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Ten Tedious TrialsView game page

A procedurally generated platformer
Submitted by Maksymillian — 13 hours, 34 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 45 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Wooo! I like the fake that you can play the game with different constraints. 
I'm bit impressed by some animation (for the cube, the wings, ...) How did you achieve to do everything in a such short amount of time?


omg, this game is so difficult but so addicting! this feels like Spelunky in terms of interactive platforming (with the game objective kinda feeling like Spelunky 2's Cosmic Ocean level)! elements/entities within the procedural generated level just exist and they behave without knowing the existence of each other, (im talking about the bombs, spiked bombs, wind, meteors, collapsing ground, etc.). and when the stars align (to your dismay), it causes this crazy chain reaction which can lead to either some of the most miraculous moments where the game opens a path to a wing or the exit or some of the most tragic moments, like if wind comes in at the most unfortunate time, leading you into a spiked bomb that blows up the blows up the ground and you fall straight into spikes... yeah... totally not speaking from experience...

the movement also feels like Spelunky, very fast tight controls with crazy air mobility but has a relatively weak jump in comparison to their horizontal movement, it feels nice (though the horizontal velocity change took quite a while to get used to)! the game entities also feel very impactful with the wing obviously being good, the spikes obviously being bad, and the bomb / spiked bomb being double edge swords depending on the situation. and then to tie the design together is the aberrations, which are essentially the level modifiers! theres a good variety of aberrations, with each one interacting with the game so well! they provide a really nice sense of challenge and changes how you view the level! i got used to most of them, but the slideshow aberration was the bane of me throughout my time playing xd. when you tie all these gameplay elements together and put them into a randomly generated level, the level then becomes this giant interactive puzzle for the player to carefully navigate and solve, it almost becomes like an immersive sim in a sense, super well done here!

the presentation also matches up with the gameplay so well! this game's geometric aesthetic is absolutely beautiful, showing how much one can do with basic primitives if there is really nice art direction! everything feels so alive, with the ground, particles, and background elements moving and reacting towards the beat of the song, its so good! and that chromatic aberration effect though, it looks so astoundingly good such a great visual effect! the music is also really good and hypes you up while playing again, also really adds to the presentation by providing the beat for the game elements to react to!

i am floored, this was so fun! as a platformer guy, really hit all the points for me, this is definitely up there for one my favorite submissions so far! highest trial i got was 14, was so close to going further but died near the portal after mistiming a jump which caused the wind to push me towards spikes xd. really great game, great work!


Really addicting game, the movement, pacing, and gameplay is just so smooth and well polished. Well done! P.S. that music slaps


I like your take on the aberrations, and your chromatic aberration effect is really cool! the way the level twists and turns, altering your ability to view the level from a certain radius :)


This game rocks!

Submitted (2 edits)

This is so fcking cool game! At first i got powerpoint one and thought "oh another one that i cant play cause of my potato laptop". I love music, juice and visuals! Even your chromatic aberration is cool. Okay explosions lacks a bit. And after 3-4 run i was wingless when i pick them up. And spikes in the air. And i hate upside down.

Are you perhaps taking a disciple or something?


I enjoyed playing this - pumping music, great visuals and nice player movement...

I must admit, it was hard though - especially trying to reach upward to the target, felt like the jumps could've been higher... The wings there great though!

Great job all round!


Looks and plays great. Really hard but the music and the fast pace invites you to keep playing


I got all the way to trial 6 before I died. Very fun game, great concept and execution (the slideshow abberation is the spawn of satan though). I do wish it gave you a checkpoint at some point. Maybe after trial 5 so people would be more encouraged to beat the game.


yeah I think I just made it way too difficult. I didn't leave any time for balancing the game and ran out of time lol


brutally chaotic, in a good way — except for the slideshow aberration, why would you do that?!


because its funny


ok fair enough


Pretty brutal & difficult, but I really enjoyed it, incredible polish and cool mechanics!


Very hard, but also nicely polished. Well done!


Took me a while to get the hang of it but once I did things started flowing really nicely.
Presentation is absolutely incredible with a very high level of visual polish. Also the randomization allows for a basically endless experience in my opinion. Great work!


Great platformer! The music is pumpin', the controls are tight, and the game is easy to play and understand, while still presenting a fun, challenging experience. 


i liked it, good platforming. Good music. Sometimes i felt that one aberration ruin my run and sometimes the map were really easy and sometimes i felt just really lost. But maybe is just that im not that much of a platformer guy


I love the music but i think it will be good to add some volume setings.


A crazy good entry! I'm very impressived of how many different kind aberrations you were able to put in and the overall polishing of the gameplay and the visuals. Looks beautiful and plays very good! Impressive.


Really nice entry.  And quite hard. Is anyone reach the last stage?


I REALLY like the music and the lighting, as well as the snappy controls. The wings upgrade is fun too. Nicely done!


Awesome music, pretty solid visuals, and surprisingly good gameplay given the proc gen. Nice!

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