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A member registered Jul 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing. I appreciate this! Here's the formula we used:

static func calculate_force(dir: Vector2, dist: float, pull_force: float, radius: float):
    var f = 1.0 - (dist / radius)
    return -dir * pull_force * f

I suppose it's not the same one you used but the effect is pretty similar.

At first I was surprised how much your game resembles our game, though it seems even more polished ;) I really enjoyed playing it. Actually landing on the planets is a really cool concept.

The artstyle is great, sound design is also enjoyable. I enjoyed playing it overall :) Here's my highscore:

Fun game! I love the artstyle and sound design. The gameplay is simple and yet addictive.

Great pacing. Doesn't get too hard and isn't too easy - feels just right. It was fun to play it!

Yeah, I agree about the "chaotic" bit. It's something that definitely needs some tweaking but we ran out of time. Thanks for the feedback. 

Thanks for the feedback! I'm quite surprised how the first level was the hardest one for you but I guess everyone learns the game at their own pace.

I loved playing the game. The mechanic is really well done. I've never seen an ice-climbing game before so it was fun especially that I'm also a climber (never climbed on ice tho). I'd love to see that mechanic used in a game where you climb huge mountains like Everest. I got to the top, and enjoyed the view as the message suggested :)

Cool idea. I guess it was inspired by KSP?

I personally really like physics-based games. Towing a giant asteroid behind you was really satisfying.

Cool idea. I like how you can use the traits of a certain lizard versions but keep the size of a different type.

The game is so great! I loved playing it. The careful planning in the first phase of the game is a concept I'd like to see more often in games. I hope you will keep working on it because I'd surely play it once it's a fully released game. Here's my score on the first level:

Quite an interesting interpretation of the theme. I like how you have to balance both building the limb and collecting the blood cells. Keeps you engaged all the time. I liked it.

Right, now it works. Thanks for the quick reply

I love the unique interpretation of the theme. It's the first game I see that interpreted it as a physical scale. I think the gameplay is really addictive. I was positively surprised when one block got split in half between two scales, it worked flawlessly. If you improved the art style a bit then I think it could become more than just a game-jam submission. Here's my highscore:

I love the concept. Really unique mechanic. It took me some time to completely figure it out but once I did, the game became even better. I hope you continue working on this because it really has a potential to be something greater than just a game-jam game :)

Cool idea, I like how the world actually seems bigger. I enjoyed solving the puzzles. Altough I have to point out that the keybindings are really off, ZSQD instead of WSAD. I suppose that happened because you use a different keyboard layout.

I'm not sure how to kill the shadows. I like the music tho.

First of all, the artstyle is great. Gameplay is pretty intuitive and slowly added world features make you wonder what will come next. I really enjoyed playing it. The only thing that I would change are the keybindings (Change jumping from Z to Space).

I guess I'm too slow to make it on time... Though I enjoyed playing it. I liked the fact that you had to use both sizes in a single puzzle.

Cool idea, pretty original concept. I liked it that the enabled dice only worked for me aswell for the enemies,

(1 edit)

Pretty nice idea. The game is honestly addicting, I enjoyed it.

I loved the gameplay! It's simple and yet addictive.

I have to say, the game is really polished. I'm impressed that you made it in just 2 days. Besides that I liked the general idea of the game. 

And one suggestion from me: I think it would be better to somehow limit the usage of the die because as I was playing I was able to max out every single spell just by rolling the die multiple times in some safe spots.

Nice idea but I didn't like it that you lose if you have too much sushi. Would be cool if you were able to have too much sushi and then eat some of it in order to achieve the goal amount. Besides that, the game was pretty enjoyable.

I really like it that different approaches make the gameplay at least a bit different. Also, the game feels polished. Good job!

Thanks. I was working with my friend, you could've looked at the Credits tab in menu ;) I'll surely check out your game.

(2 edits)

Great game! Feels like an actual simple game, not a game jam one. I like the aspect of randomness affecting the gameplay. I got to level 09.

Thanks for your opinion! The "wave" effect was actually something we tried to achieve and I'm happy to hear that you noticed it.

First of all, great visuals, I like the borderlands style. I also loved that the chat reacted adequately to what the player was doing. Nice idea!

Pretty unique game. If you keep working on it afterwards it really can become a serious game!

As promised, I checked out your game. In the beginning I had no idea what to do, a tutorial would be great. Although after playing it for some time I realized how to actually play it and then it became a pretty relaxing experience to watch a planet either explode or develop :)

The game overall seems really cool however I wasn't really able to play it since the default look sensitivity was extremally high for me.

Really original concept, I haven't seen a game like this yet. I also liked the art style.

Really original concept, I enjoyed it. The art style was consistent which made it look good!

Cool idea and the game was pretty relaxing however I find some parts of it a bit hard.

I loved that the game got crazier with every second I played and the music just enhanced the experience.

I loved the idea of replaying the game after doing a bad choice, the whole gameloop is like a learning process. Btw I laughed when I entered the casino and heard the same music as I used I my game. Good game overall :) 

I really like the way you fit the theme by modifying the level after the dice roll. The game looks great however I think the golf hole (idk what it's called) sometimes wasn't visible enough.

First of all, great idea for a game. The only thing that I didn't like is the lack of sound and the problem that some interactive object "turn off" too quickly after the die is on the wrong side. If you keep working on it, you may turn this into something even better!