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A jam submission

Built To ExpandView game page

Submitted by Witherik — 16 minutes, 37 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 31 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
The pieces scale / expand when you place them

Development Time

96 hours

(Optional) Please credit all assets you've used
Somee Kenney assets were used

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Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Perfect usage of the theme! I like whole atmosphere and how polished it felt. 

Just one thing, it would be nice if i could move piece from the board, since some times it was frustrating to rewind all moves just to move single piece. But despite that it was creative and fun game to play! Finished all levels!


Regarding your suggestion, I did think about that, but didn't do it because then you could easily manipulate the shapes i.e. construct border with other pieces so that desired piece expands desirably and then removing the other pieces.


I thought that if you pick up a piece from board it could recalculate all others. So it would not break main idea, that each piece needs to expand fully. But yes, you are right it would be much easier, and requires more logic and additional visual indication. 


Amazing idea realization of a puzzle game I realy enjoyed playing! Thank you! 


A simple, fun and pretty well made little puzzle game. Well done.


Creative concept! I was worried that it would get dull quick, but the different types of expansions feel fresh. Though toward the end, when the board gets big and pieces become numerous, it unexpectedly felt too easy.


Clever puzzler with solid presentation, just the right size for a jam. Good work!

Need more mechanics to become a full game and I feel that maybe the core mechanics reward  trial and error a bit too much? Felt more like exploring the possibilities than coming up with that clever "Aha!"-moment solution that I crave want. Nit though, solid jam game!

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

A small and nice puzzzle. It's quite obvious to me that we should put nonexpanding tiles first and diagonally expanding tiles last, but still it is fun and challenging. However, I doubt there will be multiple solutions in several levels and I wonder whether it can be solved logically without wild-guessing / brute-forcing.

It would be better if full screen is enabled and the blocks are set to snap the grids. Also, the resulting board can be a non-rectangle to increase the variety.


Wonderful little experience, satisfying, easy concept to understand, good UI, only missing some chill background music. Juice this game up, add more levels and this could easily be a full release.


I finished it! Damn, well done, I got completely sucked into your game. Very fun puzzles and when I got stuck I just wanted to keep working on it until I could figure it out. Really really fun use of the blocks and how they scaled, I liked that mechanic a lot. However, I feel like some levels I "accidentally" solved in a way that maybe wasn't intended? Hard to tell.

Regardless, great job!


I did it, woo! It plays very smoothly, and it does make you think! It's something new and a nice puzzle.

For more complicated puzzles you do feel like the solution is random and probably not intended, there are too many variables at play, but it's a solid jam entry you have :)


Art, sound design, and mechanics all rocked. If my brain wasn't so small and smooth I could play for hours :)


i love the concept! its so clever and the kinds of exploration you can do with the puzzle is huge. great!


Amazing! i love the simple yet deep design of the concept!


super well done! I like how Thumpy the sfx were! I only made it to level five, Im  not very good at puzzles but I'm sure the rest of them are awesome!


This is one of these ideas that's so simple and so clever that it's the kind of thing I wish I could figure out when I'm thinking up an idea for the theme. How do you even conceive of this game concept in your head and then even know it will work? Maybe I'm approaching this from a top-down design approach when it's more about a process of discovery.


It's a great take on a classic block puzzle, fits the theme perfectly and is the right kind of zen for after a long jam.


I love this idea of scaling puzzles! It catches the attention and is quite new. Love it!


Another banger of a puzzle game, really great job!! 


Man i LOVE the puzzles! Very creative problem solving and great job in 4 days! Count me impressed!


You had me at Talos Principle. Love a good puzzle game and this is a really cool concept done well. You should be proud! I'd play more of this.

Great implementation of the theme. It's not the most creative, but its core to the experience.

I can tell you spent a lot of time polishing this! Feels really good to drop pieces, especially the diagonal expansion ones. Looks and sounds great.


Simple yet very polished. Really satisfying to drop a piece and see it expand. Would be interesting to see how this would work with non square boards and some other mechanics to increase the puzzle possibilities.