Game's Take on the Theme
In the game I inserted as many elements as possible that had the mechanics of the jam's theme: SPIN. for example: oscillating or rotating platforms, rotating boss shots or rotating shields, character rotating weapons or rotating animations, in short I tried to make things rotate as much as possible.
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
No. almost all the graphic assets used were set up by me over time for a game I'm building (which is called Bargvest). -the menu assets were taken from a free resource on ( -the OST comes from free music chiptunes available on YouTube -the SFX were produced by me and my friend Pietro specifically for this jam (except 8 basic sfx) -The Kelpish boss was designed specifically for this jam -bonus weapons were designed specifically for this jam -the level design was all designed during the jam -ALL mechanics of ALL bosses were designed and created exclusively during this jam, re-adapting the graphic assets. link to free resources will be inserts in Credits Page of game
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
link to resources in credits page of the game
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