Nice spin on a class gag for fans of pixel art Zelda games.
- Surprisingly diverse cast of enemies to encounter and they all have unique challenges to deal with. Also like how they were iteratively introduced over time so players can get used to the mechanic of simpler enemies before dealing with more complex enemies.
- Pixel art looks great and consistent across the environment and characters alike.
- Combat areas are nicely spaced out so that there are plenty of "safe" spaces for players to regroup and get a hang of their controls.
- Played on keyboard and definitely got a "pat your head and rub your belly" feel from the controls. I'm sure with controller it's more intuitive with twin-stick behavior, but for keyboard it would be nice to have the mouse dictate my targeting since that's a broadly used control scheme for twin-stick shooter style behaviors.
- I didn't feel a lot of time pressure other than when I noticed that the enemies were killing chickens I could possibly pick up. That made me feel bad often because I really didn't have much time to save some of them, but I got a bit numb to it over time because I didn't see much need for more than 5 chickens or so. It'd be cool to get grander or more spectacle attacks/abilities the more chickens I have to give me incentive to save more chickens faster.
- The environment pixel art looked really nice and beveled to give the 3D top-down visuals, but I could just run over a lot of objects that I thought would block my movement. Might tone down some of the contrast creating the beveling effects and/or hard edges for things if players are supposed to be allowed to walk over them just so that it's not visually confusing where I can and can't walk.
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