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A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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There's a good concept and game lurking in here but it's not quite there, mainly because it's really hard due to the controls. As soon as the camera started moving around the click-n-drag mechanic becomes essentially impossible to use. I think that one could either go for direct WASD controls of the ball, or make it so that you can't fall out of the level, or make the camera PoV fixes. I'm not good enough the current combination  :-)

(1 edit)

A complete and polished package. Fantastic looks, very charming, lots of attention to detail. On top of that lots of challenging puzzles. Way too good/complete for a 96 hours game jam really.

One might complain that the two-click interaction is unnecessarily clumsy, but yeah, that's a minor spot on a bright sun.

Very solid entry, fun, hard to stop playing, simple but effective visuals, very good job! Really cool how much it achieves with so very little, not even being able to aim the ball. A few levels in the controls start to feel natural which is very satisfying.

Also vaguely infuriating, which some people might enjoy more than others :-)

Neat idea that looks good and controls well!

Bit on the hard side, my poor planet seldom made it out of it's teenage years. Feels like it was frequently just impossible, which isn't a great way to make the player feel in control. There's absolutely potential for a really good game here, keep going!

Great game! Good art style and music, a novel puzzle concepts which fits very well with the theme, and a bunch of great levels that introduce new mechanics at a good pace. A complete package really.

The art style certainly looks good but I did walk into a pit at once, not understanding quite what it was, so maybe it's a little to abstract? Learned that one quickly enough though :-)

Neat game idea, pretty, feels fairly polished, I liked the idea with the grinders on the second level. Good job!

Hard and felt a bit random, easy to get trapped for little fault of your own, so that might be something to work on.

Fun combine-the-items game! It looks good and the twist of adding Piet the pig adds a lot of personality, I like it.

And as a fellow Bevy entry creator, good job, I didn't dare go for 3D for my first project :-)

Just awesome, such a complete game with a lot of content. Impressive stuff.

Introducing the mechanics slightly slower would have been appreciated, and maybe some kind of "tutorialy" introduction of each item, at times I felt like I didn't quite understand what I they were doing and was just clicking randomly. But that's really a nit here, good game!

Hey, nice idea and fun while it lasts, great job!

I second the idea that the dangers came up a bit quick, maybe zoom out a bit? The physics can be a bit janky where at times I couldn't jump because I was stuck up against something I would have been able to jump over. Nits though, nice game!

Super cool for a jam game, good gfx and an interesting idea. 

Thanks for playing, and for noticing my design choices! The former is as noted an anti-cheesing measure, the second was inspired by a GMTK video where he talked about how Tetris gets more difficult in a natural fashion as the layers of brick on screen grows deeper, so I went for something vaguely similar.

Really neat puzzler with interesting puzzles, very good job!

It could be somewhat hard to place both slimes and boxes on buttons, they would roll off again. I also managed to push the box in such a way that I couldn't progress, could use a level reset button, or if there already is one, could make it clearer what it is.  Nits aside, this is a great game.

Not much of a finished game, but man, everything that was there both felt, sounded, and looked really good! Quite enough to waken up my latent desire to make one of these myself. If you turn this into a proper game I will be playing it, really good work! Into my favorites pile you go.

Satisfying and enjoyable game. Good work!

If there were more levels and more obstacles I'd keep on playing.

Polished experience with great art and sound! Good job!

Controls were a bit finicky, easy to accidentally pick up the wrong stuff. It also took me embarassingly long to figure out that the map could scroll up/down, not only left/right, which made the game kind of hard to begin with :-)

Great art, good sounds, fun game! Very good job.

Nice clean game, good questions, very good job!

More questions please, and preferably ones I can answer :-)

Cool game, nice graphics, good sound, fantastic idea. Good job!

Unfortunately the performance rendered this one almost unplayable beyond the first minute on my computer. The sounds started skipping badly and then the framerate went down to almost nothing. Maybe it was just me but if that's fixed I think this could be a really really solid game.

Oh so pretty and with matching music and sound! Awesome job!

Controls were slightly floaty and orienting in 3D space could be slightly hard, but those are nits, I enjoyed collecting bananas.

Nothing complicated and soon gets repetetive, but nice visuals and could serve as a great start of something more. Good job, please keep going! :-)

The solar panels make a big difference, but if you put them on or close to the ground you need a bunch of them. The "unstable tile" mechanism work by checking for ground or scaffold tiles three blocks down on each side of the block. If there's any other kind of tile there the block is deemed "unstable" and is rotated by a small random number each frame. When trying to build the game checks that the base isn't unstable. 

Pretty black hole but quite enjoyable, great small game entry!

Thanks a lot, both for the kinds words and the tips!

That makes perfect sense... with relative speed you need to get a reference to understand how fast you're moving overall, maybe a mini map could help convey that? The problem with absolute is that you need to be able to relate the new arrow you drag to your current speed... so you can go "I'll make it a bit longer so that I can catch that moon", without it's a guessing game whether you're going to speed up or slow down.  A shadow vector arrow radiating from you? But frankly, most of the time you want to make relative adjustments to match the speed of other objects. In which case I think it's Ok if the "max speed" only applies to your own actions as long as it's way above what anything else moved at. And maybe apply some sort of aether drag to lower to the max speed if you ever go over? In the relative case you only need to know the absolute speed because of the risk of hurtling into celestial bodies at a million miles per hour... rather than for each speed adjustment you make... so it can be punted of to the side of the screen. Sorry for rambling, this was an interesting problem to consider:-)

Really nice art and music, feels a vey solid game!

Could do with a little bit of rebalancing, it started to tilt quickly and at that point I just couldn't reach the enemies fast enough to right the ship... so to say, I really do not know what I should do differently. Either shrinking the level to a single screen or adding a mini map for where all those heavy enemies are?

I feel there's a really fun game here with just a bit of balancing, please keep at it!

Congrats on your first game, certainly impressive after only two weeks! 

I got stuck behind a door after I lost too much weight and couldn't go back for more food, which was a bit annoying. 

(2 edits)

Thanks for your review and your kind words!
It's fairly simple, you can only build on scaffolding that is supported by other scaffolding or ground on either side less than four blocks down. It's designed to stop people from cheesing the game by building a single block tower. I'd like to have a tutorial explaining this and some more explanatory feedback... you can already see the unsupported block rocking a bit but it might not be clear why.

I like this game, the art style and intro in particular are very nice. Got really challenging by the end, just couldn't click fast enough.

Not at all dissimilar to my own entry but this one is prettier.

Neat graphical style, scary but really creative fishes, good sounds, nice game! There was actually enough strategy here that I'd lose badly at the start but after a while I was able to figure out how to win.

The dialog is a bit janky, showing previous lines over again and so on.

Very polished and complete game. Simple and enjoyable gameplay loop, good graphics, nice soundtrack, and a neat bit of injected personality ("with their grandmother"). I liked it a lot.

Perfect scoping on this one... easy to understand and the time limit is perfect for how fast the building starts to topple. Art is simple but effective and the music pumps up the stress levels in the right way. Good job!

And from a fellow first-time-in-Bevy dev, the fact that it was also your first time using Rust is very impressive :-)


Very good indeed... art is amazing, music good, story fun and interesting, length perfect. The randomness introduced by the answers falling of the scales feel both consistent with the story and like it helps making it less predictable. Good job!

Super stylish and polished, with sounds that really match the title, great game!

Would work even better on mobile and I'm a bit uncertain about the controls, feels like dragging sets the absolute velocity rather than gives a relative boost, which is what I would be expecting? Very uncertain... but I'd drag in the direction of an object only to see it go away faster than before... which felt strange. But that's a nit, it's really nice.

Super stylish and polished, with sounds that really match the title, great game!

Would work even better on mobile and I'm a bit uncertain about the controls, feels like dragging sets the absolute velocity rather than gives a relative boost, which is what I would be expecting? Very uncertain... but I'd drag in the direction of an object only to see it go away faster than before... which felt strange. But that's a nit, it's really nice.

Cute and short experience, great art, well done!

Clever puzzler with solid presentation, just the right size for a jam. Good work!

Need more mechanics to become a full game and I feel that maybe the core mechanics reward  trial and error a bit too much? Felt more like exploring the possibilities than coming up with that clever "Aha!"-moment solution that I crave want. Nit though, solid jam game!

Not strongly on theme but very polished and fun little demo of a game with a great tutorial section ( a tutorial section would be fair). Great game!

That was very enjoyable, thanks, great game/toy! Graphics are very nice, everything looking nice and clean. Very good job!

Maybe the UI for placing objects could use a bit of work, I sort of just wanted to drag them onto the canvas so I could control where they ended up at once instead of clicking and then having to find the newly place planet. But that's a nit for sure.