What a perfect game. Great mechanics, great art, great music, and it fits so well with the theme. 10/10!
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Vertiga's itch.io pageGame's Take on the Theme
You spin the screen to move and shoot
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
Fantastic! The control scheme took a second to get used to, but once i got the hang of it it was a blast. I really like how unique it feels. The visuals were also really nice and sleek.
I felt like the city boss had some readability issues. The high-contrast background of that stage in my opinion makes it kind of hard to see some things, with the yellow bullets and yellow telegraphs being the biggest offender- but nothing super problematic, really.
I feel like the game would be better off if the backgrounds also rotated somehow, but I can imagine it might be difficult to implement. That would give better feedback to spinning the stage around in my opinion.
overall, really solid! :D
This game is perfect. I think I speak for all of us when I say this deserves to place in the top of the prize pool. 5 stars in all departments. Please extend the game and release on mobile, because I'd love to play this on my phone!
Absolutely Fantastic Work! This nails the theme. The control scheme is something akin to Sea Side Drive's genius binding of movement and shooting and I love how it is like Tohou meets Super Hexagon. This is one of the best games I've played on Itch.io in a long time honestly in terms of just absolute execution. The soundtrack is super great too!
The game design is very unique in that can't shoot bullets unless move. The pixel art of the bosses is also excellent!
Absolutely awesome game, the type of game I'd buy if it were expanded upon...I enjoyed the art, UI, bosses as well as how well it ran because there were no slip-ups or technical errors. Well done.
5 STARS. ALWAYS FAN OF PIXEL ART! The gameplay reminds me of Touhou Project for some reason. XD
This is the only game I've given 5s across the board. Super unique and fun concept. Absolutely uses spin. Intuitive controls with very few buttons to remember. Awesome art and consistent style (retro look is great). And the music / sound is good too (great use of sound queues etc). I really hope this one wins, great work!
Love this game. simple, fun, I love the aspect ratio and it gives me a beautiful feeling of a retro game.
Overall, very good game, congratulations
I really liked the game, it was very fun, I found the controls a bit confusing on the keyboard, but other than that the game is very good, the art is wonderful and the music is very very good
Please rate our game too!
Very, very good game! The idea of attacking by moving around the boss is simple yet effective. Usually in a bullet hell game, I would always be either focusing on attacking or dodging, and I am pretty bad at multi-tasking, so this game really felt like it had the best of both worlds. All of the bosses had very interesting attacks and always felt fair and balanced. Additionally, the game looks extremely good and polished. Good job on this!
Really cool game. The visuals, sounds the menu and the game mechanics and bosses are done quite well! Clever use of the spin mechanic I must say! And it is really hard, which is great.
So all in all very cool game! When steam?
Job very well done!
This game is a lot of fun. The mechanic of rotating the enemy bullets to dodge them being tied to your rate of fire is genius and a great take on the theme for the jam. It's also something I've never seen in an STG before! The game only took a few minutes to play completely, but it had a lot going on that was interesting regarding the central mechanic. This rules.
I love the art style too. Very clean pixel graphics with a fun palette. The mixed drinks theme was also great for the art style.
The soundtrack is a lot of fun too. I'm easy to please with break beat oriented music, but the soundtrack still sticks out quite a bit in that regard.
I'm not sure what your plans are, but I'd love to see more from this game. It's very cool what you've accomplished in a month. Definitely throwing this in my library rotation.
Great work!
fun an clean gameplay! love the art style and music/sfx for the game as well! great use of theme!
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