Everyone using Unity join here :D
Also, what Unity versions are people planning on using? I'm using 2022.3.5f1, but I know others will use different versions. It'd be helpful to also probably at least say what Unity version you are using in the project itself to decrease the odds of broken projects and other bugs related to differing versions.
IDK, but I started mine at 6:00 EST (which was roughly 3 1/2 hours ago and when the submission period first started). I gotta build mine, and then submit it. I'll give both a playable and a source code in my submission so people can play before they decide to add. It kinda sucks that I gotta go to bed right after I get the submission in, since I go to work and come back right as the first day ends tomorrow.
anyone wants to continue developing a battle simulator game on unity? https://itch.io/jam/day-1/rate/2187486
Hi, i just saw the chat, being that i believe we (the unity boys )will try to get a unity game. What do you think about my game, I want to know what to expect if there will be a next generation for my game. (This is the game https://fomnii.itch.io/day-1-unity, i am still polishing the game)
Here you guys can try my game - https://itch.io/jam/day-1/rate/2188107
https://itch.io/jam/day-1/rate/2187279?before=2#post-8288031 This being my first game jam ever I think I did pretty good :D later today I might add some graphical changes and maybe a character
Woo! That was, uh...
A day. But I got a lot done and while it does need work I'm pleased with what I accomplished.
I think I'm gonna go lie down before I pick a project for day 2... or I might just not at all.
Here is my entry in case anyone is interested in continuing a small physics-based puzzle game: https://jebouin.itch.io/connected-planets
Thanks, I uploaded as such.
Not sure if I did something wrong though as I don't see my game under the submissions.
It does say "Submission to Jam Day 1...." on the itch page but I doubt people will find it if it does not show up in the submissions list.
Any idea?
This is the link to the jam submission.
Checked the submissions in an incognito browser and there it does show up.
Apparently it now hides your own submission from the list? (or the creators of the jam chose to hide your own submission).
Either way, all is good, it was just not clear for me ;P
Here's my project submission if anyone is interested --> https://itch.io/jam/day-1/rate/2187430
I am using Unity. This is my entry in case anyone is still looking for a day 2. https://jorim.itch.io/ten-seconds
It is submitted, I can find it in submissions when I search for it.
Somehow it is not showing your own submission when you are logged in, I had the same problem.
Open the submissions page in an incognito tab and you will find your game.
I guess they are hiding your own submission so you don't end up picking your own game as a Day X game, but it does cause some confusion.
https://itch.io/jam/day-1/rate/2188578Heres my game if anyone wants to use it for Day 2! Its a 2D Top Down Shooter where you have multiple abilities to fight hordes of enemies off and these abilities require energy to use. I made a very versatile ability system, especially for bullet abilities which can be made to be really complex as shown in some of the abilities in the web build! Its pretty rough, but it allows for many creative additions and directions on top of the game loop
If anyone wants to make a stealth game, here's mine https://sleepy-lava.itch.io/a-stealth-game
link to my project. Is a little rough as this is my first game jam but no errors and everything runs as intended.
Using the unit 2022 version i believe as well
Is a score and timer based game with a twist
I somehow actually got it working. I already had an empty page and apparently I could just add the zip file to that. I hope that doesn't break any rules. Here's my submission: https://itch.io/jam/day-1/rate/2188681
Here's our Unity game! https://rugbugredfern.itch.io/rural-blackout
There is a blackout, check the cameras and run your generator to try and survive the night!
Awesome: https://serkidedan.itch.io/black-thorn-game-jam-day-1-submission
do you have your link? If not I'll try and find it. Best of luck to you.
I'm going to sleep now. Good luck to you too
People seem to be posting their stuff here... If anyone wants to work on a top-down tile-based movement game where you can pick up/drop objects...
I'm new to this, so it's kind of raw and a little janky. I'd appreciate any feedback/ideas, even if it doesn't make it to day 2 :)
(ofc i would be thrilled if it did)