Just fun, really, at this point is about polishing and adding more content.
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Omnigon's itch.io pageComments
I really enjoy it.
Atmosphere given by music and the use of colors its a winner for me.
- God tier map already, since you can see the actual level
- Shapeshift is a whole game on its own, limited only by your imagination
- Ihmo a little too much reading
- Cute monsters, the stand out are ofc the boss and the bat with a battleaxe 3 times bigger than himself
- Nice introductory boss battle, also cute to make it optional
- the blind puzzle is a filter dunno how many will accept.
I didn't make it far -- I got to some machine and pressed D and then the screen went blank. I think it said Eye Needles? I like the cute art. I think the player attack animation should be shorter/faster.
- Weird choice to have D open containers
- I think it's pretty clever how the room name blends in with the webpage
- the flying enemy in the 3rd room is very hard to hit, always positioned either too low or too high
- lmao the thing that makes you blind
- oh I see now, very clever
I really enjoyed this. The game has a lot of charm, the writing is fun and the shapeshifting mechanic really makes you want to go and try it on everything. Took me a couple tries to do the eye boss until I figured out the optimal strategy, felt very rewarding to beat.
The action delay takes a little bit of time to get used to but I don't think you should take it away, adds to the games character.
Environment feels sterile, I think if there's an area you could improve its there. a lot of staring at mostly white backgrounds and black walls. I would work on making the world feel more lived in. Maybe compress the room size or create more interesting features to look at in each room to break the repetition.
All in All tho, my favorite game I played so far. definitely looking forwards for more.
just finished the demo, very lovely. actually chuckled at that very last NPC blocking the path when I tried to transform him.
I really like the visuals. Your UI on title screen was really good.
I did not expect bats with giant weapons. Animations were fun. I think background could be darker. I wouldn't want to play a game with such bright bgs for long time.
I experienced dark screen after triggering lever. I think the fix was just moving?
I found combat hard, but that's on me, not you.
I like the style of the art and writing, but the term metroidvania doesn't seem right given there's basically one upgrade and you get it early on. Though I suppose I may have been wrong and missed some stuff. I thought it was neat that there is secret bosses, though I didn't feel compelled to fight them. The hat mechanic is pretty neat. I managed to get to the end and enjoyed myself. Very charming all around.
I like the looks, but I think the attack animation is really slow. And then the screen went blank for a bit, but with no direction or real warning which isn't good. I dislike how things can't be carried over to different scenes like with a block turned into a circle and pushed into a door, but doesn't show up on the other side. Also the enemy with the giant spike pillar is annoying.
I love the art, SFX and music. The little section where you poke your eyes out and get a new pair was amusing, great job with that. Really clever design all around. The writing made me giggle a few times as well. The human portrait flavour text was pretty good. Everything just oozes charm, great job with that!
The only real feedback I have is that I experienced what I think might've been a bug after a Blademaster killed me in the 3rd screen. When I returned he was laying about doing nothing and wouldn't get up.
- the pixel locked menu animation doesn't work visually
- always include WASD movement, even if you think it's for mongoloids
- I changed tabs to type this and when I returned the game no longer worked (web version), downloading
- remove the pay what you want button from a demo
- oh, nvm it's zipped wrong: zip the game folder, not the files (correct: Game.zip/Game/Game.exe, wrong: Game.zip/Game.exe)
You have a lot of "style" elements, which are great on their own, but don't make a convincing whole. Not sure why, but my guess is that it's because the platformer, as a genre, fundamentals are too weak to support it. I get the cutesy thing, but it doesn't resonate to me because they seem to be meaningless in the context of the game.
I like the particle effects and some of the art direction. The animations look very good.
As another one said, why is C attack when X is unused?
The music is honestly rather jarring.
I got a crash on the first part of the game, the third room to the right where you use the eye kiosk.
Reached the bouncer
This is a game that aims to be weird, so it makes it difficult to evaluate.
I like the idea of shapeshifting things around you, like enemies into level objects and NPCs into other NPCs. Also I found it funny how the innofensive eye turns into a giant monster. The pixel art and animations are very well done and fluid.
I lost like 3 times against the bouncer mostly because I ran out of patience wating for a good opportunities to attack. The last time I died was from getting cornered because the bouncer wouldn't stop using the bullet attack. Combat doesn't feel good, but maybe you want combat to be like that? 1 second windup time for the attack button is a lot. Also I agree the player falls down like a brick.
- Needs a proper fullscreen option, especially when playing in browser.
- The options menu on the main menu is just the pause screen. Replace "Pause" and "Continue" with "Options" and "Back," and don't muffle the music when it's opened from the menu.
- Why does deleting your save also need to close the game?
- Why does attacking default to C when X is unused?
- The higher-resolution font in the intro text clashes with everything else.
- The way punching stops your sideways movement feels awful.
- It's not completely obvious what the eye needles do. The way the entire screen goes purple, including the UI, makes it look like a bug causing the game to softlock. Why would getting your eyes poked out remove your ability to know how much health or money you have? Why use purple to represent blindness when the game uses plenty of actual black? The eyes need to have a sound cue when you walk up to them. Maybe even a puddle of water or something to make it extra clear that you can still control the character.
- Why does the map screen say "Press A to shapeshift" when that switches to the bestiary and back?
- Why does the map screen and bestiary have close buttons that are only there for clicking on when the actual game has no mouse support? Just get rid of mouse support altogether and hide the cursor.
- Why do you have to use your mouse in the hat menu? The keyboard works in the artwork menu.
- When returning to the artwork menu, the "Hats" text disappears until the button loses focus.
- Grabbing the ladder in No Floor was pretty unintuitive. You should grab it automatically if you're holding up.
- The siren at the start of the boss theme goes on for way too long.
- How is the Eyesaac supposed to be a threat? You can just walk away/go behind him when he fires his guns, and I don't see how anyone could get hit by the slow shockwaves after he does the ground slam.
- The Eyesaac and his hands shouldn't block your movement. It just makes it just makes trying to hit him annoying.
- Pressing down at the bottom of a ladder should make you let go of the ladder.
- Is there any reason to kill enemies instead of just running past them? Most of them aren't even in the way.
- The player's collision box extends too far behind his feet. It becomes really noticeable in places like Adversary when you can just stand in midair over 1-tile gaps.
- Why does the eye in the Room of the Eye respawn after you've killed the boss?
- Does the Fake ID just let you skip a boss fight? Why would you want to do that?
- There needs to be a sound and/or visual cue when you're brought to 1 health.
- Did I miss something or is there no way to spend money yet?
Text errors:
- Vital lore: "By which you mean TELEPORTATION" - Who is "you" here? Replace it with "I" or rephrase it; "Oh okay" --> "Oh, okay."
- Frayed Hat of Peace: "rejuvination" --> "rejuvenation"
Egress instead of Exit? Configurate instead of Configure/Options? You have to double click on Keybinds, once to select, once to start the Button Input. Also don't bind to Z/Y its different on German Keyboards.
The Font describing Stuff doesn't fit the Rest.
You can start your Attack in the Air, which looks wrong Animation wise. Enemies and Players also clip through your Terrain, which looks odd. I used the Needles, which just removed the Gamescreen. Why? I understand you want to blind the Player, and its easy to move to the Left even while blinded, but not like that. It feels like a Bug.
So Shapeshift isn't actually me shifting Shapes, but shifting the Shape in front of me? Interesting take on the Name, but why is the Shapeshift menu on the Map Screen displaying killed Enemies then?
Some of your Green Enemies are pretty Cute, way more then the Player. Makes me feel like I'm on the wrong Side of Things. You don't reset the Map when you die, so Enemies stay springs or whatever, and the Bouncer keeps sending out Projectiles. I don't know if they always do that, or only supposed to at low health like in the initial Fight.
name the protaganist ppbot
also i accidentally pressed D too fast and wasnt able to read that i was picking up a lighter
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