I played for about ten minutes and didn't get to far past the second check point. It seems fairly well polished for a rage game, and I was pleasantly surprised by its sound design. I think all it really needs is some juicing up.
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Pogmen's itch.io pageComments
made a full loop. i thought i'd be filtered by the first wall jump heavy section after the first checkpoint, but then i read the page and found out it's possible to slow the game down, which was a game changer. ended up holding the space bar almost all the way through and the latter parts were still plenty challenging, though as the other guy said the curve was harsh. the last part with the ability to bounce yourself back to square one if you overshoot the ceiling jump was particularly brutal.
i liked the leniency of the hitbox and the fact that pogo doesn't have to be out at all times and it's possible to roll around, that gives some welcome little breather. i also enjoyed the little touches like ability to change colors (ended up doing that every death to spray the walls in all the different colors) and losing eyesight as the eyes fall off.
seems like there are some slight issues with the mouse control where game doesn't perfectly let the cursor roll around and it hits a skippable "wall" in rotation, but i couldn't find a consistent pattern of reproducing these. other than that, everything seemed perfectly stable.
I'm not much of a rage game fan, but I really like where you're going with this game. not sure if the little blob guy fits in with the big ominous monolith.
Sound design is nice, I'm not sure music is needed but maybe adding some ambiance like wind and rocks falling in the distance could increase immersion.
not sure if you had the rolling mechanic in the last DD but I really like it.
keep up the good work!
This time I reached the third checkpoint.
I like the improved visuals and sounds, the monolith feels very mysterious but we know is a chronometer.
If you put slow time on rmb you can achieve mouse only gameplay. Ihmo rmb it's too important to be used to change colors. More about controls, I tried with a pad but not every command was registered, dunno if its a bug or an half implementation (I was using an 8bitdo set to xinput).
I like the new levels, but the difficulty curve spikes once we climb the chasm. Sadly I have not much to add beyond my impression from last demo: you want the game to be a speedrun challenge, but for us noobs it's a try 1000 times rage game.
I'm filtered.
The difficulty curve is harsh. Reaching first check point is a challenging not only because it's hard to jump up there, you can easily die in the process.
Really cool game. I was a bit confused at the start by the monolith (I think that's what it is? The rock with the circles) but pretty quickly got my bearings and started figuring things out on my own. Getting your eyes knocked out is cute, the graphics are clean, and the gameplay is really addictive.
I recorded myself failing at your game
I was pretty tired. I will try it more at some point.
I like all the visual changes, and sounds. I was not sure about checkpoints at first. I strongly prefer old version levels because I could actually beat them under 2 minutes.
Extra colour options are cool. You could also change background colours with them.
I was recording gameplay with commentary of other games, and started with yours:
I hope it helps
Pretty damn fun, I was getting into it. The feel of the pogo stick is 100x more fun than having it retracted tho. Getting your eyes knocked off is cute, but once both eyes are gone I just kill myself because it's not really possible to advance anymore. The game also plays a lot better than it looks. The pogman is cute and all, but from looking at the game, I wouldn't have guessed it was going to be as fun as it was. Putting some more effort into the backgrounds/level art might be good at some point, just to help message to the user that this is a high-effort game, not a low-effort game. Overall, very solid game, nice work.
Not much to say other than I really like the changes from the last demo day. What is the weird thing at that start for? Maybe add some new colors and customization and you are golden.
Jesus Christ this game is hard. But addictive. Well done!
great progress. design feels extremely smart. In particular I like how you solves players not knowing about wheel mode (by starting in wheel mode)
The wheel grinding sound is really grating
switching colors every couple of deaths feels pretty fun. The player choosing their own color feels out of place to me. As does the choice of key binding (though i will admit it’s easy to discover on your own there)
difficulty pacing feels good. I only got as far as the 3rd checkpoint (counting the start as checkpoint 1) because somehow I started spawning back at checkpoint 2
writing as an absolute beginner tier player for these games + with the feedback i've written last time in mind, i can safely say the difficulty curve is much better and that i feel like all my previous feedback was addressed. there is adequate space between sections where I don't accidentally yeet myself backwards, and the challenges are easily readable. I know exactly what I need to do after a few seconds, it's just a matter of doing it.
here are some miscellaneous suggestions/ideas, but I think the game is in a good spot and that you're clearly moving in the correct direction
-I don't like that the first checkpoint isn't reached automatically, but instead is a bit out of the way. I think games where you naturally pass by the checkpoint do this better, since when presented with the option of a) do this jump to reach the checkpoint or b) proceed without it, everyone will want to do (A) first unless they're doing some no-checkpoint-challenge run. It depends on your intentions, but unless there is a reason as to why the checkpoint isn't in the path to the next challenge, I think it should be moved there.
-I'd expand on the eye mechanics by making the blood or whatever it is splatter be more prominent. The issue with limited vision is that you don't know where you're going, but if the path is outlined by a ton of blood, you still have a chance to proceed. I'd say double down on the idea and make the impact/death blood splatter 4 times bigger, so that you can tell the outlines of the playable area even when blind
-right click to change color is weird. I think it's a very important key being assigned to something not very important. the only way i can see this being used often is if you're playing this on one computer with friends, and you swap colors between runs to show "who dies where". I think you can do this by binding it to the C key or something, since I'd accidentally press right-click and pull up the menu, which covers the entire screen and I'd panic and so on. The concept itself is fine, I'd just rebind it
I am happy with everything else. Perhaps the difficulty is still a tad bit too high, but I don't want to comment on that since I'm clearly out of my element and wouldn't be able to say what the correct difficulty should be like
Reached the first checkpoint almost by miracle. I feel you made the game even harder than it was before.
Solid foundation for a game. I think it'd be better if there was a button to trigger the driving/rolling rather than it always being on.
I spent 15 minutes on the first level, its more an indicator that I'm not good at this game than of this game being too hard, but I think it's too hard. The eyeball thing is cool, but honestly a little tonally dissonant with the cute pogmen. Also I think the parallax is devouring computing time, just a guess but my computer did not like it.
gosh diddly darn this is a hard game. great movement mechanics though, and this concept of eyeballs coming out of your head and vision follows the eyeballs, that's great. However I would say I would like to be able to push around the eyeballs once they come out. so if you're without eyes in your head you can still push the eye to where your obstacle is, to get a wee look at it.
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