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Labyrinth of EclipseView game page

Submitted by Pinho13, Vihala, SteveRSound, TyperaKalaTyyppi — 2 minutes, 5 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Is the graphics 1 bit?#2014.5534.553

Ranked from 85 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Write down what effects you used.
Post Processing (bloom and grain)

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Really liked this! Looked like you were going for a Hotline Miami feel, and I think you nailed it, but in a different setting! Absolutely wonderful to play!


Thank you so much!

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Now all hail the shotgun!! Fast paced, absolute bop for music, and a shotgun to tackle your enemies. What more does one really need?

The only thing I would've wished could be more vast levels, some heavenly or gehennaish dungeon to explore. But not saying that this isn't enough, it very much is!

Loved the atmosphere, it was like a strange sanctified Postal, where, of course, you are blessed with the insight that synthesizing all light and dark is the only way to progress the world - into mutatious paradise.


Thank you for playing the game and I'm glad you enjoyed it! We are absolutely looking into bigger and vaster levels going forward


Thank you so much for the kind words! New update dropping before the weekend :)

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Great feedback, liked it a lot!


Great to hear!

Developer (1 edit)

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Submitted (1 edit)

Ah what an awesome game, I trully feel amazing playing this at first I got pretty frustrated, because I couldn't seem to kill the first enemy, thenI came back to it and read the full tutorial and saw that we add multiple type of bullet for enemy, could be great if it was more clear maybe with an icon or a popup telling it to you. Maybe it isn't even necessary to have two type, the game is already awesome. The only other thing that anoyed me is the intense music that played at all time. Maybe lowering the volume would be good and changing it when you get a boss battle of some kind. And maybe having a faster reload would be good too. But overall great game that you could definitily expend on


There are music and sfx volume sliders in the main menu snd the pause menu so you can chsnge it at will. And there will be boss music when there are bosses. Thanks for playing


Ok  thank for the response gonna took a look at that


No problem. My mistake. Web build has music slider at the main menu only. Our current version which isn't uploaded yet has the independent sliders from all menus for both sfx and music. But thanks for your feedback and for playing our game. Best of luck with the jam!

Developer (1 edit)

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AWESOME GAME, the audio, visuals and gameplay all were absolutely top notch. It had such an awesomely frantic pace to it that was proper addictive to play. This game just makes me feel SO COOL, which is like the biggest thing you'd want to feel from a game. 

One minor nitpick is that the fonts for the continue and skip buttons in the opening cutscene, and for the death screen are a bit too flat for lack of a better term. I really think you should change them to the font u used for the dialogue cutscene. I also think you should have a black outline around the intro text dialogue at least for the dialogue boxes cuz they were sometimes a bit hard to see. But other than that this game is ABSURDLY awesome


Hey.  Thanks so much for your feedback and for playing the game. I'll be sure to send your feedback to the team. I believe they were already talking about changing the font in the intro scene to make it more legible. 

Developer (1 edit)

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lots of polish on this one, and the music is great! love the screen shake effects and the art style


Glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for playing!

Developer (1 edit)

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Great game. Cool mechanics =D


Thank you!

Developer (1 edit)

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Really sick game with an interesting two bullet type gimmick. The lore, gameplay, particles and music are cool! Reminds me Enter the Gungeon a little

Also realized that you can use enemies projectiles against them


Thank you for playing it and glad you enjoyed them game.  

Developer (1 edit)

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Interesting and fun shooter. The only complaint is that the reloading is too slow and thus reduces the pace of the game a lot.


Hi, can you please tell me in what way reloadijg is too slow since the only weapon with reload time is the shotgun, are you talking about energy regain over time?


Yes, I expressed myself wrong. I meant energy. But that's just my impression. Regardless, the game is very good.

Developer (1 edit)

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Nice shoot'm up. I liked it!
And the introduction is a plus too.


Tank you!

Developer (1 edit)

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Like the hit effect on enemies! Great!


Thank you so much!

Developer (1 edit)

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The reloading is SLOWWW which ruins the otherwise really fun game!!

Also, I did encounter a Unity embedded error popup in the You Lose screen when I click on the Main Menu option.

Developer (1 edit)

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Very cool game ! GG

Developer (1 edit)

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Cool game! The art is very simple and i HATE the post processing ( thank god my temmates didnt want that in their game ). but the gameplay is fun and fast paced with some kickin music! Also the idea of reloading is very poorly executed.


Hi, thank you for your feedback! The reloading is just a little cooldown for not being able to spam shots. If your talking about the energy, if you keep hitting your shots on the right enemies you dont run out of it!

Developer (1 edit)

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I really like this game! It's easy to pickup, simple to learn, and fast paced.

However, the limited ammo ruined the fun for me a few times. Whenever I ran out of bullets, I was forced to run around the room chased by mobs of enemies without any way to retaliate. I did notice that this issue was more pronounced if I skipped the tutorial (a bug perhaps?)

Other than that, I love the music and the way the game incorporates the light vs dark theme: You use light bullets to hurt 'dark' enemies, and dark bullets to hurt 'light' enemies. It's straightforward and easy to understand.

The bloom effect, while it adds multiple shades of gray, I would still accept as 1 bit as It gives it a look similar to classic arcade games. Unfortunately, the game does use some solid grays to create faded out graphics like the letters in the tutorial room.


Thank you for your review! It is all one bot the "grey" is just white letters with low alpha (mpre transparent) which the rules allow it, the ammo depends on what type of weapon you are using, also if you hit ur shots u cant run out of it! Im glad you liked it!

Developer (1 edit)

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Good game with a nice bullets mechanic. I loved the visuals and the music. The game has a lot of potential!


I appreciate your kind words!

Developer (1 edit)

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you have an awsome game sense. you really understand how put together mechanics and give them good feedback. the only criticism i would give is you probably want to use some kind of shader to make sure all the colors on screen are exactly the same shade, i had a couple issues with some buttons not working and the game not reloading properly but given you made this in a week you did a stellar jo


Thank you for the feedback!

Developer (1 edit)

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I love the graphics


Thank you!

Developer (1 edit)

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Really fun game!


Thank you!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

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The story was really really great ! But I only saw the beginning because it was a bit too hard for me, but I liked a lot the intro with the deity and his adept that's really cool!


Thanks for playing! 

Developer (1 edit)

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