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A member registered Feb 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yes, the end is the end :D
I didn't have enough time and had to rush with level design, so it ends quite abruptly. But, I am glad you had fun!

A very creative take on the theme. Especially loved the sound of slapping the vegetable onto the burger :D
Cooking patties was also very satisfying! Controls were quite interesting and quite hard. But once you get it, it actually makes game many time more fun than playing mouse and click, so props for that. Really liked smashing buttons to get the correct height faster!

For improvements, I would probably suggest adding some kind of level-based approach for introducing mechanics. Where you start with just a few ingredients and grow from there. Even though it was actually fun to play, it was a bit overwhelming at the beginning since I had to do cooking, chopping, and building at the same time.

Would have loved a bit more time per burger since I got stuck on 4.25m burger, because did not manage to chop and cook everything in time. But overall I liked the concept and had fun slapping those vegetables! Really unique game!

Loved the idea, it felt unique and fun. I liked the reset powerup mechanic, also the fact that slimes and blue guys can be used as platforms or farmed for exp was nice.

Levels were great but few of them were very hard. At the beginning with two boulders and slime level was quite hard, not sure how to complete it, started running around until the boulders moved a little.
And got completely stuck on Forest - 6 (not sure how many levels there are after that), It was an interesting one with four blue guys, but the level did not seem to have full walls, so I always threw them out of the world and didn't manage to throw all of them there to trigger the button. 

Overall cool concept and a great atmosphere with nice art. I enjoyed it a lot and was quite invested in getting as far as I could :D
Some improvements on the player controller and you got yourself a really nice cute game. Impressive work made in such a short time!

It has a very cool atmosphere, finished whole game up until the alien :D
I loved the art and plot, as well as the dialogue.

I can see it as a full game one day with a bit more content. The only thing that I really wanted to see was some kind of feedback from customers. Like being angry, sad, or happy with a sword I created. Even a simple line after finishing a sword would have added some depth. But overall, it was a cute little game, I enjoyed it, and again art was just amazing!

I thought that if you pick up a piece from board it could recalculate all others. So it would not break main idea, that each piece needs to expand fully. But yes, you are right it would be much easier, and requires more logic and additional visual indication. 

Quite addictive :D
Overall nice idea, i liked it. I went all out on this one so by the end it was pretty much impossible to move camera without loosing it, since it starts shaking a lot if move it to take a look at that many entities
BUT I think i managed to finish your game by reaching the space! :D

(1 edit)

Perfect usage of the theme! I like whole atmosphere and how polished it felt. 

Just one thing, it would be nice if i could move piece from the board, since some times it was frustrating to rewind all moves just to move single piece. But despite that it was creative and fun game to play! Finished all levels!

(2 edits)

I found your idea quite interesting. Introduced mechanics were interesting, especially wall dash and ball shooter! Cloner was unique addition but felt a bit too easy to dodge.

Of course some visual polishing, and sounds would help to build better atmosphere in the game, but since time frame was short I do understand that you had to make those sacrifices, and that is absolutely fine.  In my opinion showing your idea is above anything in game jams, so well done.

For visual part I would suggest taking a look at color pallets. Simply picking random pallet and having all level objects use it would improve level look. You don't need to have amazing art or anything, just following chosen color scheme will make whole game look polished (since every different color in the game adds some constraint on the player to pay attention to that object and that makes it not look very pleasing).
Also, try to take a look at point filer for sprites in unity, it will make your sprites not blurry.
Some particles, hit animations, or simply on hit color change and hit sounds would also improve whole experience to the next level!

For level design, I can not say much since I am not that great myself on that subject. But it felt okay for me and I completed whole game, maybe some parts were easier, but I think it is better to make game too easy than too hard in game jam! Maybe the only thing would be to introduce every mechanic one by one with levels, so the player could get used to that.
AND do not put slime near the exit on explanation level! I was reading about that statue guy and accidently walked out to the next level and had to restart whole game to get back :DD

Also, put some cap on how many slimes you can spawn since it can get pretty laggy if you spam space a lot.

Overall, do not feel discouraged for my critique, these are just suggestions if you decide to continue. I think it is important to know where and what too improve, at least I know that these feedbacks helped me a lot in making better games! I liked your idea, and with some improvements it can really become a nice game. Good job and keep making games! Looking forward!

Amazing, I had a game idea some time ago with doors and infinite worlds exploration but it didn't work out, so it was nice to see your game. Your approach was really unique and atmosphere was awesome! 

I would suggest having some indication where will door lead, like arrows or -x or +y above the door, or something like that. Even tough i got it latter, it was quite stressful to play with time on your head :D 
And if possible some indication if that door will lead to green or blue room, i know that there was a minimap, but I felt like there was no time to look a it and then try to figure out where should i go. So, overall my suggestions are just addition of clearer indication which would help players to not feel overwhelmed. But it is just my opinion since I am not that great at these games, other player might not agree with me.

Overall, idea was unique and whole game play was really polished. Good job for a very strong entry!

(1 edit)

Great concept! I liked it a lot.

If you decide to continue I would suggest adding some more downforce when the player is falling, since that floating in the air felt a little too much. Also, I feel like an immediate size switch (without a timer) would have been nice to have, or at least some kind of indication on the cube that F can not be used right now. 

Overall, cool idea and nice execution, levels were also great with challenging stuff. I hope you continue to work on the game in the future!

Awesome execution! I loved squishiness and being able to just go mad hitting platforms and walls. The visuals and music were on point and created an amazing atmosphere.

Maybe it would be useful to stay in form longer, it fell short and I was smashing my mouse scroll like crazy :D
So it was a bit of a struggle at the beginning. But it felt amazing once you get a hang of how to do that higher jump.

Overall, I liked the whole fast-paced platformer vibe. Together with great music and whole bumping, rolling, jumping sliding and so on, it was just nice and satisfying to play!

Very sweet game! The art was incredible, very detailed, and the whole world felt just amazing. It was a unique way to use sizes, not just size up or size down as other games did. The challenges were great, and the introduced mechanics were really interesting and added depth to the game. 

Overall, I enjoyed it and the game felt great! If you decide to continue I suggest a bit of improvement on movement since it felt a bit floaty, especially on  jumps.
Also, I feel like blur or a bit more dull colors on parallax in the background would really make the whole game pop up even more (don't take it too seriously since I am not a visual artist it is just a thought :D) Even though art was gorgeous on its own, I feel like making background details less visible might be worth to try out.

Well done on your game, it is definitely a creative approach and a strong entry!

Awesome take on the theme. I was a bit overwhelmed by what it is going on at the beginning. But it was really fun. I like the fact that it it is turned-based because it gives me some time to think ahead.  If you decide to continue maybe a slower or level-based introduction to enemies and abilities would make it a bit easier for new players.

The whole experience and atmosphere were really polished and felt great.  Definitely a very strong entry!

Cool concept and great execution. And awesome atmosphere!

Maybe some indication of how much and where I can expand borders could be useful since on some levels you can only size once in one direction then you can do it three times on other levels.
That mechanic of going inside or outside was interesting and added quite a bit of challenge which I liked. I feel like some times it was not very intuitive if I would get through the wall or will I just get pushed. But it was not frustrating so it didn't bother me.

Overall it was a great game, and I really liked it. I hope it might grow to a full game one day!

Thanks for the feedback.  That was my initial idea, to extend the player to a chosen direction fully, without holding a button. But it felt like it introduced too much constraint on the player since you would need to make a perfect jump to be able to aim for gaps to create bridges. It just felt that holding the button gives a feeling of being more in control and having time to decide where you want to aim step by step. But thanks for your point of view in that regard. Since I was not sure which approach was better.
For levels, I do agree. It was a bit rushed. I didn't want to make it too hard at the beginning and because of that, I end up making like 6 out of 9 levels which do not require much thinking and are pretty straightforward once you get a hang of it. Will take that into account when continuing on the game!

(2 edits)

I like the unique approach. Visuals and music created a pleasant atmosphere. The only feedback I could give is that it was a bit too hard. Since the baby is pretty slow, once a star appears on the screen it is not always possible to get there in time to pick it up. So sometimes I just have to predict where will it spawn to be able to catch it in time. But overall, even if the game was short I enjoyed it and I think that idea has great potential!

Very impressive idea, have not seen anything like that! I loved it. And the art style with chosen music made the whole experience very enjoyable.  I did not manage to solve all the levels, but I really liked the unique approach to the theme, really well done!

The one thing that might be worth checking out if you decide to continue working on this game in the future, is that water stops filling up if you make a big hole. I think I encountered it on level three when I needed to use one plant to make a pool of water so the other plant would start getting some water. Even if the water was constantly running pool stopped filling after some time. But it was not something too concerning, since I just replayed that level by making a smaller pool.

I liked the fast-forward feature too!

Overall, I enjoyed it. It was actually a unique and nice experience!

Cool stuff. I love games that have such a simple concept but get more and more challenging. I didn't manage to solve all the levels, but I might get back to it later. It was a creative theme implementation, I enjoyed it. Simple colors with relaxing music and sounds created an awesome atmosphere. Awesome work!

Cool idea. I like how simple and challenging it is at the same time.

If you decide continuing, I suggest adding features like coyote time and jump height scaling from how long jump is pressed and other small things that make platformers feel a bit more forgiving and responsive. Because some times it felt a bit restricting and hard to time jumps perfectly. 

But overall, I enjoyed it and idea itself is really worth exploring more in the future. I wish you luck!

Cool idea! Liked the fact that you are able to prolong jump if you dash and jump in mid air! 

Overall, game was fun and enjoyable. Maybe  a bit tricky at times, or maybe I was just not great at figuring it out since I am not the best at puzzles :D But I liked it, and it definitely has potential to grow into the full game!

 Didn't see anything similar like that so it was quite a unique concept, simple but fun to play!

 At the beginning it was a bit too hard for me to coordinate my hand (6 buttons were too much for my brain :D), but after few tries I got a hang of it. After that I was hooked to reach higher and higher score.

Also, I liked that you added colors for each different size inside the shapes, it helped me to get correct size much faster. 
Overall great entry, keep it up!

Whole idea of playing on the finger was actually amazing! It was  satisfying cute little game. I enjoyed it.

The only thing I would suggest is making walls disappear after some time (or last wall disappears if you put one more than you can). Because when you run and build it is sometimes a bit inconvenient to move mouse back and try to find walls to erase to get few additional blocks. That would also restrict player from just building walls and farming exp (although not sure about that since i liked to block myself and just farm for a bit :D) But these are just a small things.

Overall, It was great game, felt polished and I am looking forward for more content if the future!

Very unique idea! Quite hard at the beginning but i got a hang of it and it was satisfying experience (sfx really added to that atmosphere)

I would definitely suggest having some kind of grid on that cutout shape itself. Event thought i think I have pretty good eye for recreating shapes like this, it was a bit hard. That grid would server as reference points which would make a bit better experience when recreating it. Also, some step by step rotation/skewing would help a bit too, since it would limit possible solutions without overwhelming new players. 
These are just suggestion if you decide to continue.  So don't take it as critique :D

Overall, I really enjoyed it. I feel like it could become a really nice game in the future!

Idea was quite interesting. I liked mouse based switching instead of number pads other games used. And that small mini map was amazing addition! At the beginning I didn't see it and I was a bit frustrated for not being able to know where are enemies in other layers. Since you can switch into an instant death. But mini map fixes that.

For improvements I would suggest making everything a bit bigger, maybe I am just too old but it was a bit hard to see enemies and even your own projectiles. 

Overall I did enjoy the concept,  it has potential to grow into something bigger, so keep it up and do not stop creating games!

Very cool. Felt like i was playing modern version of Besiege. I love these kind of games so it was really nice to see such game made in that short of a timeframe. The only concern was setting up everything. It is nice to be able to have different controls for each wheel and so on but i would like some kind of default bindings. I guess it is my problem but I do like to get into the action as soon as possible. Going through all four wheel to set up handling and realizing that one side should be reversed in order for it to move forward was a little bit frustrating.

Overall, amazing stuff! Even tough placing parts correctly was not very easy, but game felt polished and I really enjoyed it.

And wheels (traction to the ground) work better than they do in Besiege, so that is something i really loved :D

Okay that is pretty cool, will definitely look at other levels!

I loved how simple idea lead to that many levels. And how on earth did you manage to add that many levels?? :D
Amazing work, I was really hooked. The only thing I would have liked is to have no restriction on moves, since I am not the best at puzzles and would have wanted to take a look at later levels. I really loved just smashing buttons until I finally got to the end. But it is just me, I guess there are many puzzle players out here who love the challenge. 

Definitely great idea and art made it even better. I enjoyed it a lot. Maybe controls felt a bit too floaty, and sometimes it was hard to aim for enemies, while trying to use correct rotation for picking up new parts. But despite that, game feels polished and was fun to play!

Once i started I did not think it could that fun. But I was wrong, I replayed it quite a few times because it just felt great! Atmosphere was nice and well fitting. And whole game was just satisfying to play. 

Only feedback I could give is that it is possible to get stuck a bit on around 9-10th stage, when  map expands.  I got an enemy in the side position while my closest gun was few squares away from the corner and I couldn't shoot it down and had to restart. 

Despite that it was very well executed idea, so well done. Looking forward for more after the jam!

I think it is the first game I found on this jam with such a creative idea! Very well, done!

Not really a big problem but would suggest some kind of introduction to get a feeling of how high can player jump. Because I didn't know that you can scale player up in the fist level. So it took me quite a while of going back and forth to find correct size boxes so player could jump on them.

Overall, it was amazing experience and art style made it even better!

Cool implementation. Event tough i saw few other games with similar sizing mechanic, this stood out a lot for me. The art, visual representation and atmosphere was cute and playful. Even if some levels were simple it was still enjoyable and relaxing experience.

The only suggestion i could give you is that we need more levels or more complex ones. Something like where you force player to choose right size in mid air, or have huge drawbacks for being in bigger state. Or have different approaches to solve the same level. Basically adding some variety in levels and how mechanic can be used would make it an awesome game.

Overall, for a such a short timeframe it is an impressive work, I enjoyed it!

Very clever. Loved it! Everything ties together so nicely. Impressive work on creating that many good levels in a such short time.
Also, rewinding moves was a nice feature to have!

Cool cute game, loved small style. And art was on point!
Was a bit hard too control at the beginning, but managed to get quite far. 

Interesting and unique and definitely very challenging :D

Great concept! Loved the art and atmosphere of the game. So big applause for that.

Since it is your first game jam, I would like to give few pointers for the future. I suggest lowering difficulty, like spawning animals at lower rate and making them slower and gradually increase game pace from there. The thing is that currently you need to run from enemies and eat at the same time to survive and it gets really complicated when enemies are that fast. You pretty much just run away without having time to eat and die from hunger. So this improvement would help a lot.

Other thing you could add is indication of what you can eat. Like white outline for animals/plants that can be eaten by you and red outlines for animals that are your enemies. Colors would help to guide player where to go and what to do and what is the danger you should run from.

Overall, congratulations on your first game jam. Good luck on your journey and keep creating games!

Like atmosphere of the game, from visuals to sounds and music! Controls felt quite response and fast which I liked a lot. Only once or twice I slid too far even thought I didn't hold the button. Overall, quite a nice cute game!

Unique idea and fire barrels were great addition! Movement was really solid and whole experience felt polished.

For improvements I suggest to improve platform designs. Not sure what exactly would be the best solution. But what i mean is that some platforms if placed incorrectly can lead to player getting stuck, since player is unable to go trough blocks, and can not jump high enough. Also some gaps are small and require crouching, or jumping mid air to get to the platform above. Of course it is probably just me having skill issue, but i felt that i constantly bumping my head everywhere and falling down if i make single mistake :D

Overall impressive work in such a short time, well done!

Definitely has potential to grow into a full game! I think you chose a bit too big scope for a such a short timeframe. Even though i was lost at the beginning. I figured it out and it was quite good time. Also images were on point and made whole experience very enjoyable and helped to build great atmosphere! Keep it up!

Finished complete game! It was very Interesting and unique concept, and implementation was very clean! Well done!

Very cool concept! Music change with frog scale was a nice twist.

It was a bit hard to get flies. Probably just need to get used to the timing, but it would make it a bit easier if tongue came out instantly as you press the button. Or making overly-sized tongue might have been good addition!

Overall, game was very well put together and it satisfying to play smashing all the blocks in the path :D

Okay, that was a traumatic experience, but I loved it! :D

The game started with such a calm atmosphere as I tried my best to build a house with that floating hand. It would go out off-screen, and I'd have to get it back, but I finally thought I was done. I picked up the hammer to finish the job, carefully dragging it across the screen, focused and determined. I was nearly there when BAM! My pet ended up as just a pile of blood! That was so unexpected :DD

The ending was sad but very well fitted for the game idea. Overall, I loved the idea and the implementation. The fact that you can accidentally kill your pet really made the game more unique. The art was really cute, too. My only feedback is about the hand movement. Less floating would have made the experience more enjoyable, or even just having the hand stay right on the mouse pointer (without any acceleration) would help a lot.