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A jam submission

AstroThrone : WC stationView game page

You are in charge of a orbital bathroom station. Are you fast enought to clean WCs after alien bussines?
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Interpretation of the Theme(s)#43.8003.800
Game Mechanics#83.4673.467

Ranked from 15 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Cool well-polished game, had fun !


Really enjoyed this and thought it was very well polished for the time - great great fun. Thank you so much for participating!


Thank you very much for your comment Henry! We are glad you liked it, thank you very much for hosting this jam!


This was a fun game to play, and it's well polished too, I really liked the little animations when each toilet is being used :) 


I could have spent time in fixing critica bugs, but I decided to spend it in silly things like those animations, or having 12 different flush sounds  hahahaha.

Thank you for your words


Looks really good, and quite challenging after a while. I had a freeze in the tutorial, but thats the only problem I've ran into. Nice job!


Thank you for your comment, we're glad  you liked it


I really enjoyed this game! It had a fun concept, silly sounds, very nice art and design and it was challenging! Awesome work!!


Thank you so much!! Glad you enjoyed it, specially the silly sounds, those are the best

Submitted (1 edit)

Nice concept of the game . The design was cool too . One small thing I wanna tell is that the sound effects used when the aliens enter the bathroom were kinda not cool to hear yk. And when i was playing the tutorial I pressed the pause button while the dialog section was writting which causes a glitch I couldn't press the resume button or the quit one .

But anyways nice entry :)


We knew about that bug hahaha, the console where the text is displayed is in a layer over the pause menu, what a mistake...

About, the sounds, we took the conscient decision that they were disguting. We wanted to somekind reproduce that Rick & Morty style hahahaha.

Thank you for yur comment !!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Hey, I thought this was a really cool concept! 

A few player experience issues I had:

A big thing about keeping the player in mind is making the game obvious without tutorials. We can do things like when the robot rolls near a tool showing a highlight on that tool and the space bar, and when you're holding a tool and getting near the bathroom showing the enter key being tapped repeatedly. I.e. A tutorial is great, and I'm really glad it wasn't required! Design should reveal how the game works as much as possible without relying on the tutorial. 


Thank you so much for playing!

Yes, I totally agree with you. We wanted to experiment in making a tutorial mostly to explain the queue and alien dynamics, but for a game with so few mechanics it feels  isn't really necessary (besides for the extra work involved).

Thank you very much for the comment, we'll keep it in mind for future occasions!


Definitely good practice to experiment with these ideas :) The Games User Research Sig on YouTube has several really good ideas on teaching the player game mechanics, if you want to explore that! Here's one video I really loved:


I see that your game also has bathroom issues.

I like this. When the aliens first hit the bathrooms up in the tutorial, it genuinely made me laugh. And its frantic too the whole time and the addition of an endless mode is fun too.


Yeah! every time we play we find some new bug. 

We also had problems when you press ‘retry’ because of not resetting things... you learn from everything hehe.

Thank you very much for your comment! I'm glad you liked it!


After I saw that when you drop the items they slide on the floor, the game's dynamics became very good.


Thank you for your comment. I'm glad you liked it! 

We tried to make the ‘drop’ satisfactory, thank you very much for letting us know that it was really important!


Lots of fun!! Juggling the tools and keeping track of the line was challenging but doable, I made it with 1 second on the clock! Great work!


Thank you so much for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it


Really cute game! I love the art, the robot dude was great and the intro looked cool as well

My biggest issue was with the controls. Personally, I would prefer using the 'E' key over enter;. The other improvement would be swapping items instead of needing to drop first.


Thank you very much for your comments!

Yes, it is possible that ‘E’ was a good option, it was one of the ideas and it was implemented but in the end we changed it.

By throwing the objects we wanted to generate a bit of a ‘chaos’ feeling and that the player had to keep the objects tidy and not scattered around, even so the physics should certainly be more polished. 

Thanks again!


I loved the humor of the game. I loved the sound effects and art, those farts and the face of the aliens made my day. good entry .congratulations👏


Thanks for your comments! We are very happy that you liked it!


Very cool, and a really challenging game. It definitely made me think of strategies to be faster. I would just change how the repair works; my Enter key suffered a bit . Great job!


I'm glad u enjoyed hehe. We thought it was better the enter key because feels more important than a random in the right side of the keyboard like "O" or "L"


Well done on this solo project... The art and the mechanics are good... Adding the "specific color alien needs same color washroom" was a smart idea to create a sense of urgency.... I might have to replace my enter key though with all the beating it took😂

Congrats to P4C0 on being the best WC cleaner in the known universe


Thank you so much for your review!!  this was not a solo project!! We were 4 people working on it, as u can check in the credits included in the game hehe.


Oh ok I didn't see that.... Well in that case well done to the team for creating this in 7 days 


Very well done.  I understood instantly.  I feel those aliens should visit a doctor though.


Our music composer is a doctor,  but unfortunately he is not specialized in alien stomach issues hahaha



I really liked the pixel art, especially the environment! The mechanics were clearly communicated in the tutorial and everything worked as expected.

The ...sounds... were a lil much for me, but other than that I actually enjoyed playing it a bunch :)

Nicely done!

If you can, we'd really appreciate rating our lil game :3


I think farts and shouts and all these effects are cuestionable. Some people love them and some people hate them hahaha. We are trying your game, ty <3