier rotating; Customized controls (I like to use Ctrl to crouch rather than c); Weapons get stuck in the crafting bench a lot and you can't pull them out very easily; making a weapon then sleeping leads to being unable to sell or take apart the weapon.


How did I forget multiplayer? That's a must!

One thing that Jack said when he did his playthrough that I think would make a huge improvement, would be places for items to lock into place, for simple things, like storing the material, for hanging weapons on the racks, for crafting, it would make the game a lot easier to handle and it would fix a lot of the problems with things glitching and falling through the walls or floors or the shelves. I'm not a developer, so I have no idea how hard something like that would be to impliment, but I think it would definately improve this game, it's a really fun game btw, just a little frustrating at times.

This is a great little game. i tried making a forum topic but was unable to. says captcha is required but there isn't one.

anyway first i have made a content video of your wonderful little game. i would like to help spread the word about it. if you could put a link to this video in your games page i would be appreciative.

This is the link to the video

some suggestions.

1. work on performance issues

2. fix the lighting

3. perhaps instead of picking up items and holding them in front of you they go into a limited inventory slot (your hand) temporarily.

this would streamline alot of things.

3b. when placing items have them snap to the object (or snap to grid type placing) this should also help improve performance issues

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When ingots are heated they combine into a larger one for better handling. That is it for now. I will think of something later, other than that the game is awesome!

(1 edit) (+1)

You could make a town(in which you are the blacksmith) and there are people around you selling furniture,weapon upgrades, ect.and then raiders coming to your town and you and your fellows have to defend it in which you can make an ultimate weapon for yourself.Maybe be able to dismantle/fix some broken weapons from failed defences.

Kevin12 :)

Hey Dasius, Just wanted to let you know something cool( if you didn't know already) but recently a youtuber named CrankGameplays, just letting you know cause i thought it was cool, also i thought you could use this as a sample vid. :)

Hey Dasius,

I feel like the currency system needs balancing. Higher quality metals should yield a higher profit as right now the weapons they make barely pay for themselves. An Iron PoleArm costs a minimum of $310 to make and sells for $330, making a $20 profit. Bronze PoleArms cost a minimum of $20 and sell for $40, also resulting in a $20 profit. It just doesn't feel worth it to use higher quality metal when I can just crank out tons of bronze weapons instead.

With this in mind, in order to balance the higher profit you could make the crafting times longer for more expensive ingots. Maybe more hammer strikes on the anvil until the weapon is forged (which would make the strength stat more useful) or maybe longer smelting times and add a stat to quicken it as you level up.

All in all I think this is an great start to an incredible game and I can't wait to see what it becomes.


ok 5 ingots for 1 chestplate and 3 for 1 boot they come in a pair btw so thats it thanks for the game mate i will donate later

im wondering what are the crystals for... my name is phoenyx and hope to donate 20$ soon!!!

They haven't been implemented yet ;0

It might be good to to have a cheat/debug menu, which include coin hack (maybe give 100 coins at a time), and a button to turn off day/night cycle (or a button to sleep, so I don't have to go upstairs).

I really like this game's concept, thank you, Dasius ^_^


I would like if the days were longer but its up to you

here are my suggestions

1. make the days longer they are too short this has already been suggested

2. increase the profit you get to more the progression is too slow

3. make the shop bigger it is cramped

4. something to do with the crystals

Please make the starting money higher.. :(

(1 edit)

I feel a Change log Thread should be made so that people experiencing certain persistent bugs can see when you have attempted to patch them before trying to download and play the new version. Also a plus for people liek me who love to know exactly what has been changed, to see if another playthough is worth wile yet.


ok here is a list I have thought of over the past 3 days of different things you could add

1. Enemy mobs and the ability to fight them.

2. Inventory slots and different tools.

3. For making handles use the wood that's in the back of the shop and chop it with an axe (more tools like the one above)

4. To make it more realistic add nuts and bolts and sprockets to hold the weapons together

5. bows and arrows.

6. a small mine shaft too get the super rare ores and ingots but you have to unlock it

that's all that I have for tonight I think It would be awesome :D

let me know what you think dasius :)

The Idea you just said is really what i want in the game. Plus, it would be cool if he adds bandits that can rob you and thiefs that, if you dont lock the shop, can enter overnight while you sleep and try to steal from you. Other than that, the game is neat.

1. The game isn't a first person fighter or shooter game, it's a game about crafting and selling, what ur looking for is another game.

2. This isn't minecraft, there isn't supposed to be inventory slots, it's more centered around the old times and as far as i know, they didn't have inventory slots. Though different tools would be cool as then you could use a tool to pick up the metal from the furnace instead of using ur hands.

3. I feel like instead of using the wood in the back for handles, he could make the furnace needing wood as fuel and so you need to refuel the furnace by cutting wood behind the building instead.

4. I feel like that would over complicate the game as of right now its already hard to learn how to play and so different screws and such would just be annoying to work with.

5. As far as i see it, the blacksmith is a swordsmith and so doesn't make bows/arrows. Though i believe it will create shields because of the teaser on the left wall in the shop with the shields.

6. Again it's not minecraft, you don't mine for ores in this game, you order them. You didn't mine for ores back then as a blacksmith, you ordered them like other shops while the actual mine's did it.

What i want to see is that the water bath at the right side of the furnace would be made to work so that you would have to dip the finished blade or hammer head into the water/oil to strengthen it (Maybe it would sell for more?).

(1 edit)

I agree with all of these. the game isn't minecraft or an RPG, it's about being a blacksmith. perhaps there will be mods at one point, but I'm not sure.

on the water bath: I'd love if a newly created blade were still hot from the furnace, and you needed to cool it down inside the bath.

maybe a little animation that switches out your hammer with some pliers, so it doesn't look like you're actually touching the white hot metal wih your bare hands.

maybe go a step further and require reheating a piece in the furnace to make it smithable again, like if you for example accidentally make a sword blade and dip it in the water, then later need a hammer head, you can just put it in the furnace and work it again.

(1 edit) (+2)

First suggestion: Please either make the ingots smaller, or the anvil bigger. There is little that's more frustrating than missing an order because it took 30 seconds to get the physics to let you stack all three ingots somewhere on the anvil. Ideally, skip the problem entirely and let us 'snap' ingots into place on the anvil the same way that we can snap weapon pieces together - this way, we don't have to worry about a problem I encountered last night where I was trying to make a greathammer, but somehow ended up making a regular blade and a small blade as one ingot began to tumble away from the others as I took the final swing.

Second suggestion: regular blades and great blades have some wonky anvil properties. Regular blades initially spawn on the horn of the anvil, and begin to tilt, but ultimately don't. However, if you hit that blade again, it respawns perfectly balanced in the center of the anvil. Great blades are a nightmare because they, too, initially appear on the anvil's horn, but are long enough that they always end up toppling off the anvil, requiring seconds to try to pick up, manipulate, and balance back on the face of the anvil so you can hit it again to make it a greathammer head. If at all possible, I highly suggest having the initial blade for both weapon types spawn in that perfectly flat, balanced position that they appear in if you start cycling through all the appearance options, because nothing gets more annoying than seeing "Give me a greathammer, NOW!!!" and spending five seconds trying to get the great blade back on the anvil to keep working.

Third suggestion: Don't make it possible to earn less from a sale than the cost of the materials that went into making it. I made a tin dagger out of curiosity. I got it to the customer within seconds because I already had it pre-made, and got paid far less than the cost of creating it. That's never fun.

Fourth suggestion: Take physics out of weapon construction entirely. It causes so many problems and frustrations, especially with unwieldy items like greatsword blades and polearm handles - it would be far easier if there were simply places on the table you could put the weapon parts onto that they would 'snap' to, with a button to assemble a weapon out of the parts 'attached' to the table. This would also likely help with the problem of having items become stuck in the table, or weapons 'merging' like I had happen last night (I had left a one-handed sword on the assembly table. When I placed a greatsword blade on the table, somehow the one-handed sword's grip and guard snapped to it, and I lost a sale while trying to get the monstrosity disassembled. Then lost a second sale on the one-handed sword because it was no longer counted as complete for some reason...)

Fifth suggestion: One way to add some strategy to the game might be mass orders. Let's say you wake up, go downstairs and find out an adventurer looking to outfit a new adventuring party has requested 2 greatswords, 2 one-handed hammers, a polearm and a dagger, all made with specific parts and appearances, before the end of the day. You have a choice: Do you take the order and skip out on possible greater earnings serving random customers - if you can serve them fast enough - or play it safe and take the mass order for less potential profit but more assured profit?

Sixth suggestion: Rather than repeatedly hammering to cycle through appearances, I suggest a radial menu that lists the appearance options before you start swinging. You use the menu, choose your appearance, and then start swinging, ending up with a weapon with the chosen appearance.

(1 edit) (+2)

One suggestion that I can think of is to be able to send a customer away if you cannot create what they want.

Deleted 1 year ago

Or maybe use the excess money to upgrade the building or upgrade the back or front garden to look better than random rubble everywhere.

(1 edit) (+2)

(I really like this game and look forward to see it get bigger and even hit getting sold on steam)

Here are my suggestions, I hope you like them: (Will edit this if I got more suggestions)

1- Add a use to the Crystals ( If there is already please add a hint as none knows what to do with them)

2-Add houses around the main building, it looks really lonely alone

3-When you are smelting the ingots, if you keep looking at them while they're being smelted and they are ready, the text won't change unless you look away then look back at them, fixing that will be a lot less looking away and look again

4-Add more things to craft such as shields/armor, crafting the same thing will get boring in a while, customers coming in and asking for ex: Leather Shield,Copper Armor,2x more fun and tedious than just 1 weapon for each customer

5-There is a bug when you save and exit and go back again, your weapons that are already made get disassembled and your coins go back to 0

6-You cannot chance the resolution of the game, its just an arrow with an empty space next to it

7-Add upgrades to your shop ex: Faster smeltery/Better anvil/Better hammers/Wider Crafting bench/Bigger shelves/Allow 2+ Customers at the same time

What i do about the ingots when i play is that i don't wait until it says (ready) instead i pick them up when they start creating sparkles, when i do so, then it changes to (ready).

Also, you can put all the ingots into the furnace and turn it on, even if you sleep, they will still be ready in the furnace for crafting. It saves so much time.

That doesn't mean its working right, you can always workaround bugs/glitches in any game, that doesn't mean they aren't still there.

(1 edit) (+1)

upgrades to your items like hammer upgrade so it takes less hammers to make an item or to the forge so it heats ingots faster and like maybe items to increase customers patience time by like 1% or so (also to make it clear not the level up to your character thats already in game like items that are with money to skill points like a better hammer a better forge some decos to make look pretty so they become more patient like that also maybe something extra on the blacksmithing)


Hey Dasius,

First off great game, but when i exit the game then load back in my coins reset to 0 and all the weapons i have made are disassembled. It would be great if you could fix that.


Perhaps add ax heads for differing handle sizes? Like the one handed would be a hatchet and the two handed would be a battleaxe and the polearm would be a halberd and so on. Maybe add thieves or bandits that try to steal your stuff and you can make weapons YOU use to defend? And maybe even hire guards?


Sandbox mode. for money! it would be cool to what you want. make literally a storage of ingots. I think that it would be cool to be introduced in the new update. some people may like it.


Maybe make races that pick up orders? I would love to see a wolf anthro-morph ask for a weapon and happily walk out with a copper greatsword.


make sheilds and things likr that also missions and quests would be a good idea I think.


I think a tutorial would be great also

Hey Dasius, I love your game! I am a coder as well, and I have a gaming YouTube channel. I tested the latest version of the game, and the lastest additions to the game from the previous versions are awesome! I would love to give suggestions, but there wouldn't be enough space on this post!!! If you could let me email you directly, I could give some feedback and suggestions every now and then for a new update. I'll also try to upload videos of your game on my channel for every new update, or just a video to have fun with it! Thanks for reading my post! :D

My email:

My channel:

Multiplayer would be cool.

Will you make mac support


I realy realy love your game, and it's super relaxing, but I think it gets REALY frustrating when you make nothing but loss. I think I barely ever get over 50 gold because I always make loss. I put all my skill points into charisma, but still make loss. I think it's realy frustrating.

If the amount of gold you get from creating something is random, I think it should be considered how much time you needed for creating, or anything for that matter. But it gets so so frustrating after a while


Great little game. I was wondering could you make it possible to have the shelves pull the ingots that are ordered, Or perhaps a way to sort them all?

(1 edit)

On the subject of item placement on the Anvil:

You could maybe make it so that the ingots/items you place onto the anvil snap to a position like the different weapon parts snap to each other. I'm not very savvy with the unreal engine (I've never used it before), but maybe you could create a snap-point node so that when certain items come near it, they snap to the pre-defined position/orientation and it shouldn't effect the items created from the ingots because you could leave them off of the list of items that auto-snap to the anvil.

But make it so that they can be taken off of the anvil in case you need to make something else.
EX, You're in the process of making a greatsword and a customer comes in and requests a one handed sword or a dagger and now you have to take 1 or 2 of the ingots off of the anvil to make the requested items.

Don't really know how you would do that though. I've never used the unreal engine. I've only ever used Blender, and I'm not too good with that.


On the subject of item deconstruction:

You could make an entirely new station for weapon deconstruction similar to the crafting bench.

To solve the bug where you deconstruct an item and then use it to make a new item and it doesn't allow you to use it or sell it. you could make it so that when you deconstruct the item it deletes the items and gives you entirely new ones altogether.

This way it doesn't conflict with the item ID's and bug the newly crafted items made with the deconstructed parts and let you make other items with the "deconstructed" parts.

Just a thought.


Maybe create a use for the crystals?


Hey Dasius i made a icon for the game in case you were needing one:

Here's the .ico file in case you would like to use it in the game :P

maby you should add places you could move to and make the hous upstairs inside the shop and the stuff the costomers buy should cost more money. Plz take this stuff into account


This may already have been asked but.

Item snap to spots.

E.g. I buy 10 ingots, I want to put them on the shelf nice and neatly and snap to a grid for example. :)




any chance of adding a leave my store sir option for the people with bad manners saying GIVE ME THIS NOW!!!!!

(3 edits) (+2)

it will be cool if you can make armor and can fight. but i know it says my little blacksmith shop but it will be really cool and can make shields

EDITED: and make a menu

and make the water usefull its useless and also make a youtube channel to know what is the next update :D


Add a download mirror like Zippyshare or something is laggy for me please @Dasius

Add a mirror please Dasius!

Hello Dasius, I just watched jacksepticeye's video about your game. It's looks very funny to play and I really want to play it. So I was just wondering some things about the game : what about crafting gear with differents metals (silver, copper, gold...) and what about crafting magic gear ?

there allready is a system now you can make copper, tin, iron etc.

(1 edit)

maybe that some adventurers also sell a weapon and they can be more or less expensive then how you make them depending on the adventurer.

some sort off dungeon wich you can get in too to get ores maybe.

(1 edit) (+1)

You should add upgrades to the shop like (these are just examples that i think would make the game cooler)

bigger furnaces, imps that give customers their weapons, local knight tournament(if the knight that bought your weapons or armor wins you get a 30% of the winnings, 2nd place 20% etc.., mines behind your shop to explore and get metals from, a blacksmith tournaments where you compete against others to become the ultimate blacksmith!

I think this game has a lot of potential and i cant wait to see the next big update.




Hey Dasius, it would be nice if you added some sort of way to know the time. Like a clock or something so you don't build something and waste resources when the customers come in and ask for something then leave when the day has ended :)

(1 edit)

a way to spilt items (take a part away from another one)


you can do that

just put it on the anvil and hammer it


It would be cool if using the metals you could make machines or something to automate the crafting/production or like an auto-buy feature. The machines might be a little ambitious though so I don't blame you if you don't add it :P


you should put some armor in the game and those shields can you even make them ? also you should add a food bar and or a food need / water need if too hard just put a well on the back of the house / blacksmith shop and make items sell depending on the time made

i cant open the game i dont know why i put it in the suggested location and i downloaded it again but it keeps saying unreal engine crashed

pls help if anyone has the same problem how do you fix


Hey I was wondering if maybe you can add like a skip customer type feature, because what if you don't have the resources to make a certain weapon for a customer, you lose out on a lot profit making whenever you have to wait for the customer to leave because you just don't have the right resources to create their weapons.


Another idea would be like special events or special customers that can give out just a little bit more money than most customers if you can provide them with a specific weapon type, Ex: I would like to have a one handed great hammer, customized with the model 3


That would also help with skipping the people with greatswords because as of 0.0.61 those are bugged.


Maybe, once the player starts using mithril, have a Lord of the Rings easter egg or something. Like having Aragorn come in and request a mithril sword.


I've got a few ideas in mind.

1) Perhaps instead of ordering, you could have a small town that has shops in it.

2) Blades are still hot after forging and need to be quenched in the water next to the forge.

3) add a grindstone out back, if a player sharpens a sword it will sell for more.

4) steel is blue at the moment. perhaps make it a lighter iron color?

5) I agree with DarkFlameWolf that a skip feature would be helpful.

6) I also agree with hesham62, i think shop upgrades would be great.

that is all for now.

i realize this is a small game but i think it could be an amazing game if it was developed a bit more. also if you were to keep working at it for a while i think this would be a great addition to many steam libraries (yes i know it costs money to put games on steam now).


Dear Developer

i have been playing your game and i love it but i think it could do with improvement

from what ive learned from playing is level ups take a tad to long and sould be slightly faster (BTW i'm not trying to criticise these are just my ideas for improvements) I also think that money drops should be in a more secure area, say instead of getting a gap of roughly $6 - $26 you should get a gap from roughly $15 - $26. these are my ideas and i hope you at least read my thoughts on the game :) p.s what are the little glowing gem things :P


I pitched the idea of a game like this on Reddit approximately 8 months ago and came up with all sorts of ideas. Maybe you'd like to take a look through my post and the comments. They might go well with your game.


could you please ad a co op mode.


My idea:

When selling a weapon, the faster you make it, the more money you get.


When I make copper weapons, they get sold as bronze weapons. Bronze is supposed to be a mixture of copper and tin. Maybe you can replace the tin ingots with bronze ingots instead. Also, I'd like to be able to purchase ores and smelt them myself. I'd also like to be able to smith my own grips and guards. Maybe in the future, you can add enchanting. The way it could work is you could smith some magical gems into your weapons. Other than gems, you could pay a wizard to imbue different quality enchantments into your stuff.

Making the game Multiplayer would make it interesting and even more fun. Also, reduce the price for tin and maybe iron, it takes nearly forever to get to the point i can buy full creates of tin ingots. Speaking of the crates, when you break them open everything inside is trying to be stacked like a tower and constantly makes a mess, why not make a pile out of the contents or have it stack them side by side in the space of the crate


plz make a use for the water



also bigger anvil


I think that crafting armour would be cool!

Co-op mode could bring alot to the game.

I think if you implemented a resource gathering addition would be cool. Along with ordering minerals, maybe opening up a mine in the world would be cool as well?

I also think the ability to order weapons/tools themselves would be cool.

Also more types of weapons.


This game is fantastic already, but it seems that making greatswords is a serious blunder that can cost you serious money. Now, if you could customize these weapons like you can the small and normal blades and hammer heads, maybe we could sell them for more. I assume this is already in the works, but it can't hurt to mention it.


Hey so i was thinking with the timer i noticed that you particually get about the same amount of gold for each item every time well if per say you ran the timer down to 10 seconds and you made them a one handed hammer they would give maybe 15 gold instead of so but if you were to hand them the same hammer to them at the 100 second mark they would give you 40 or 50 gold instead of 30 ? Just a neat little idea also you know how rust has a graphics settting adjuster before you start up the game maybe try doing something like that to make computer with bad specs perform better with a lowered graphic preset and pc's with higher specs perform better with a higher yet stable graphic preset. Also simple voice acting for the customers instead of the speach bubble sound everytime thrown in a grrr or a hufff every now and then for immersion. Also maybe it being possible to have a customer que (sorry dont know how to spell that) and have them wait with a emotion meter showing that a fast a well built order with correct parts would make them happy but a poor build wrong parted weapon make them angry or sad this could also influence the amount of coins you can recieve making the game harder or easier depending on how you look at it. Also enviroment noises sounds etc. to add slight immersion its the little thing that people like lol. One last thing maybe an inventory like on your person or a seperate room for storage would be nice to hold more things obvioulsy and maybe a more advanced crafting book with more weapon recipies and maybe backpacks or a place to upgrade your shop. Seriously very last thing maybe a very small story line or something to get you outside the shop and could potentially help get you more rare ingots or items to make the item more valuable and by the way if your looking for anything to due with voice acting I coulp help out and do it for free im not the best but its whatever just something to keep in mind. Great game Dasius keep on rocking see ya and have a good day! ( Sorry for gramatical errors or spelling errors)

Chekout the video I did on your game will be up on 2/13/17:


It is much easier to read if you divide your ideas into sections like

1. price


just a tip if you want your ideas to be seen :)


- A way to minimize the amount of a weapon so you don't get ripped off

-Make the wood outside a fail safe so if you run out of money you can cut up the wood and make wooden weapons with the wood

  • You can make wooden grips, guards, blades, and hammer heads
  • The wooden weapons would be worth a lot less then copper weapons
  • You can use the trees outside
  • Extend the outside backyard into a saw mill and tree farm and you can buy seeds off the shipment place
  • The more expensive the seed the more the wood it produces
  • Add an axe and you can cycle from axe to hammer

-Inventory slots for specific weapons

  • Hammers get two parallel pegs sticking out of the wall and you prop it up head up handle down
  • Polearms get two hooks that are far apart from one another and you can prop it on the hooks blade facing left or right
  • One handed and Great Sword get the same pegs as the hammer but closer together, the pegs hold the guard with the blade facing down and the grip facing up
  • Daggers get one peg, but at the end of the peg is a hole in the style of a Lego Persons Hand

make a hachet and war axe andsry english is not my main language


Weapon Repair Orders. Simple enough. Adventurer wants a weapon repaired, you heat the metal in the forge and then you hand it back.

To have a repair mechanism that fits the style of gameplay, you'd want to have a process such as:

  1. Disassemble their weapon on the anvil
  2. Move the blade to the forge, heat it
  3. Bring the blade back to the anvil and hit it a couple times
  4. Reassemble the weapon and hand it back to the customer

Or for simple replacement part style repair:

  1. Disassemble their weapon on the anvil
  2. Replace their broken part (handle, blade, guard) with a new one from your supply
  3. Hand the repaired item back to the customer

Still, repairing would be something to change up the mix, rather than just;"Give me this new weapon".

Agreed, it would add a nice variety to the game

i've found a bug where people walk in give me there order the timer says 80 seconds (ish) and then they walk straight back out.

if anyone has a way to help me please say something


Hey, Dasius, really enjoying your work! Really happy to see there are still fresh minds willing to explore other avenues, and I'm not the only one who can see you've got something great here :) I apologize for some of my bullets that I know others will have mentioned before, but I wanna be sure to hit all the check boxes

  • Forge
    • The simple design is effective, and with a bit more modification I think you can make one of the most important parts of blacksmithing more fun :)
      • Quenching metal! Definitely seen this one mentioned! And I was very curious about the concept of it myself, and I'm sure you've got something in the works, but I'd also like to see different kinds of quenching, like doing so in water, or oil, or other methods I know exist to maybe strengthen the blade in different ways? You could refill the substance in the basin next to the forge (the one with the blue crystal within), and when placed in water will sizzle, when in oil will make brief flames, and if you've got magical sand or stuff, you could get really creative with what it can do
      • Introduce a bellows! Keep it pumping every now and again to make your flames hotter, maybe? Extend the life of the flame so the igniter button doesn't have to be pressed in intervals, or possibly just cosmetic and fun to play with as a little side. Maybe make wood a fuel?
      • Also something I'm sure you have ideas for: combining metals! Having separated ingots is awesome for variety, but there's a depth of challenge that can be added by forcing us to discover and explore how mixing and combining metals can work. Definitely some more weight on your end for something like that, and I wouldn't be surprised if it couldn't be slipped in until later, but definitely an idea
      • Different shapes of metals! I have to assume you have some degree of knowledge when it comes to blacksmithing, so we can perhaps see more that just ingots to use as a foundation for our weapon metal in the future? It'd be more of a challenge to shimmy around our forge and figure out how and where to put our blanks, and ultimately more fun. A surprise shipment with a railroad spike? Bam, free ingot, or two, of iron
  • Anvil
    • The sound of the hammer blows in the updated version, especially when working three ingots, is so damn satisfying. I am happy with its utility, but I think the breaking feature could be moved to another blacksmith tool, which I assume you also are working on alongside things like tongs for managing the ingots, perhaps.
      • The placement is a bit wonky with the physics, but I know quite well that's just the nature of the engine and alpha games :) Something I'd like to see, if this framework is being kept, is after smacking a bunch of ingots into one solid shape after a couple swings, we should have to start aiming at the rear or the front of the ingot, or perhaps towards the sides to start making the edges of a blade, or a hammer based on what we need. In my opinion, shaping the metal is every bit as important as smelting it
      • Kind of a continuation off a note in the last bullet (that doesn't really have to do with the anvil..): a tool belt/apron with belt! Being able to look down at our feet is perfect opportunity to give us a belt to look at too, to switch between all our crucial blacksmith tools on the fly
      • Since chipping away and losing material is a concern with real projects, maybe after each ingot has been pounded out a bit of soot collects around the floor? Don't clean up after yourself enough and eventually catch fire, losing some stock and a customer who runs away in fear/on fire?
That's all I've got for tonight, but I'll definitely be back soon to keep dishing out feedback, and I'll certainly drop by the bug thread later.

I love the game and the concept. I think that a good addition to the game would be being able to make armour and shields. Also being able to employ AI to help with the work.

Love the game and can't wait to see where it goes.


It may not be possible at this point, but maybe VR eventually? I miss being in my own forge back in Maine ;-;


remove/restart npc/AI



Hello!I have some ideas to share!

1. Add a mine

2.Add the please the coins in the chest back.

3.Add furniture to buy and upgrades for your shop



Hi, what about armors and axe weapons? :)


How about replacing the button of the forge with bellows?
And a hanging sign above the entrance door of the shop instead of right behind/next to the door? :)

Hey Dasius,

I saw this game being played by a bunch of youtubers, and once I heard it was free and on, I wanted the game really bad. So I tried to download it, and realized because I have a Mac, I can't. I was wondering if you were gong to make a version for the game on Mac anytime soon. As a basic programmer, I do understand how hard it might, but in the future It would be great for all those stuck wit apple with no idea how to duel boot. I would really love to be able to play, and since I like to program, I want to make something cool like it.



I may repeat some that have been mentioned, but a suggestion repeated must be a popular one, so hopefully no harm, no foul.

  1. Materials
    • As nice as the instant ingots are, some method of spending time to save money (mining or buying ore, for example) might be fun. Ore may require a separate furnace for smelting, but if the smelter let you melt blades down into their component ingots, it'd be more than worth it.
  2. Crafting
    • Some method of improving weapon quality would be nice. Maybe I heat ingots, hammer them into a sword shape, then heat that and hammer more, quench, assemble the sword, and take it to a whetstone? Basically, just more with the theme of spending more time to make more money. This could lead into an easier way to cycle weapon types; first forging cycles between sword, hammer, etc., and you can change design by reheating it, or something. And maybe if you make top-tier weapons, you get a reputation? Which leads to...
  3. Shop
    • Less with the theme of balancing time and money, I'd like the ability to "advertise" specific weapon types; maybe my shop specializes in the highest-quality daggers only? This one is more of a pie-in-the-sky one for me, I'll admit. Less of a sky pie, I like the idea of a storage chest or the like, and shop upgrades, though I can't imagine what they might do at the moment.

How about flintlock firearm building?


Why don't we add the ability to go into the forest to search our own ore?but at the forest we would also meet monster where we will use our own forged swords to defend ourselves,and weapon coloring would be cool too

Why don't we add the ability to go into the forest to search our own ore?but at the forest we would also meet monster where we will use our own forged swords to defend ourselves,and weapon coloring would be cool too

Start Screen Would Be Nice

It would be nice if we could have a bigger variety of text when the customers walk into the store.

Make it so that customers will ask for a certain weapon variety like a dagger pole or hammer pole and so that every different sword/hammer/pole variety costs more or less depending on who asks for it.

Also, what about adding customers who already have armor and swords? you keep seeing them in the background but the only one's who asks have nothing, would be cool to see actual adventurers come and order from you. Maybe add so that the more you play, the more experienced and popular warriors comes.


Perhaps, if you don't like a customer and how they treat you, you can give em the boot! Literally, kick them out! Of course you'll lose business but I really don't like asshat customers.

Yes, them saying;"GIVE ME _ NOW!" is quite rude.

*customer: GIVE ME NOW *us: coming right up *puts on iron boot*

Could you make a better collision box for the dagger display. Most of the display items fall thru, the only way things stay up is if you put them at the very back

upgrade buildings for scrap. passers will dispose of scrap, which can burn in a steel mill which will be next to the stove. Ironworks also to create the amount of money. difficulty may be such that it rarely passers will dispose of scrap, and in 20 out of scrap copper one. Level 1 upgrade will be available from 5 lvl, lvl 2 from 10lvl bad english sr ;c <3

(6 edits) (+1)

Dasius try now to repair problem with anvil and he wanna add new items on next update , your idea is good so its hard to make it now ( my english is bad too ;) )

i think you should put pistols in the game not those modern ones so the old ones like in Assasins creed and that would be good too if you would put bandits in the game like they still your stuff and attack you and everything(sorry if my english is bad)

i think its called flintlock just please add them

How can I put my old save to the new version?

I have another idea you could add multiplayer too so more customers can come in at the same time and you and your friends could do things faster

and about the crystals you could go out and find more of them and that would be good if you could craft magic staffs with them for wizards

stands ? :D ClickHere!


It would be nice if the items locked into place when you putt them on the shelfs (or maybe an button for that).

Really great job on this game. I really like it and am very impressed with the progress already. The stuff I am suggesting is probably farther down in the development process but I would like to see it come to life as the game progresses.

I would like is maybe a smelting ability. That you get iron ore from the mine and you have to smelt it. Having to combine copper and tin a certain way to get bronze and such in the effort to make a ingot.

A couple of things I would like to see is more of a progression type system for the tools that we can use at the start. In the beginning maybe if you can only stat with only making daggers and have to buy better tools or such to increase the ability to make larger items. Also if you decide to make the smelter you can add so you get more ingots out of ore you place in the smelter. Make it so you can interact with you shop more. I feel this would be fun but a lot of work on your end. Also I do not know if this would work in game. Might be more fun to just imagine then in game.

Stoning the swords or hammers with gems maybe to increase value. I feel this would be more of a late game implication. I dont know if that would be good since it is more of a gemest or whoever does that stuff for their job.

Inserting like axes and maybe arrow heads. Just insert a larger variety of jobs to possibly do. Maybe they don't have to focus on just war jobs either. Insert some like horse shoes or lanterns. More sword variants if possible but you have a good selection right now so I am not to worried on that.

The ability to buy other smitherys. This also a later game but able to buy a new building for your shop so it can be bigger.

Over all I really like your progress on its current status. Feel free to ask me any questions on these that don't make sense or I did terrible to explain. Like I said up front I am not sure if most of this stuff would go into your system well because you could have a different picture for the future of the game. Very well done though.

You should add sandbox mode which gives you infinite money so you can test things and you should also make it so you can expand your shop or hire people

1. You should make a Sandbox mode where you have infinite money and the customers will take any weapon you give them, like a GreatHammer PoleArm!

2. Spear weapon would be made by putting 2 ingots onto the anvil to make a sword blade, then you would bash it until you get a "Spear Head" and then you would put it on a PoleArm.

3. Bow and Arrow weapon would be made by taking the logs in the backyard and switching to a "axe" tool to chop the logs into a couple of sticks so you can then use the "hammer" tool to form it into a bow. and how to make the arrow is to take a stick and by making a arrow head by putting 1 ingot onto the anvil to make a dagger blade, then bash it until you get a arrow head, stick it onto the stick to make a arrow and then give the bow and arrow to the customer.

i love how you make everything, its so easy i hope it doesnt change a lot.

i feel like the game can be multiplayer. any chance of that happening kind of lonely here at 'COME GET YOUR ARMS'

Dasius, pls make a queuing customers and specified order thanks

the best thing id say is to fix the bugs and do some more re-balance the Pricing a bit. and most of all make the saving more Optimal. as well as it would help to make all of the UI a bit more friendly as well. like if i hit ESC i should see my mouse with out having to click after opening the menu, Can tell me how many times I've accidentally clicked on something i did not wont to click on.

Hey, if you want to make it a little bit more authentic I'd suggest rotating the anvil 180 degrees.

I'm a blacksmith irl and that's the way an anvil should be oriented if your righthanded. The reason for it is that you hold the thongs in your left hand and you don't have to move about as much if you need to use the pointy bit on the anvil. (haven't the foggiest what it's called in english)


(1 edit)

Please please please tell me you're gonna make the black weapons on the racks intangible and automatically grab the matching weapon type into its place when approached with one, similar to how ready ingots lock to the anvil... Getting weapons on the racks is kind of difficult right now because they don't have any auto-placement feature (and in the case of daggers, potentially impossible since they're so small they just fall right through the rack with certain heads)

Auto-placement might prove entirely useful, both for the player and you as the developer, in determining when weapons are already properly stocked in the shop so that NPCs can be shown to take weapons off of the racks and buy them directly -- and certainly a lot more reliable than the area check at the counter, which I often struggle with when weapons are premade for some reason.

edit: Okay, I just noticed that when you load a save, all of your assembled weapons fall apart too. @_@ You having trouble figuring out how to get the engine to treat them as a single item or something? Is that something in the way hampering weapon rack development? Gah...

Just a few ideas from me after playing until I got $10k. Great game, by the way. Absolutely loved it!

- Cycling through the weapon heads can be time consuming, and strength upgrade doesn't help reduce the number of strikes, maybe have a selection wheel or bar for the intended output of your hammering before you begin (you can still cycle, but you choose which one comes out first).

- Since the main focus of this game is "make money", the experience mechanic doesn't fit well. It would make more sense to buy upgrades with your earnings. Like a bigger/stronger hammer that takes fewer swings, more storage space, new blade/hammer designs (which means you'd start with just the basics), better shoes for speed increase, the ability to use the more expensive materials (you really shouldn't have the ability to forge steel stuff the moment you can afford the ingots). You could even have an "order requester" upgrade tree such as more orders per day (you'd have a limit at the beginning, forcing you to stock up ahead), the ability to buy better materials, etc. I'd say remove the experience mechanism and make people spend their hard earned money on making the shop or your character better.

- The money really comes rolling in after you're done with copper, but the distance between copper and tin is a factor of 10 and it's no more than a factor of 2 between all other materials. I'd say make tin a little cheaper, and make the other materials even more expensive. I didn't spend much time with iron at all, moved right into steel/mithril after tin.

- I noticed the papers all reset to default locations when loading up the game. First thing I do is move them out of the way and they keep coming back. I understand the need to instruct new players by strategically placing the paper instructions, but maybe save their locations for returning players.

- The snap-to feature on the anvil is wonderful! This would be helpful for other parts of the shop, such as displays that the customers can take from. I gave up positioning weapons and just handed things to people as they requested them. Also, the pole arm displays above the door are a little hard to reach, the zoom doesn't always get you far enough: you have to drop the weapon, step away from it, then pick it back up. Maybe replace the decorative shields display wall with stuff for sale as well.

Well, that's probably enough ideas to keep you busy for awhile! Great work so far! Can't wait to see how awesome this can get!

The decorative shields aren't decorative, they are an omen for blacksmithing to come. ;)

Multi save games slots please!

Hey Dasius I have bought your game a couple times so hopefully now that I have an account I can get on with it. Anyway I am 15 and I actually do real blacksmithing as a hobby and soon to be job. I have a lot of ideas and would like to try to contact you through email or something to go through detailed steps and offer assistance free of charge.

I didn't go through all of the suggestions, since there's 140+, but I've got a couple of ideas to make the money in game mean more to the player than just making better weapons to then get more money.

I wouldn't be surprised if this had been suggested already, but I think there should be more levels of grips and guards. For guards maybe add some things that look like THIS or THIS. I also think fancy grips should cost more since by default when I start out I use them for everything to the point there's either no point or the other ones, or no point for the fancy ones.

I think there should be upgrades to certain elements of the shop. Maybe upgrades to the forge so it smelts faster, upgrades to the anvil to allow for different heads, upgrades to the shop front to entice richer customers (see next suggestion), and upgrades to the inside of the shop like chairs to make customers sit down and wait longer for the item, which would be necessary later in the game if you don't like to rush.

Another idea that should go along with both the last one and the next one, is a grinder/sharpener. You'd be able to buy and upgrade a sharpener to sharpen blades. The sharper the better, meaning the happier the client and more they're willing to pay. Also a higher rating which I get into on my last suggestion.

I think there should be different levels of wealth for clients. Perhaps they come in with a budget or wearing a certain level of clothing, like royal robes for people that are very rich, and burlap for people that just want a bronze dagger. It's kind of easy right now to just server customers with the richest of metals to keep making the most money. This also kind of segways into my next and final suggestion.

I think a cool way to have a popular shop would be with ratings. Obviously in the age we're set in people aren't posting on Yelp with a review and a 5 star rating, but people would talk about it. If it's a really nice blade people would want to come get their own from you.
This would also combat people just skipping lower tiered customers because they'll get a bad rating. There could also be upgrades to your shop to help with rating, like posting signs around town, making your house look better, and things like that.

Obviously I know this stuff will take a while, but I figured I've got stuff in my brain, may as well share it! :)

More grips and guards
Upgrade things in shop
Add a sharpener
Classes of customers
Rating/popularity for the shop

if its a black smith shop shouldn't you need to make things like horseshoes?


material proficiency skills (novice/apprentice/master/legend) the more you are proficient the better and more expensive the weapons you make

going between materials is too easy right now as well. i recommend to have to upgrade your forge and/or level up strength skill grants you access to new material


Hey there im kind of a rookie programmer i would like to help you with the game, i mainly program in C++ (i guess your game its programmed in Cpp. since i havent seen the code yet im not sure. would like to get an answer, not interested in money.


here are some of my ideas:

-add the making of shields

-add the making of Mage staffs (maybe it could have something to do with those three crystals, mora about that later)

-Add the option to deny a customer an order and also add a communication option that makes the customer pay more for the weapon they order

-Add the possibility for bigger, higher paid orders(as in customers ordering more than one item)with a longer time span

-add fancy finger guards as well as the fancy handles that you already have

-give a point to those three crystals other than just lighting up the store sometimes

-Add maces

-add armour(this might be a big ask but make it so you could maybe make individual plates and they snap together on the purple table

-add bows, arrows and crossbows

-oh and sword sheiths

-maybe make the tree crystals have elemental powers an the customers can ask for special weapons with magical enchantments for specific battles or needs

-do absolutely nothing I ask of and tell me to go away if you wish as this is only some suggestions from a thirtee-I mean random person online, but I really do love the game and can't wait for any new features to be added in the future. Also some of the stuff I suggested might be ridiculous or would take a very long time so it's cool if you say no:


would like to see bronze swords like the Khopesh, Apa, and Hallstatt D. maybe by adding a copper and tin on the anvil?


Suggestion: make a main menu and there will be multiplayer wich has a town with 4 blacksmiths and there will be a server list and you can get games at max 4/4 and if you press tab it will show the player list there names and there money and you the blacksmith guy it will flash on your name please read

Thanks Dasius if you read this plz repley


you can add shields, like the one in the shop, with a new ore: wood. Also some armor like helmets ect... and more weapons


You should make the crystals increase the value of the Weapons.


or for doing enchanted weapons!!



i really think that you should make like an arena where you make your own sword and fight others and if you win you get 1,000 coins that'll be very cool

P.S this game EPIC

(1 edit) (+2)

Suggestions: Option to make axes, maces, and shields

Other metals and different guards?

BTW Loving this game. Feels really relaxing too.

Time limit seems just right for each customer!

Edit: As time goes on, it seems that time is getting less and less so that it's nearly impossible to make great-weapons


It really bothers me that when I look at either a torch, or the forge, everything gets dark. Could you please add the ability to disable it in the graphical settings?


About the logs in the back. I dont know what they are used for but the idea i had was.

Press 2 to pull up the axe left click to cycle through different weapon heads, Logs respwan every day. Thats all


i have a good idea but it might making the game more complicated due to the selection of weapons you need to create.

i was thinking of an expansion in weapons. like once you have made all the types of melees you then unlock a new weapons catagory.

an example of that is flintlock weapons and ammo.

basically just more stuff to be sold to customers.


cool game, i think an add on like these would be cool (someone might have written some of these since ive only skimmed through the suggestions):
-pickaxe? maybe for mining and smelting you own ore?

-smelter ^^ turn your raw mined ores into ingots. ( i think that would add abit depth to the game)

-more weapons varieties like armor, accessories like rings, etc

-shop expansion pls! my stuff is so messy since its super crowded in there >.<

-haggling ability (get in extra moolah from what you're selling!)

-special orders (something like "i'd like a TIN dagger!") or something along those lines

-rare ores/ingots that you cant purchase but have to mine by yourself? maybe crystal ingots :D

-crafting expertise. maybe at the start even your copper weapons arent the best but the more you make a certain thing the better quality it is and its more expensive?

thats all i can think of right now. hope anyone finds it interesting >.>


Release this game in Steam Greenlight, I think she will be claimed momentally :)


Can You Add A Bow And Make The Game Less Laggy


That it's laggy is not his fault, change the graphics to low, it should help. It helped me.

(4 edits) (+2)

What I want to see:

1. Armor and shields

2. A way to temper the weapon after it's been made

3. Able to chop wood and mine stone/ore. Wood can be made into handles and stone can be used to make decorative statues for your shop that will make the shop look better and have customers pay 5% more

3. Katana being its own type of sword

4. Fancy guards and knife guards (smaller than one handed guards)

5. Specialized Engravings, completed at the customer's request

6. Orders that are sent to you and can be completed after hours

7. Labeled storage boxes for ingots

8. Bows maybe?

Just giving my opinions on these suggestions:

1. Shields, I agree but armor I do not. It would take to much space for all the new items and would be more of a hassle than fun. Also because of the many types of armor aswell + the blacksmith is focused around weapons, not armor. Shields though has been a teaser in the shop for a long time now so I'm pretty sure it's gonna be added.

2. There is a water bath in the store though not working of course. Having to temper the blade would be such a amazing addon to the experience. However, it's sad though that you don't actually use water to temper the blade but oil. I know right? I thought so too but then I watched series like Man at arms/Man at arms: Reforged. And it's true, its oil. So for this to be added, he would of changed the color from blue to like grey or black. Maybe making it so that if you temper the blade, they pay you more?

3. This game isn't about mining or farming. It's about a man/woman crafting weapons to be the best blacksmith there ever was. Idk why people keep believing that this game would be an adventure game where you fight monsters, mine and farm. It's not minecraft lol. And also real blacksmiths or old time blacksmiths never mined for ore or chopped wood unless it was for winter or warmth.

Maybe you can buy order statues instead of creating them. And instead of increasing the price of the items, you instead increase the speed in which customers arrive (which would be your reputation) and/or more famous customers with a more pricy order?

3.5 Can't you create those already? Like its not a official katana but if you create a two handed sword, I believe theres a variety which is thin and looks like a katana though with the non polished look like all of the other weapons, I might be wrong though. HOWEVER this game isn't set In the era where it's about Ninja's or Samurai's but instead it's set where demon's crawled surrounded by magic and where people believed dragons roamed. Or so it seems.

4. Fancy guards would of fit perfectly, for the other though, not so much. If you didn't know, people used to call them daggers, not knife's. A dagger is something you CUT with while a sword is something you SLICE with, so there doesn't need to be a Knife.

5. He could add so that if you level up to a certain point, you gain a new rank from that you started with all the way to master.

Amateur - Journeyman - Master

And for every rankup you gain a new perk like as a amateur you would only be able to make normal swords while as a journeyman you unlock shields and then as a master, then you can gain the knowledge to create engravings when asked for them, would of made more sense as it's sort of a master thing to do make engravings, usually fresh of the back blacksmiths wouldn't be able to do that.

6. What about instead of that, they can order multiple swords/hammers for a certain time and then you can deliver it. That's probably what you meant.

7. This is a little unnecessary as right now, if you upgrade from copper to tin and so forth, you don't really store anything, you just put them on the furnace and craft whatever and then give them to the customers, there isn't really a need for organizing anything OTHER than parts because the fastest way to do orders is having weapons on standby same thing with crafting items.

8. You don't create bows as a blacksmith, Maybe arrows instead?

Thank you for your criticism. Your ideas are great and I learned some things at the same time

Instead of armor how about just helmets


List of things I would want:

- Tutorial/Free mode, learn the basics or just have fun, not about the money, but learning

- Expanding the shop, it's kinda cramped in here...

- More weapon categories (Melee, Long Range, Armor, etc.)

- Auto-Snap, if you would put something, say, in your "inventory", you wouldn't have the struggle of it not falling.

Please Move the New Game Button away from the Save Game Button PLEASE!!!


Love this game, just had a few thoughts.

Would be cool if say, you ordered something small, like a guard, that it would come in a smaller box so you could store large quantities in small boxes or so they could fit through the door easier.

Once again, I think the quantity of each item should be reflected in box size, say like 3 and below is a small box, 3+ is a medium, and 5+ is large or something like that, especially when buying ores.

Possibly put a smelter in the game to reclaim ores already crafted into swords/hammers?

Maybe make the water bin "un-readify" hot ores.

And Im in LOVE with the whole forest/mine idea, so just go at your own pace, this game is fantastic and I would love to purchase it if it gets greenlit on steam or has a full release.


There seem to be a lot of requests from everyone for new weapons and armor. This could prove confusing when customers start asking for obscure things. Perhaps the customers could request specific items by picture instead of text? We already have a nice reference sheet for this on the blueprint. It would make the game less English dependent, and the customers wouldn't seem as rude and demanding.


Maybe add in some looks for the weapons from anime's and maybe other types of swords like a katana or a longsword

NO ANIME WEAPONS. Even though this is a video game, this isn't the type of game to blow things to unrealistic proportions and have weapons that would be terrible in real life. This is a game of making simple and effective weapons

I dont mean anime weapons like that i mean just like simple swords that have the shape and design of them like ichigo's sword its just a sword with a cooler design

The great sword is hopefully as close to anime as this game will get.

Is it possible to add vsync to the game, i am suffering from screen tearing on max settings

Does anyone know where the red crystal is? i cant find it anywhere.


inside a torch, near the back door in the shop


Hi, I'm here to ask a thing, Unreal Engine 4 have support for android platform too, so, will you bring the game for android? Trust me, it's a good idea!

To match yesterday's rather long post in the complaints thread, I have a few ideas that might make some things a little better. Here goes nothing (again, in no particular order:)

When you put a weapon together, it looks like the pieces are moving together, but otherwise remain the same. Rather than having them be two objects that follow each other around, is it possible to actually make them one item? Like, when you look at the grip of a fully-constructed one hand sword, it says one hand grip, and only the grip highlights. Is it possible to make it so hovering over any part of the sword displays "one hand sword," and highlights the entire thing? Using the anvil to separate connected items was a great idea, and it works perfectly with my idea. This should also fix the problem of weapons falling apart when you exit and reload, since the parts would load in as pieces of a whole. However, I don't know how possible this whole thing is, because I don't know how your engine works.

If the previous idea isn't possible/feasible, I think it should be fairly simple to make it so parts only connect if they aren't already connected to something. Grips obviously have two connection points, so they'd need to account for that, but I don't see it being a huge problem. Again, though, I don't know what's going on behind the scenes, so I don't know how much control you have.

Now, about snapping (like how ingots snap to the anvil.) I think it would be lovely if weapons snapped to the display racks, though some of the racks need to be moved (customers try to go upstairs to get the polearms and they stop half-way up the stairs for the greatsword.)

I thought long and hard and...I can't think of a particularly good way to store grips/guards. I'm currently using tipped over/angled crates. There's gotta be a better way.

This may be the cause of my storage woes, but light things are way too bouncy. I throw a knife blade from the anvil to the workbench and it bounces off and slides almost all the way back to me. I toss a grip onto the workbench and it flies across the room. But then I can't even throw a hammer head two feet. There's gotta be some middle ground.

This is probably on your to-do list already, but make use of the water trough! Make it so blades/hammer heads are all hot and glowy after you make them and you have to dump them in the water before you can stick 'em on a grip.

Also, have you considered putting the smelter in the corner, moving that little tool rack (with the tongs and stuff,) to the right side of the smelter, and putting the water trough underneath the tool rack? That would free up some space under the window. Then, if you moved the sales record over by the counter or front door or something, you could put the order form where the sales record used to be and a table or something under the window. Maybe deliveries could be delivered through the window, and land on the table (or maybe there is no table, and they just land on the floor.)

Pricing! I've noticed that guards don't factor into weapon values, but that's gotta be a bug. If we pretend that guards do count toward item value, I could sell three greatswords for a profit of $12. With the same amount of ingots, I could sell nine daggers for a profit of $36. I think item value should be the production cost plus some percentage. Charisma might increase the percentage, or just add a flat amount, or maybe both. Either way, the current system just doesn't feel right.

I think the coin chest would be better suited to the bedroom than the workshop. Yes, it makes sense that you'd just toss your coins in the coin chest after a sale, but it takes up a bunch of space and the workshop is pretty cramped as it is.

I won't make any suggestions about the golem, crystals, monument/pillar, or the mirror that I find highly suspicious, both because I'm sure you've heard enough about them and because I want to be surprised :)

Is anyone else having the problem where when you hit escape, the mouse disappears and you have to click to get it to return?....Yea try not to accidentally click exit, because you'll lose any unsaved progress....can a confirmation for exit window be added?


Yes, many people have reported the same issue (I've had the accidental exit click happen to me too). The dev is aware of it and we'll hopefully get a fix in the next update.

I love watching people play this game I was wondering if you were ever going to realease it for Xbox one or are even considering it. I would love to be able to play this on my xbox

i only put this link new weapon?

and this

and this :p

and this?

I don't know if this has been suggested before, but a button to disconnect parts would be great. I somehow attached a two handed guard to a pole arm grip. I can't make anything with it and I can't take it apart.


Place the offending assembly on the anvil, then click on the anvil (not the weapon) and your weapon should break apart into its components.


could you possibly add a one hand battleaxe a two hand battle axe and a polearm battleaxe

I was thinking more ancient weapons. (These are all real btw) 0.0.63


Polearm Grip + Regular Sword Blade.


One Handed Grip + Regular Sword Blade (NO GUARD)

Butterfly Sword:

One Handed Grip + One Handed Guard + Dagger Blade


Two Handed Grip + Greatsword Blade (NO TWO HANDED GUARD)


Pole Arm Grip + Greatsword Blade

Dasius please make it for xbox! I don't have a computer, but if you made this for xbox i would buy it in a instant.

(1 edit)

A new system to spice things up, players could melt metals down in a furnace and put it in the mixing pot to make combined metals like 35% iron 60% bronze 5% mythril. Adding more metals wouldn't change the quantity result but quality. It would go indefinitely from a rating of 2-infinity per additional ingot after the first 3 ingots. It starts at one of course. This would make a new metal that the players can name with 6 characters or less and the value is set automatically by the values of the metals put together then + charisma value bonus. You can then use that metal to make weapons with customize-able colors depending on the first 3 ingots because of the hex/rng coloring for each ingot in order starting from the first. Would take the H from iron E from bronze X from mythril and mix them into a new color for that metal.

Second suggestion would be mold casting as a substitute for the players who don't find hitting an ingot in 3 strikes to a blade very fun. This could be set as an optional change in settings.

A system where you can take two paths, one would be the route the game already is at while another would be an optional extra path to play as the apprentice/child of the blacksmith and have a blacksmith mastery level which determines the end quality of each product. Also, you would only be able to make certain weapons once the master blacksmith bestows to you that blueprint which unlocks the parts necessary for it.

When connecting parts together, add a popup to confirm combining the parts or not please and the result of the action. <--- :D

My last idea would be to add mastery levels of each weapon and the more you craft them, the brighter the weapon glows. The mastery level would also add variables towards valuation of the weapons and of course if below the standard, you may even receive less than purchasing price (Set difficulty levels).

One more thing, I've worked with blender for a few years now and I would like to know if you would ever need help, I find it a really fun hobby and I have quite a bit of work. The low poly style appeals to me too as i'm a bit tired of working on full edged high quality stuff. My skype is camerenwalden if you would like to see some of my work or would just like to chat, thanks for reading.

Not to bash on your idea, but I think this would make everything way too complex and there would be hundreds of combinations and it seems like it would be too overwhelming. Also, it would be be lot easier if instead of combining stuff to make colors you can color temper it

(1 edit) (+1)

A freeplay mode, where you have full skills and unlimited money to buy and create anything. Battle and war axes would be cool, too.

(1 edit)

Any thoughts about adding the ability of keybinds? I would like to try the game out except I can't because certain letters on my keyboard doesn't work such as my W button and until I get an external keyboard I have to copy/paste some letters :(

Few things that could be improved/added

-one day late order: simply just somebody comes to you lewes you a request on some kind of order board and then he comes tommorow for his weapon ( that's kinda how real blacksmith shops works irl)

-higher Furnace: make borders of furnace a litle higher so ignots wont fall off when you are in hurry

-ignots coming in packs; it's a knowwn issue you open the box with a lot of ignots and they fly all over the place like crazy, you could give them something like palette and them beeing tied to it o you can move it whenever you want and open it for example above your furnace

-burning up boxes: right now they just vanish, i think it would be nice if they could be like the ones left in backyard opened with one wall you take what you need and burn box on the furnace, to form charcoal wchich will just burn after another time you use furnace (speeding up the process of heating nearby ignots)

-making weapons of diffrent ignots: simply divide the area that will be used by each ignot on the weapon so you can get rid of useless throwouts in no time, or create ultimate weapon that will whitstand every epic battle

-heating blades and cooling them : that will be a hot selling point and a cool thing to add (ok i'll stop with the puns) Simply you can heat the blade to reuse it(cannot do it for 3 ighots weapons) for example you created dagger but nobady wants this dagger, you heat the blade, put it with another ignot on the anvil, and you create normal blade or put 3 daggers toi make 2h blade etc. Cooling is the way that real weapons would be done, you put th red-hot blade in the water to cool it down, and then you asspemble weapon

-(that will be more of a complain but whatever) Extending time the customer stays in your shop for his/hers weapon: It quickly goes so far down that you just make 2 or 1h weapons because you don't have time to fix it, i'd like to just make it something like patience of certain person, so somebody would come and he would be very patient giving you 4 minutes to finish the work, later on somebody hot-bloded would come and he would want his weapon in 60 seconds (that or 40 seconds should be minimal time considering cooling and heating will be added anyway) it would add varieity to the game and would eliminate issues with clients coming for 2-h blade and then when you are just finising it they go out, and you are left with useless 2=h weapon on which you probably spend much more money

that will be i think everything, For now

I might think of other cool stuff soon and i'll post it here

sorry for possible typos my english isn't too good and i still need to get used to my new keyboard

Love your game and have nice day

I think we have a problem with the crafting table. it should have a fixed angle for the weapon that appears. The forge could also uso some lock just the way you did with the anvil.

Weapons made the day before can't be sold, you have to change the handle to sell it like a fresh weapon.

We could have a stand to place weapons that we already made so they can just be sold easyer. A lock on the stand would be good, so we can store up to 3 weapons of each kind.

When I go back to a saved day it always start as morning. This way instead of going to bed and starting a new day I can just save, open the game again and keep my day counter low.


sup Dasius could you add the ability to mix metals and get better prices when you sell weapons using those "new" metals and a scrap system so when you craft an item any metal scrap can be turned into ingots this also works with my mixing metals idea also add fancy grips and polearms and make it so you can raise the price of what ever you sell but if you go to high people will just straight up leave

Crystal Weapons And Volcano Weapons and Thieves in the store. (This is going to be epic)

Please no thieves. This game is supposed to be a more casual game and thieves just seems like it would ruin the game

The idea could work as an optional game mode. It could even be something as simple as making sure your orders are brought indoors and that your front and back door are closed and locked before going to bed. I think ideas like this are near the bottom of the priority list, though, as they don't add much to the experience currently.


I would like to see customization of the Character (in the mirror for example) and/or the blacksmith shop.

Great Game so far!

um... dasius, could you make the price of the ingots less because its really hard to develop in the game


Hey Nateset,

I do make adjustments to the prices every update but so far, I'm not seeying everyone complaining about the prices being to high.

Also, if you increase your Charisma, it will help you get more from each sale. It's not a major difference now but it can help.

Thanks dasius

I like the prices personally but what I have heard of is that you don't really earn more if you get to the maximum material or even if you go up from copper to tin. sure you earn more because you have to pay more but you don't earn any more than if you used copper.

Also im hoping there's plans for making the swords more...lets say appealing. getting to the next material is basically only changing their standard color. Would be cool if the color was more shiny than a simple fill color.

Make the greatsword more accurate and proportional. The blade should be about half as thick but the length is good

In the world of fantasy gaming, realistic weapon proportions take a backseat to aesthetics. Think about how cool (yet impractical) all of the Final Fantasy weapons are.

When I look at the great sword, I don't see a great sword, I see a anime sword, Cant get enough of those super insanely thick and long anime swords.

(1 edit)

I guess the weapons are good if getting your arms ripped off from the force of swinging you sword is what you like

(1 edit)

I appreciate the edit, FishyFish136. I agree that some games do go overboard with weapons that are too large. I guess we'll just have to leave it up to Dasius to see how fantasy or realistic he'd prefer his game to be.

(edited for civility)


Hey Ayrios.

Aside from the silliness. It is a fantasy game so technically anything (almost) goes. You might be right on the thickness of the blade. None of these weapon parts are final. So i will do another review of each part when I get the chance.

Thank you!!

This is a great video for proper sword names and terminology. You can use it for correcting some stuff in your game and also for future ideas


Honestly, I feel like this would be an amazing game to also be on virtual reality consoles, such as the Vive.


Hey DHero,

When i have enough funds for the hardware. i'll definately start working on it.

Could you set up the controlls for ps4 and xbox one controllers.

Could you please make ingots lock onto the anvil when you place them because ingots falling off can be frustrating.


This has been a feature for a very long time, Are you using the newest version (0.063)? Me personally want the ingots Back to when they where falling off as of right now its really bugged and not as fun as it was.


I wasn't using the newest version. I just downloaded it

Yo, dasius i found a bug. It is impossible to change my name

(2 edits) (+1)

I have 2 Suggestion

1. Being able to set prices would be great

2. Make ingots smaller and a lot closer to IRL Ingots like this

Great Game i really enjoy it!

(1 edit) (+1)

hi i think you shod be able to be visited by a fellow blacksmith who can give you items if he had too much or ask for items if he was missing items

(items like ingots, maybe like a short blade, hammer head, grips and so on)

(1 edit) (+1)

I think it need able to change control key


If anyone wants to check out interesting customer interaction in a video game, please play Dragon Quest IV (aka Dragon Warrior 4) on the original Nintendo. Chapter 3 focuses on a merchant named Taloon. As Taloon, you go out and get items by fighting monsters, which are the items that stock your shop. Then you stand behind the counter while people come in and browse what you currently have to offer. Sometimes they'll offer you extra money for an item, sometimes they'll offer less (and you can always deny their purchase). Some people will come in, view your items for sale, decide you have nothing they want and leave. It might be interesting in MLBS if sometimes the customers weren't requesting something, but just came to browse through what you already have in stock.

Here's a guide on that details some of the gameplay mechanics:

I am suggesting to add magical weapons. Like wooden staffs, staffs with crystal at the tip etc.

Hi! I got a suggestion. It would be really cool if you could make armour and shields. And if you could add some sort of co-op feature. What i mean by the co-op feature is that maybe 1 or 2 friends could join and have their own shop on the other side of the road or something. Maybe it would be cool if you could purchase material to expand you shop with better ovens, more shelves, mannequins, better hammers and other equipment to use. Maybe add some co-workers as well? They would have to cost a bit of money though. Adding different stores to choose from, let's say you want to make armour, so you get an armour and shield shop. It would be so amazing!

I love this game so much and i really want to see you guys succeed!

Here's some suggestions I thought up while playing your game [BTW it was pretty gewd]

+Have costumers ask for a certain material [Which you could use a list to control what they buy such as you can make it so you are only selling pikes, or hammers of a certain material]

+Day shouldn't go by if the shop is closed unless a customer is inside the shop

+Add a bit more time between customers so players can take a breather

+The ability to set prices on items [If the price is 20 above cost price customers wont buy]

+Have people order things and pick them up at certain times [Set time by using a board]

+The option to expand and upgrade your shop [Two anvils, faster furnace, etc]

+An easier to use item system [You pick it up into a slot and can place/rotate it when putting it down]

+Better DOF

That's about it, I'd love to see some of these implemented. Thanks for reading!

I had a few more things I wanted to say, but I didn't come up with them until I read some of the comments...

+Third person

+Decor upgrades [More decor = more impress customers, decor could be windows, or a plant, maybe a bench or a sign, etc]

+A skill which allows you to carry multiple things at once [Heaving lifting]

+More weapons like war axe, throwing stars, bows [using a bending machine purchased in the shop upgrades]

+To do list

+Smaller ingots

+Industrial furnace [Has a more flat surface and heats things up faster, purchasable in shop upgrades and adds decor]

+Ingot price adjustment

+The ability to make siege weapons

Excellent idea to be able to hold more items as a character upgrade (one extra item per upgrade, let's say max 3 or 4). Check out how Hello Neighbor handles carrying multiple items without the need for a separate inventory screen. I feel like that system could work well with this game.

Everyone seems excited for the possibility of forging new item types. While I agree that the item selection is currently limited, it also fits well with a game still in development. I'd suggest focusing more on the core mechanisms such as customer interaction, facilitating ease of ordering and fabricating items, and how your shop/character develop or upgrade as you play. More item types won't add much to the play time or experience currently. They'll just make it harder to create a stock of prepared items. Of course, adding items will be a necessary part of polishing the game before release. Keep up the good work, Dasius!

Some other ideas

+Conversations [Make conversation dialog with customers to improve price, waiting time, or just for some friendly chatter]

+Make customer archetypes such as a browser, questions asker, time waster, early shopper, pateint, etc

+Have multiple customers in a line up

+Customers having certain quality expectations [Such as one that wants a fancy handle or fancy blade]

+Have a hammer system that using QTE, or something like that. [Look at the papa Louie series of shop sims, or jack smiths hammer system.]

+Customer emotions [Angry when quality is bad, happy when made right or fast, upset when order denied]

+A shop rating system [The more happy your customers are, the more people will pay and more customers]

+A door ringer [Purchased in shop upgrades, would allow you to hear customers walking in while you are restocking or smelting ingots]

+Night time shoppers [Shoppers who will pay a little more, but only come at night, making sleeping not as forced as it is]

+Fatigue [The larger weapons you make the more tired you are, being more tired makes production of weaponry slower making customers upset that weapons are taking longer.]

+Passing out [Staying up too late will make you pass out, loosing daylight hours the next day]

+The ability to deny orders [I don't want to wait 120 seconds before they leave ;-;]

What about adding a clock, could be an actual clock on the wall to add immersion or a simple timer clock at the bottom/top right/left so that you know how much time theres left so you don't get confused wheter or not the day is over.


Hi there, I have a few suggestions for small Quality of Life improvements which I'll list first and some more ambitious upgrade features which I'll list later.

Quality of Life Improvements:

  • On the anvil, LMB alone should cycle through designs for ONE type of weapon (blades or hammers) while you can switch weapon types quickly with Shift or Ctrl + LMB so that each hammer doesn't require cycling through blades first.
  • On the anvil, all designs for 2 ingot blades should appear in the same orientation when produced. Presently, the first 2-ingot blade is 90 degrees rotated and all the other designs are consistent with each other.
  • Include specific stats on the "P" character level up screen regarding current bonuses from each skill and the increase that one point would give in each skill.
  • Either force polearm grips to be a separate order if any other item is in the "shopping cart" already or sort out a solution for 2+ polearm grips flinging delivery contents all over.
More ambitious features:
  • Allow 3 ingots to be hammered into a block of that metal which can be sold back to the shop at a 33% loss (so you can sacrifice 1 ingot's worth to gain 2 fresh ingots from what might have been a greatsword blade/greathammer hammer)
  • Allow for nearly every part of the shop to be upgraded, from the furnace (size/side-guards/speed?) to shelf size/number, to workbench size/utility (maybe high level work benches can disassemble like an anvil?) to the actual size of the shop so more customers can queue and more shelves/racks can be included. Decorations/attractions outside or fancier display cases would be great too.
  • Economy: Different weapons/metals should be more/less valuable to customers on different days. Perhaps these fluctuations could be multiple day-long trends which affect the purchase price for ingots (with a few days' lag).
  • Multiple item orders placed ahead of time. This is similar to a feature I love in Recettear, where a customer comes in, says they want a specific weapon/item in a specific number of days and you can accept/reject the offer. This would offer a relief from the total random chaos that is in the game now.
  • Similar to the point above, have customers come in with a weapon they bought at the shop previously and they request the same weapon of a higher quality metal.
  • Option to restart or skip a day (pop up menu upon clicking the bed?), especially in the alpha state due to game-breaking bugs that force you to wait out the whole day due to a stuck customer or restart a save file due to some bug.
(1 edit) (+2)

hey i have 1 idea you can do a coop game with 1 armour shop and a weapon shop and in the final of the day the money will be divided with the 2 players sorry my english isnt very good



I really like this game, but I feel a little lonely and sometimes can't make the weapon in time, if there will be a multiplayer, I got a few suggestion:

PVP: player have to make the weapon that the system want in time, if one of the player lost a customer, then he/she is the loser.

PVE: players have to work together.

I would really want to see multiplayer will be added into the game! :D love your game bro.

(3 edits) (+1)

This game is really cool so far! What I would suggest is the ability to make your shop better. As an example, your shop could start out with dirt floors and a small, not as nice area. Like a makeshift forge, and a dingy counter and shelves. I think it would be great if you could, for example, change your dirt floor to wood, along with expanding the shop, making a better forge, a better counter, and more and nicer shelves. I also think it would be cool if you could go into a grid mode and put shelves where you want. I generally think customization will be a good addition. (given that the customization isn't too hard to do) And, with moving shelves, (and possibly other things) you could switch between modes of it snapping into place, and when you can move it freely. I think that it should be pretty expensive for any upgrades in the shop, to make each upgrade seem more significant. With the floors, it would be cool to have different types of wood, (like oak, birch, and mahogany) and different types of stone floor options. (granite, cobblestone, etc.)

These are a few of my ideas, thanks for reading them 🙂

P.S. I also think it would be cool to have events going on outside your shop, like two "people" getting into a fight, and having the "people" interact with each other. It would be awesome to be able to move your shop to different locations, like in the mountains or the forest. It would also be cool to have multiple races, like elves and dwarves (races might not work well) One final idea is to add wildlife that you could see going by your shop, or interacting with other A.I.

Thanks again 🙃


Customizing the shop layout to fit your own work style with would be awesome. I've noticed that Dasius and I have very different organization methods. Hopefully the implementation of this idea is feasible given that he's working alone on this project.


1. Multiplayer - for the competitive players:

  • Few people per town.
  • Compete against each other for the title of the best blacksmith.
  • The shop that sell the best weapons for the smallest amount of time gets the most customers.
  • Try earn the most money.

2. Shields & Armour.

3. Fancy pole arm.


I posted almost the same post as you did but only 2 days before you lol

(1 edit) (+1)

I love this game it gives me pretty much what I want in a blacksmith game. I love as well I can custom make spears with a great blade and a hand guard. Other then more stuff to craft the only ideas i can give are in stead of right click and hold it is right click and you hold it in your hand then right click puts it where your curser is pointing (so you can hold more then one of that item as well i think about 3 would be the max but str would give you more carry. Maybe +1 every 5 levels.) and sell bins. Like after you make the item you could right click it (if you add that.) into a selling bin that is one for each or a bin that just holds all and if the item is in there they will "see" it and buy it. You could even have it set up so at start it holds 2 or 3 of each and every 2 levels in agi will give you more slots. or both of these can have their own stats. And letting us pick what we want to sell. Like if right now we can only sell daggers or want to sell only swords we can X out the other stuff and no one will come in asking for the things you X out. (I get into a spot a lot I put a ton of money into a dagger that no one wants to buy and can not make anything else.) The only other idea I can think of is a weapon rack where if we make a weapon we really like the look of we can have it as display.

just thought of this. item bins that let you put in bars handles and so on.


MOre of a technical suggestion
For rotating things try to use one jkey per one axis

For example "ALT" Key For x Axis

"Ctrl" for y axis

and "shift" For z Axis

This would be fantastic

Remember to Check New content From 0.0.7 Version BEFORE posting a new suggestion here

i'm a bit late with that tough lol


Might want to change the pictures in the preview for the game since the actual layout and gameplay has changed since the last update?


Dasius, does the game update by itself or not

PS you should really put this game on steam


Hey Dasius. In first this game is really great, and really fun. Thanks for this game ^-^ and what about letting NPCs have pets ? And letting us to make some small accesories, like collars for dogs (or wolves) or some bags for bigger animals like bears etc... i think that would be really nice :) ^-^

(3 edits)

Great idea for pets! I think it would be cool if there were bandits that would try to raid your shop, (both at night and day) and you could get a wolf that would protect your shop.

It's so cool when a developer asks for ideas and listens. It really makes me feel like a part of the community

What about a little exploration?Where you can craft ypur own weapon and earn money extrs by killing mobs or others things?

Amazing game y like it so far I realland I'll donate you extra money as soon as possible!

Add bow


Hey dude, Amazing look in 0.7 much improvement many awesome... so just a suggestion... the chest placement and the placement of the reccent transactions scribe thing ( the thing above the chest) is in kinda a bad spot as it is mostly obstucted by the furnace door i would suggest moving it to either the bedroom or somewhere where it had more space to view thanks


I'd say in between the door to the furnace and your bedroom.

So I can't help but notice that the water and fire crystals are unnamed. Could they be named Wisdom and Rage? or do you have other plans for them?

i couldn't find the fire crystal. where is it?


Maybe (if you interesting) New weapons style like Scythe, Morning Star, Staff, Axe.
And for the crystals perhaps they can be like magical gems each color a different element

maybe every night you have dreams of the people you sold weapons to and you fight trolls,goblins,witches,etc. so instead of just building you can fight as well!!

Upgrades for the Shop.

I'm 100% certain this is going to be implemented, since there is a design for a better shop in the current map, and he went through the trouble of designing the shop shop you're currently using too. If he wanted a completely new shop he'd just make one new one, but he made two, you can probably upgrade shops soon :).


leather wrapping grips, players possibly can purchase different types of leather to wrap around handles

jewels in guards, players can possibly choose from, ruby, sapphire, emerald, etc to embedded into the guard for aesthetic purposes

engravings in sword blades, possible purchasable tool to engrave whatever the player pleases into whichever sword

I think if you add multiplayer to this game would be amazing and more peopole would give more attention

PS:your game is amazing

When I download the game it says that it is in version 0.71 or I type but when I install it in version 0.0.7 how to fix it

help me please
(+1) Puts with legend and ve has ideas at the end

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey man ! About the crystals, what do you think about use them to help us to make some enchantments? And, for this, you can creat a new option to use our Xp, like wisdom? That would be very cool. Anyways, sorry for the bad english...still learning... And...your game is just wonderful!!

will be really funny if we just burn all the papers!!

Monsteeersss at night

I have lot to advise so stay with me here. Like if you want to see one of these implemented.

1. You could add monster raids. how i think this could work is that after you sleep, there would be a 20% or 25% chance of an attack occurring. 2-5 green-skinned bad guys or thieves would spawn. words would pop up on the screen that say something like "monsters are attacking!" or "defend your shop from the monsters". then you would have to make a sword or other weapon for your own use to deal damage and kill the monsters. You would get more money from the people you sell items to for only the day of the attack as a thank-you note for killing the monsters. However you shouldn't be able to hurt the civilians. And if you don't kill the monsters in time before they knock you out(not kill you. you would respawn at your bed if you decided that monsters could kill)or reach your shop then you would lose a percent of your money. please also make the monsters have orcish sounding names and the thiefs have more human sounding names.(if you decide to implement this in the game could you make one of the thief's names be "Nick". thank you)

2. I think you could add bows. you could use the logs behind the shop to make short sticks or long sticks. One log makes 3-5 short sticks and 2 long sticks. you could hit a patch of grass to get grass then put the grass on the anvil and hit it to make string or twine. put 1 long stick and 1 string/twine to make the bow itself. the short sticks would make the wooden part of the arrows. you could hit 1 ingot on the anvil to make 3 or so arrow tips. you could just leave it there or you could make it more realistic with feathers. little chickens could be in the land around the shop or in a pen behind the shop(or in a pen by a different house). you could right click them not to move them but to harvest a feather then you could put a short stick, a feather, and an arrow tip together to make 2-3 arrows(if it was 1 arrow it would be a pain in the butt to make and it would take a long time to make too). i have no advise on aiming and shooting a bow tho :(.

3. Please make a better tutorial. I personally got really confused when i started the game. i could hardly read the notes scattered around the shop. i think you could make a step by step tutorial to teach you how to properly do everything. or you could just have your first customer talk you through the step by step process without a time limit(he can say that you keep the weapon he asked for but doesn't pay). keep in mind some people might already know how to play and would like to skip the tutorial. Or you could add a story-line(objective goal) where you have to make a certain amount of money before your manager or boss comes back from vacation. he could be the one to teach you step by step how to play the game before he leaves. or if you don't want the game to end like this you could add the ability to keep going on your own after he comes back from vacation.

Thank you if you read the whole and please like if you want to see any of these implemented.

I personally didn't find anything wrong with the tutorial.

if there were any raids it would be bandits. The game so far (besides the giant rock golem statue thing) is slowly becoming more realistic, so if Dasius were to add a raid to the game, it probably wouldn't be with monsters.

but, the way that the npcs walk around and enter portals, it seems we're inside an mmo game so i don't see the problem with monsters

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