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Share Your Progress Sticky

A topic by Second Dimension Games created Dec 29, 2017 Views: 2,732 Replies: 78
Viewing posts 1 to 24
HostSubmitted (1 edit) (+1)

This is a sticky thread to share your progress throughout the jam.  You can also use the hashtag #FFSjam on Twitter, or share in the Progress channel of the jam Discord (invite link is HERE).
Feel free to post screenshots and videos of your progress once you get going, or even post what you have now as a starting point.
If you're not sure how to host music, videos or images then you best bets are probably:
 YouTube for videos, Imgur for pictures and SoundCloud for audio.

(1 edit) (+3)

Gonna kick off this thread with a little screenshot of my prototype's current state. It's not much, but I'm very excited for what I have in store.

I'm building a turn-based, "dungeon crawler"-type game with a bunch of roguelike elements, as well as a major focus on character progression, narrative, and randomization. My primary focus right now is building the game mechanics and core gameplay loop, which is why there's no artwork yet. But if I have enough time during this jam, I'll implement as much art as I can after the rest of the game's structure is finished. 

Can't wait to see what everyone else is working on!


Looks cool, screenshot reminds me a minimalist Heat Signature for some reason.  Also I got really into Hoplite for a while, so definitely up for trying a turn-based dungeon crawler thingy.

Those are some pretty on-point references, especially Hoplite! I'm trying to pull from a number of different roguelike/dungeon crawler games while giving it a unique setting, some fresh mechanics, and a fully fleshed-out story. Basically, I've got my work cut out for me. 

Along with finishing a handful of various items, power-ups, and movement mechanics, I've also began piecing together an upgrade system and interface. There's a persistent "currency" in the game, which I'm currently referring to as gems and will be used to upgrade your character's ship. I'm also thinking I may take a Souls-esque approach to the currency, having you drop the gems where you "die" (technically, there's no death in this game) and forcing you to retrieve them on your next run or lose them forever. We'll see if I have time for that.

Anyway, the mechanics of these upgrades are still being fleshed out (the names are placeholders in the meantime), and will likely be finished when I post another update. Should have something more like a video or GIF to share next time. 

Hope everyone else is making great progress with their projects as well!

(1 edit) (+1)

Been a little while since I last updated my progress, but I've been working super hard to meet the jam's deadline. I actually started a new job in the middle of this, which is great (of course) but it cut into my dev time severely. I'm confident I'll have a finished prototype ready by the end of the jam, though I'm not entirely sure what the state will be. Here's how the game looks now. (This GIF looks better.)

It's 100% functional and ready to play (for the purposes of the prototype, anyway), so what I'm focusing on next is an entire graphic overhaul, a bit of music and FX, and a fully integrated beginning and end. It's a lot, but I think I can make it happen with a couple more late nights. 

Fingers crossed!

Well, it looks like I'm cutting things EXTREMELY close. I misunderstood when the deadline was, and thought I'd have until tomorrow to submit my project. I'm so close to being finished, but there are a number of tasks I'm afraid I won't get to in time. If it's at all possible, I'd love to submit what I have at deadline and then continue to update it. Could someone let me know whether or not that's allowed?

Thanks in advance!


Hi, if you miss the deadline by a few hours then let me know and I can send a late submission link.  The general rule on updating, is try not to during the 2 week judging unless it's something game-breaking, but after that you can do whatever you want (updates are encouraged!)

Much appreciated! I really thought I'd have time tomorrow for my final touches, so this time crunch is unexpected. I hope I can get everything to a good place sooner than later.

(1 edit)

Well, better late than never, right?

I know I'm far too late to enter my project into the voting, but I thought I'd still share what I've finished because this game jam was the reason I did it.

If anyone has a spare 10 or 15 minutes to check out my little prototype, maybe even leave some feedback, I'd be absolutely grateful. 

Best of luck to everyone who participated, and thanks especially to Second Dimension Games for hosting.

Deleted 7 years ago

Hey, the app ran on mine OK.  It was just a light blue screen in a frame but it ran with no errors


Thank you.

So it works fine and I can start the jam with my beloved Tools.

I think nobody needs this blue screen app anymore so I shall delete it. I hope to send a finished real game next time.


Just a random screenshot of a game I've been working on for far too long. It's probably ok to call it an arcade colour-matching game. It's nearly code-complete, but is missing audio and music and needs some balancing. I also want to implement a set of in-game achivements to give players a bit of an incentive to continue playing as the game is designed to be taken in short, couple-minute bursts. I'm creating it in GameMaker 1.4 and targeting Windows and Mac (although I haven't exported it to Mac yet so hopefully it will magically "just work" or will require only little adjustments).


Looks interesting, like maybe you have to catch colours like hoops or something?


It's very easy, you just match a colour of a "device" you're controlling with the colour of the block in the top line. There are some simple traps and modificators down the line and it gets faster with time to make it more engaging, but I wanted to make something that would not require any tutorials or text explanation of any kind, and I think I got it. Just by screenshot it might be, huh, what am I looking at? but it's so basic that I hope everyone should get a grasp of the gameplay the moment they start the game. Also, it looks better in motion ;)


Hello all,

Last year I participated and made Hopper, this year I'm not going to finish a game but something else, it is somewhat game related though.

I used to host home poker tournaments with the software in the video below. It is an old application made in Flash. It runs only a 800x600 resolution so it's horrible to display on a Full HD screen. Too bad, because it's a very easy to use tournament manager. It is simple, beautiful and clean, without any bells and whistles. There are a few alternatives out there, but they're not as good, contain adds or they're not free.

So I decided to re-make it in Unity. I've made already a lot of progress, but I want to dot the i's in this jam. I'm hoping some of you also play poker and can perhaps give me some advice on what I can improve. Once it's done I'm planning to release it for free.


I played a bit of poker in the past, but not for a while. I think a free tool is a great idea though, generally there's a shortage of simple free tools for organising tournaments (poker and various other games). 


Just finished the final's 2:24 am. Here are some screenshots of the game I'll post in a few hours. Really glad I saw this jam. It gave me the extra push to finish everything. (^-^)


I think you were the first to submit, you should get a badge or something 馃槉.

I like the graphics, will give it a play sometime before the jam is over.

Submitted (1 edit)

Cool, thanks (^-^) I think madi ballista was the first to submit though


I've added a points system and a whole new level. Some really small side quests are also available.


Here are some plans for an upcoming overworld with access points to each dungeon


Maps on graph paper are so cool

I'm making something with this rotary encoder and home made Vive controller I made.

This is the rotary encoder. I haven't looked at it in a while. It's very dusty. It has to come off the breadboard and get attached to the Vive controller.

Rotary Encoder

This is the Vive controller. I made this a year ago. It equivalent with a Vive Tracker, but made by me with hot glue.

Vive Controller

I will make a simple game to go along with these parts. The Vive controller and rotary encoder will operate as the left & right controllers (or something) on regular platforms. There will be regular Vive port for sure. I can do GearVR & Daydream ports, also. My Oculus Rift is broken at the moment, so I can't do that one.

I do not know what the game will actually be. Something simple. I'm doodling some designs tonight.


This looks cool, I'm curious what you'll end up with!


This looks absolutely mad, some definite mad scientist stuff. Good luck!


Homemade VR? That sounds insane man! I'm excited to see the final product!

I setup the Teensy to turn on its LED when the rotary encoder is turned.



Seriously the coolest thing I've seen all day (o_o)


Added jet pack hands.

This week is about resolving remaining bugs, and finalizing a build for all platforms. Next weekend I'll post Vive, GearVR and Daydream builds.


this is all just seriously cool!!!!


Submitted (1 edit)

I am just at the beginning of a game supposed to be very short so I send just a first and maybe unique picture, just for those who like this kind of game flavor.


Looks nice, like a low rez snowy forest


Man I haven't played one of these in ages. Hope to try it out!


Hi and happy new year i am starting the gamejam today, so i've taken what i've proposed to githubgameoff2017 and i just want to implement a click hnadler on the player, here is the game


I'm making a 3D game with a unique (complicatedly simple) battle system. It's titled "Adventures' Edge" and I'm using Godot.

A few characters already modeled (in blender)

The preliminary battle system is implemented, but there is nothing to attack. There are still a lot of things to do, and tons to model/texture. It won't be finished even after this month, but I hope to have something playable. After the battle system is finished I might upload it and see what you guys think.

May I upload a build and keep updating it until submissions are over?


Sure, you can upload a build and then update it as much as you like after the judging period.  Some other people are doing that so they can do itch devlogs.


Godot? Yeah bro! More love to that engine I say.


Hi,  here are the game I am entering with.

The idea of the game is that player starts relatively weak and have to evade enemy bullets at the last moment to boost speed and damage. 

As of right now it is probably 70% done, I need to make settings menu for it, some tweaking and also some levels in addition to infinite one that I have right now. 


Nice to see it again here


Again? I don't quite understand what you mean by that, sorry 


It's just beacause  thought i've seen this game in GitHubGameOff2017


Ah, I see. No, I haven't been participating in that  event


There were a game looking like yours on the Discord of that Game Jam, anyway gg


I love those good old shooters! Excited to try it out :)


Thanks! ^^


Thanks for hosting the jam and providing me with a deadline <3. Its the last push i need to finally finish my project.
I'm working a "game" for quite  a while in witch i visualise my first psychosis (I hope it doesn't need a sequel).

Here are some images of my progress: 


Looks pretty unique and complex. Hope you鈥檒l manage to finish it and make something very interesting. By the way, have you played Hellblade? I think it shares themes with your game, if you don鈥檛 mind me asking?


Looks really interesting, Il'l be sure to give it a try once it's done!

Deleted 6 years ago

Oooh Lovecraftian, cool. You're going to have a lot of fun trying to describe all those indescribable horrors! 馃槉

Submitted (4 edits)

I'm working on an open source game engine contribution: data-oriented text styling with a custom markup language! It's been in the works for a big part of last year, but for a sufficient number of reasons (such as significant upstream changes) I decided to totally re-architect the underpinnings while keeping the overall design/interface and do a chunk every day to complete it on time. Normally I wouldn't want to re-work something like this when it's "so close" but it's actually blowing by quickly since I surgically extract a lot of the old code and know exactly what I'm doing this time around. I only work on it while Twitch streaming to document my process and give the game engine some more public exposure. I'm having a lot of fun with it. :D
The game engine
My channel where you can view recent recordings or watch it live

My public fork/branch

Not so sparkly and interesting to look at yet since I'm still wrapping up the data model and parser, but it'll get there. Check them out if you feel so inclined.


Hey everyone! Looking forward to playing everyone's games! —here's my progress. It looks more like a messy art project than a game at the moment ahaha


Looks kinda like Starfox from what I can gather (^-^) Looking forward to this one!


Thank you!


yep - I really like the colors. It has a great feeling of speed like the old afterburner. I can image everything rushing by at break-neck speed :)


So, me and my group were planning to enter the jam with a prototype we made for another game jam we couldn't finish, but then that whole idea did a full 360 in the first day of this jam and now we are making a point and click adventure game in the style of Monkey Island or Maniac Mansion, in Game Maker. going by the working title of "Westwood Casino". There's only one (temp) background, every character is just a white block at the moment, but i did manage to make a pretty nice dialogue system with choices and sweet black outline commodore text! I am starting to work on the Puzzle Dependency Chart as well (Don't worry, no dead ends or deaths). Next step is adding verbs and the inventory!


It looks very cool. I'll try it.

Submitted (2 edits)

I'm working on a game engine called Jetfuel Game Engine for this Jam. It can't really be shown in photos (at least not yet), but It'll be my first time making a game engine. I've been working on this for 6 months and I am finally going to finish it for this Jam. It has a 2d rendering backend built of SDL(and other SDL libraries, SDL_image,...), a control manager, a localization editor, support for Python embedding and extending,  and sound support using SDL_mixer. I'm going to use this Jam to document, debug, and add a project helper tool to it.


Hi everyone !
I'm making a pint-and-play card-party-game for this jam, and the name should be "Nuclear Chess", and it will be playable for 3-6 players.
Chess is more of a graphical theme here, as the game take place is the apocalyptic future where there is no boards or sides anymore, and the chess-pieces roam the world, making chaos and destruction.

For now the game is a mix of memory (you can't see neither your or the opponent card, appart for specific moment), chance and reflexes.
The prototype is quite done, i will test and optimize it as the month go on, while making graphism on the other hand.
For now, the cards look like this : )


I really like the card design here as well as the minimal colors used - very cool looking :)


Thx ^^, i think this will be one of my most visualy-complex game since i started doing some : ).


Have you considered tweaking the colors slightly? That would really help make things 'pop' and be very eye-catching.

E.G. (apologies for my quick photoshop edit)

I've taken the 3 and 4 cards, slightly deepened the backgrounds, given the numbers a good contrast color and made two distinct sides. ivory and blue


Woaw thx : ). Actually, i tried a lot of colors, but the numbers in this game doesn't have to be that eye-catching (you have all the time to look at them), so i focused on them being quite big and legible.
In fact, i divided the information in game as follow :
- The chess-piece give you information on the rarity of the card (extremes numbers are more scarce in the game).
- The color of the chess-piece is related to which side of the average value this card fall in (sometime you want high, sometimes low).
- The color of the background and decorations inform you about some special-powers some cards have on top of everything else.
So the "brown and yellow" color-base can go well with both chess-side (egg-shell and brown),  and also don't discord with the other colors (blues and red).
And another infortunate constraint for the color-picking is the spectrum of what-could-be-printed well (with low-budget printing).
So, a lot of "hot colors", no greens, and very clear blues. :' (


"And another infortunate constraint for the color-picking is the spectrum of what-could-be-printed well (with low-budget printing).
So, a lot of "hot colors", no greens, and very clear blues."

AMAZING. I used to work with high-end printers dealing with color, absorption and how different paper stock causes different colors (CMYK vs RGB) etc. You're the first person to come back with coherent knowledge about that - Kudos to you :)

Seeing all the colors with the different backgrounds makes everything clear now - it looks very crisp and clear :) I like it a lot...


haha : D, profesional deformation, but be careful : those advices works only for CMJN laser-printing (xerography), and if your goal is to have vivid, saturated colors.
The trickyest thing with printing : it all depend on the machine you will use in the end. With laser-printing, i don't have to worry about the quantity of ink that the paper can absorb : because it's dry(xero)-printing(graphy), that cook toner at the surface of the paper. But if i was to use a riso or inkjet printer, that could very well be an issue.


Have you thought about working with a programmer to see about transferring some of the ideas from cards to computer?


Not yet : ). I think i'm waiting to have a "really cool/catchy game" on my hand to do that (also i really got too much projects going on lately...).
But programation is clearly a thing i keep in mind for the futur : ).
As a graph, the closer i got to programation was a school-project :
Maybe i'll propose myself as a mercenary graph for some game-jam of the futur...


My entry is code-complete (I think!) and all I have left to do is art. I have a LOT of art to do. But any additional art I make is just icing on the cake at this point.

Here's a video of it in not-quite-code-complete state:

Pretty much all of the code and art was made in the past 7 days (primarily for Games Made Quick), although a lot of the support code has existed for some time, as part of the greater Refactor (the album (the game)) project.


I ended up tweaking some of the physics code, but mostly I've been grinding away at adding some incidental art that doesn't actually affect the gameplay but is an important part of the thing I'm going for here.

It's totally in a playable state now and I welcome whatever feedback people might have!


Flight is finished! The rest of Refactor has a long, long way to go.


That's it I'm done and finished. Took 2 months and long nights. 320x200 16 color retro action.


Programmed in Monkey2 but with a lot of custom additions.


I think about using  this jam to improve the current version of my game: Xarkanoid. I've been planning to do this eventually, but I haven't had time for it yet. Since it's like upgrading from version 1.0 to 2.0 I'm not 100% sure if it fits this jam theme - if not I'll just not submit the game.

The game is simple Arkanoid clone with few additional things, and it looks like this (Only with lower amount of bonus on screen.):

Screenshot from the game

I have quite a few things planned to improve:
Local redmine screenshot

Besides fixing some glitches, adding some little features and doing some refactoring I plan to add level editor to the game. Currently there is an option to make new levels by editing json files. Level editor should allow create json files by clicking and drag and drop things on the screen. Estimated times on screenshot may be overestimated, but it's still going to be a lot of work and requires to think more about level design.


Hello everyone, long time lurker, glad to finally post something here!

My project is a game called "Wally", and it's developed in Unity Engine for Windows only, and it's an idea that is on my head for more than 6 months, This limitation is due to some kinda complex stuff it does and libraries it uses, stuff that only works on Windows for now. It's a point and click game where you help Wally, a little.. thing... to do a list of tasks of his, and at the same time chat and learn more of his personality and his world. But there's much more to it, and I really hope you join me and Wally in this journey. (By the way, the game is only windowed, and there are reasons for it.)

This paragraph will detail more about the game, but it will be kinda spoilerish, and I'd like for you to go in as blind as you could, but hey, if you're that much curious here goes. Otherwise I'd advise you to skip it. The game's primary concept is influenced by games like Undertale, OneShot and Doki Doki Literature Club, and it focuses heavily on making you feel that it is more than just a game. It will ask you to do stuff outside of it and I want to make Wally feel real, and for you to care about him. I've come up with a few ways to "break the wall", and I hope you find them interesting. And due to this nature, there's much more to this little game than it seems. Fun fact: the original name of the project was "Wally Breaks the Wall", but I thought the title was giving away too much.

I started working on this game project as soon as I learned about the jam, kinda 2 weeks prior to it's beggining. I'm FINALLY studying Unity, which was the main point of this: learning other Game Engines, since previously I've worked only with Game Maker Studio, which I used to make my college graduation project.
Since I started this without knowing nothing about Unity,and I still have some college stuff to sort (I graduated last month, YEY), so I don't think I'll be able to finish the game till the end of January, so I'm glad prototypes and demos are allowed. I want this to have a big scope and include some things that I really need to study yet, as well as improve a little on the graphics side. The art style is still black and white, simple drawing-like, but I want to refine that.

I plan to finish a few in game "tasks", around 4, for the demo and have some extra stuff ready for it. The 2 introductory ones are ready, the last one is almost ther, so I need to start the third and finish the background and some functions. I guess it's enough time to come with all that up and do some testing before uploading. (The extra post January days will be wonderful for that).

Last but not least, thanks a lot for creating this Jam. It was the push I needed to start going in the right direction and improving bot my programming and game dev skills. I mean, for the first time I even made a song that I like and think is kinda catchy!

Anyway, see you in a few days with the demo!


Didn't get as finished this time around as I'd have liked - simply did not have enough time this January to spend time on this. The plan was to finish an idea I had on Christmas Day about a game centered around growing a glowing "blob", rendered with a stylized metaball shader. Too bad now it's not really more than a rough prototype with quite incomplete gameplay. Submitting soon anyway, I'd like to get this done and over with!

Taking screenshots with the tools built into the framework apparently is quite heavy on the game, FPS drops quite a lot when doing that, as you can see from the gif.

Hey, this seems pretty interesting. I'll be sure to give it a try once you upload the demo!


I'll be uploading my game around Thursday. Item selection and character deployment is done.  I'll get the skills done and add an enemy and do a build. I might try migrating to Godot 3.0 after the jam, but I'll be systematically adding characters and features (and some bugs) as time goes on. Finally got the controls mostly tacked down. FPS and strategy games take a bit to meld. Might even nab some of the entrants Thursday and try them out. Many look good. My game might just be a path with one enemy and one deployable character, but I hope to continue working upon it after the jam. I'll try to release it for both windows and linus, maybe mac as well; not sure how well they'll work. Some of those puzzle games and shooters look good. Syntax bomb looks fun, and TomVissenkom looks like he has something interesting.