We'd love to play your games also we'd really love to have ur feedback
It's just a simple game I make while free, Thank <3
Your game was a lot of fun, don't hesitate to test us if you want :) https://abrupt.itch.io/ace-up-my-sleeve
Here is our game; https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-13/rate/3346939. It is like an endless arcade game where you are stuck in an experiment with randomized levels. Your game looks great too, I am going to rate it right now. It reminds me of the old gameboy zelda games.
I would be very gratefulU^ェ^U
Hope you can enjoy! I'll review your game too ^^
Here's my entry, a 5 minute monster containment game. Hope you enjoy! Under Control by Marcoux
Hope you like this one :)
I'll try yours, too !
https://shaheer4li.itch.io/blood-billion-gambit i played and rated your game
A burnout week. Please review our game!
Hi ! Here's my musical/platformer game.
It's my first game jam and I'm solo so I would love to have some feedback ! :)
Check mine out too! It's called Mr President! (https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-13/rate/3348817). It's a bit buggy but it's my first time and I'm very proud of it.
Would be very grateful for some feedback!
Will check your game out now.
Hey i am a solo dev and this is my first game jam. I would love if you rated my game:https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-13/rate/3347702
https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-13/rate/3348178 It is a fairly short experience and cannot be replayed but you will enjoy it. When I have my notebook I'm going to play your game
Pls rate my game https://devboyexe.itch.io/the-job it was mainly done by oner person(me) , but two of my friends made the music and the cutscene art, everything else was done by me from scrach and im still tiered.. :)
Hi there, do you want to play a super realistic dating simulator we made? Well I've got you: https://aaagamingcompany.itch.io/trustmebro. Have fun!
Heyy ! Our game is right here ;) https://ferall.itch.io/ash-for-cash
Hi! This is our first game jam submission on Itch.io! Super Duper Space Wizard! please give it a shot!
Do you like gnomes? and potions? and conveyor belts? check out Gno Time to Brew: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-13/rate/3349428
Many thanks!
Olá sou um desenvolvedor iniciante e esta é a minha segunda game jam. Eu adoraria que você avaliasse meu jogo: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-13/rate/3345924
Hello there. Here is our game: https://muhammedatmaca.itch.io/mech-chiz-106
Good Luck Have Fun :))
Here's mine:
Rig the Reels is a game where you have to rig a slot machine in your favor via playing minigames in order to pay your taxes.
Here, https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-13/rate/3346908 A horror game
feel free to give a feedback :D !
Rated! Here's mine:
Rig the Reels is a game where you have to rig a slot machine in your favor via playing minigames in order to pay your taxes.
https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-13/rate/3349655 This is my first Game Jam, and I just started using Godot 2 months ago as a solo dev. Any feedback is greatly appreciated, thank you!